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Why did Bioware choose the hero engine?


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good question. hero engine is for free and the licence cost for a title probably low. :D


imo they should have developed it with unreal tech instead. the pipeline and most tools for that being already established because of mass effect.

the textures would not be as lowres and there probably would be no green laser surgery thingy.


unfortunately they wont tell us any details.

wonder why.

Edited by Ommm
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lol it's not instanced because of the hero engine. It's instanced because that's how they designed the game.


Have you ever used the Hero developers kit? Have you ever wrote your own 3d engine? Have you ever ran a multi-million dollar company? Sorry to put this so bluntly, call it tough love. If you haven't done these things *** do you know?

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lol it's not instanced because of the hero engine. It's instanced because that's how they designed the game.


Have you ever used the Hero developers kit? Have you ever wrote your own 3d engine? Have you ever ran a multi-million dollar company? Sorry to put this so bluntly, call it tough love. If you haven't done these things *** do you know?


Thats why I ask

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Why did they choose a engine that is so heavily instanced instead of building their own like Blizzard did?


Im just wondering because I keep hearing about all the money they spent and the heart of this game the main engine seems very cheap.


Any reason for this?


Why did you spend money on the game knowing that they used the Hero engine?

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Thats why I ask


Define instanced.


If you mean the actual instances which are separated by class/group, then it's so that some schmoe cant **** up your class/group quests as well as keep the surroundings seamless and realistic. If me and 3 friends are hired to get a deed, why are there 20 other people after it too?


If you mean the sever channels, then because honestly, when was the last time you needed more than 100 people in a single zone for ANYTHING. I actually like being able to complete my quests without fighting for spawns, which I had to to on my FULL SERVER. People act like anything but the major city hubs in other MMOs are bustling with players.

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Guys, I dont think he is bashing the engine per say, just curious as to why they didnt just build it from scratch themselves.


My guess would be money.


They said time not money was the reason. But I am sure money played a factor.

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Because writing a 3d engine is a long process. Would cost a ton of money and could of completely failed.


The Hero engine is stable, it does what it needs to do with this game. Compared to what they are paying to use Unreal, I'm guessing it's a steal.


And BTW Unreal on an MMO? Are you for real?

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Because writing a 3d engine is a long process. Would cost a ton of money and could of completely failed.


The Hero engine is stable, it does what it needs to do with this game. Compared to what they are paying to use Unreal, I'm guessing it's a steal.


And BTW Unreal on an MMO? Are you for real?


Didn't Vanguard use the unreal engine? we all know how that turned out

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And BTW Unreal on an MMO? Are you for real?


Yes, why not? You think the renderer cannot pull it of or something? :p


The only diffrence i can see on my beginner level between the two is, hero engine seems to have more interesing management tools in how you develop the content.


There are a few short videos about in on youtube.


Well and it got the inferior graphics, no doubt.


They will have modified it for their needs, but still and maybe that is exactly why they got the issues. Who knows. Maybe they totally overloaded it.


Unreal would have handled the load of data more smooth. It is constantly being developed as an engine since years and a big seller.

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Why did they choose a engine that is so heavily instanced instead of building their own like Blizzard did?


Im just wondering because I keep hearing about all the money they spent and the heart of this game the main engine seems very cheap.


Any reason for this?


People are complaining about the bugs of a licensed engine and you want to suggest they build one from scratch?

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i read this article... ok, well i sorta looked at this blogg post. ok... really. i sorta heard from a friend, who says he read this thread post by this guy. that said the hero engine is why my life suxxorz



why did bioware do this to me?




(actually i just read the term Hero Engine somewhere here... and thought that'd make my post sound important)

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Yes. Let's use the Unreal engine on an MMO with possibly hundreds on players in the same area.


20 fps per second on a $2k gaming rig sounds just super!


Wait...no it doesn't...:rolleyes:

Edited by Varcan
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Hero Engine was only used on the most limited sense anyway. They redesigned and tore that thing apart to get it to do what they wanted to do.


As for just 'writing your own engine', why reinvent the wheel every time you want to make a game? Hero Engine had some potential and they hoped it would give them a good foundation to build what they wanted on it, which makes perfect sense.



Now 3 years into development, they figure out its not what they hoped, but at that point, they are stuck. So they continue to develop with it. Hero Engine has some limitations, but you won't notice many of them in the game as a player, most of the instancing etc are all design decisions.


The #1 bad program you have to look at is there Pathing Engine, it causes more problems then anything else. They are using Kynaps which is a steaming pile IMHO.


The game industry has evolved enough that it is healthy to use as many pre-produced programs as possible to help flesh out existing software instead of creating from scratch what you want every time, which adds a big dollar sign and another year of development. Companies not using all the tools available, including speedtree, etc are often doomed to failure.


Please understand that when WoW was developed, MMO price tags were relatively cheap, now with the maturation of the industry, MMO's specifically, and games in general just are sky rocketing in development costs. Abusing Dev's like indentured slaves is no longer a viable model with the law suits that have hit the industry so cost of employees goes up.

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The unreal engine was designed with FPS shooters in mind. That is just a simple fact, yes you could make it work for an MMO.


Hero was designed with MMOs in mind. It's a far more logical choice. I don't judge Unreal off original Unreal 1.0 trust me. I'm judging based on Unreal 1.0 to it's current form. Melee combat is non existent or doesn't feel right ever.

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The unreal engine was designed with FPS shooters in mind. That is just a simple fact, yes you could make it work for an MMO.


Hero was designed with MMOs in mind. It's a far more logical choice. I don't judge Unreal off original Unreal 1.0 trust me. I'm judging based on Unreal 1.0 to it's current form. Melee combat is non existent or doesn't feel right ever.


But mass effect, including the new one, it is all unreal tech. :p Anyway i agree with the fact that hero engine seems like a nice choice for mmos. Except for the fact, that it does not scale well.

Edited by Ommm
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I believe the issue is in the fact the Hero engine is single threaded. From what I understand this means that a multithreaded CPU (which they all are now for year and years) won't be able to fully utilize it's potential because the software can only process one action at a time where a multi threaded piece of software could send 2 or 4 actions to the cores of your cpu and each core will work with a thread.


I might be wrong about all that but that's my current understanding of it.


So basically the Hero engine is 1999 tech.


I don't even know if any game int he last 6 years was made that is single threaded software?

Multithreaded software has been around for along time. Why you would use a engine that lacks such a fundamental feature is beyond me but I'm sure money has something to do with it.


Politics follows economics. Fundamental truth.

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