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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Yes because it's a social game spamming tells and asking people to group up.


The whole other mmo's have shown that reducing the reliance of the social aspect ruins the game is false.


Wow is still going strong and they started this system. Rift still has a good following and they have it.


Being force to make "friends" is not what a MMO is about.


"Friends"? No. But what you're asking for is to be grouped with NPCs to help you clear your crap. The fact that are controlled by people is irrelevant to you. What you want is a single player game.


Also, you keep saying that LFG has done nothing but good and you keep being wrong about that. The mere fact that this topic has gone on as long as it has with people whining for and against it show what a devisive issue it is. It is one of the "dumbing down" features that eventually killed off WoW for me, and its done the same to others.

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Yes because it's a social game spamming tells and asking people to group up.


The whole other mmo's have shown that reducing the reliance of the social aspect ruins the game is false.


Wow is still going strong and they started this system. Rift still has a good following and they have it.


Being force to make "friends" is not what a MMO is about.


But you're not forced to make friends, man.


Plenty of solo content in the game...


You want to raid..? Find a raiding guild. You want to do lots of group content..? Find a guild or a group of people that like doing that. Make REAL friends in the game, as opposed to just spamming tells and using people as a means to an end.


Otherwise you can do the solo content, or... play a game where you don't need other people for anything.

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False, WoW's numbers have been progressively falling since shortly after WotLK launched. Rift has been dying a slow death for some time.


Story ends in Wotlk. Game 7 years old. Still numbers that dwarf this game. Come on...

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That is a problem with the community not with the tools.




The LFD system does more to help a game over hurting it. We deal with this stuff even without it. So it does not bother me at all.



If you give a tool to the community that empowers the jerks ninja looters, afkers and leechers then yes, the problem is with the tool.


and so if it doesnt bother you then who cares about anyone else's feelings? Youre probably one of the people who loves the heavy handed votekick protection WoW affords you in LFD/LFR.

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That is a problem with the community not with the tools.




The LFD system does more to help a game over hurting it. We deal with this stuff even without it. So it does not bother me at all.


The problem is that it empowers the tools in the community.


Without your bleedin' dungeon finder, those people can't ever get groups unless they behave, or go away.

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False, WoW's numbers have been progressively falling since shortly after WotLK launched. Rift has been dying a slow death for some time.


http://news.cnet.com/8301-13772_3-10103951-52.html and it was steady for a long time.



To say wow was dying at Wotlk is kinda funny considering that was the strongest points in wows life breaking records and reaching new heights.



It happen to be the same time they release the LFD system.

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The problem is that it empowers the tools in the community.


Without your bleedin' dungeon finder, those people can't ever get groups unless they behave, or go away.


and hurting the rest of the people with it. Just because people can't deal with being griefed.

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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING


How was community dead before lfg tool? Finding a group was easy all you had to do was say what you wanted to run and then you would get an invite. No need to be lazy and sit there in a que instead of just saying what you need. Wow grouping was NEVER dead before lfg tool. Were you even a vanilla wow player? If so then how would you think it was dead?

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It IS needed.


It doesn't have to be a tool where it automatically groups you together! It can just be a server-wide chat where everyone looking for a group can go to, to find a group. It's as easy as that.


Not having even a simple chat is just inconvenient and annoying. In fact, it's one of the main reasons why I stopped playing this game temporarily. I'll come back when they add something like this. Not that I matter, though.

Edited by Juntts
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and hurting the rest of the people with it. Just because people can't deal with being griefed.



You say we cant deal with being griefed, why should we be forced to deal with it?


Why cant the griefers deal with being votekicked when they act like jerks? why do you need a LFD system with heavy handed votekick protection to prevent the majority of a group from kicking you?


Why do you want to protect ninja looters jerks leechers AFkers and other horrible people?

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and hurting the rest of the people with it. Just because people can't deal with being griefed.


So your solution is to bring out the worst offenders in a community and empower them, and then good people get stuck with them because they can't kick them... why..?


Because you're too lazy to worry about getting a group for group content.


Why do you even want to do group content, anyway..?


Oh yeah, for those purples that you accused me of covetting...



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http://news.cnet.com/8301-13772_3-10103951-52.html and it was steady for a long time.



To say wow was dying at Wotlk is kinda funny considering that was the strongest points in wows life breaking records and reaching new heights.



It happen to be the same time they release the LFD system.





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How was community dead before lfg tool? Finding a group was easy all you had to do was say what you wanted to run and then you would get an invite. No need to be lazy and sit there in a que instead of just saying what you need. Wow grouping was NEVER dead before lfg tool. Were you even a vanilla wow player? If so then how would you think it was dead?


I was, and I had a guild and did the content. That was then and this is now.



Using a tool, to increase the enjoyment of the game by many, is not a bad thing. The ones who cling to the past and act like this tool will ruin the fun of the game is the ones being unreasonable. If that one tool causes people to hate a game, they should just not play mmos.



If Bioware wants to keep the numbers like they said they did. They are going to have to add it.

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I'm sorry but I don't have the time to sit there looking for a group. I think by introducing the LFG tool it made looking for groups a lot easier. There are times I've sat in LFG asking for a group and never got it the WHOLE DAY. So yea, this was a big step for blizzard and I think bioware should have it too. You sir have no clue what you're talking about.
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So your solution is to bring out the worst offenders in a community and empower them, and then good people get stuck with them because they can't kick them... why..?


Because you're too lazy to worry about getting a group for group content.


Why do you even want to do group content, anyway..?


Oh yeah, for those purples that you accused me of covetting...




Go learn about wow's LFG system. You can vote kick them. Again you use scare tactics that are blatantly false.

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I was, and I had a guild and did the content. That was then and this is now.



Using a tool, to increase the enjoyment of the game by many, is not a bad thing. The ones who cling to the past and act like this tool will ruin the fun of the game is the ones being unreasonable. If that one tool causes people to hate a game, they should just not play mmos.



If Bioware wants to keep the numbers like they said they did. They are going to have to add it.


If that one tool is so important, perhaps this isn't the game for you. Especially since BW already said NO to a LFG...

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If that one tool is so important, perhaps this isn't the game for you. Especially since BW already said NO to a LFG...


They said no to a Dungeon Finder, or any other thing that automatically puts a group together for you. They NEVER said no to a global chat or any other feature to help find a group.

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If that one tool is so important, perhaps this isn't the game for you. Especially since BW already said NO to a LFG...


and this game will never be big as they want.




So yes they will add it no matter what you or they say now. If they want to live in todays market They will get it.

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They said no to a Dungeon Finder, or any other thing that automatically puts a group together for you. They NEVER said no to a global chat or any other feature to help find a group.


Money has a funny way of changing ppl's minds.

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Go learn about wow's LFG system. You can vote kick them. Again you use scare tactics that are blatantly false.


Yes let's learn about WoWs votekick system, they put an automatic 15 minute CD on votekick, then if your are unlucky enough to get stuck with greifers, and you votekick them, WoW punishes you with an increase on your timer!


But guess what the best part is? If a griefer is votekicked often, his own timer to be votekicked increases as well, so even if you NEVER votekick anyone , if you meet a big jerk who gets votekicked alot, he will have a 2 hour + timer to votekick him.


I guarantee you, if they put in LFD without any votekick restrictions, all the same people whining for LFD will be back here whining for votekick protection, mark my words.

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