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POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


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Ofc it was, but Bioware are in it for the money dude.


Blizzard just said Panda's was inc in WoW, Christmas sales was nice to get, and Bioware know it had to be before Diablo 3 comes, so it was only choice they had.


This is so true.

The game was trushed to early. I really wish they would have waited. I for one would have bought the game anyway even if it was released in a few month instead of before christmes. Would save me a lot of frustration and minor rage and disepointements :s

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lol, this thread is so stupid. I played three weekend beta's and they could have each been final releases to me. I've been playing the retail version since Dec 20th and its been flawless. Looks and runs great, no crashes, no lag, and no game breaking bugs.


I see, thanks for your vote, very good indeed that to you the game runs perfect and none of the problems I listed exist.



Keep the votes coming people!

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POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


Simple question, how many think because of the costs and delay this game was finally pushed out for release before it was ready for consumers to buy and play?



Some reasons as to why I think it was.


It has taken years to develop changing appearance each E3 using an old bad engine.


Ability delay.






No customer support.


bad graphics.


badly optimized and can't run on most computers.


broken main story quests, broken quests, bugs, glitches.


Not working properly account management.


Forums are terrible, no server forums, no search function, can't use site when deploying patch or forums.


Chat bubbles, basic functions for guilds and ability to use chairs etc.


No day/night cycle, exploring or even swimming.


Warzones with no level cap, single server only and no selection for map.


Space combat is starfox 20 years later.


endgame is almost not existing and broken.


only human races.


only 4 real classes.


copied almost everything from WoW and COH.


barely working companions.


Server maintenance badly times hurting EU players.


features in beta removed.


Obvious misstakes in beta not fixed month after release.


messed up a lot of peoples early access and collectors editions stuff including pre order crystals.


athmosphere ingame is almost not existing.


everything is instanced, servers using shards and barely run into people.


framerate issues and a lot more.


no gamemasters.




broken game economy.


exploiters and bots already all over Ilum.


many flash points OP's not working properly.


gear gets bad at 50.


Legacy system is not in place.


no minigames or social things to do.


No rules or enforcing of RP servers, since I bet they don't have the resources to.


no community interraction bar a few posts about coming flashpoint, picture of its boss and clarification regarding banned ilum players.



Last reason, can't think of a reason as to why I would pay for a subscription to this game.




If you disagre feel free to say why, if you agree feel free to offer as to why.



Also, why does it seem that 9 year old Star Wars Galaxies was better than a game released in 2012 and why does it seem that SWTOR is worse than Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 by a longshot in every way including community???


300 million US dollars, Star Wars license, KOTOR, developer named Bioware, worlds biggest publisher behind it, what went wrong?



Anyway, it is enough you answer the first question, my other ones were rethorical anyway...


Yes it was rushed and some parts not tested or thought out.


Some of the class quests are clearly not tested if they were they were not addressed i.e. the Jedi Knight last class quest please see the class forums for information on that one.


Crafting the fact that it is basically pointless from lvl 50 onwards apart from two professions - see crewskills board. This was clearly just rushed in and added without any thought on how crafting fits the gameplay and features that are already implemented.


State of Ilum and extremely poor pvp mechanics that have never been tested or thought out - See patch notes for the patch today addressing this issue.


Endgame Raiding is buggy from getting stuck on boss fights, people randomly falling dead, bosses not appearing, boss mechanics getting messed up, unable to loot chests etc - Plenty of videos out there discussing these problems.


Galactic trade network - The interface is a give away that this was rushed so poor I won't go over it since there is a thread about it some where.



UI - Again a thread about this floating about but another give away this game was rushed to release.


No customer service - reason I say no customer service is because I have experience no customer service at all. Tickets are closed without being answered, tickets are open for days on end and the euro phone line is busy constantly with no call queue implemented (from what I recall the last time I tried to call them).



It is a shame because the above have tarnished the game for me and the reputation of Bioware.

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all the stuff the op was saying is all correct. you need to keep in mind that it is a NEW GAME.


a few things that stick from all the crying is the server forums??? really??? cry about something a little mroe important.


graphics and computer issues.......buy a new comp....2012 game = atleast something fairly new....


no LFG.....hmmmmm....WoW hasn't had theirs very long....


no need to comment on everything you were crying about....go back to WoW...they still like the cry babies over there


My comp runs batman arkham city in 3d,oh and I don't play wow but when I did since launch I never had as many problems as with SWTOR, also crying=attention=maybe EA/BW will get their act together. But too late for this fanboy. Theproblems are so many and so severe they would need acomplete overhaul to make this game worth paying for in my opinion.


Thanks for your vote.

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This thread, and threads like this thread, are utterly stupid.



No mmo in the history of ever had everything done and in for the launch. At a point developers say "well.. the customer has been waiting for half a decade and all of the major components are there and the game is in a playable state.. let's green light it" because there is no reason not to. The players want to play and the game is ready to play. They get their mountain of cash from sales, which they can allocate to more development, and we get to play the game we've been waiting on for years. It's a win/win.


If you bought an MMO at its launch and expected it to be perfect than the error is on you. Everybody, and I mean that.. everybody, knows that MMOs take a good 6 months to mature.


The people that play at launch are the ones that know this and play anyway because they enjoy the game despite its faults.


Quit and come back in a few months if it's that big a deal to you. We'll be here.

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This thread, and threads like this thread, are utterly stupid.



No mmo in the history of ever had everything done and in for the launch. At a point developers say "well.. the customer has been waiting for half a decade and all of the major components are there and the game is in a playable state.. let's green light it" because there is no reason not to. The players want to play and the game is ready to play. They get their mountain of cash from sales, which they can allocate to more development, and we get to play the game we've been waiting on for years. It's a win/win.


If you bought an MMO at its launch and expected it to be perfect than the error is on you. Everybody, and I mean that.. everybody, knows that MMOs take a good 6 months to mature.


The people that play at launch are the ones that know this and play anyway because they enjoy the game despite its faults.


Quit and come back in a few months if it's that big a deal to you. We'll be here.



I don't agree about it being a stupid thread, obviously I am biased however.


I do agree with most of the other stuff you said. But in this case it is not even as good as other launch MMO's I have played, at launch. Certain things, mechanics so essential to MMO's and might as well considered to be "standard" default for all MMO's are missing. I don't think that is acceptable and thus think the game has SEVERE issues, it does not help that their CS is terrible and worst I have experience in an MMO ever.


If they had a working customer support and some basic mechanics everyone expected at launch and did not even think to question if they existed then I would not be so bothered with things like bugs and endgame content.

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This thread, and threads like this thread, are utterly stupid.



No mmo in the history of ever had everything done and in for the launch. At a point developers say "well.. the customer has been waiting for half a decade and all of the major components are there and the game is in a playable state.. let's green light it" because there is no reason not to. The players want to play and the game is ready to play. They get their mountain of cash from sales, which they can allocate to more development, and we get to play the game we've been waiting on for years. It's a win/win.


If you bought an MMO at its launch and expected it to be perfect than the error is on you. Everybody, and I mean that.. everybody, knows that MMOs take a good 6 months to mature.


The people that play at launch are the ones that know this and play anyway because they enjoy the game despite its faults.


Quit and come back in a few months if it's that big a deal to you. We'll be here.


Fanboys like you allow this to happen with no problems.

And no, this thread is not stupid. It actually shows how many people do think that this game was rushed to fast.


Since you are a fanboy I will ask you this, when is it ok to release a game? Can you answer that for me? Would you be as happy to play the game if the game was released in an alpha state? Is that OK?


Sure there will be bugs and problems. Everyone does agree on that, but there is a limit.

This is the world’s most expensive game. It is the world’s biggest MMO release ever. BioWare are bragging about how innovative the game is. It is a huge trippel-A game.


All this builds up under that this game have to meet certain requirements and expectations .


When even an “indigame” like Rift (compered to SWToR) manage to pull it of better, then SWToR should be able to too.


But fanboys have no requirement. You have no expectations. You have only excuses.


Yes the game was rushed to fast into release. We are now still playing in a Beta. But to extremenists this game could have been released in alpha and everything would be OK.


And no, this game was never made for hardcore Star Wars fan and hardcore oldschool RPG players.

Edited by Mamono
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Server maintenance badly times hurting EU players.


Forums are terrible, no server forums, no search function, can't use site when deploying patch or forums.



So let me get this straight. EU wants an American Game company (Bioware) to inconvenience its own playerbase so that another country gets their downtime when its convenient for them? I really dont see that happening. Just sayin.


Doesn't almost every other game take down their website/forums when deploying a patch as well?


Would this happen to be your first MMO?

Edited by Kaybar
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So let me get this straight. EU wants an American Game company (Bioware) to inconvenience its own playerbase so that another country gets their downtime when its convenient for them? I really dont see that happening. Just sayin.


Doesn't almost every other game take down their website/forums when deploying a patch as well?


Would this happen to be your first MMO?

BioWare are Canadian, by the way.


I kinda figured for several months now that SWTOR would be rushed - my gut reaction upon hearing that Mass Effect 3 was being delayed was that BioWare must be reallocating resources from it to try and get SWTOR out by Christmas.

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No, it wasnt rushed.


No of course it wasn't they wanted the whole game to be broken on release...

People will be voting by not renewing after free play period is up I want bioware to release live player figures now and then live subs a full month after release. That will tell you all you need to know...


I do hope they can fix this as wow needs competition. But having been here before I can be pretty sure it will be a long slow decline to F2P...

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So let me get this straight. EU wants an American Game company (Bioware) to inconvenience its own playerbase so that another country gets their downtime when its convenient for them? I really dont see that happening. Just sayin.


Doesn't almost every other game take down their website/forums when deploying a patch as well?


Would this happen to be your first MMO?


So you wanna be a nationalist? other games have seperate downtimes for maintenance no matter if you are playing on an american server or an EU one. This so called "american" company sold the game to Europe, byt the way helping american business, and we have the audacity to request downtimes that don't hurt our timezone when yours don't? ok, whatever, you try and be european for a day and tell me it is fair since we pay even more than you for both copy of game and the sub because of currency exhange rates.






edit: oh and they are canadian

Edited by TheHirogen
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It ain't no MMO (no open world, community tools zero etc as OP said) and its generic boilerplate scifi v1.0 the whole reason for baseing it so long ago is so they could play fast and loose with SW lore, they even said that themselves. Edited by septusmortis
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So you wanna be a nationalist? other games have seperate downtimes for maintenance no matter if you are playing on an american server or an EU one. This so called "american" company sold the game to Europe, byt the way helping american business, and we have the audacity to request downtimes that don't hurt our timezone when yours don't? ok, whatever, you try and be european for a day and tell me it is fair since we pay even more than you for both copy of game and the sub because of currency exhange rates.






edit: oh and they are canadian


P.S, the Downtime in the European region is during the middle of the day on a weekday at a time when everyone would logically be at work, school, or other such activities. Seriously.

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Where is your poll instead of the ranting and raving. If you wanted a real answer ,instead of a crying post. Post a poll and not a crying thread about why you dont like this game. I and millions of others love it and refuse to let a minority of what appears to be nit picky whining try to influence an excellent game and roll out. No mmo has even come close matching the supperior quality that bioware has put out on this mmo. Do some research next time and put in some researched reasoning behind opnions. Thank you


POLL: How many believe this game was rushed to release before it was ready?


Simple question, how many think because of the costs and delay this game was finally pushed out for release before it was ready for consumers to buy and play?



Some reasons as to why I think it was.


It has taken years to develop changing appearance each E3 using an old bad engine.


Ability delay.






No customer support.


bad graphics.


badly optimized and can't run on most computers.


broken main story quests, broken quests, bugs, glitches.


Not working properly account management.


Forums are terrible, no server forums, no search function, can't use site when deploying patch or forums.


Chat bubbles, basic functions for guilds and ability to use chairs etc.


No day/night cycle, exploring or even swimming.


Warzones with no level cap, single server only and no selection for map.


Space combat is starfox 20 years later.


No character customization and if selected body type 3 or 4 wont be able to access some parts of the game including a few datacrons.


endgame is almost not existing and broken.


only human races.


only 4 real classes.


copied almost everything from WoW and COH.


barely working companions.


Server maintenance badly times hurting EU players.


features in beta removed.


Obvious misstakes in beta not fixed month after release.


messed up a lot of peoples early access and collectors editions stuff including pre order crystals.


athmosphere ingame is almost not existing.


everything is instanced, servers using shards and barely run into people.


framerate issues and a lot more.


no gamemasters.




broken game economy.


exploiters and bots already all over Ilum.


many flash points OP's not working properly.


gear gets bad at 50.


Legacy system is not in place.


no minigames or social things to do.


No rules or enforcing of RP servers, since I bet they don't have the resources to.


no community interraction bar a few posts about coming flashpoint, picture of its boss and clarification regarding banned ilum players.



Last reason, can't think of a reason as to why I would pay for a subscription to this game.




If you disagre feel free to say why, if you agree feel free to offer as to why.



Also, why does it seem that 9 year old Star Wars Galaxies was better than a game released in 2012 and why does it seem that SWTOR is worse than Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2 by a longshot in every way including community???


300 million US dollars, Star Wars license, KOTOR, developer named Bioware, worlds biggest publisher behind it, what went wrong?



Anyway, it is enough you answer the first question, my other ones were rethorical anyway...

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P.S, the Downtime in the European region is during the middle of the day on a weekday at a time when everyone would logically be at work, school, or other such activities. Seriously.


good we agree, let's exchange the times shall we? you get our downtime and we get yours, everyone happy!

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Where is your poll instead of the ranting and raving. If you wanted a real answer ,instead of a crying post. Post a poll and not a crying thread about why you dont like this game. I and millions of others love it and refuse to let a minority of what appears to be nit picky whining try to influence an excellent game and roll out. No mmo has even come close matching the supperior quality that bioware has put out on this mmo. Do some research next time and put in some researched reasoning behind opnions. Thank you


I did cover every problem I can think as to why I vote "yes". Feel free to vote either yes or no, up to you, that is the poll.



My opinions are covered in many threads, but feel free to argue them or list your own as to why yes or no.

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It appears as if they blew most of the budget on the voice overs. It does feel a bit cheap and unfinished but with time that will improve.


There are aspects I'm not happy with but on the whole I'm enjoying playing the game.


People are repeatedly pointing out things to BW both in game and on the forums so it must all be getting noticed. I don't think they'll do everything that is being suggested and they clearly have no budget/interest in doing some of the stuff suggested.

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BioWare are Canadian, by the way.


I kinda figured for several months now that SWTOR would be rushed - my gut reaction upon hearing that Mass Effect 3 was being delayed was that BioWare must be reallocating resources from it to try and get SWTOR out by Christmas.


Then why are they located in California?

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It appears as if they blew most of the budget on the voice overs. It does feel a bit cheap and unfinished but with time that will improve.


There are aspects I'm not happy with but on the whole I'm enjoying playing the game.


People are repeatedly pointing out things to BW both in game and on the forums so it must all be getting noticed. I don't think they'll do everything that is being suggested and they clearly have no budget/interest in doing some of the stuff suggested.


How can they spend majority for 300million US dollars on voice overs? for 300million you get everyone from nicholas cage, will smith and the other 30 top box office actors including guest stars like Jerry Seinfeld and the whole game directed by Steven Spielberg in 3d on IMAX...



Skyrim had 80+ voice actors or whatever, some famous and great, whole game was voiceover, they did not spend nearly that amount.

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BioWare are Canadian, by the way.


I kinda figured for several months now that SWTOR would be rushed - my gut reaction upon hearing that Mass Effect 3 was being delayed was that BioWare must be reallocating resources from it to try and get SWTOR out by Christmas.



GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS: Redwood City, California

EMPLOYEES: 8,000 worldwide as of March 31, 2010

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Well after today, i am convinced its been rushed. I mean i should have known this much when preorders where announced out of thin air and then 2 months later a release date was announced. Before such announcements Bioware gave no indications of a release window be it 2011 or 2012 or 2013 for that matter. Now they can't even push the update for AA, why because they prolly ran into trouble. I don't know how far into a developing cycle they start doing the stuff for polish like AA, but believe that it was one of the last things implemented before launch, what a shame and a clear indication they didn't have time to polish this game, which as far as I am concerned was to early to release it based on that fact alone.
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Then why are they located in California?


They have more than one office? common practise by big companies? EA the owner also has their HQ there? guess what, Microsoft has an office in Sweden, I suppose that makes them... you guessed it, Bill Gates is a viking!

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