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Rolling need for your companion


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Why does anyone think that just because they are in a group and something drops they can use that it will automatically go to them? Who told you that? I have just as much right to that light armor chest piece, dps lightsaber or blaster pistol as you do. It's none of your business why I needed it, I needed it therefore I need it. End of story.


Easy explenation. They think they deserve it more or that they are entitled to it. They are somehow more important than everyone else. This is a VERY common attitude among gamers and MMO players.

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You think guilds are hot sh*t sub max level. you in fact DO NOT know how to play this game.


You think you do, but ignorance is not an excuse.


PvP premades. Open world PvP premades. Easy groups for heroics/flashpoints. Easy access to crafting mats/crafters.


Yep. I'm clearly doin it wrong.


Edit: I don't understand what it is about this game that drew bads to it like flies. It is the star wars setting?

Edited by Bekkal
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So people should have to go out of their way to stop someone from being rude
having different notion of what "need" means is not being rude.


...instead of the guy who wants to need on stuff to ASK FIRST?
The game asks "need", "greed", "pass" ... it asks and the player answers.


Unless someone has stated that these have specific meanings in the context of that particular group, it's unreasonable to expect people to ask for loot.


Would you really listen if someone said that at the start of the group though? OR, first upgrade for your companion you see you say "screw this" and need it anyways?
There you go, projecting.


If someone said that, and if I stayed in group and later needed on something for my companion... THEN you'd be justified in being angry. But if you leave out the first step, you've got no room to complain

Edited by ferroz
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Threads like this will just make it so out of fear of being ninja'ed, everyone will just need on everything that drops period. Guess we all win or lose depending on how you want to look at it...

No, actually it won't, since most people are not so immature and or stupid like these blowhards who aren't willing to post the names of their characters or the servers they're on. They won't put their money where their mouth is because they know they'll end up on the blacklists of most of the players on their servers if they persist in their behavior.


In reality, most people don't roll Need on items for their companions. I haven't seen it yet, and I've been on the game since beta weekends started. The people in this thread who support the idea are a tiny minority of selfish players, period.

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If someone said that, and if I stayed in group and later needed on something for my companion... THEN you'd be justified in being angry. But if you leave out the first step, you've got no room to complain


So basicly your saying that every group who doesn't want ninjas should macro, "No needing on companions" at the start of group and at every boss drop....and even then people will ninja but my "anger will be justified"...

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PvP premades. Open world PvP premades. Easy groups for heroics/flashpoints. Easy access to crafting mats/crafters.


Yep. I'm clearly doin it wrong.


Edit: I don't understand what it is about this game that drew bads to it like flies. It is the star wars setting?


Open world PvP does not exist


Try being a tank sometime, instant heroic/flashpoints


GTH is chalk full of cheap crafted stuff + most is sub par to what you can get from pvp or quest commendations.


You can do pre-made warzone I give you that.... have a lot of fun running the same 3 over and over are you :)


AGAIN please give me your guild and server name I want to ask others how they are fareing.

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So basicly your saying that every group who doesn't want ninjas should macro, "No needing on companions" at the start of group and at every boss drop....and even then people will ninja but my "anger will be justified"...



Edited by Aisar
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Should be noted, according to BioWare, you are not expected to keep ALL your companions geared at all times. (They dropped this little tidbit on us in the Jedi Knight forum in regards to a certain story quest).


I could, in a way, see limiting it to one single companion for arguments sake. When you level, you tend to use a single companion the majority of the time.


I, personally, feel that the community grows stronger by not needing for companions, since that effectively means player gear levels increase for further flashpoints and group encounters.


IF someone gears their companion, they alone get the benefit (unless we're talking about two-man heroics, etc).


If someone helps gear another player, anyone that person groups with in 4-man heroics and flashpoints gets the benefit of a better geared person to play with.

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So basicly your saying that every group who doesn't want ninjas should macro, "No needing on companions" at the start of group and at every boss drop....and even then people will ninja but my "anger will be justified"...


Also you miss used the word ninja.

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AGAIN please give me your guild and server name I want to ask others how they are fareing.


I get all the cyber-action I need from my guildmates, sorry. Don't need you trying to RP it all up in my chat window.


Are you sad that you can't manually farm in this game? I know how much you guys love that.


Edit: And for funsies I'll bite on one of those: I have a tank and main a healer. Instant flashpoint groups. The problem is finding people who aren't terrible to run them with if you aren't guilded. Hence, the guild.

Edited by Bekkal
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So basicly your saying that every group who doesn't want ninjas should macro, "No needing on companions" at the start of group and at every boss drop.
just at the beginning, or whenever you invite new people (if you get a replacement) would be sufficient.


and even then people will ninja but my "anger will be justified"...
At that point, it would actually be ninjalooting; before that it isn't, you're just being irrationally angry at being denied a piece of loot.


Though it's kind of sad how watered down that term has become; taking a loot in a group with an innapropriate need roll is hardly in the same league as real ninjalooting (say standing invis on a raid bosses corpse and looting everything off of it without being in a group so noone can see you loot)

Edited by ferroz
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So basicly your saying that every group who doesn't want ninjas should macro, "No needing on companions" at the start of group and at every boss drop....and even then people will ninja but my "anger will be justified"...


His entire post meant nothing the moment he used ninja to describe need rolling for companion gear so..yeah. it's not fair to try and blow up your post by missuing that word.

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His entire post meant nothing the moment he used ninja to describe need rolling for companion gear so..yeah. it's not fair to try and blow up your post by missuing that word.



If you are taking loot from someone who can use, for yourself who can't, (companion doesn't count unless it helped on the kill), then the loot WAS ninja'ed....

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I was tanking Athiss last night on my powertech and the last boss dropped an amazing pistol that was head and shoulders above the one I had. Being grouped with two operatives and an assassin I was giddy to get such a nice upgrade.... Wait no, one of the operatives rolled need as well saying it was for his tank companion and then won the roll.... Everyone in the group called him a dirt bag or some other name and he soon quit the group.


Bioware should really implement a loot rolling system that reflects how players actually distribute loot and to prevent douche bags from rolling need on an item they can't even equip in order to give it to their companion, sell it, or other ridiculous endeavor.


Sorry to say it but Blizzard took many expansions to finally apply this restriction and the world has been a better place ever since.


First, I absolutely never roll on things I don't need. OTOH, if you were there at the fight, you took equal 'risk' of a wipe, gear-repair, etc. and you have, by the dint of your efforts, the right to roll for the gear. Even if it's just greed. Even if you roll 'need' when it's just 'greed.'


You were there. You earned a piece of that pie. You have an equal right.


Like I said, I choose not roll on things I don't need. But that's my choice in the social convention that I consider 'good manners.' But those are my good manners and I'm not going to impose them on others.


However, there is another side to it. And this side says, really, it's not wrong to roll on things because, by being in the fight, you EARNED YOUR CHANCE to get what dropped and only because there was some RANDOM SERVER ROLL giving you junk you're now getting shafted by the dev. Why shouldn't someone take it and sell it for the credits to repair? I see no adult reason to get bent about it... Sure, I see the 6-year-old-law-of-the-sandbox-inflexible-morality reason. But not an adult "Hey, we all worked hard, we all get an equal shot" and what happens, happens and what choices people make regarding loot rolls are the ones they make.


If you have a problem, as far as I've ever been concerned, it should be with the developers. They should put individually-bound tokens in these chests. Let you trade them in for the goods you want. Some MMOs do it that way. Everyone gets a token. You get enough of them and you trade them in for your sword, armor, blaster, whatever...


I will say, on the third hand, if you'd established the agreed-upon rules at the beginning and he/she violated them... You have every right to be upset. He/she breached his/her word and is an untrustworthy jerk.


But without rules clearly established from the beginning -- equal rolling rights for all. Even if it's just vendor trash in one person's hands and a life-saver in anothers.

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Well I don't want to group with them in the first place if they are only in it for selfish reasons. Perhaps they should run Flashpoints with their own guild?


Perhaps you should only ever do FPs with friends. Problem solved. I am not going to change what I do because you don't like it. Better get used to this kind of play or like I said, only ever play with friends.

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I never roll for a companion. Players come first even those in your PUG ; The only real way for Bioware to actually combat this problem is to make it easier to get companion gear.


Perhaps have a companion vendor which sells Legendary(modable) gear for companions just like there are alternative looks vendors. Have this gear linked to their Affection rating (better looking gear requires more affection). All you have to do is get the companion to say 2500/3000 affection and you can get customizable gear for em.




No reason you should be rolling on gear in raids/flashpoints etc from this point on unless the piece of gear isn't wanted by anyone. (everyone rolls Greed)

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If you are taking loot from someone who can use, for yourself who can't, (companion doesn't count unless it helped on the kill), then the loot WAS ninja'ed....


No it was not. Your opinion of ninja'ing loot is not correct. PLEASE know what you are talking about beforehand.

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Though it's kind of sad how watered down that term has become; taking a loot in a group with an innapropriate need roll is hardly in the same league as real ninjalooting (say standing invis on a raid bosses corpse and looting everything off of it without being in a group so noone can see you loot)


How could this even happen anymore?? The loot that drops is associated with the person or group of persons who killed it.. Not to mention that other than for world bosses everything is instanced to the group.

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