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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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I'm not sure how many times I have to explain it.


It marginalizes the multiplayer aspect BECAUSE the dungeons become faceless bland repeat grinding events.


I have been through cross server LFD groups where not a single solitary word is spoken, ever, not one. Can't even remember the name of the people in the group. What was the point of that again?


The argument of not being forced to use the tool is quite frankly one I am utterly sick of hearing. It has to be bare none, the most insulting and inane oversimplification and skirting of the issue period. How is it that you cannot see that the effects of it are unavoidable whether you choose to use the tool or not? It is as plain as day.


If you introduce something that becomes the defacto standard to the point that the only choice is to pretty much not play the game any longer or use it, and then say "well just don't use it" you are pretty much telling me to get the hell out.


The game is one way now, you want to change it to suit your needs at the expense of others who like it how it is. Yet you say they are the ones that are stepping on your toes. No, you are the one that wants to change things, stop playing the victim.


That's a great question you ask about the point of wordless dungeons. Obviously the other 4 players involved had different mindsets and goals than you. I'm not sure what your goal was, to chat with them?


Hey since we're going by our own anecdotes here I've run through plenty of flashpoints already where nobody said a word except "ty" at the end :)


How is it insulting? Nobody is telling you to get the hell out. You can still quest/pvp in WoW, you don't have to use the dungeon finder. The only thing forcing you to use it is your own arbitrary belief that you have to do it.



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how about a tool that allows you to just see other people who want to do the same instances as you do and allows you to tick several of the instances you are interested and from that people can decide weather to send you an invite or whisper you first if they have manners.


I'm against cross server LFG and I'm against being shoved into an auto group. but having some UI tool that allows me to tell others what i want to do and and allows me to contact them and request a group would be great. and this tool would have to be global not just on the planet I'm currently on I want to be able to move around the universe and do pvp and space missions while signed up for my instances of choice.

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Form friendships not for the sake of being friends but for using them when the time is right. This is what all good communities are built upon :rolleyes:


It's not my fault that you don't have any friends that like to run content like you do. I'm very sorry for you, but your desperate need to turn this into a lobby faceroll game to satisfy your desire for a less social experience is repugnant.


Some of us have friends enough to where there's always a group going somewhere, and we actually like the fact that it takes more to complete the content then falling asleep with your head resting on the number keys.


Someone on your side of the argument actually said it best. In WoW you have to be "abnoxious" bad to get kicked from a group in the random finder. That's because the content is so faceroll that baddies still win. I don't want that here just because you can't be bothered to socialize in a social game.

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A queue looking for group system helps the game live longer and is better for the overall game.





1) It lets people with only a few hours a day to play, able to do a quick flashpoint. The people like them are the biggest money for the company. Making them happy should be number 1.



2) The content updates that come out, like flashpoints it lets everyone play and see, not just the guild groups, and the intense few who spam everyone for a hour to build one.



3) You can make friends through it. Sure you get morons, but I've made more friends and was able to meet some great people thanks to the lfg queue system.




I mean I could list more, but them points right there beats any con that people could come up with. The whole "It ruins the community" crap is a joke. If you base it off wow, the community was already trash in the first place. The only people who got butt hurt over the LFG queue system is the guilds that could only do Heroics. Making the gear they got not feel cooler.

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Except that implementing a lfg tool has no effect on people who don't want to use it. They will continue not to use it. Not implementing it keeps.it from people who want it thus affecting them. Argument doesn't go both ways. You can chose not to use it if it is in game. You can't use it if its not in game.


Except that isn't true.


My opinion and direct experiences, and that of others here, is that a cross-server LFD tool changes the tenor of a game irreversibly so that whether we use it or not we are affected by it. Once you let it out of its cage, we're all affected.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one. After the LFG tool was introduced people in groups also turned into asses about jsut about everything that didn't go their way.


So in regards to an LFG tool, I say hell no.


EDIT: I NEVER have a hard time find a group, and I'm not in a guild.


I have to LOL at this, what a troll. To make a group took an hour then you had to travel to the location or at least two people so you can summon. You were not guaranteed a successful group either.

If people leave in lfd then you requeue and get another to fill his roll, which takes less time, then to travel to the dungeon location. Get over it, as much as you little trollkins want no lfd for who knows what troll reason it's the new way. I can guarantee when it's introduced you will be using it as well.

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It's not my fault that you don't have any friends that like to run content like you do. I'm very sorry for you, but your desperate need to turn this into a lobby faceroll game to satisfy your desire for a less social experience is repugnant.


Some of us have friends enough to where there's always a group going somewhere, and we actually like the fact that it takes more to complete the content then falling asleep with your head resting on the number keys.


Someone on your side of the argument actually said it best. In WoW you have to be "abnoxious" bad to get kicked from a group in the random finder. That's because the content is so faceroll that baddies still win. I don't want that here just because you can't be bothered to socialize in a social game.


Please bioware, make content so difficult that only this player and his friends are able to complete it. Anything less and I fear you may lose a customer.

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It's not my fault that you don't have any friends that like to run content like you do. I'm very sorry for you, but your desperate need to turn this into a lobby faceroll game to satisfy your desire for a less social experience is repugnant.


Some of us have friends enough to where there's always a group going somewhere, and we actually like the fact that it takes more to complete the content then falling asleep with your head resting on the number keys.


Someone on your side of the argument actually said it best. In WoW you have to be "abnoxious" bad to get kicked from a group in the random finder. That's because the content is so faceroll that baddies still win. I don't want that here just because you can't be bothered to socialize in a social game.


1 its not my fault I don't have friends that play I can't force them to


2) if you have friends and always run with friends then how would a lfg affect you because you'll do the same thing you do now, run with the same 3-7 people and never interact outside of that. Dismissing the option because you don't need it is a non-relevant arguement

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Except that isn't true.


My opinion and direct experiences, and that of others here, is that a cross-server LFD tool changes the tenor of a game irreversibly so that whether we use it or not we are affected by it. Once you let it out of its cage, we're all affected.


Hey Liore how are you personally affected by it again?

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Yea, and I'm sure it was all due to the LFD mindest, not the idea that players had the previous tiers content so out-geared that CC was no longer needed.


I'm sure it's all because of the way the group was formed, not how the players actually performed in them for the previous year.


It was all the players crying about how their time spent waiting in queue for their dungeon to pop was wasted because they failed the instance and didn't get a shiny purple. So yeah, you can blame it on the fact that they were bads and had no clue how to play their class, and you could chalk that up to easy mode content meant to be run by random groups that don't know how to play very well. It wasn't enough for these people that they could faceroll the same instance in normal mode. No... They had to be able to do it in heroic mode too.


What exactly is "heroic" about facerolling for your loot pinatas?


How is that fun..?


Why do you want that here???

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Except that isn't true.


My opinion and direct experiences, and that of others here, is that a cross-server LFD tool changes the tenor of a game irreversibly so that whether we use it or not we are affected by it. Once you let it out of its cage, we're all affected.


Except you fail to list how it affects you except you don't see chat slamming with lfg. It doesn't change the way people play, people who are ***** with lfg are ***** without lfg

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Except that isn't true.


My opinion and direct experiences, and that of others here, is that a cross-server LFD tool changes the tenor of a game irreversibly so that whether we use it or not we are affected by it. Once you let it out of its cage, we're all affected.




There is not a single bad thing about it. The it ruins the community thing is a joke.




You can still make a guild and still do guild runs.

You can still do everything else.



Grouping with other people from other servers is not going to change the game. In fact you don't even get to meet most of the people in the world because of the instances crap they got so it does not even matter.

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It was all the players crying about how their time spent waiting in queue for their dungeon to pop was wasted because they failed the instance and didn't get a shiny purple. So yeah, you can blame it on the fact that they were bads and had no clue how to play their class, and you could chalk that up to easy mode content meant to be run by random groups that don't know how to play very well. It wasn't enough for these people that they could faceroll the same instance in normal mode. No... They had to be able to do it in heroic mode too.


What exactly is "heroic" about facerolling for your loot pinatas?


How is that fun..?


Why do you want that here???


Let's see your WoW armory profile.

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It was all the players crying about how their time spent waiting in queue for their dungeon to pop was wasted because they failed the instance and didn't get a shiny purple. So yeah, you can blame it on the fact that they were bads and had no clue how to play their class, and you could chalk that up to easy mode content meant to be run by random groups that don't know how to play very well. It wasn't enough for these people that they could faceroll the same instance in normal mode. No... They had to be able to do it in heroic mode too.


What exactly is "heroic" about facerolling for your loot pinatas?


How is that fun..?


Why do you want that here???


It sounds like you have a personal problem with Blizzard's philosophy on difficulty and accessibility.


I'm sorry people don't meet your standards and are bad. :(

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It was all the players crying about how their time spent waiting in queue for their dungeon to pop was wasted because they failed the instance and didn't get a shiny purple. So yeah, you can blame it on the fact that they were bads and had no clue how to play their class, and you could chalk that up to easy mode content meant to be run by random groups that don't know how to play very well. It wasn't enough for these people that they could faceroll the same instance in normal mode. No... They had to be able to do it in heroic mode too.


What exactly is "heroic" about facerolling for your loot pinatas?


How is that fun..?


Why do you want that here???


Because it's something to do.



I rather content be too easy over sitting here and wasting my damn time trying to build groups. It's not fun and many others like myself wont stand for it.



I did this **** in ffxi

Edited by Teladis
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1 its not my fault I don't have friends that play I can't force them to


Make friends in the game. Join a guild. SOCIALIZE.


2) if you have friends and always run with friends then how would a lfg affect you because you'll do the same thing you do now, run with the same 3-7 people and never interact outside of that. Dismissing the option because you don't need it is a non-relevant arguement


Asked and answered like 100 times already. A LFD tool affects everyone that likes to run flashpoints, whether they want to use it, or not. Some of the current content in swtor can't be facerolled by a random group of baddies like it can be in WoW. Adding a LFD tool means that there will need to be a chance for that random group to complete the flashpoints, or there will be epic crying. Then the whole game becomes a faceroll lobby game to wait for your queue and rush in to hit your loot pinata.


That affects EVERYONE. It's BORING.

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Separate your arguments/issues. No one here is saying (make flaspoints easier) we are asking for a system that let's us group for them. Assuming lfg = easy flashpoints is wrong. Im sure many people are for endgame being fought, but we want to be able to easily find groups to do it with
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I'm slightly against it, but then again, I know firsthand how hard it can be on certain servers/factions to find groups for heroics or FPs.


I'd honestly rather see a planetwide LFG option (instead of a cross-server one). Having to shuttle to the fleet JUST to start looking for a group (not to mention having to go there to actually enter the FP....should be joinable from ANYWHERE) is VERY annoying, especially when you don't reach ALL the people of that respective level (most are off questing/doing other things, only a rare few are actually trying to find FPs)

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Hey Liore how are you personally affected by it again?


I'm happy you asked! I play MMOs for the social elements more than anything else. I like meeting people, making friends, and playing in groups. After the launch of LFD in WoW, a few things happened in my observation:


1) Dungeons/Heroics were once large pieces of content, and you did 1 or MAYBE 2 a night. The LFD comodotized heroics into things you queue up and "grind" for tokens, and they became 15 minute face-rolls where people would rather die early and collect their tokens rather than play an overly simple game with total strangers.


2) My server had a pretty lively PvP and PvE community. Our forums were bangin', and people all knew each other. Suddenly people are no longer playing with each other, conversation dies, forums die, Liore is sad.


3) Anonymity + Internet = Jerk. We all know the math. Yes, of course there were jerks before LFD, but we knew who they were and could avoid them.


4) Community keeps people logging in. Have you heard someone say, "I would have quit this game except for my friends/guild?" I have. A lot! No community = fewer people logging in = less development money = sad Liore. (You can see this going on in WoW right now.)


And that's just off the top of my head. ;)

Edited by Liore
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Because it's something to do.



I rather content be too easy over sitting here and wasting my damn time trying to build groups. It's not fun and many others like myself wont stand for it.



I did this **** in ffxi


So examine the problem. WHY are you having so much trouble finding groups? What are you doing? I and several others don't have any trouble at all getting a group together. If I can do it, why can't you..?


Why do you desperately need to introduce a random insta-group faceroll in the game to dumb it down? How is that even remotely fun?

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Make friends in the game. Join a guild. SOCIALIZE.




Asked and answered like 100 times already. A LFD tool affects everyone that likes to run flashpoints, whether they want to use it, or not. Some of the current content in swtor can't be facerolled by a random group of baddies like it can be in WoW. Adding a LFD tool means that there will need to be a chance for that random group to complete the flashpoints, or there will be epic crying. Then the whole game becomes a faceroll lobby game to wait for your queue and rush in to hit your loot pinata.


That affects EVERYONE. It's BORING.


Incorrect, guild doesn't = runs people still have to want to do it, be online, have time, ect


2) no one is accusing for easy they're securing for accessibility, your inability to separate the two is your own fault

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I'm happy you asked! I play MMOs for the social elements more than anything else. I like meeting people, making friends, and playing in groups. After the launch of LFD in WoW, a few things happened in my observation:


1) Dungeons/Heroics were once large pieces of content, and you did 1 or MAYBE 2 a night. The LFD comodotized heroics into things you queue up and "grind" for tokens, and they became 15 minute face-rolls where people would rather die early and collect their tokens rather than play an overly simple game with total strangers.


2) My server had a pretty lively PvP and PvE community. Our forums were bangin', and people all knew each other. Suddenly people are no longer playing with each other, conversation dies, forums die, Liore is sad.


3) Anonymity + Internet = Jerk. We all know the math. Yes, of course there were jerks before LFD, but we knew who they were and could avoid them.


4) Community keeps people logging in. Have you heard someone say, "I would have quit this game except for my friends/guild?" I have. A lot! No community = fewer people logging in = less development money = sad Liore. (You can see this going on in WoW right now.)


And that's just off the top of my head. ;)


Very well put.


I would love to see an intra-server LFD tool, but I'm not sure I'm a big fan of cross-server. You're arguments/reasons are very good (and not even a hint of vitrol in them).

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I'm slightly against it, but then again, I know firsthand how hard it can be on certain servers/factions to find groups for heroics or FPs.


I'd honestly rather see a planetwide LFG option (instead of a cross-server one). Having to shuttle to the fleet JUST to start looking for a group (not to mention having to go there to actually enter the FP....should be joinable from ANYWHERE) is VERY annoying, especially when you don't reach ALL the people of that respective level (most are off questing/doing other things, only a rare few are actually trying to find FPs)


Ya but won't fix things in the future, Like low pop servers because with a end game like this you know there is going to be a lot of them.



If you want them people to stay, you need a lfg queue system. If I was blizzard I would be grinning.

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It sounds like you have a personal problem with Blizzard's philosophy on difficulty and accessibility.


I'm sorry people don't meet your standards and are bad. :(


Well yes, I do. People who sleepwalk through instances... Don't know their class at all... Screw up in epic proportions... and still expect to (and actually do) win...?


Yeah, the content is too easy mode when that happens and so are the players.


WoW in a nutshell.

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Incorrect, guild doesn't = runs people still have to want to do it, be online, have time, ect


2) no one is accusing for easy they're securing for accessibility, your inability to separate the two is your own fault


Your inabililty to get access is your fault. People are running the flashpoints every day. If they can do it, so can you. You're just making excuses because you don't want to socialize in a social game.


You want a lobby game where you sit around and wait for your instance to pop so you can rush in and grab easy mode loot.

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