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Keep in mind taris is a mid lvl zone though, so not unexpected that theres few people there...


That said I still feel the pace of the invities is a joke.


Absoloutely. I have no problem with a staggered invite system, but the small numbers invited so far and then the "welp, we did our invites see-ya!" from Bioware really is mind boggling.

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Well...they are claiming that they're going to hold some folks back until the last EGA day.



Since I ordered very late, I don't expect to see the Galaxy until the 18th at the earliest. If I do manage to see daylight earlier, just a pleasant surprise I guess.

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Well...they are claiming that they're going to hold some folks back until the last EGA day.



Since I ordered very late, I don't expect to see the Galaxy until the 18th at the earliest. If I do manage to see daylight earlier, just a pleasant surprise I guess.


What's the criteria for that? Is it solely based on pre-order redemption date? Or is there another metric that they are going to put into play?

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Based only on when you redeemed your pre-order code.


But there were still some folks yesterday who redeemed codes in July, and didn't get invited. So they've got a long way to go to cover everyone.


I think they are just taking it slowly so as to escape the inevitable catastrophic launch breakdown most MMO's suffer.


Sucks for us who pre-ordered rather late though. In my case ordering was almost an afterthought - was on the fence about playing SWTOR at all.

Edited by Sith_Sev
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