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Does the Marauder get Force Push at any point?


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Well thats stupid. Why the hell not? We can choke but not push/pull? I loved using those abilities in JK2: Jedi Outcast


If you want it that bad roll a Juggy or SI >_>. When you think about it, we really have no reason to Force Push. We're melee, why would we want to increase the gap between our opponent.

Edited by BarcodeX
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Force Pull would be epic...why don't we have this?! :'(


Because Bioware hates us. Evidence of this is how all the epic armor looks belong to Juggernaut and we get skirts :p


Nah I'm just kidding, but yeah why don't we have this? :(

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we do get to use force push...





...in our storyline cutscenes. we just have amnesia or something the rest of the time when it comes to this signature ability...





and melee class or not, having a knockback to use in pvp and pve would be a huge boost for us, even if some only see a knockback ability as a tool that would hinder our damage potential (lol).

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Add a knockback with Force Scream, default to the Marauder.


In regards to one's post about Marauder's dont want a knockback because we are a melee class, thats funny, BH have a ability that ropes you in, but...they are ranged! Juggernaughts are a melee class and have a knockback...melee class. Assassin is melee...knockback.


It is only fair and standard under the rules of Huttball that we should have a knockback.

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I believe that marauders get the lightsaber throw ability instead of the force push. On my Juggernaut I believe I got force push around the same level that my Marauder got the lightsaber throw ability and I don't recall getting that ability on my Juggernaut though that was some time ago and I might be mistake.


In regards to the gear, is it just me or do they seem backwards? Juggernauts were supposed to be the heavy plate armor wearing ones, with armor that covered their entire bodies. That makes sense because they wear heavy armor and can tank. But when looking at some level 50 gear the other day I noticed that the Marauder set was like heavy plate while the Juggernaut was a robe.

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So in regards to Marauder getting Vicious Throw, which is only usable after 20%, Juggs have push....hmm. I have finished off many opponent with it, but I still don't see how that is justifiable with a push. Especially in pvp Huttball.


That place was designed for push and pulls. I have seen the argument about our charge, but when defending for the huttball, I will charge in only to get thrown from multiple opponents. Even with Annih spec, 12 second charge is still not going to get you anywhere after being thrown from the 2nd or 3rd tier.

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  • 2 years later...

Jugs get throw and thrown execute.


Maras used to have push but that was quickly taken away in beta.


Having a push would be fine if it reset leap cooldown but I would rather have an ability that let us stick to targets instead of push+leap+rooted/snared/rooted again/stunned.


Bioware please give us force push!!! It's the only ability the marauder need to be the perfect class...btw after 3.0 the marauder explode in pvp, we need a little boost


Edited by Moosestick
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Knock backs don't really fit the Marauder, we need our opponents close so we can hit them with our mainly close range attacks and deal massive amounts damage


Force Pull would great to bring those pesky Sage/Sorcerer closer.

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