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Rolling need for your companion


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Something is fair when all have an equal chance. So, by definition, several people rolling "need" is fair. Rolling "greed" is a choice - which also makes it fair.


I've rolled "need", "greed", and simply passed before. None of this mechanic seems inherently unfair.



It's not unfair if everyone knows upfront. Then people can plan for it and decide if they want to put forth effort to possibly be gearing someone's companion. Easiest solution would be remove greed all together and just put NEED (to use/sell) or PASS. Then everyone has the same chance instead of someone waiting to see 2-3 greed rolls then hitting NEED because their chances of winning are now higher.

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Your companion has a huge effect on PREVENTING you from "falling". Your arguments are so poor all across the board.


This has NOTHING to do with rolling NEED for a companion in a four man flashpoint.. Until a companion actually contributes to this scenario it is basically a ninja stance to roll need for a companion. Your companion cannot interact with anything in the game unless it is told to, and then only in either a defensive, dps or healing interaction. A companion cannot continue to fight if you are downed. A companion cannot summon a speeder bike and ride away to other parts of the map. A companion is nothing more than another NPC.


Cover it up in whatever roses you want that will help you sleep better at night. But in the end you are nothing more than a low life ninja to roll need for a companion.

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Why do I have to keep repeating this. A dungeon is to gear up your character. A companion is a part of your character. It doesn't matter whether the companion was used in that instance or not, it is stilll a part of your overall character.


Why do *I* have to keep repeating THIS.


A dungeon is to gear up your character, AND ALLOW YOUR GROUPMATES TO GEAR THEIRS. If you want to be a selfish douche and need roll on everything your companion can use, then go play solo, WITH YOUR COMPANION, and gear him up.

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Why do I have to keep repeating this. A dungeon is to gear up your character. A companion is a part of your character. It doesn't matter whether the companion was used in that instance or not, it is stilll a part of your overall character.



If companions even took a percentage of the stats...I'd agree. But they don't...So they aren't PART OF YOU...If you gear your companion to the teeth, then join a flashpoint...does your companions stats help at all???

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I can't continue to fight if I fall in a fight... does that man that I'm nothing more than another npc?


My companion = me. I = my companion. My character has a bunch of gear slots; some of them are represented in the game world by an avatar that I move around directly; some are represented in the game world by an avatar that I do not move around directly. Both of them are my character.


And that second extension of yourself isn't contributing one iota to a four man flashpoint or heroic. As such rolling need for it is being nothing more than a ninja or thief.

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No, we're not talkign about object for cleaning unmentionables.


If you have specific rules on who is or isn't entitled to loot, you are required to bring them up in advance, or you have no leg to stand on when someone doesn't abide by it.


Really, why doesn't this go the other way? Why aren't you "required to bring up in advance" that you'll be rolling need for your companions? Are you afraid that the other players will decide that's a good idea and roll need on everything, too?

Edited by HanzoV
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My character did, so I am entitled to roll on loot for my character, even if not all the avatars of my character are in the instance when the loot dropped.



How many mmo's have you played before this one where people let the "Well I'm needing this for my alt", arguement fly? (I don't mean asking group first then NEEDing, I mean straight up NEEDing then explaining after you won...)

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Ignoring the fact does not make it less true. If you want to keep that head of yours in the sand you go for it. Claiming that a companion is "not part of your character" when it does like 35-40% of my overall damage is just astounding. Like I said, you are ignoring the facts.


It didn't contribute at all to the flashpoint. So it did exactly 0% damage, and thus gets no priority over a player who did 100% of the damage, tanking and healing in that flashpoint. As far as the flashpoint and the loot that comes from it is concerned the companion doesn't exist. If nobody needs the item and you ask in chat to roll for it for your companion and everyone agrees it's okay then fill your boots.


There was a time in Vanilla WoW where people wouldn't even roll need for their own main spec when it was an obvious upgrade for fear of being blacklisted by the community. Everyone asked before rolling need. Try that next time you roll need for your companion.

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If companions even took a percentage of the stats...I'd agree. But they don't...So they aren't PART OF YOU...If you gear your companion to the teeth, then join a flashpoint...does your companions stats help at all???


85% of the game is outside of dungeons. To say that your companion isn't part of you is just 100% ignorant.

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how many mmo's have you played before this one where people let the "well i'm needing this for my alt", arguement fly? (i don't mean asking group first then needing, i mean straight up needing then explaining after you won...)


companions are not alts. Get this through your thick skull.

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My character did, so I am entitled to roll on loot for my character, even if not all the avatars of my character are in the instance when the loot dropped.


Whatever allows you to sleep at night dude.. But i'll give you this, your one of the more successful trolls i've seen on these boards.

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Hrm...well..if the companion is out and being used by the group then this is (barely) acceptable. If not, total d-bag move, period.


I've always thought that if someone rolls need, then it better be equipped right away. That's how I play at least.


EDIT: How would you know if your comp needed it, assuming the comp wasnt being used at the time? Comp character sheets aren't available unless a companion is present. Yep, it's a d-bag move, totally.

Edited by PatriciaHarlow
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Yup, it's perfectly acceptable for me. I see companions as the characters healing or tanking ability, not as a separate player.
Unfortunately a lot of the "Pro Gamers" are so entrenched in whatever game they were playing before SWTOR came along that they fail to grasp this simple concept.


They forget that it may help you play the wider game, whilst for them it's just an addition to their PvP arsenal. Flame me all you like, it's you that fails to understand the mechanics of this game, not me.


I will take what I NEED to enhance my gameplaying experience. If someone expresses an interest in a drop BEFORE we start then that's fine, but don't expect me to not take something I can use on my companion if you have not had the courtesy to tell me before we start that you are on the lookout for something.

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Hrm...well..if the companion is out and being used by the group then this is (barely) acceptable. If not, total d-bag move, period.


I've always thought that if someone rolls need, then it better be equipped right away. That's how I play at least.

Nope, the D-bag move is not to discuss it before you start.
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For the logic and socially impaired:


You can't do the FP solo (when you are at the appropriate level), so you must depend on other players. If you think that loot which drops in that FP should go to your companion before your group members, when you had no chance of getting said loot without that group, then you have no business being in the group and are basically using them.


You can deny all you want, and come up with any number of middle-school lunch-table level rationalizations - the fact remains that you are selfish. You can tap-dance around it all you like, but the cold, hard facts remain - you have an anti-social, immature mindset, and it's not anyone or everyone else's job to enable you and coddle you as your parents apparently have.

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lol unguilded.



lol guilded before 50. SO whats your guild do? or right just guild chat and NOTHING else. Sure some guild have cliques that will do some instances together and ignore the other 20 members. Seen this time and again.


I ONLY guild at Max level for raiding, to me a guild has no other purpose. I dont want to know you or how your day was or that your baby is taking its first steps. To me that is all pointless. All I want to know is can you raid heal and are you competant dps who does not stand in the fire, which is all irrelevent unless your max level.

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I will take what I NEED to enhance my gameplaying experience. If someone expresses an interest in a drop BEFORE we start then that's fine, but don't expect me to not take something I can use on my companion if you have not had the courtesy to tell me before we start that you are on the lookout for something.


Why else would someone run a flashpoint? They are looking for gear.



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companions are not alts. Get this through your thick skull.


But they aren't you.


They aren't a member of that Flashpoint that is actually contributing to the defeat of that boss, and therefore being entitled to the loot.



It's an unwritten rule, but it's understood by most everyone who plays MMO's. If a member of the group needs a piece of gear for themselves, the player in the group, then they get priority over alts/companions/pets/etc...



It's as simple as that. If something dropped, and you see that everyone else rolls greed on it, it's common courtesy to ask if you can roll need for your companion/alt/whatever and more than likely it wouldn't be a problem, because no one else really needed it.



Without that, you're just being a douche.

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