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Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.

I agree with you that the game seems to go by too quickly. I think part of that comes from the single-player mindset that this game encourages - both from its predecessors and its emphasis on story - that engenders this idea of "trying to do everything." I certainly fall into this myself pretty often: I see a quest and I think "I should complete this!" When you end up trying to complete all quests and do a little space combat and PvP and just try everything out, the XP gains tend to rocket you along.


However, this game is not single-player. And so they are trying to appeal to a very wide base of players - and faster leveling and the ability to level up easily from any form of content (quest, flashpoint, PvP) seems to be a priority.


I can agree that it might have been nice if the game had started with a 35% XP reduction, but it just won't fly now. People are already too accustomed to the current pace. You'd be "punishing" some who didn't race to the endgame.


A better option would be a "let me reduce all my XP by 35%" option. That would allow those who wanted the option to take it, but not force everyone down that path. Alas, that's potentially a pretty big programmatic change (not to mention the potential for poor balance or required grinding to work out) and there are just too many other, more important things on the table.


I hear your point, though.

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.


Short answer - get stuffed


You want to slow down YOUR leveling experience feel free to strip off and do without armour and stat boosts.

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I've only completed two worlds outside of the starting planet, Courosaunt and Nar Shaddaa. I've skipped all the others and only run my class quests because I keep out leveling the level of each planet. It's too easy to get xp, I feel like I've leveled way too fast. But I pvp a lot and do lists of space missions for fleet commendations and extra creds. I'm starting on Hoth soon and plan to slow down everything else because I love the quests (missions) in this game! So I'm slowing down pvp and other stuff to try and enjoy more of the content. If there were a slow down in xp so I leveled slower... I would not complain. I could pvp, space combat and still do all the world questing I want. Flashpoints? Ha, If I threw a flashpoint a day in there I'd be 50 already.
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That is the whole point. It's for you to re-roll and experience out other classes as much as possible w/o having stuck to grind your level out until next life.


But this game isn't designed to GRIND!!! He's not talking about grinding, he's talking about how much they love the content and participating in it all but they are out leveling and having to miss a lot! New class or not, they want to enjoy all of it before they re roll, they want to savor their toons.

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Challenge != time spent. Seriously. Killing the same mobs over and over is not challenging. It's boring.


That's not the point. The point is that if you want to do all the content because you love that content you'll be way too high lvl for most of it and have no challenge anymore. In a singleplayer game you could adjust the difficulty, here you can't.


I really like doing everything I can on every planet, BUT I also like to be challenged by the stuff I fight. I've worked around it by running what I skipped on my first on my second char, but an OPTION to turn off exp would be very welcome. Or at least an option to turn off rest exp.




Nobody wants exp to be lowered because they want to grind, many people seem to miss that point.

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That's not the point. The point is that if you want to do all the content because you love that content you'll be way too high lvl for most of it and have no challenge anymore. In a singleplayer game you could adjust the difficulty, here you can't.


I really like doing everything I can on every planet, BUT I also like to be challenged by the stuff I fight. I've worked around it by running what I skipped on my first on my second char, but an OPTION to turn off exp would be very welcome. Or at least an option to turn off rest exp.




Nobody wants exp to be lowered because they want to grind, many people seem to miss that point.


Does no one understand this?? How can this not make perfect sense??? Do y'all just want an easy mode without a challenge?


"Everyone gets a trophy! You're all a precious little snow flake, no one is the same as you, but you're always a winner, and we never want your feelings to be hurt and we never want you to have to try too hard to accomplish anything. You deserve to have the best the easiest way possible, because we wouldn't want you to feel as though you've been treated unfairly!"

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Not going to lie, I actually like this idea. The entire game I was grossly overleveled for every area because in addition to doing all the quests I played warzones and Star Fox quite often, which give ridiculous amounts of exp. I was DELIBERATELY avoiding rest zones, and yet I found I would keep getting rest exp anyways!


I didn't think I'd say it, but leveling is too fast in this game.

Edited by EternalFinality
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I agree with you. Prepare to be flamed by people with only their own selfish interests in mind. Most people don't know whats good for them and the game. I would probably only go with 15-20% reduction though.


Fine, it's going fast.

But what about those who have been riding the gravy train and have level 50 toons because of this pace?


They now are in a position of being out of the loop of this change, thus giving them the advantage.


Only way I could see this working for everyone is for the change to effect everyone across the board, basically knocking everyone down a few levels.


That would be a night mare, not to mention all the cash that would be lost from them leveling previously.


Otherwise we are giving those who had the time to dedicate to bullet to level 50 an unfair advantage.

Edited by Fraxture
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35% seems too much. But given how much content there is in this game during the level up experience, they could easily cut the XP gains somewhat and give themselves more time to iron out existing end-game bugs and add new end-game content.


But long term that might not be the best solution. Once a ton of people are 50 it's going to be harder to find groups for the group content while leveling. Right now people are almost grouping at will and that gives them a ton more XP than they would have if they could only group occasionally.


On the other hand, I think BioWare are too scared of making people grind bonus quest objectives. No one's going to hurt from having to kill 30 mobs when most of those mobs are in large AoEable groups.

Edited by Axxar
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Fine, it's going fast.

But what about those who have been riding the gravy train and have level 50 toons because of this pace?


They now are in a position of being out of the loop of this change, thus giving them the advantage.


Only way I could see this working for everyone is for the change to effect everyone across the board, basically knocking everyone down a few levels.


That would be a night mare, not to mention all the cash that would be lost from them leveling previously.


Otherwise we are giving those who had the time to dedicate to bullet to level 50 an unfair advantage.


Giving them an advantage at WHAT? There is no end game. The journey is the fun in this game and I agree with the OP, the leveling is way too fast for the amount of content they worked so hard to put into this game.


I can go back and do all the quests I had to skip, but they are all grey and I never moved out of an area until the quests there were turning grey and I had to move on. (grey quests are no challenge and therefore no fun)


I too, avoided rested XP, but with about 5 games of warzones and some space combat I outleveled every planet.


This will not be done, you are right, it's too late. Another missed opportunity.

Edited by monjiay
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I am still of the opinion (as are numerous others) that the best way to allow people to control their progression if they think they are levelling too fast is to add an optional "turn off xp gain" toggle - i.e. a way to slow your own level progression without affecting those that are happy with the progression as it is.


There is an active discussion thread already underway about this if people want to add further opinions (and hopefully support!):





I agree with this, with the stipulation that the XP be stored. Losing XP forever would be very sad.


All stored XP is deleted at 50 though so no saving up for the expansion pack...


It would be exactly like a regular withdraw system. You type in the number and that amount of XP is pulled out of your "Account" and granted to you.


It would be FANTASTIC to be able to Turn off XP for space and Flashpoint missions. That way I could do 6 or 7 FP's to gear up, and not have outleveled the zone I was gearing up for. Same with PVP. I can PVP all day, then all of a sudden I'm overleveled for questing.


So yeah, the withdraw system would allow you to level at your own pace. Want 35% less XP? Then take 650XP for every 1000 you make.


I don't see any real drawbacks to this. It would be turned off be default, and turning it on would have a tutorial, and an indicator that your XP is being stored and not granted to you right away.

Edited by SilverScreemer
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Giving them an advantage at WHAT? There is no end game. The journey is the fun in this game and I agree with the OP, the leveling is way too fast for the amount of content they worked so hard to put into this game.


I can go back and do all the quests I had to skip, but they are all grey and I never moved out of an area until the quests there were turning grey and I had to move on. (grey quests are no challenge and therefore no fun)


I too, avoided rested XP, but with about 5 games of warzones and some space combat I outleveled every planet.


This will not be done, you are right, it's too late. Another missed opportunity.


This pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter. I've also noticed that my characters level much too quickly for the amount of content in the game.


Outleveled content is not rewarding from a gameplay perspective. It is wasted space. Sure, the story aspect is still there, which is also an incentive, but I will always go to the next planet with level-appropriate content. Even then, often times my level has nearly surpassed the range of the next planet.


It's an exaggeration, I know, but I feel like I've abandoned more missions than I've completed. What is the point of putting 100 missions on a planet when the player outlevels the content after completing 60 of them?

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i agree with the OP that the game does progress fast. that if you do "all" the quests, bonus things and side missions. you vastly out-level the lower zones.


that being said. the OP is still not lvl 50 ... and i honestly don't have a 50 yet. so it's not that fast.


that being said. the old paradigm of leveling taking months is just gone.


it took me over a year to go from 1-60 in vanilla wow. I played AC for over 3 years and only got as high as 119(out of 126)


this idea of extremely long leveling cap arcs is just gone. games favor much more so... excellerated leveling. granting users quick, reliable step ups in ability, gear and stats. than the old ...slow. grant a few pts here and there dynamic.




So while i say the leveling is fast. i see it as a good thing.


the only problem is. why/what you're playing for, and what being at level cap means to you and your playstyle.



often times casuals flounder at lvl cap. because the time/effort needed to prep or be viable or available for a raid guild that can manage any realistic or current progression is beyong them.


casuals also tend to not be heavy competitive PvPers. so they lose out there too.



Swtor has dailys. in terms of dungeons, space flight, and pvp.


i think they probably need some other type of event aspect of the game for long term sustainability for top end players.

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I play with a friend, and we're outleveling everything. We also do all the planetary missions, it must be said. So basically I agree with you OP. The situation is not the same for all, but something, anything to slow down the XP would be nice. I am now trying to not log out in a rest zone due to this.



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What is the point of putting 100 missions on a planet when the player outlevels the content after completing 60 of them?




Sadly op Bioware knows the target demographic <The give me everything easy and now generation>doesn't have the patience to sit and read an entire book let alone endure even a moderate leveling pace. If you can't get to max level in a week the whining will ensue. At the rate this game levels why there just isn't a /50 button is beyond me.

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Giving them an advantage at WHAT? There is no end game. The journey is the fun in this game and I agree with the OP, the leveling is way too fast for the amount of content they worked so hard to put into this game.


I can go back and do all the quests I had to skip, but they are all grey and I never moved out of an area until the quests there were turning grey and I had to move on. (grey quests are no challenge and therefore no fun)


I too, avoided rested XP, but with about 5 games of warzones and some space combat I outleveled every planet.


This will not be done, you are right, it's too late. Another missed opportunity.


Agreed with both you and the OP. Except I don't think its too late for this to be fixed. Some people are calling for a XP on/off toggle. Personally, I'd prefer to see a Character XP to Legacy XP toggle. For the same reasons as above.


I enjoy progressing at my own pace, with my own friends, but if you actually try to accomplish most of what is offered, the game ends up feeling like an exercise in futility. Right now there's a PVP route, a Quest route, a Flashpoint route. And the pacing is off, because the wasn't designed with the concept in mind that people would actually want to do everything available to them. You're either far too high or far too low. You're 5 levels too high for the mods you can buy from commendations on the planet you're currently questing on.


This isn't a matter of "L2P, go to another planet." This is about gamers making a conscious choice to experience all the content there is without being overleveled or undergeared. Its about tackling an optional legendary boss while 3-4 levels below it so that it's actually a challenging fight.


Because, you know.. That kind of thing appeals to some of us. Rather than spamming spacebar for the 74th time with the same flashpoint group.

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i'm at 24 hours /played and level 22. I think it's about right IMO. Started to spacebar some side quests (but I read the subtitles like in most other bioware games).


I hear it's about 5 days /played on average to hit max level. That seems pretty good for one character IMO. I already started 2 other alts but I'm going to wait until I max my sorcerer.

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Sadly op Bioware knows the target demographic <The give me everything easy and now generation>doesn't have the patience to sit and read an entire book let alone endure even a moderate leveling pace. If you can't get to max level in a week the whining will ensue. At the rate this game levels why there just isn't a /50 button is beyond me.


+1 Too many people ***** and complain because they're selfish little *****.

Edited by JHoltJHolt
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