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Worst head start idea ever?


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"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence."

- C.S Lewis


I'll just leave it at that and see if someone gets the hint.


- Elim

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This has to be the worst idea ever....letting people in waves join the game? Didn't we do server stress testing in the beta about 3 weeks ago? I'm still amazed at how this is being handled


Perhaps you should have entered your pre-order code withing hours of being able to do so ... and got in on the first wave


It's only a terrible idea because YOU are not playing yet. If you were in on the first wave, you'd be too busy actually enjoying the game rather than complaining about something they said they would be doing since July 21st

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Am I missing something? Wasn't this the plan all along? To implement a phased approach to early access? It is certainly what I understood. I pre-ordered early and still don't expect to be in until the weekend.


And what would you prefer? This is the biggest MMO launch in history. Would it be preferable that they let everyone in and the servers were overwhelmed? Long queue. Unplayable game. Lots of restarts and down time. Is that preferable?


This is the right thing to do and your gaming experience will be significantly improved by it.


I get people want in right now. But relax yourselves. Your looking foolish and your expectations aren't aligned with reality.


I really hope the quality of people improves once in game. So far this seems like the 'Escaped from New York' of WOW. All of their undesirables have been locked up here. Great.




Make no mistake, TODAY is launch day, not the 20th. Terms like "Early Game Access" are just marketing and public relations tools. We all preordered, and we're all missing the game launch.


Add to that, they refuse to give us any meaningful information about the waves etc, so at least we could guesstimate for ourselves. They're just doing it to cover their asses.


I've been at countless MMO launches, and I would rather play from day 1, with lag, servers going down etc, than to not play AT ALL.

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Something makes me worried WAY more than the staggered headstart...


They only let in 3 waves so far, and only people who pre-ordered the first two days are in... yet the server my guild was assigned to is already displaying "FULL".


Looks like their cute little plan to try to control server load and balance it utterly failed.


Bloodworthy is probably full because several Scandinavian guilds with 300-400 members each that had been appointed to Chuundar, switched server. Far from every member have even been invited yet.


It'll be interesting to see how long the queues will be, since I will play on that server no matter what.


- Elim

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The idea of stagger launch is total rubbish, do they really expect that teveryone who will get in will play for 24 hours non stop?

C'mon some of the people who got invite won't be playing at all, because of work, some will log on for 1 hour or 2. They opened all servers at once during stress beta and everything was fine, queues were pretty small. This should be how you handle a headstart, maybe a bit rough start but it will go smooth naturaly really fast. Most of the peopel want just go in create character and leave. This is so freaking obvius that BioWare have no experience at all on mmo launch.

During night we will have empty servers, but can we enter them? - hell no, we need to wait for thursday and then try to log in prime time.

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Make no mistake, TODAY is launch day, not the 20th. Terms like "Early Game Access" are just marketing and public relations tools. We all preordered, and we're all missing the game launch.


Add to that, they refuse to give us any meaningful information about the waves etc, so at least we could guesstimate for ourselves. They're just doing it to cover their asses.


I've been at countless MMO launches, and I would rather play from day 1, with lag, servers going down etc, than to not play AT ALL.


Also add the fact that they lied about how they would be doing Early Access invites.

I'm a little miffed that I probably won't be able to play until Friday, but what really pisses me off is that they couldn't just say that the invites were going to be random.

Here I was thinking that I would probably get in because I redeemed my code so early, yet people with extremely late code redemptions (months after mine) have already gotten in on the first, second and third waves, yet I'm left sitting in the dark.

I wonder why it's so hard for people to be honest. Really, if I knew the waves were going to be extremely random, I wouldn't have bothered waking up at 5 AM today and waiting for wave after wave of disappointment.

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Make no mistake, TODAY is launch day, not the 20th. Terms like "Early Game Access" are just marketing and public relations tools. We all preordered, and we're all missing the game launch.


Add to that, they refuse to give us any meaningful information about the waves etc, so at least we could guesstimate for ourselves. They're just doing it to cover their asses.


I've been at countless MMO launches, and I would rather play from day 1, with lag, servers going down etc, than to not play AT ALL.


Bending semantics to suit your argument does not mean that you are correct.

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4 Waves only?



They better keep cranking out waves, artificially capping to handle stability issues as they arise is one thing, but having 18 hours+ between waves 4 and 5 seems absurd (assuming the pattern of wave release and starting it back up at the same time tomorrow 7am est).

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Also add the fact that they lied about how they would be doing Early Access invites.


When did they lie? They said from the beginning that the date you entered your pre-order code in would determine when you got in. They also made it very clear that it was first come, first serve.


If you didn't bother reading the info that was there, then it's your own fault. But at no point did they ever lie about it.

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No, WoW on opening day...Now that was a BAD idea. One giant free for all. Servers crashing, characters created on other servers while they rebooted crashed ones. Lockups, Queues (if that worked)... LAWL, at least they are trying to be fair.


First of all - WoW launch was years back, now we have better technology

second - it's not official launch yet, we are still on early game acces, so there shoul be less people

third - there's much more servers, and they can easily add new

fourth - BioWare did this on beta weekends and nothing broke down, I played without single crash, lag or anything similar for 14 hours straight.

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Gating people in so log in servers don't get overloaded and servers have long queue log in times. Ahhh the horror. Anyways there was probably 200kish pre-orders the first week it was available so if you didn't pre-order in that week you can go back to bed you rager.


They fully explained how this was going to go well in advance. Why people that registered in August through October think they should be in right away just shows that comprehension is on the down slide.


Also if the people that have access aren't getting booted from servers by d/c and server crashes its most likely one of the best mmo launches ever. Be patient, get some more sleep there are no e-peen achieves for hitting 50 first. You will be okay I promise.

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This whole waves gig is a total bull. If they're having issues or worried about overpopulated servers now, than what's gonna happen at 20th?! Even more people will play the game and there will be no more excuses to hold back the pre-ordered players.



So what's the frigging point of this?!

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Yeah as someone mentioned, our guild is on Bloodworthy, and half of our people is in already, most of us bought the pre order like a half year or more ago, and the server is full, i mean hello? Why are you even bothering to have guild starts or whatever then if you cant handle it? Hey duude i got in what lvl are you? Mah just lvl 34 oohh okey sweet /quit
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Yeah as someone mentioned, our guild is on Bloodworthy, and half of our people is in already, most of us bought the pre order like a half year or more ago, and the server is full, i mean hello? Why are you even bothering to have guild starts or whatever then if you cant handle it? Hey duude i got in what lvl are you? Mah just lvl 34 oohh okey sweet /quit




that only shws how horrible small servers they got. I watched few live streams on on first waves and servers look like ghosttowns, there's NO people, why the hell servers are lebeleld as full already?

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When you release your MMO, you can dictate the launch however you see fit. They're doing this exactly as communicated and they are ahead of schedule. (for wave 2 anyway) Just relax and quit whining. :D


If people never complain about bad service, they will continue to give you bad service. Sorry if some of us want higher quality service, compare to others who are happy getting crapped on.

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I got 3 guildies in vent and they all say the zones are pretty empty right now, not even instanced...I'm not impressed at all. Reading several accounts on the forums, reddit, and twitter of people who preordered in DECEMBER getting in meanwhile there are tons of July 21st, July's, and August still waiting. Oh, not to mention I will get locked out on the 20th Until I receive my collectors edition from Amazon cause there is no grace period.


Some "smooth launch' Bioware.

Our servers are running smooth as silk because we have nobody on them at the moment. Great launch day of staring at an empty inbox!!!

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Personally I'd rather be sitting in a 4 hour queue - ala Rift, at least knowing I might get to play at SOME point today, rather than sitting wondering what day I'm even going to get the chance.


Don't worry in a few days when you actually get to play you will be waiting on those hourly queues :)

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