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Good skills for making money while leveling?


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I've been using Bioaanalysis/Scavenging/Slicing. Thinking of dropping slicing though as the nodes seeme to be a lot more buggy than the other 2 which makes leveling it a bit more hit and miss. I've heard some of the mission skills can make money but I've also heard it's not such a good idea because it costs creds to do the missions in the first place.


Would archaeology be a better option than slicing? Any other general suggestions?

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I've been doing Slicing on my BH and I've made a killing on credits. Mako has a +15 to Slicing and it helps a lot. Once you get +100 skill lvl the credits really start to add up compared to what you spend sending your companion on the missions.
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Economy is, as always, based on supply and demand. There is no crew skill that generates the most profit and always will do. If everybody swaps to that crew skill, it gives nobody any revenue at all. Just use the crew skills that you'll personally gain from, and sell left over supplies :)
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I haven't really figured out a way to make any money yet, other than farming the mobs. That's a real problem for my Jedi that doesn't kill without provocation (on the RP server). I'm still trying to figure out if there is a way to make crafting into a business. Right now I'm crafting just to supply myself, since I haven't really found anything anyone wants to buy yet. But, I haven't created any Purple items yet either (although I can't because the materials needed to craft blue items are so expensive that I can't afford to reverse engineer them). Anyway, "I" haven't figured out how to make money. If someone else does, I'd love to hear about it.


I've found the missions are a great way to lose money, maybe even a great way to just "throw money away". I would say NEVER do gathering missions. At least not at low levels (I haven't gotten to the higher levels yet). The reason is that you can go out and farm mobs and gather the same things you could through the missions and that's free as opposed to paying more for the materials than the end item you will be crafting is worth. More importantly, you will raise your level in that Gathering skill by farming the mobs MUCH faster than spending every last credit you've earned in the last week on Gathering missions. At this point, I think Gathering "missions" should be removed from the game; the only thing that I can see them being worthwhile for is if you are in a BIG hurry to get a certain material and it's too expensive on the GTN to buy. Otherwise, spending money for a Gathering mission is just throwing your hard earned credits away and a sure path to financial ruin. Maybe that will change later. I threw away probably half of my credits that I've spent almost a month earning before I figured out that you can just go out and farm mobs for free and raise your skill level 100 times faster that way.


I also probably wasted severel hours of my time because Gathering missions take a LOT of time where your companion is tied up. If you need that companion for combat, that means you can't use that companion for crafting or gathering. If you don't need them for combat at the moment, then you're probably going to be just sitting around staring at the screen, waiting for them to return from their mission for several hours. OR, you can just go out and farm the mobs, for free, do something at least "mildly" entertaining rather than staring at the screen waiting for them to return from their mission, earn money rather than throwing it away from the loot that the mobs drop, level your gathering skill faster, and "at least it feels like" you gather the materials a LOT faster. AND, you don't lose weeks worth of credits you've earned in the process. I'm not even sure why they bothered to put Gathering missions in the game. So far, it appears to me that only a fool or someone who doesn't know better yet would EVER send their companion on a Gathering mission unless they just needed a small amount of material right NOW and are willing to throw the credits away for it, because it's cheaper than the price on the GTN.

Edited by GamerInDallas
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I've been using Bioaanalysis/Scavenging/Slicing. Thinking of dropping slicing though as the nodes seeme to be a lot more buggy than the other 2 which makes leveling it a bit more hit and miss. I've heard some of the mission skills can make money but I've also heard it's not such a good idea because it costs creds to do the missions in the first place.


Would archaeology be a better option than slicing? Any other general suggestions?


Slicing (for nodes and schematics)/Treasure Hunting (for crystals)/Underworld Trading (for metals)

Edited by Lady_Alyria
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Underworld Trading is not worth it anymore. Last week/launch it might have been, now the prices on the GTN have dropped, even for the rare metals. I would say now the only way to make money is from the nodes in the world, and even then dont expect a lot. Thats just plain old scavenging then.
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My Jedi Guardian is synth/underworld/archaeology. I'm not rich by any means, but I'm not even 25 yet and I have around 70k credits just from selling the unused metals and crystals from leveling synthweaving. I believe it really depends on your server population and (of course) supply and demand. I've got a buttload of luxury fabric from UT as well, but so far that has not sold very well.


My advice is to go with crafting that will benefit your class the most, then auction off whatever surplus materials you obtain through the course of leveling. That should sustain your character's need for money for level abilities and vehicles. Just don't spend money on the AH... ever. Unless you're filthy rich and need to burn off the credits.

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