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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Every point someone has made about the tool hurting the community has been shut down. However, the points we made about why it's needed has not been.


I must have missed that.


You don't need a tool. You just want one because you want to be anti-social in a social game. You have that WoW instant-gratification complex where you think everything should be handed to you without any effort.

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1. Shadow Lab, Shattered Halls. Karazhan pugs! Purple-side Maraudon! There was WoW before WotLK. ;)


My point was, dungeons were already getting smaller from Vanilla's Blackrock Depth's, to TBC's one long hallway dungeons to Wrath of the Lich King's short dungeons BEFORE LFD was even implemented.

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Why would you need an LFG Tool?


Never played WoW, but played a good many other MMO's. Never had an actual "LFG tool". Social window, Chat channels, and General chat were always more then enough to get me a group and still more then enough even within this game.


In fact, this is probably one of the first games that I've played where people HAVEN'T been using the Social window to mark their LFG Comment and mark themselves available for groups. Kinda surprised actually.


The biggest trend I end up seeing is that it seems like people aren't bothering with Heroic quest groups, they go on to the next planet/area, and just come back to the Heroic (especially H2+) when they can solo it. Kiiiiinda silly.

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If you're truly sociable and have made many friends, then why won't any of them group with you..?


That you think the best way to get groups is to stand in the fleet all day shouting says it all.


Actually, it's pure laziness on YOUR part to NEED an LFG tool.


Because they are not always on the same time as me, not all of them are lvl 50 and not of the same class composition you need for hardmodes. To suggest that just because are my friends they HAVE to do hardmodes (or even want to) with me is ludicrous. Because I don't have an active guild that are running hardmodes right now, the only way I have to even possibly get a group is by shouting. Your comments thus far show your intelligence tbh, or lack thereof. When there are more level 50's then maybe things will improve, but I can almost guarantee that without a LFG tool, you'll be the one with egg on your face (alone, because there will be nobody hardly playing.)

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I'm not convinced that we need something that auto groups people, but I would like to see a better organized LFG system put in place. Let me check boxes for stuff i'm interested in, let people search for people with those checked boxes, something like that would be great.
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As long as it sells, it works. Bioware wants to make the big dollars, it needs to cater to all people, not just the community drama ones.


Who's the real drama queens? The people that like the game the way it is, and don't want to see it dumbed down, or the people that endlessly bleet on the forums about how hard it is to get a group and that they need that random faceroll purple goodie?


With all of the time you're spending here, you could have met enough people to keep you in groups for the rest of the game's lifespan.


But you'd rather be here complaining about how hard it is.

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I must have missed that.


You don't need a tool. You just want one because you want to be anti-social in a social game. You have that WoW instant-gratification complex where you think everything should be handed to you without any effort.


Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

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I must have missed that.


You don't need a tool. You just want one because you want to be anti-social in a social game. You have that WoW instant-gratification complex where you think everything should be handed to you without any effort.


Whats wrong with anti Social people? Some people don't like to deal with others, but still enjoy aspects of a mmo. Like making money getting loot, having endless content. Ya, they still talk. Being anti social is not a bad thing, they just play how they want to play.



and maybe I do have the wow instant-gratification mindset, but guess what? Wow got ton of my money, I had a blast for a long time with the game, and the lfg queue system made the game I enjoyed even better because I did not have to pvp for epics.



Wow was and is a amazing game. This game, is great... but amazing? Not if it listens to people who want everything to be hardcore.



You call it Instant Gratification. I call it not being bored.

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Your anecdotal, subjective evidence is meaningless. The simple fact is that a robust LFG tool increases the amount of grouping that happens by a measurable amount.


This is a multiplayer game after all.

Edited by Gungan
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Who's the real drama queens? The people that like the game the way it is, and don't want to see it dumbed down, or the people that endlessly bleet on the forums about how hard it is to get a group and that they need that random faceroll purple goodie?


With all of the time you're spending here, you could have met enough people to keep you in groups for the rest of the game's lifespan.


But you'd rather be here complaining about how hard it is.



I spent 3 hours trying to make a group, People would join could not find what we needed and left.



So I uninstalled the game :). Now I'm just voicing my distaste with bioware for releasing this game in this shape.

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I do not get it. All this talk. Has anyone told the anti-LFG campaigners that the LFG tool, as is implemented in WOW, is NOT obligatory ?


That means all the social types use chat, guilds, telephones, bbm etc


The anti-social ones use the LFG tool.


Where is the problem?

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Another ludicrous, asinine, assumption that you have to be a social person to run hardmodes. Where does it say that in the handbook?, I have to chat up someone, make pretend friends and that I like them, just to run hardmodes. What a ridiculous statement to make. I frankly don't have the time to do that. If I make friends, great but no biggie if I don't.
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Who's the real drama queens? The people that like the game the way it is, and don't want to see it dumbed down, or the people that endlessly bleet on the forums about how hard it is to get a group and that they need that random faceroll purple goodie?


With all of the time you're spending here, you could have met enough people to keep you in groups for the rest of the game's lifespan.


But you'd rather be here complaining about how hard it is.


I'm sorry, but I spent 6 hours on Saturday looking for a group. UNACCEPTABLE.

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Because they are not always on the same time as me, not all of them are lvl 50 and not of the same class composition you need for hardmodes. To suggest that just because are my friends they HAVE to do hardmodes (or even want to) with me is ludicrous. Because I don't have an active guild that are running hardmodes right now, the only way I have to even possibly get a group is by shouting. Your comments thus far show your intelligence tbh, or lack thereof. When there are more level 50's then maybe things will improve, but I can almost guarantee that without a LFG tool, you'll be the one with egg on your face (alone, because there will be nobody hardly playing.)


I'm level 50 and not having any issues finding groups. I'm actually posting more on the forums today because I've been playing the game too much. I can relate that some people in your guild aren't 50. There were only two 50s in my guild before me. That's when you meet new people around the level 50 areas and talk and get to know whether they like to run content too. Some of them might not be able to do it then, but at least you've socialized and made a connection for later. Do that for a while and it snowballs to the point where you have more runs available than you can do in a day.


I seriously doubt there will be nobody playing. There are people playing now aren't there..? Flashpoints are being run all of the time but you can't get into one..?


Take some initiative. Quit this nonsense that random faceroll instances have to be added or "nobody will be playing".

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Really I don't want to go out of my way to make friends with people. I play this game with my wife, and we enjoy the content. We have a limited amount of time some days to play, and now that we are 50 you want us to spend most of that time building a group or joining a guild?



Ok we joined a guild, but most of the time they are on alts. So we have to do guild hunting now?




I mean if this is what you call raising the bars of MMO. I think you need your head checked.

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I'm level 50 and not having any issues finding groups. I'm actually posting more on the forums today because I've been playing the game too much. I can relate that some people in your guild aren't 50. There were only two 50s in my guild before me. That's when you meet new people around the level 50 areas and talk and get to know whether they like to run content too. Some of them might not be able to do it then, but at least you've socialized and made a connection for later. Do that for a while and it snowballs to the point where you have more runs available than you can do in a day.


I seriously doubt there will be nobody playing. There are people playing now aren't there..? Flashpoints are being run all of the time but you can't get into one..?


Take some initiative. Quit this nonsense that random faceroll instances have to be added or "nobody will be playing".



No matter what we tell you. you keep repeating the same thing. No matter how many times we prove you wrong, and counter you. You seem to think that it's the players fault not the game.



You can't argue with a troll. So just ignore this guy.

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Another ludicrous, asinine, assumption that you have to be a social person to run hardmodes. Where does it say that in the handbook?, I have to chat up someone, make pretend friends and that I like them, just to run hardmodes. What a ridiculous statement to make. I frankly don't have the time to do that. If I make friends, great but no biggie if I don't.


Oh, I see... so if you're being nice to someone you're only pretending, right..?


You want to be anti-social and play a social game. You just outted yourself that you don't like people and pretend to be their friends. Hell, you don't even want to associate with them for the brief period that it takes you to ask them if they like to do hardmodes...


This isn't a single player game. If you can't be arsed to make friends then maybe MMOs just aren't for you.

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I'm level 50 and not having any issues finding groups. I'm actually posting more on the forums today because I've been playing the game too much. I can relate that some people in your guild aren't 50. There were only two 50s in my guild before me. That's when you meet new people around the level 50 areas and talk and get to know whether they like to run content too. Some of them might not be able to do it then, but at least you've socialized and made a connection for later. Do that for a while and it snowballs to the point where you have more runs available than you can do in a day.


I seriously doubt there will be nobody playing. There are people playing now aren't there..? Flashpoints are being run all of the time but you can't get into one..?


Take some initiative. Quit this nonsense that random faceroll instances have to be added or "nobody will be playing".


lol, i don't want to go around the fleet and "get to know people"... I just want to run a hardmode... what you think this is, an AA meeting?... m8 i really hope you're joking because if not this is the funniest stuff I have heard in a long while... i don't want to be mean but i think you're pretty naive if you think many people will want to do this... i simply don't have the time to chat up people... so that I can run hardmodes, sorry I don't... and I don't want to either even if I did... you're basically saying that anti-social people should be exempt from playing hardmodes... :/

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Oh, I see... so if you're being nice to someone you're only pretending, right..?


You want to be anti-social and play a social game. You just outted yourself that you don't like people and pretend to be their friends. Hell, you don't even want to associate with them for the brief period that it takes you to ask them if they like to do hardmodes...


This isn't a single player game. If you can't be arsed to make friends then maybe MMOs just aren't for you.


There are way more than just one way to play MMOs. You can play solo, you can make friends, you can craft, you can raid, you can run dungeons, etc. How about stop trying to force people to play your way and let people play how they want with tools that make the game enjoyable for them? No one is trying to force you to use LFG. But at this point I am fairly convinced you are just a troll anyway.

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Oh, I see... so if you're being nice to someone you're only pretending, right..?


You want to be anti-social and play a social game. You just outted yourself that you don't like people and pretend to be their friends. Hell, you don't even want to associate with them for the brief period that it takes you to ask them if they like to do hardmodes...


This isn't a single player game. If you can't be arsed to make friends then maybe MMOs just aren't for you.


Being courteous to someone you just met does not make them your friend. Sharing a taxi with a stranger does not make them your friend.


You're implying that somehow being a generally nice person means you want to be friends with everybody? NO. NO. Bad Taroen.

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No matter what we tell you. you keep repeating the same thing. No matter how many times we prove you wrong, and counter you. You seem to think that it's the players fault not the game.



You can't argue with a troll. So just ignore this guy.


You've never proved me wrong at all. Nothing you have said has been accompanied by any shred of proof.


Not a single thing.


We get it. You want a McDonald's MMO easy-mode lobby game or you'll throw a hissy fit and uninstall... maybe... if you were even being honest.


Who's the troll here?


I'm not exactly the biggest social butterfly in the world, and I'm not having any trouble at all running content. So it ISN'T the game.

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The 4+ Heroics I have to abandon as I leave each planet strongly disagrees with the OP. Not to mention having to spam to replace a DCer after to spamming for an hour to get a group.


Not wanting this is complete and utter nonsense. The only people who don't want this are "No-Lifers" and "Bad Players"


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee look at me i'm still not biting my tongue.

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There are way more than just one way to play MMOs. You can play solo, you can make friends, you can craft, you can raid, you can run dungeons, etc. How about stop trying to force people to play your way and let people play how they want with tools that make the game enjoyable for them? No one is trying to force you to use LFG. But at this point I am fairly convinced you are just a troll anyway.


You might want to look a few pages back.. we just talked about ways that a cross-server LFG tool can change a server and community permanently whether you use the tool or not. I know, I know.. the forums move really fast here! :)

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