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Rolling need for your companion


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I agree, but I don't think he really expects the poster's info, I think he's trying to make a larger point. Just my take, though I may certainly be mistaken.


The larger point is lost because he should be able to point to people it already happened to, instead of trashing the rep of an innocent person which wouldn't stop me from getting groups but would make some people very rude to me for a dishonest reason.

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My personal feeling is people (REAL people) come first. That does not include your companions and alts.


When a companion represents somewhere along the lines of 35-40% of your overall damage, it is CLEARLY an important part of your overall character.


Companions are not an alt, and I see no one in this thread proposing that people should roll need on alts, other than the one or two people early in the thread joking about ninjaing everything.

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I fail to see the logic in rolling on loot for your companion that comes from an area where you can't use your companion. Your companion didn't help the group in any way, yet you think you should be able to take the loot for it.


As I said earlier there are plenty of solo quest rewards that are companion specific. People who join group to equip companions are just flat out greedy. They abuse the groups that they join for thier own self interests.

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But asking someone to post player info on a forum proves not point at all, as no rational person will take this request seriously.




I'll take this opportunity to leave the conversation as it's just became boring, the POST YOUR IN-GAME INFO stuff is becoming a bit over the top for me too, not to mention talking to brick walls (like some of these posters here) has become tiresome.

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I fail to see the logic in rolling on loot for your companion that comes from an area where you can't use your companion. Your companion didn't help the group in any way, yet you think you should be able to take the loot for it.


As I said earlier there are plenty of solo quest rewards that are companion specific. People who join group to equip companions are just flat out greedy. They abuse the groups that they join for thier own self interests.


Well, I don't generally do quests to get gear to help me on the quest I am doing. I do quests to get gear to help me in the future, to enhance my character. -shrugs-

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He can't. He asked you to do something nobody ever would do, then accusing you of being a coward for not doing it. It's really lame.


Pretty much. Simply put, I've been around long enough to know that social blacklisting doesn't work. The main reason is that guildmasters of progression guilds don't give a rat's @## what you do when you're not raiding or PVPing with them. The other reason is that the rest of the playerbase either never hears about it or doesn't care about the petty loot squabbles of strangers.

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You're extremely adamant that the concept of social blacklisting does not exist in MMOs. If you are so confident in your position, then there should be no problem when we find out who you are.
Sure, it exists... but it does NOTHING except give people warm fuzzies, thinking that they've made the world a better place. The reality is that doesn't stop the griefer for an instant.
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I'll take this opportunity to leave the conversation as it's just became boring, the POST YOUR IN-GAME INFO stuff is becoming a bit over the top for me too, not to mention talking to brick walls (like some of these posters here) has become tiresome.




Big community, lots of room for differing opinions on the issue. Communication is the key to avoiding problems.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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I was tanking Athiss last night on my powertech and the last boss dropped an amazing pistol that was head and shoulders above the one I had. Being grouped with two operatives and an assassin I was giddy to get such a nice upgrade.... Wait no, one of the operatives rolled need as well saying it was for his tank companion and then won the roll.... Everyone in the group called him a dirt bag or some other name and he soon quit the group.


Bioware should really implement a loot rolling system that reflects how players actually distribute loot and to prevent douche bags from rolling need on an item they can't even equip in order to give it to their companion, sell it, or other ridiculous endevor.


Sorry to say it but Blizzard took many expansions to finally apply this restriction and the world has been a better place ever since.


So you're able to use the chat window to call someone a dirt bag because they didn't conform to your assumptions BUT, you couldn't use it to communicate what the expectations for loot were when you started?


Just wanted to clarify that I was understanding the situation.


Let's make this real simple so everyone reading this can understand it.


1) There is/was 1 million+ people with accounts to this game

2) There is NO, repeat NO unanimous consensus on what is fair loot rules for the entire playerbase

3) There is an in-game tool called the chat window

4) It is just as easy to confirm with everyone before a single mob is killed in an instance what the group agrees on for loot rules as it is to belittle someone after they do not conform to your assumptions when those same loot rules are not talked about beforehand.


Or in other words, communication folks ... it's a tool for preventing drama just as much as it can be used to cause/spread drama. Learn to use it well and avoid the result of coming here, posting a "wah" post and looking like a fool.

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I fail to see the logic in rolling on loot for your companion that comes from an area where you can't use your companion. Your companion didn't help the group in any way, yet you think you should be able to take the loot for it.


As I said earlier there are plenty of solo quest rewards that are companion specific. People who join group to equip companions are just flat out greedy. They abuse the groups that they join for thier own self interests.


There is no logic it in it, only self-centered justification and rationalization from folks who would probably be happier in a single-player game, quite frankly. Sometimes I wonder if irritating other players is the only reason some of these folks play MMORPGs.

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When a companion represents somewhere along the lines of 35-40% of your overall damage, it is CLEARLY an important part of your overall character.


Companions are not an alt, and I see no one in this thread proposing that people should roll need on alts, other than the one or two people early in the thread joking about ninjaing everything.


As I said, "people come first." When your companion helps you down that Elite mob in Solo PVE, you can share with them whatever you want. However, since you need actual human players to help you do heroics and flashpoints, their needs come before your bots'. But if your bot is more important, then just group with it and good luck in your endeavors.

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I fail to see the logic in rolling on loot for your companion that comes from an area where you can't use your companion.
Which areas are those?


I mean, you can't be talking heroics or flashpoints... because you can use companions in those.


People who join group to equip themselves are just flat out greedy. They abuse the groups that they join for thier own self interests.
This statement is exactly as true as the one you actually posted.
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There is no logic it in it, only self-centered justification and rationalization from folks who would probably be happier in a single-player game, quite frankly. Sometimes I wonder if irritating other players is the only reason some of these folks play MMORPGs.


The logic is I helped down the boss and I can do whatever I want with the loot. You not agreeing with someone else's desicion to do FPs to get good moddable items for their companions really makes no difference.

Edited by Aisar
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As I said, "people come first." When your companion helps you down that Elite mob in Solo PVE, you can share with them whatever you want. However, since you need actual human players to help you do heroics and flashpoints, their needs come before your bots'. But if your bot is more important, then just group with it and good luck in your endeavors.


Since a companion is part of a player's character this logic is flawed. Im gearing myself out esentially, so stop with this companion nonsense.

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I establish the rules before every group I run. If someone doesn't agree to the rules (silence is noted as non-agreement) or goes directly against them at any point they are booted from the group and another member is found.


If you don't establish rules then you have no right to complain. You must know by now that most people (in gaming as well as in life) are not considerate of others unless they are asked to be so.



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Yet another thread about this?


OK, if you insist.


Roll however you want on whatever you want. You fought for it and have as much right to it as anyone else. What you do with it once once you get it is your business and no one else has anything to say about it.


yes lets all roll need and put it on the auction house, or just vendor it to npc if its BoA ! lets make asocial rules & drop fair play.


I hope I never encounter you in my group, cause *insert comment wich would give me a warning*

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It's a ****** move. Your companion is an important part of TOR, but it's not so important that you need premium gear for him to be effective.


TOR's system of generating loot is determined by what class-role the people in the instance are. Which means the only time an Imperial Agent-Sniper gear piece is going to drop is if you have one in your group. One should have the common courtesy to let the person in your group who that gear dropped for have first choice and if it turns out he has a better piece and doesn't need it then it's fine. Another example where it's fine was when I was duoing Hammer with one of my lowbie guildmates, he couldn't find enough people his level to run in, so I took my lvl 35 Juggernaut and Malavai Quinn we had a loot drop that included a shiv that only dropped because I had Quinn in the instance as a healer for him (he was like lvl 17 and so obviously hadn't been to Balmorra yet).

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Since a companion is part of a player's character this logic is flawed. Im gearing myself out esentially, so stop with this companion nonsense.


Not flawed. The needs of the people helping you through the heroic/flashpoint should come FIRST. I'm not saying the needs of the player's companion should never, EVER, be considered, just that they should come after your fellow human being. There is nothing unreasonable about asking in group: "hey, my comp could really use that. Mind if I NEED on it?" If you want to be civil, of course.

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There is no logic it in it, only self-centered justification and rationalization from folks who would probably be happier in a single-player game, quite frankly. Sometimes I wonder if irritating other players is the only reason some of these folks play MMORPGs.


Because refusing to allow people to complete their character in full isn't selfish. At least I'm arguing based on the clear design direction of this game. You're arguing based upon some prior mmo you played that has absolutely zero relevance to the companion system design in SWTOR.

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Not flawed. The needs of the people helping you through the heroic/flashpoint should come FIRST. I'm not saying the needs of the player's companion should never, EVER, be considered, just that they should come after your fellow human being. There is nothing unreasonable about asking in group: "hey, my comp could really use that. Mind if I NEED on it?" If you want to be civil, of course.


No you are saying someone else's needs come before mine. We are all equals.

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Someone brought this up before, maybe even within this thread but I support the idea of a "companion" roll button. So it would be:


Need > Companion > Greed


Simple solution.




Of course, until that happens, communication is best. If I see everyone greeds something, I'll ask if I can need for my companion. It's only polite.

Edited by Badbonez
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