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Cut EXP gain 35% across the board


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I am having the same problem as OP, gaining XP too fast.

It has come to the point where I had to make the decision not to do quests from the quest boxes (whatever they're called), not do PvP, not do space missions and almost none of the heroics.


This way I gain XP at a rate which will keep me near or at the same level as the mobs while following my class story.


I do like that there is so much to choose from so you can have multiple alts and not have to repeat all the quests. What would be even better was if there were a XP pool which could be divided amongst alts. That way, gaining XP wouldn't seem such a waste.


I'm sure the so called "casuals" are having a good time, just sort of floating mindlessly through the whole game, but it also kind of defies the whole purpose of character levels and the XP based progression system.

Edited by Shagma
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I seriously have no idea where this is coming from. I got to 50 on my second week of playing, but I was playing a lot, easily logged about 5-6 days played when I hit which is on par with WoW 1-85 maybe even a little longer.


As far as outleveling content, on that character I had outleveled the areas to such an extent that I skipped some of the bonus missions on two planets in a row... and then I underleveled every planet I went to so that I did PvP to catch up.


On my bounty hunter I did a few space missions, but I just finished tatooine and only overleveled the quest levels by 1 while clearing all of my quests including quite a few heroics.


If you are overleveling areas between 20-30 don't worry, everyone thinks they are vastly ahead of the game because of the awesome exp boost you get from the new space missions every 10 levels, but you really really aren't that far ahead, 30-40 you'll close the gap quickly, and 40-50 you'll be right on par.


Furthermore, if you're questing WITH someone, all content goes A LOT FASTER than doing it solo. By myself it took me 4-5 hours to get from 41-42, and then only 2 hours to get from 42-43. The only difference was I did the entire level questing WITH someone. You tend to burn through quests a LOT FASTER when you don't have to rest at all and and seriously WALK through chains of mobs.

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Does no one else think it's going too fast?


What you dont understand is the balance behind the exp you get , if you cut the exp by 35% , then you must increase the number of quests per area to cover for those 35% so the players still leave the planet the same lvl.

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Cut the exp and ill leave in a flash. I don't want to have to grind mobs or pvp just to be the level of the planet i'm on.


God i hate you EQ vets.


God i hate you wow noobs.


Instant gratification is all you crowd want, and when do you want it, you want it NOW...

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Sorry OP, but it's a horrible idea. If you don't do all the sidequests and the bonus series on the planets, you don't out-level them.



I'm curious what level has to do with anything though. Unless you are skipping through dialogue, the story can't "go by too fast". It's impossible.


No, it's a great idea. And whereas you still can watch the cut-scenes, the game becomes uninteresting because it's too darn easy.


I don't play much, but I do do the heroics and the flash-points once (no on rails free xp garbage or PvP), and I'm level 22 now mid Balmorra.


I would like the option to just switch off the xp-gain. If I shoot myself in the foot this way, then I'm fine with that -- I'll blame noone than myself and do some grinding. I want to enjoy the story, enjoy the content, and reach level 50 whenever I get there. Currently, I am leveling way too fast for my liking.


The best would be if you could get some creeds by turning off the XP (like WoW when you reach max level), but I don't see that happening.


Anyway. Give us the option and then those that like the pacing can keep it the way it is, whereas those of us kho want to see the content and not at the same time have the game be completely face-rollable (as it is now) can have that too. Best of all possible worlds.

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Cutting XP gains would make the currently optional Heroics, bonuses and bonus series mandatory, or force people to grind mobs, pvp, or space missions to stay at level to their quests. It would alienate a wide swath of the playerbase. Not a good idea, no offense.


I've taken to skipping a good 1/3 of missions I come across, and I'm still about 3 levels above my class quest.

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That wouldn't add anything to the game, it would just stretch the game artificially. No new content, just forced to grind more. If you're bend on doing more, go do more. No one is stopping YOU from doing every quest ever made, even if they're grey, if you're so into it.
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I would hate to see XP cut at this point. I've got a whole horde of alts that I'm levelling and making use of the rest xp. It is tedious enough having to repeat more or less exactly the same content with the exception of the class quests.


I'm quite pleased that I am able to skip some side quests and repeat less on alts after having been through it all already with my main.

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.



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Just reading all these responses in all these threads speaks volumes about the people playing these games these days.


Looks like BW got onto a winner becasue this crowd is exactly the type they aimed for.

Probably aweful gamers, yet can justify it by having a job ( as do i ) so playing anymore then 5 minutes a week is a big NO GO....


When exactly did people stop wanting a challenge in their " hobby", cause thats what this is , a hobby.

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That wouldn't add anything to the game, it would just stretch the game artificially. No new content, just forced to grind more. If you're bend on doing more, go do more. No one is stopping YOU from doing every quest ever made, even if they're grey, if you're so into it.


No, you would not be force to grind more. Currently you are forced to skip quests if you want a challenge in the game. I'm into doing every quest ever made, but I want them to be challenging.


As I said before, this thing should be optional. I'm not going to tell people how to play the game, and those that think the pacing is fine can keep it that way.


Some say this is artificially increasing the length of the game..... every addition increases the game artificially -- this whole game is artificial. The fantastic thing with a well-made MMO is that it caters to everything from casual to hard-core. For the first time when playing an MMO I feel absolutely no rush to reach 50. I'll get there when I get there, and I'll enjoy the ride.

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People are missing the point of what leveling is.


Initial level time for an MMO is given to allow enough time for the devs to add end game content before the masses get to level cap and get bored. However BW launched SWTOR with plenty of end game content. At launch they have given us several hard mode flashpoints 1 full raid with 3 levels of difficulty, a second raid with a single boss (soon to be more) also with 3 levels of difficulty, many world bosses to play with and a fun pvp system that actually takes a decent amount of time to rank and gear up unless you play 12 hours a day doing nothing but grind WZs in a premade. How much freaking end game content do you think an MMO should have at launch? this is plenty of stuff to take up your time and enjoy once you reach level cap so why would you be so afraid to get there?


Leveling during and after the games launch is given for people to immerse themselves in the games environment, to learn how to play your character and how the game mechanics work. You don't need an entire year to get all this especially with how many things there are to do end game. If you think you don't know the world BW has created well enough spend a few days going datacron hunting, or go find some world bosses or even do some space combat to get in the SW mood.


Why do people think MMOs are about leveling, even EQ was more about end game content, it just seems some people are stuck on this idea that the game is over when you hit level cap, its not its actually the beginning, or at least the middle.

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I would hate to see XP cut at this point. I've got a whole horde of alts that I'm levelling and making use of the rest xp. It is tedious enough having to repeat more or less exactly the same content with the exception of the class quests.


I'm quite pleased that I am able to skip some side quests and repeat less on alts after having been through it all already with my main.


So how about an XP pool?

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Would have liked to see exp gain slowed down also. But I turned into a "spacebar guy" at lvl 20 so the speed would have been slower had I sat through all the talking and cutscenes. Had almost 5 days in played time when I hit 50 yesterday which is pretty hardcore. Hunting datacrons took alot of time though, same with getting groups together for flashpoints but still crazy. Will not be able to play as much now though.


An exp cap implemented now I would not like to see. I need people to group with for flashpoints. Not much actions at 50 atm but that was to be expected. Not everyone can play like a madman timewise.

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People are missing the point of what leveling is.


No, I think you're missing the point (of why some of us are in no hurry). I get people wanting to get to end-game content and start raiding. I've been there, done that, and I might get there again. But currently, I am enjoying the leveling, because I like the worlds that BW has created to level in. I'm in no rush to get to 50. I want to enjoy my trip, and at some point get to 50.


Those who want to power level, or just play at a much quicker pace than I do, are of course free to do so, but the point of leveling (for me, in this game) is not to reach 50. That's an inconsequencal side-effect of enjoying the story.

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Why do people think MMOs are about leveling, even EQ was more about end game content, it just seems some people are stuck on this idea that the game is over when you hit level cap, its not its actually the beginning, or at least the middle.


I view end game as more of a limbo. A state we are in while waiting for more content or(preferably to me) more leveling content. I also think that the stuff you do while getting to the end game is the game itself. End game is most often just some form of mini game, whereas, especially in SWTOR, the journey getting there is where the actually progress in our RP'ing is happening.

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No offense here to what im about to type to you but...


You do realise real gamers dont really give 2 hoots about anything you say.


Honestly , you play 1 hour a week. You are the epitome of the player that these mmos are catered to these days, and its like a poison, vile and ghastly. These mmo's that get released are so dumbed down to accomodate people like you, they are fun for 1-2 months , then everything is just so damn easy, it gets boring, and gamers like myself leave.


But you win in the end, you get the game you want...While real gamers are left out in the cold " again " waiting, always waiting for their AAA challenging yet fun mmo to appear....


IMHO, leveling needs to be 2x as long, its WAAY to quick.

Lvl 42, just finished taris ( lvl 36 planet ) my class quest is grey.


Ill say what i always say. New game, why the hell would i want to skip content? Im a pve nut, tank. I flashpoint alot. i space battle alot. I dont pvp.


I have so massivly outleved the content , its not funny.....


Well said. The ultra casuals are why we end up with such easy gameplay then get stuck with 'end game' content that amounts to repeating the same dungeons/instances/raids over and over again on 'hard'. I would much rather have a harder time leveling so the JOURNEY to end game is meaningful. Like the OP said, you can be casual and absolutely blow through this game.


I've never skipped quest dialog, I've done all of the bonus series, all the quests. I even went along with a friend while they did all of their class quests. But the game and leveling is so utterly easy its just nothing but back to back cutscenes and quests with no real challenge.


On the bright side, the guy that plays 1 hour a week will be able to hit endgame within a reasonable time.

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"Casual" is getting thrown around as a negative far too harshly in this post and I feel the need to explain clearly why "casual" is not the reason you're feeling upset and also probably help you realize WHY you're upset even if you don't fully know it.


For everyone who believes this and other MMOs are "dumbed down" to such an extent I don't believe you have really experienced the depth of what many of these MMOs have to offer in terms of what they refer to as their "hard mode" difficulties. WoW has some of the most difficult fights in modern gaming and top end operation guilds in ToR place the difficulty of the current raids on par with WoW, RIFT, and similar AAA mmos.


Games aren't getting easier they are just difficult in a way some of you may not be used to. The difficulty of MMOs now is NOT in the leveling process as it once was back in the days of DaOC or EQ. There was a time when a game could ask people to spend a year leveling 1-50 (DAoC) but back then there was NO competition in the MMO industry and your character in those times was pretty much a life-alternative.


The difficulty of games back in those days was not even really in actual execution of the game or even playing it but how much time you had to devote to it. Yes, you had buttons to push, yes you had neat moves you had to cast and everyone had their own role to play, but if you go back and look at the quoted mechanics for content back then and now the pace is completely different. Seriously, go back and look at the fight mechanics for old MMO PvE "Boss" content and compare that to MMOs now. Hell, even look at the difference is mechanics of "trash" mobs now and "farm content" back then. Most of the changes to MMOs came in the feel of the enemies you fought and how you fought them. Back in those days you required groups to take down similar level enemies and now we take on 5-8 enemies at once as an individual.


Is it harder back then or now? Well, the hard part back then was getting the group together, getting your arrows and making sure everything was set up, getting to your farming zone, and it SEEMED more complex because 5 people needed to do different moves, but really, your job was really small compared to what you have to do now as an individual. Back then you might have only needed to pull and dps, or even just dps and nothing else, but most of the time no matter what your job your moves were mostly performing standing still, or getting to your position and standing still, the fights were not very mobile or variable. Furthermore you had a specific person to CC and a specific person to heal and tank. Now while leveling we have to pull, CC, heal, and tank all on our own, during instanced content in groups we STILL have to CC, interrupt, and remain very mobile.


So the majority of people don't like standing at a spawn point for a rare spawn for hours. So the majority of the playerbase now doesn't find it fun to grand a spawn of purple mobs in a random grass field just to level. Is that really such a bad thing? I wouldn't blame the playerbase because they don't want to do something so mundane for such an extended period of time, that's ridiculous and its amazing games survived that long WHILE doing that, but also back then games were based around immersion and community while games now cost too much to create and operate that attracting JUST the people who want a new life immersion wouldn't cover the cost of maintenance let alone updates.


Not to be totally rude but if you started playing this game after a long stint away from EQ or DAoC and are upset with how easy the game is to level then maybe you don't understand the way MMOs have changed over the years.


When I started playing this game I became once again nostalgic to the old feel of MMOs the same as many of you, but soon I realized that many of the things WoW and RIFT have put into place have been put into place for a VERY GOOD REASON. It is to try to find that balance between ease of access and immerssion and rarely will it meet the standards of a player completely ESPECIALLY when there are so many other MMOs that have built so many different ways for their player base.


There needs to be a balance between immersion and easy of access and I feel ToR did a fairly decent job at this in many ways for how they wanted their game to feel. However, some things (such as dual spec) I'm shocked to find people against at all, but they exist, and as much as I may not like a part of the system they have in place, its put in place for a reason and that's the way THIS GAME is and I will weigh how important this option is to me in a game. If I feel some of the luxuries of other MMOs are more important to me than some of the unique things ToR brings then I will eventually leave ToR and thats not to say ToR is NOT a good game, it just might not be my flavor and I wouldn't INSULT anyone for liking it.


My final point rings back to my original point. MMOs are not what they used to be, they are more games now than they ever have been before and will be more like games in the future than they are now, it is just the nature of the beast. You CANNOT blame casual players for the trend of MMOs, it is truly a great loss in some cases for sense of immersion but in many cases if we did not lose some of the "alternative life" feel then we would not have attracted the playerbase necessary to generate revenue for future games to be built.


MMOs have not gotten easier, they have become more accessible. The difficulty is still there and if you want to really attain it you can apply to some of the guilds that are reaching for those marks. The guilds that ARE reaching those marks are also not the ones on here saying "the game is too easy" or "there's nothing to do in the end game", they are the ones testing the mettle of some of the hardest content games have yet to put in front of players and when I see some of the videos of these fights, its more work than I am willing to put into it, so I wish them luck.

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Worst idea ever. There will be plenty of stuff for you to do, the whole point of an MMO is evolution and new content. Have you done every single quest including the bonus series from every planet?


If you do that you are way over level for the content. The whole point is there is ample content to support a leaner exp curve.


Incidentally you should take a look at some of the posts about the current game at 50. Some are pretty eloquent by people that obviously enjoy and care about the game. BW really don't want lots of people at cap just yet, there are issues that need attention.

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Sorry OP, but it's a horrible idea. If you don't do all the sidequests and the bonus series on the planets, you don't out-level them.



I'm curious what level has to do with anything though. Unless you are skipping through dialogue, the story can't "go by too fast". It's impossible.


Ehh? What are you saying, just do the main class quest line and everything is fine? What's the point of having all those side quests and activities then? As an alternate way to level?

Edited by GumBoil
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I totally agree with the cut, or put an option to not gain xp for a while just like in wow(yeah hate me whatever but i liked that option there). If i do the heroics, all the quests, even flashpoints, and some pvp, and space combat, i outlevel all the areas i should be questing by at least 2-3 levels, which means almost no challenge. The current system basicly forces you to not to do all these things, or maybe the better word is dont let you. Not getting xp will let you do quest with your buddy if he cant play as mush as you, there are no pvp brackets here, so you cant "exploit" it by making twinks, i clearly don't see any reason why not to implement such a feature. Edited by Guinden
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Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down




And tell me again why I want to level at the speed you want to level. You want to go slower? Run all quests on every planet. Since you'll outlevel them, you'll be fighting grays at some point.


Just because you want to go slower, don't try to make it so everyone goes slower...

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My wife and i have been playing MMORPGs since EQ in '99 and this one is a blast. I could go on and on telling you how much fun we are having, but it's just going by too dang fast. We are casual players and in a few weeks play we are already 39. That's just way too fast and you can only reroll so many times.


Cutting EXP gain would slow the game down and add needed time sinks. If the game doesn't have the content that would allow a decrease in EXP and still allow leveling then Bioware could retool some of the flashpoints making them hard but solo-able as well as Heroic 2/4.


It's a great game and I hope we get to play it for a long time.


Only if they make it retro-active and you loose all those levels you received while the XP was good.

Edited by Fraxture
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