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Rolling need for your companion


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What point are you trying to combine with that?


That your companion wouldn't even see that gear if it wasn't for help of 3 others. The only way your companion should get the gear over the 3 who helped is if no one needed, or if rules were established at the start of group. Other than that, it's just a shady practice...

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I roll need on gear for my companion so she can tank elites/champions/strongs and I can heal her. So I can do solo content without getting ripped apart. If you don't like that I could not possibly care less.


You aren't gonna last long in this game everyone is going to hate you.

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I'm totally fine with someone rolling Need on an item for their companion so long as no one else in the group needs it. And I applaud those who will actually state their intention to do so.


However, as regards to someone who feels that their companions have as much right to the loot as a player who needs the upgrade, whether or not their companion participated in the fight, there's a very good reason why they will never reveal their identities or their intention to do so prior to rolling. On the forums, no matter how passionately they espouse their view (which inevitably boils down to "I need what I need and you can't stop me"), they know that kind of attitude would get them kicked from the group, or worse, their names blacklisted.


If they feel so strongly that they are in the right, then they would let their group know what they intend to do before proceeding with the encounter. Their failure to do so is what makes them ninjas.


I agree with paragraphs 1 & 3, I wasn't quite sure what paragraph 2 was trying to say.


dammit, I said I was leaving this debatge.




Actually, I reread it and now I do. This is pretty much my stance;


  • If I went into an instance without having the discussion, then it becomes hard to judge,
  • If I go in, having asked the question and not been replied to, then I say, have at it.
  • If I go in, having asked the question and the answer is "Well, actually I need such and such for my character" then that should take precedence.


What I will not accept is silly people, who aren't willing to discuss looting pre-entry, because they are soooo rushed, or whatever, then have a hissy fit and start running their mouths off.


Bottom line: If you don't talk with me before we start, I sure as hell ain't gonna start discussing it in the middle of the FP; you had your chance, you blew it, now it's down to the luck of the roll.


That's my ettiquette and I feel that it is more than reasonable.


My previous comments regarding looting for companions still stand, just wanted to clarify my thinking behind them.

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That your companion wouldn't even see that gear if it wasn't for help of 3 others. The only way your companion should get the gear over the 3 who helped is if no one needed, or if rules were established at the start of group. Other than that, it's just a shady practice...


i was in the group. i will make whatever decisions i want regarding loot. thank you and have a good night.

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I get that it's frustrating to lose a roll on something you really want. It's the nature of an MMO.


This game can't have the same ideologies applied to it for looting that other MMOs currently do. The existence of companions, fully-gearable pets whose presence is assumed in the difficulty curve design for the 1-50 content, shifts things considerably. They're part of your character, a part without which you'd have a lot more difficulty.


If all you're going to do is group content from 1-50, then it isn't an issue.


It isn't an issue at 50th level when the paradigm of the game shifts, though you still require use of your companions during the daily solo quests.


You, the player, were in the Flashpoint or Operation, and you the player assisted in downing the boss. You have a right to stake a claim to any loot a boss drops as a result. You don't require other players' permission or approval to roll as you feel appropriate on a given piece of loot.


Courtesy likely demands that you ask first, but it's just that: it's a courtesy, not an imperative. There's no social contract in effect unless you personally agree to it.


Of course the naysayers, who mostly just want to improve their own personal chances of a given piece of loot going to them as much as possible, are going to pull out scenarios saying this approach will encourage people to roll Need on everything just to vendor it for a few credits, or other such arguments. They aren't incorrect. The presence of companions in this game mandates a much more sensible approach of Roll/Pass for non-class-specific gear; Need Before Greed just doesn't work in this paradigm.


Run the instance again. The item will drop again. You have the same chance as everyone else who rolls. Nothing can be more fair.


The fact is that player will benefit from it more than you will by giving it to your companion. That is all that needs to be said and any decent human being will not roll on the item when it's a much larger upgrade for someone else. It's selfish to roll on it, period. It's not a question of fairness, it's a question of being considerate to other people.

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The fact is that player will benefit from it more than you will by giving it to your companion. That is all that needs to be said and any decent human being will not roll on the item when it's a much larger upgrade for someone else. It's selfish to roll on it, period. It's not a question of fairness, it's a question of being considerate to other people.


The compassion/decency stance was tried several pages back, to no avail, sadly.

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I'm amused that this is even an issue. This isn't WoW where several classes share gear with other classes/specs. You shouldn't be able to need on something unless it is for your class. They could then add a companion option that had priority over greed (but not need) but that wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't.


It honestly seems that the devs were too busy trying to copy WoW to figure out whether those deprecated systems were even needed in their game.

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Out of logical arguements so you're going to get defensive now Mr.Ninja? I'm sorry I offended you.


You should be. I do not deserve to be put down by you are anyone else. I have opinions, and they are valid, because I think they are.

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You should be. I do not deserve to be put down by you are anyone else. I have opinions, and they are valid, because I think they are.



Shame not many agree with them huh? That's probably why your getting pretty defensive Mr.Ninja.... Oh well. Go have fun with that companion that you earned all that gear for! Because you earned it!...without help of any players besides you and your companion....

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For those who think your companion is just as important as another player, consider this:


I have a companion that uses the same armor as me (medium armor, str stat primary).


An amazing helmet drops. Better than what I have. Better than what my companion has. I win the helm. Do I:


1. Equip the helmet on myself


2. Equip the helmet on my companion.


And now you can see why your argument about the importance of companions is a farce.

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I wanted to respond, without slicing up your post, but I'm specifically responding to the section in RED.


It does make sense to outfit companions with the best gear, because they do in fact help you level through the game. However, since this is a new paradigm, as you've said, it would be fair of you to tell your group beforehand they you will be rolling need on gear your companion can use. Then, your group can either agree or move along without you.


My only suspicion is of those not being forthcoming about their intentions to NEED for companions.


Yup, there is no universal stance on this issue. It's wide open. And this is a social game afterall, so that is the best approach to take, to communicate the groups rules on how people will loot before setting out. When people break the rules set down by the group, then all accusations are valid. If rules aren't set down, then expect the worst...if not the worst, don't expect others to play exactly the way you do. You being a general term.

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For those who think your companion is just as important as another player, consider this:


I have a companion that uses the same armor as me (medium armor, str stat primary).


An amazing helmet drops. Better than what I have. Better than what my companion has. I win the helm. Do I:


1. Equip the helmet on myself


2. Equip the helmet on my companion.


And now you can see why your argument about the importance of companions is a farce.


You may want to try and call BS on this, but I can tell you now that I have favours my Companion at this point;


My companion has many stats better than mine, including over 1000 more health than me. Sorry to burst your bubble, but I see my companion as an extension of me, but then I play in the game most of the time...

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