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  1. are you 10? srs, do understand they are doing it the game have not been out more end a week and you already cry like a little baby, srs go back to single player game
  2. then you did play form the start off, wow had up to 36 hour of downtime and that was not told. and the patch did keep getting extrad, so stop the QQ please
  3. and Also we was asked back in 2008, if want to be able to play on what ever server we wanted, so they need to do this make that happen.
  4. the cookie will give you good light point, so come to good side...... :D
  5. must of us have wait for 3 or 4 years for this game, then we dont need to QQ for EGA :-D
  6. was the biggst months of preordre, so about 500.000 to 750.000
  7. there are more preorde from nov and dec end the rested of the time so i kinda dont think they will let everyone in today..
  8. good luck, and hopefully we see you in later ingame wnet you got home.
  9. and that is only in the US, that will say about the same in europa if not more... biggest luanch every made by a mmo game
  10. i could not aggree, morer it is sad how poeple are went they are giving free stuff..
  11. this is so funny to read all the QQ, it have mad my day so far :-D
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