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** Unofficial 2nd day EGA wave thread **


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Yeah. Oct 4th here and not in yet. Checked launcher and account - code redemption. I've heard some Oct 3rds say the same as me.



Oct.4 here and not in, but now quite confident we will get in tomorrow in perhaps even the first wave. I may just nap this afternoon and stay up until 6AM now. ;)

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nice post- but what can we do,we either wait or rage quit-i do think the dmg is done-mmo gamers are unforgiving.also there are people that are lv 33+ after 1 day atm,wich makes me wounder if the game has staying power.sure its a great game but will gamers stay after they hit cap with lil to do?i hope so.


They can start an new character. There are 8 storys to exploit. I know I will play them all:cool:

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Don't get it twisted, I'm in love with this game. Staggered Launch is the worst implemented launch i've ever seen. You allow your subscribers to all play at the same time. Tradition goes you allow everyone equal opprotunity.


Fact of life the neo-liberals always forget. Life isn't fair, everyone needs to get on with it though.


Not saying you're neoliberal though. Wouldn't want to bring anything but Galactic politics into this

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I'm just saying that I read a blog or an interview a while back where one of the developers talked about the matter, but can't remember where i read it.

no need to be a jerk about it, sheesh.


ahhh come on, im just playin man. Gotta act tough or you wont last in these streets.

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Don't get it twisted, I'm in love with this game. Staggered Launch is the worst implemented launch i've ever seen. You allow your subscribers to all play at the same time. Tradition goes you allow everyone equal opprotunity.


Wrong. This isn't launch, your paid 30 day subscription doesn't start until the 20th on the OFFICIAL launch. Early game launch still has 5 days left and is a gift from Bioware. You're entitled nothing during early game access.

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Wrong. This isn't launch, your paid 30 day subscription doesn't start until the 20th on the OFFICIAL launch. Early game launch still has 5 days left and is a gift from Bioware. You're entitled nothing during early game access.


i could not aggree, morer it is sad how poeple are went they are giving free stuff..

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Yesturday the bonus Wave went on 1;30 CST. As Far as I know it is 12:30 CST so maybe in one hour this will repeat !!


I do fear however that I wont be invited today regardless ;/ as I purchased Pre order on 3rd of October only to reddem it on 22 of October ...


If at all this Bonus Wave will be a smaller one ...

Edited by Angamir
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Wrong. This isn't launch, your paid 30 day subscription doesn't start until the 20th on the OFFICIAL launch. Early game launch still has 5 days left and is a gift from Bioware. You're entitled nothing during early game access.


Entitled NO, not at all... But it sure was apart of there advertisement to get said pre orders :cool:

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only 1:30 PM here east coast usa... so that makes it what.. 10:30 PST? and all 4 waves are done already...





This is an indication of their real motives to be honest. Discussing things with an IT/Serv Admin he can't figure out technical reasons for this, especially coming from a high-dollar MMO whose servers and infrastructure should be able to handle traffic. Not to mention the lengthy beta testing, and how far server tech and programming has come. It's especially scary now when you think about it that they're that worried about server traffic now, what about when the flood gates open on the 20th?


They're going to have to deal with the traffic either way come the 20th. Might as well get it over with now and adjust accordingly for launch.


As for the question of why Stephen Reid is getting "hate" and is like the "Ghostcrawler" of SWTOR, it's because he "confused" (to put it nicely) many people with the grace period fiasco. It didn't really do well to win the trust and loyalty of the fans exactly, and has set the tone of what we maybe able to expect even short term from Bioware.


Couple in the lack of community interaction from devs that's EXPECTED these days in an AAA MMO, customer loyalty is what makes or breaks a MMO, and it's not looking too good right now.

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Wrong. This isn't launch, your paid 30 day subscription doesn't start until the 20th on the OFFICIAL launch. Early game launch still has 5 days left and is a gift from Bioware. You're entitled nothing during early game access.


Actually free months subscription will start when you load the game code. For us old fashioned people that may not happen on the 20th if they're busy.

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Where is everyone getting this "4 waves and that's it" thing, says right in their post more people over a much greater time. I see nothing saying 4 and that's it.

from stephen reid's post


"We're currently planning on sending four waves of email invites today of equal size (but in total number of invites, larger than yesterday - yes, waves can vary in size). "


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Wrong. This isn't launch, your paid 30 day subscription doesn't start until the 20th on the OFFICIAL launch. Early game launch still has 5 days left and is a gift from Bioware. You're entitled nothing during early game access.


We're the guinea pigs here... :p

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