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Some of you may recognize me from my previous high end PvP videos, this time I wanted to make a world pvp video that addressed some legitimate criticisms of my work.


- "You zerg your opponents"

I think some viewers don't properly quantify the amount of green and red they see in the videos, they may see I have one or two allies, but I'm facing at least two or three other players.

In this video there are no allies, 1vs1 battles or me being outnumbered.


- "You go after RP Guilds"

The correct response to this is that I go after any guilds. Just because a guild is into role playing doesn't mean taking them on by yourself in a battle is easy, I'd ask you to try if you think differently.

This video shows a diverse opposition of players.


- "You run away when you are going to die"

I think this statement is fairly accurate, I have no problem saying I survived the battle when I got ganked while you can say you stayed and died. There is no running or taking warzone queues in this one. The only

running away is my opponents trying to escape.


I'm sure the forum trolls on here will find another excuse for why the video should be taken for anything else less then skilled gameplay but I feel confident that I have taken some of their fuel away. I hope I

don't sound arrogant, sometimes I don't portray myself the way I want through words. I made the video more entertaining but it is meant to be educational as well for aspiring Gladiator caliber PvPers.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8Kt3fTND0


At first I hated the way Territo made these vids, all of a sudden I am geting the sense of humor from it and I truly am becoming a fan.


I have to admit its funny watching those 40's trying so hard to kill you, and you just sit back, heal, and kill them with no problem.


I give it a +1 for a original way of playing SWTOR, and having fun doing it.


Keep them coming. :)

Edited by Caeliux
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I watched the video, I don't mean to sound rude but it was terrible. It's great that you have such high self confidence but maybe it's better if you don't make any more of them. Maybe if you were to practice more maybe in some WZ or something? Maybe better than showing PVP with no practice :D but good job at trying!


But this video was no good, I hope to see better in the future from you!

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I watched the video, I don't mean to sound rude but it was terrible. It's great that you have such high self confidence but maybe it's better if you don't make any more of them. Maybe if you were to practice more maybe in some WZ or something? Maybe better than showing PVP with no practice :D but good job at trying!


But this video was no good, I hope to see better in the future from you!


It may not be what you mean to sound like but it was rude. I'd appreciate it if you're not going to give an honest opinion of the video and explain why several of the trolls here are mistaken then I'd rather you not even post.

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L O L You ARE kidding right? If I took that long on my Powertec to kill high 30-40's players that don't even have the WZ bolster buff I'd likely re-roll and Quickly! You ARE fully aware they have a severely handicapped chance to hit you, do damage and avoid/mitigate your attacks right? Yikes, how could you think this was top tier pvp?


PS: Obvious toll video

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My favorite two bits


How he gets stuck on scenery in the first seconds of the vid


When he is fighting multiple opponents and his COMPANION nearly kills of one of them while he kills the other.


Yes, sir, you are better than BW's AI at PVP when you fight people 5-9 levels below you. Good job!


Can I stroke your epeen?

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If their hit change was that drastically lowered as you exagerate it to be, I wouldn't of been taking as much damage as I did. I guess making up facts can have some merits though.


You mean making up facts like claiming to be some kind of elite and highly skilled PvPer, or that you're "top ranked." Where are you top ranked? In your own mind? Kid... everyone here is laughing at you. You're bad and claiming to be so incredibly good. If you were mediocre and had a humble attitude about it rather than claiming to be some kind of top player, maybe you would get some respect. But you're not just bad, you're arrogant... so why shouldn't people call you out on it? L2P and/or stop posting videos with a claim that you're some kind of top player. The saddest thing is this isn't even your first attempt. As bad as this is, your first attempt was so much worse. But the fact that this garbage is your answer to people calling you a noob for your first video is absuty priceless because you're simply proving us all right.

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I thought he was trolling at first, but after seeing he has other videos, I think he might actually be serious. It's pretty sad that this guy actually thinks hes good just spamming 1 move the whole time and beating lowbies without the WZ buff.


Yeah, that's what I'm thinkin.

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The cutest part about the post, other than the whole thing, is in the vid, about 7:20, when he's just mashing that powershot button hard. The cooldown isn't up, but the button keeps flashing with every attempted keystroke. It was flashing so hard it almost gave me a seizure. It made me giggle picturing the world pvp champion banging on his keys like that. Having pvpd since pvping was invented, I wasn't too impressed, unless the thread it was a troll attempt, then I give it a +1 in that regard since it distracted me and made me laugh. Show us fair duels and not low level ganks and I'll care a bit more.


Iron Griffon

-World Champion Top Ranked Elite Potato Peeler

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*Opened up video*


*Saw OP backpedaling with ultra-zoomed in camera 10 seconds into video*


*Another troll gets added to ignore*


Please quit trolling, it's a waste of your time because you're trash at it. If you were serious... oh god...

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*Another troll gets added to ignore*


Please quit trolling, it's a waste of your time because you're trash at it. If you were serious... oh god...



The only trolls in this thread are people like you who don't give constructive feedback or agree with the video. I'm a trash troll? What is the definition of a good troll? Yes, I am serious, if you think I'm anything less than what I say I am then what does that say about all the other people in my videos? . . . . exactly

Edited by MrTerrito
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Some of you may recognize me from my previous high end PvP videos, this time I wanted to make a world pvp video that addressed some legitimate criticisms of my work.


- "You zerg your opponents"

I think some viewers don't properly quantify the amount of green and red they see in the videos, they may see I have one or two allies, but I'm facing at least two or three other players.

In this video there are no allies, 1vs1 battles or me being outnumbered.


- "You go after RP Guilds"

The correct response to this is that I go after any guilds. Just because a guild is into role playing doesn't mean taking them on by yourself in a battle is easy, I'd ask you to try if you think differently.

This video shows a diverse opposition of players.


- "You run away when you are going to die"

I think this statement is fairly accurate, I have no problem saying I survived the battle when I got ganked while you can say you stayed and died. There is no running or taking warzone queues in this one. The only

running away is my opponents trying to escape.


I'm sure the forum trolls on here will find another excuse for why the video should be taken for anything else less then skilled gameplay but I feel confident that I have taken some of their fuel away. I hope I

don't sound arrogant, sometimes I don't portray myself the way I want through words. I made the video more entertaining but it is meant to be educational as well for aspiring Gladiator caliber PvPers.


Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e8Kt3fTND0


None of your videos or performances can be described as "high end" in any way, shape or form. you come accross as really arrogant, but i will put this down to you being so young.

This is a game not a sport and the amount of skill required is minimal.

Do yourself a favour and stop pretending to be something you are not and eventually you will become a better person.

Enjoy the game for what it is, if you need to be competative, play a sport or a non video game that actually requires more skill than just hand/eye co-ordination.

Remeber it is just a game and no one player is better then any other.

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