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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your companion is back...STOP EVERYTHING!


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The feeling when you're looking for something specific from trade market, have just filled the required fields and chosen the right levels, then find the perfect item for cheap price, and when you're just about the hit the "buy" button your companion returns and closes the market window... next thing you know is someone already bought that item.

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Oh yeah, this is extremely annoying, not just with the GTN, but I don't want to have a window pop up in a flashpoint or op when I'm healing! The damn window covers the raid frames.


It's funny that those windows vanish automatically when you enter combat, but they still pop up during combat.

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I don't even understand why this overrides pending to begin with.


If it can wait to tell you because you're in combat it should wait to tell you if you have the AH window up, or vendor, or WHEN YOU'RE WRITING A CSR TICKET OR BUG REPORT!


Seriously that last one is the most frustrating to me as it doesn't even save what I was writing. I Can put in a detailed account of a bug or in game issue and BAM!, gone, because C2 can't weave a purse out of a bantha ear.

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And while they are fixing this....they also need to adjust the spoken dialog to match the mission result... I still laugh when I see the mission failed and no rewards...and hear the companion tell you how they achieved perfect results..... I wished I could put that shock collar back on Vette now....
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/Agreed and signed


I find this really annoying, if you're comparing gear, looking on the GTM or just generally doing something else. The text that comes up in the middle of the screen in big text when a crew member has finished crafting something is rather annoying too but not as much as every window closing when a crew member has returned after a mission. BW please do do something about this *puppy dog pout*

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Can we please, not have a pop up window when a companion returns, which closes all the windows you have on screen, while browsing the AH, or shopping with a vendor, or reading through your skill sheet!!!!


If a companion returns from a mission, just let us know, like when you're in a conversation and THEN, pop up when your finished!!!!


It's more than a little annoying!



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I was nearly finished a pretty epic bug report when my annoying robot (yeah, that's a story for another thread hehe) had to close my ticket window just to announce his mission was a failure...


A failure indeed :(


Have these missions go straight to the Pending box, the code is already there because this is what happens when you're in combat. Thanks BW

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(In the middle of intense PVP combat).... "Even the most advanced droids cannot make a shimmer silk purse from a bantha's ear master" (insert annoying popup window here)


supposedly those windows weren't supposed to come up anymore while in combat but none the less it is incredibly annoying to have your windows disappear in the middle of searching for something on the market or whatever.


not a game breaker issue by far but it is quite annoying.


I agree, just put it into "Pending" until we can open it at our own convenience.




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