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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lower the price per month for EU players..


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They play 4-6 days a month LESS than the US players AND.. If you look at the conversion tables they pay more.I sense bias here


Everything seems to be US US US in this game,im surprised credits aren't called dollars LOL

The pathetic arguments ive heard so far



1 : Get a job

2 : Well it is made by bioware and they are American

3 : There's more people playing in the US than the EU

4 : My dads bigger than your dad.

5 : All the servers are based in the US ( actually they are not )

6 : The staff are all Americans



Do you realise how stupid and pathetic those excuses are? LOL


What you Americans don't understand is,we paid for the game and we pay a monthly fee to play it.Once more,we pay more than you for less of a service.Why should we pay more than you? I for one am starting to come to the understanding that maybe this should have stayed a US game because the only people Bioware are catering for is the US people.The EU people are a steady paycheque though Bio,you might want to consider that.


You sir are a ridiculous person. With that said, I agree that Europeans should have a lower sub fee. They have no money as it is already. :D:D:D

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Canada is its own country its not north american, and mexico is in south america...





oh sorry. Dear sweet lord that made me laugh!


NORTH america is a continent. It doesnt mean people from the north of the USA.



and the only way you could get out of the mexico thing is to claim its a central american country. But, in terms of continents, its in North America.

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Canada is its own country its not north american, and mexico is in south america...


Seriously? Makes me wonder what state this person is from if (s)he is an adult, if (s)he is a kid i can forgive it, but wow i had to read it twice just to make sure i was seeing it correctly.

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The US dollar is to a Swedish crown what a Mexican paso is to the dollar. I think I rather get Indian rubies than US dollars, its barely even a currency, more like Monopoly money. Its about as reliable as American cars.
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They play 4-6 days a month LESS than the US players AND.. If you look at the conversion tables they pay more.I sense bias here


Everything seems to be US US US in this game,im surprised credits aren't called dollars LOL

The pathetic arguments ive heard so far



1 : Get a job

2 : Well it is made by bioware and they are American

3 : There's more people playing in the US than the EU

4 : My dads bigger than your dad.

5 : All the servers are based in the US ( actually they are not )

6 : The staff are all Americans



Do you realise how stupid and pathetic those excuses are? LOL


What you Americans don't understand is,we paid for the game and we pay a monthly fee to play it.Once more,we pay more than you for less of a service.Why should we pay more than you? I for one am starting to come to the understanding that maybe this should have stayed a US game because the only people Bioware are catering for is the US people.The EU people are a steady paycheque though Bio,you might want to consider that.


My bold.


The Americans do not get more playtime than Europe. When the servers are down, they're down for everyone.

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This thread again? There is a thing called PPP or purchasing power parity in economics. 1 USD buys roughly as much as 1 EUR and there you have it.


How do you calculate that? I mean if you pay $13 and I pay 13 EUR then I'm paying roughly $16 for what you pay $13 for. It's not 1:1. It's more for me than for you. Why can't I pay the same $13 which would be about 10 EUR for me.


Yearly this means 3 x 12 = 36 EUR (or roughly $46) a year more than North American players. It's not THAT much, but it still is way more for the same content.


EDIT: I should've read about PPP before posting. Now that I somewhat understand PPP, I understand why I pay "more". Essentially we are paying "the same amount" even though it's different. It's compared to the "buying capability" of one's "country". But it's actually a bit wrong to say "1 USD buys roughly as much as 1 EUR".


To clarify, if it were $13 for everyone then people living in the poorer countries couldn't afford it. In the poorer countries they may get the 1 month subscription for less than $13 if I understood correctly.


Sorry for rambling. This case is closed from my part :)

Edited by Wathagan
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These are your options:


Have same Maintenance and get Content at the same time as everyone else.


Have a different Maintenance and get Content a day later than everyone else.



And on pricing:


Bioware is not going to adjust their monthly pricing based on currency fluctuation. Do you realize how ridiculous it sounds to even suggest it?


Bet you wouldn't complain if it was the other way and you were paying less than the US per month, would you? Nope, only because it's more right now. Give it six months and it'll change again.


You're going to pay a flat price. End of story.

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How do you calculate that? I mean if you pay $13 and I pay 13 EUR then I'm paying roughly $16 for what you pay $13 for. It's not 1:1. It's more for me than for you. Why can't I pay the same $13 which would be about 10 EUR for me.


Yearly this means 3 x 12 = 36 EUR (or roughly $46) a year more than North American players. It's not THAT much, but it still is way more for the same content.


I am english and dont agree with it being higher in the EU but you are wrong it all has to do with PPP read about it.

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They play 4-6 days a month LESS than the US players AND.. If you look at the conversion tables they pay more.I sense bias here


Everything seems to be US US US in this game,im surprised credits aren't called dollars LOL

The pathetic arguments ive heard so far



1 : Get a job

2 : Well it is made by bioware and they are American

3 : There's more people playing in the US than the EU

4 : My dads bigger than your dad.

5 : All the servers are based in the US ( actually they are not )

6 : The staff are all Americans



Do you realise how stupid and pathetic those excuses are? LOL


What you Americans don't understand is,we paid for the game and we pay a monthly fee to play it.Once more,we pay more than you for less of a service.Why should we pay more than you? I for one am starting to come to the understanding that maybe this should have stayed a US game because the only people Bioware are catering for is the US people.The EU people are a steady paycheque though Bio,you might want to consider that.


Your argument is awful.


In that argument, everything in Europe should be lower price for Americans.

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$13 plus standard european VAT (20-25%) would equate to €13 though. A lot of US states have no VAT on online subscriptions at all, and it's rarely advertised in their pricing either as it has to be in Europe.


Just thought I'd point it out.


As for the rest of the numbers mentioned here, 5 weeks of vacation here in Sweden as well, and an average work week of 40 hours.


I also agree on the topic of the servers being down the same amount of time, but the timing is hardly able to be called equal. When the servers go down for maintenance it's usually at 2 AM CST, which equates to midnigt to 3 AM depending on where in the US you are.


It equates to between 8 to 10 AM in Europe. Today's downtime in my timezone would have been from 9 AM to 3 PM. Sure, I'm at work at that time anyway and I'm also playing on a US server, but I can kind of understand how a daytime maintenance schedule would irk quite a lot of Europeans around. Not everyone works days and for someone working nights tuesdays are unplayable as it stands right now.

Edited by torwes
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I am english and dont agree with it being higher in the EU but you are wrong it all has to do with PPP read about it.


Yeah. I just edited my post which you answered to. From my part the thing is all good. I didn't understand it was because PPP - now I'm corrected and all is good :)

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