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Your companion is back...STOP EVERYTHING!


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Can we please, not have a pop up window when a companion returns, which closes all the windows you have on screen, while browsing the AH, or shopping with a vendor, or reading through your skill sheet!!!!


If a companion returns from a mission, just let us know, like when you're in a conversation and THEN, pop up when your finished!!!!


It's more than a little annoying!

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Can we please, not have a pop up window when a companion returns, which closes all the windows you have on screen, while browsing the AH, or shopping with a vendor, or reading through your skill sheet!!!!


If a companion returns from a mission, just let us know, like when you're in a conversation and THEN, pop up when your finished!!!!


It's more than a little annoying!




I would definitely agree with this. Hopefully that's being fixed when they do the UI overhaul

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Can we please, not have a pop up window when a companion returns, which closes all the windows you have on screen, while browsing the AH, or shopping with a vendor, or reading through your skill sheet!!!!


If a companion returns from a mission, just let us know, like when you're in a conversation and THEN, pop up when your finished!!!!


It's more than a little annoying!


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Really quite annoying, particularly in combat. About to target someone in pvp and all of a sudden, crew returns, can't target, have to close the window, I miss the shot, lose the kill, get killed and the enemy takes the point, we lose the game...


Well, it's not like this all the time, but this has happened once or twice.

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You know those small things that happens over and over again? That eventually becomes a huge issue becaus it never gets sorted?


Well this is only one of em.


That window pops up regardless of what your doing, it throws you out of preference menu and even out of create a ticket window. Funny thing is that if I want to close a create a ticket window without even adding anything the game asks me if I really want to close it. But the companion window bypass that protection and closes everything down.


It should come back and land in the "Pending" queue.

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Know what's ever worse? When you're just finishing up a long support ticket describing your problem, where you are, your character, etc. Then *POOF* it all disapears so you can be informed that you have two pieces of metal. Edited by lilBastahd
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It annoys you at the GTN.... -_-


How about it annoying the healer during a raid?:cool:


Raids only? God, try anytime you heal. Or even in PvP.

For some reason the compaions wait to deliver until they see you are in the middel of somethng stressy, and then they will come and finish the mission so you get a bunch of pop up windows while you are in the middel of the fight.

Companions are evil.


WTB "popup stopper".

Edited by Mamono
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I agree, considering how painfully slow navigation the GTN is, having someone come "sorry master I failed, dont shut me down" and a big box in the middle of the screen is anoying as hell, so please, put it in the pending thing, and while your att it, please make the GTN better to use!


on a sidetrack, fix the ui, it's such a pain with the sidebars and all, and to top it off, I noticed that in the voidstar BG the map actually covers 3 of my buttons on the right quickbar :\

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i agree... it's hilarious to try to browse the gtn while running 4 crewskills... especially after jumping through all the hoops and filters and pages to get to the item i'm interested and BLAO GONE HERE'S YOUR 2 CRYSTALS.


Or even better:


Oh, sorry sir. Dont durn me off. I failed. Here is your nothing from the missions.

And that is after you have search the GTN or something nice, that you found, and when you look again someone ells have manage to snatch it in front of your nose.


Oh the rage.

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Yes. There needs to be an option to have quest rewards automatically go straight to pending. There's nothing more annoying when browsing the GTN just to have a stream of companions come back closing out all my windows making me lose whatever it was I was looking at.
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Yeah, it gets annoying when pvping as I'm trying to line up a back-only move, get away from a crowd or heal a guy and suddenly a quarter of the screen is gone and I hear the droid yapping about what a failure he was (even though he succeeded).


"Peace of mind is my highest priority" indeed.

Edited by Abanoth
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