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Rolling need for your companion


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Why should those be the choices.. That is just caving into the cheese monkeys that think its cute to use the common excuse instead of being called a ninja... Same people just disguised differently.


I already stated the reason, there is too many interpretations of need. The need button gives a griefer or ninja a perfect one button way to do his thing. I don't think there is a single thing you can do in a group to cause mass chaos and group meltdown quicker than just hitting need.

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Companions are an integral part of your overall character. They are not your friends, they are not your alts.




See, I can state an opinion as fact as well.


Wrong.. Can your companion continue to fight if you fall in a fight? Until companions can do this they are nothing more than another NPC.

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Here's my question for those that are for rolling need on items for their companions -


You're in favor of the standard becoming such that everyone rolls need on everything, because they all have companions that can use the gear? You're also in favor of people using that system to roll need to vendor items, since this would be but one result of everyone always rolling need?


The worst part about this whole argument is that the character in question isn't even there. People actually have the personal belief that a tertiary, cpu controlled bot that didn't contribute in any way to the flashpoint or operation should be entitled to gear over a living person who IS contributing.


Frightening and disappointing thought, to say the least.


The best part is someone will read this and think "well they wouldn't always roll need because they'd be on the honor system" as though starting down that path didn't throw that out the window to begin with.

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It's a completely new paradigm, and people are arguing like there's some kind of precedent for this. There is none.


Marlaine after reading all posts in this thread. Yours are definitely the most infuriating. You tell people that they can't SEE your point of view, but you are completely closed off to the notion that YOU could be wrong.



So in this scenario:


You are in a full 4 player group running a flashpoint: Heavy armor drops, there is a heavy armor PLAYER in the group who NEEDS the item as an actual upgrade that he will put on immediately. You are a light armor wearer, but your PET Khem Val could use the upgrade. Do you roll need on it?


That scenario is all that needs to be figured out to see what kind of player you are. And if in the end, you cannot, in ANY way, see anything wrong with your companion taking gear from a player character who you are grouped with, then I feel sorry for you, because you are lacking a very basic emotion.


You are probably also immature, and do not play well with others :p

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By endgame, you have companions that can use pretty much every weapon and armor type. So you're not going to protect against ninjas disabling that button.




THIS!....What happens when people have 4-5 companions? Can I need for each individual one? Since they all do help me in soloing you know...Pretty sure that means I can need on almost every drop in a flashpoint...

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Why should those be the choices.. That is just caving into the cheese monkeys that think its cute to use the common excuse instead of being called a ninja... Same people just disguised differently.


Your use of ninja further highlights your inability to understand the big picture. Get it through your head. It is a FACT that Bioware integrated companions to be a clear part of your overall character. You cannot ignore this, yet you consistenly refuse to acknowledge it.


You are free to have your opinion, but quit trying to pass your opinion as fact by insulting those who disagree with you and have a completely valid point.

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The worst part about this whole argument is that the character in question isn't even there. People actually have the personal belief that a tertiary, cpu controlled bot that didn't contribute in any way to the flashpoint or operation should be entitled to gear over a living person who IS contributing.


Frightening and disappointing thought, to say the least.


This. This. This.



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What's funny is I'm sure half the people saying "I NEED FOR COMPANION" would ragequit if someone took their "main toons" upgrade...It's just playing selfishly. In single player games it's ok to "me me me" but since you can't solo the flashpoint...stop being an *** and share. =D


You shouldn't project your behavior onto others. The folks I see making the companion is your character argument also are aware that needing effects them as well, most actually seem to be willing to do away with the whole Need/Greed/Pass concept all together and let chips fall where they may on rolls.

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I would roll need for my companion.


A week ago I would not have but then I learned something.


If an orange peice of gear drops and my compaion can use and you are already in an orange peice of gear YOU DO NOT NEED IT AS MUCH AS MY COMPANION. What you need is to upgrade the mods!!



Heck I will even be rolling on med armor AIM gear for Mako even though she uses cunning. I can just swap out the mods.


Dont hate the player, hate the game (design)

Edited by WutsInAName
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The only three reasons you should/could roll on loot for a companion:


1) Ground rules were established at the start of the flashpoint/heroic stating that rolling for companions is OK.


2) Someone is using a companion for the 3rd/4th group slot as an active participant in the flashpoint/heroic. The players using said companions should be able to roll with the other players permission.


3) No one else wants the loot and you ask if you may take it for your companion. The group as a whole should agree with you taking for companion use.

Edited by Barrakudah
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I agree but it is undeniable that the companion is NOT PARTICIPATING during the need roll. The companion is also NOT USED in the group setting that this discussion pertains to. I have NEVER had any difficulty gearing up my companions from quest/bought items and CERTAINLY not to the point that I would override someone in my group just to gear a PET.


You are refusing to get the point. Is or is not the point of an instance to get better gear for your character? I will assume that your answer is yes. So in that case, since your companion is clearly a big part of your overall character, rolling need for companion gear is rolling for "your" gear. The fact that the companion is not participating in the instance means nothing. YOu are still in the end gearing your overall character. You cannot ignore this fact.

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Your character is not a real person. It is a fictional construct that only exists in the game - just like the companions.


Don't confuse a player with a character/companion/NPC or any other imaginary thing.


The characters aren't real, but the people playing them are. Which is why (to me) they come before the bots.


You know, you guys don't have to try so hard to justify your stance -- it's clear that you (and those like you) aren't going to budge on this. Play how you want, but don't be surprised at the way people respond to you. You can't be inconsiderate AND expect people to like you.

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Your use of ninja further highlights your inability to understand the big picture. Get it through your head. It is a FACT that Bioware integrated companions to be a clear part of your overall character. You cannot ignore this, yet you consistenly refuse to acknowledge it.


You are free to have your opinion, but quit trying to pass your opinion as fact by insulting those who disagree with you and have a completely valid point.




Stop making up facts. You're companion doesn't share your stats...not part of your character. If your in a 4man group, your companion basicly doesn't exist. You can twist it however you want but you are the minority. If you take someone from someone, then you're a ninja. Sorry if you don't like the title but that's what it is. BTW, pets in EQ1 could use gear/weapons til death / desummoned, would you let someone need on gear for them? Since it betters their character?

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Okay, I'm not going to bother replying to various stupid comments.


But I can name a couple dozen people from my vanilla wow server who ended up quitting/re-rolling to different servers because of blacklisting. One of them was even an officer in progression guild. Over-time this went away in WoW, honestly I blame transfers, being able to just move without losing your progression means there is no incentive to punish the person misbehaving.


If you go back further, it was worse in EQ, it even happened in Rift but it wasn't about looting it was about poor skills with a given role. Just buying an extra role and claiming you are a healer would get you blacklisted really quickly. Of course this changed with LFD, I stopped playing around that point.


To claim this doesn't happen means you are very insular when it comes to server politics and probably aren't actually involved in any sort of guild leadership position.


Anyway, on topic, I don't believe people should role on companion gear. Some people claim a companion is part of your character you can't live without. I contend you can complete every non-heroic quest without any companion out. They just make the process easier.

Edited by akspace
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What's funny is I'm sure half the people saying "I NEED FOR COMPANION" would ragequit if someone took their "main toons" upgrade...It's just playing selfishly. In single player games it's ok to "me me me" but since you can't solo the flashpoint...stop being an *** and share. =D


The exact same applies for you. I wish you people could see the hypocricy by calling others selfish. Those of use who would roll on gear for our companions are playing the game as designed. If you have a beef with that, you should take it up with Bioware, not the players playing the game as Bioware intended.

Edited by Marlaine
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Lol some people really use their companion NO ONE gives them crap items to use. You use it all the time. I could care less.. you need it take it. Really? What loot drops you wont get something better 1/2-1 level from then? Or can go to some VENDOR and buy? Having problems with credits in this game are you? yeah..


Me.. unless there is someone that can use it .. I will take it for my pet. Oh my and if they ignore me.. what ever will I do..life is so short and your playing a game. You cant keep ANYTHING. Try just PLAYING..you get something you dont.. who cares have fun.


Man people are just strange.. had one group leader saying to the group "if you guys dont start skipping the videos I will kick you"..haha.. rich..



And your posting HERE.. well most players never go to the forums. Pick a different server. I cant even count how many times I ran some instance.. and have only ONLY had it happen one time the person needed all.. so? 98% of the time people are nice and play kool.


What needs done is to only BOUND when you LEAVE the place.. way to many times people want to give it back and would.. but cant.. So come back from la la land

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I didn't read through the whole thread but perhaps they could supply a roll bonus to actual characters who can use the weapon/armor. Put it on the Need roll only. Give a +100 bonus to the BH in the original posters example on the need roll. That way people who can't use but roll need for the companions can only get them if another player, that can use the item, but decided not to roll need on it.
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The exact same applies for you. I wish you people could see the hypocricy by calling others selfish. Those of use who would roll on gear for our alts are playing the game as designed. If you have a beef with that, you should take it up with Bioware, not the players playing the game as Bioware intended.




Yes because my willingness to share loot with PLAYERS makes me selfish...next try troll?

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Wrong.. Can your companion continue to fight if you fall in a fight? Until companions can do this they are nothing more than another NPC.


Your companion has a huge effect on PREVENTING you from "falling". Your arguments are so poor all across the board.

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Wrong.. Can your companion continue to fight if you fall in a fight? Until companions can do this they are nothing more than another NPC.
I can't continue to fight if I fall in a fight... does that man that I'm nothing more than another npc?


My companion = me. I = my companion. My character has a bunch of gear slots; some of them are represented in the game world by an avatar that I move around directly; some are represented in the game world by an avatar that I do not move around directly. Both of them are my character.

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Your companion has a huge effect on PREVENTING you from "falling". Your arguments are so poor all across the board.


Hey marl...since you like to make stuff up...Can you do any flashpoint at lvl with your companion? Or do you need help from players?

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I can't continue to fight if I fall in a fight... does that man that I'm nothing more than another npc?


My companion = me. I = my companion. My character has a bunch of gear slots; some of them are represented in the game world by an avatar that I move around directly; some are represented in the game world by an avatar that I do not move around directly. Both of them are my character.


But your groupmates can, meaning they are better than a companion and deserve loot over yours. If you can't get past that then why not try getting a duo together with someone who needs on companion gear and do a flashpoint and gear them? Because you can't without player help? Ok then...

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I didn't read through the whole thread but perhaps they could supply a roll bonus to actual characters who can use the weapon/armor. Put it on the Need roll only. Give a +100 bonus to the BH in the original posters example on the need roll. That way people who can't use but roll need for the companions can only get them if another player, that can use the item, but decided not to roll need on it.


woudl not work. here is why. What about me being a heavy armor user and not neededing the item myself but rolling need for pet since they do indeed get a pet who wears heavy.


The Simple fact is NO ONE needs upgrades from every instance, what you need it is to upgrade your mods.


Heck the only viable excuse for rolling need on orange gear when you already have orange in that slot is "because I like the way it looks"


So now you appearance need is better than my pets functional needs? I dont think so.

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Yes because my willingness to share loot with PLAYERS makes me selfish...next try troll?


The player is the person behind a keyboard. It isn't a Jedi or his companion. Both of those are simply things used by a player. Both can be improved through improved equipment.


Getting upset that your digital paper doll lost out on a roll to some other digital paper doll is taking things a bit too seriously.

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