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Do I outrank Darth Malgus?


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From what i've seen and experienced, the Dark Council is the highest ranking members of the empire, with absolute authority and power second only to the Emperor himself.


Now that i'm a Darth, and a member of the Dark Council, does that mean I outrank Darth Malgus? He is "leader of the expeditionary fleet" but he is not a member of the dark council as far as I have seen or heard. So is he my subordinate now? :)

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From what i've seen and experienced, the Dark Council is the highest ranking members of the empire, with absolute authority and power second only to the Emperor himself.


Now that i'm a Darth, and a member of the Dark Council, does that mean I outrank Darth Malgus? He is "leader of the expeditionary fleet" but he is not a member of the dark council as far as I have seen or heard. So is he my subordinate now? :)


Say it in his face :D

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At the End:


The Sith Inquisitor out ranks anyone, except: the Emperor, the Sith Warrior, any other direct Emperor agents (like the Voice of the Emperor) and his/her fellow Dark Council Members.


Yes, that does include Darth Malgus.


The Sith Warrior out ranks everyone except: the Emperor and any other direct Emperor agents (like the Voice of the Emperor).


Yes, that includes the Dark Council and the Sith Inquisitor.

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At the End:


The Sith Inquisitor out ranks anyone, except: the Emperor, the Sith Warrior, any other direct Emperor agents (like the Voice of the Emperor) and his/her fellow Dark Council Members.


Yes, that does include Darth Malgus.


The Sith Warrior out ranks everyone except: the Emperor and any other direct Emperor agents (like the Voice of the Emperor).


Yes, that includes the Dark Council and the Sith Inquisitor.


Pretty much this. Though, I would omit the Voice of the Emperor, since The Voice is the physical embodiment of the Emperor at that time.

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  • 1 month later...

Depends if you count His throne as the new emperor "outranking".

And I think sith warrior is equal, just the inquisitor is more behind-the-scenes, while the warrior is like an assassin for the emperor.

Remember- the inquisitor is in charge of the pyramid of sith training and histories, so in all- LEADER OF THE SITH!

makes the warrior ranking VERY confusing.

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At the End:


The Sith Inquisitor out ranks anyone, except: the Emperor, the Sith Warrior, any other direct Emperor agents (like the Voice of the Emperor) and his/her fellow Dark Council Members.


Yes, that does include Darth Malgus.


The Sith Warrior out ranks everyone except: the Emperor and any other direct Emperor agents (like the Voice of the Emperor).


Yes, that includes the Dark Council and the Sith Inquisitor.


Actually I don't think the sith warrior "outranks" the Dark Council. The Emperor's Wrath doesn't actually have any power in and of itself as all of the powers that the Wrath exercises are done on behalf of the Emperor himself. The Wrath isn't a political figure so in terms of political power the Wrath doesn't really have any. The Wrath is purely a personal one man army who works on behalf of the emperor. Nobody has the power to countermand the Wrath except for the emperor even the dark council BUT the dark council can appeal to the Emperor if they believe that the Wrath took an action that wasn't in his best interest.


The Wrath Position also doesn't have any minions beyond the members of your crew whereas the position that the Sith Inquisitor takes over commands a whole section of the sith.


Long story short: The Sith Warrior doesn't technically "outrank" people he is purely an instrument of the emperor.


As for the initial question about Malgus the answer is both yes and no. Yes you outrank Malgus but Malgus is not your subordinate and therefore does not answer to you. Malgus doesn't answer to any 1 specific member of the council and instead answers to the council as a whole.

Edited by Xenedus
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Actually I don't think the sith warrior "outranks" the Dark Council. The Emperor's Wrath doesn't actually have any power in and of itself as all of the powers that the Wrath exercises are done on behalf of the Emperor himself. The Wrath isn't a political figure so in terms of political power the Wrath doesn't really have any. The Wrath is purely a personal one man army who works on behalf of the emperor. Nobody has the power to countermand the Wrath except for the emperor even the dark council BUT the dark council can appeal to the Emperor if they believe that the Wrath took an action that wasn't in his best interest.


The Wrath Position also doesn't have any minions beyond the members of your crew whereas the position that the Sith Inquisitor takes over commands a whole section of the sith.


Long story short: The Sith Warrior doesn't technically "outrank" people he is purely an instrument of the emperor.


Pretty much this.


Wrath is essentially outside the ladder as it's a unique position and answers directly to the Emperor outside of any existing channels. Dark Council has 0 authority over Wrath but on his own, Wrath has 0 authority over the Council.


However, if any of the Dark Council members try and go beyond their station (usurp too much power like Baras for example), Wrath has full authority to cut that member down and other Council members can do absolutely nothing to stop it as Wrath's actions are on Emperor's behalf.


To OP: Yeah, both SI and SW outrank Malgus (as in your position in the Empire is above his). He is a Darth and an important one seeing how he has his own fleet and all that but Council is automatically above him and unlike the case with the Council, Wrath doesn't need any justification to go and kill him.

Edited by gibmachine
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Actually I don't think the sith warrior "outranks" the Dark Council. The Emperor's Wrath doesn't actually have any power in and of itself as all of the powers that the Wrath exercises are done on behalf of the Emperor himself. The Wrath isn't a political figure so in terms of political power the Wrath doesn't really have any. The Wrath is purely a personal one man army who works on behalf of the emperor. Nobody has the power to countermand the Wrath except for the emperor even the dark council BUT the dark council can appeal to the Emperor if they believe that the Wrath took an action that wasn't in his best interest.


The Wrath Position also doesn't have any minions beyond the members of your crew whereas the position that the Sith Inquisitor takes over commands a whole section of the sith.


Long story short: The Sith Warrior doesn't technically "outrank" people he is purely an instrument of the emperor.


As for the initial question about Malgus the answer is both yes and no. Yes you outrank Malgus but Malgus is not your subordinate and therefore does not answer to you. Malgus doesn't answer to any 1 specific member of the council and instead answers to the council as a whole.


I agree and disagree with this. You got it right where the Wrath has no political power, he is outside of the typical power structure of Emperor,then Dark Council,then various Sith, Moffs etc. He/she answers only to the Emperor.


However, you could argue that he/she does have command of the other Imperial elements that exist outside of the typical power structure,either militarily or in a support capacity. We know that The Servants are bound to the Emperor's will and serve only him,and are outside the power structure.


You could make the case that the legions of the Imperial Guard exist outside the power structure as well and could fall under the Wrath's authority(the Emperor's authority would exceed the Wrath's if any conflict arose though).


We have evidence of this with the Imperial commander on Belsavis if you tell him to bow, he tells you how they only bow to the Emperor and serve him, so you could theorize that they fall under the Wrath's command as well as long as it doesn't conflict with the Emperor's orders. I don't think it's too far of a stretch to have the Imperial Guard act as a military unit attached to the Wrath.


I liken the Wrath to a Spectre from Mass Effect, they have a lot of authority and exist outside of the traditional command elements,have to be obeyed by all, have the power to requisition anything from a saber/gun to a military unit but they both are answerable to their respective highest authorities,the Emperor/Citadel Council.


@Tadshackles: I'll assume your spoiler post was a joke or you trying to stir up some debate. If you truly believe that, I'd suggest you do a little research on that on Wookipedia and in the spoiler section,because you are wrong.

Edited by Temeluchus
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The Emperor's Wrath was a position created by the Emperor of the reconstituted Sith Empire. The position required that an individual serve as a personal enforcer and executioner for the Emperor, taking orders directly from and answering only to him. Unlike the rest of the Emperor's servants, who are bound to his will by a dark side ritual, the Wrath is given autonomy.
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I agree and disagree with this. You got it right where the Wrath has no political power, he is outside of the typical power structure of Emperor,then Dark Council,then various Sith, Moffs etc. He/she answers only to the Emperor.


However, you could argue that he/she does have command of the other Imperial elements that exist outside of the typical power structure,either militarily or in a support capacity. We know that The Servants are bound to the Emperor's will and serve only him,and are outside the power structure.


You could make the case that the legions of the Imperial Guard exist outside the power structure as well and could fall under the Wrath's authority(the Emperor's authority would exceed the Wrath's if any conflict arose though).


We have evidence of this with the Imperial commander on Belsavis if you tell him to bow, he tells you how they only bow to the Emperor and serve him, so you could theorize that they fall under the Wrath's command as well as long as it doesn't conflict with the Emperor's orders. I don't think it's too far of a stretch to have the Imperial Guard act as a military unit attached to the Wrath.


I liken the Wrath to a Spectre from Mass Effect, they have a lot of authority and exist outside of the traditional command elements,have to be obeyed by all, have the power to requisition anything from a saber/gun to a military unit but they both are answerable to their respective highest authorities,the Emperor/Citadel Council.


@Tadshackles: I'll assume your spoiler post was a joke or you trying to stir up some debate. If you truly believe that, I'd suggest you do a little research on that on Wookipedia and in the spoiler section,because you are wrong.




The Wrath has no real assigned political position, but answers ONLY to the Emperor. However, existing outside the standard political power structure does not nullify their power (as stated in Temelechus's post above) as both the Wrath and the Hand are considered direct expressions of the Emperor's Will.

If he/she says "Get on your pathetic knees and kiss my boot", you probably better do so...Unless the Emperor himself (the voice) tells you otherwise.

Council Member, Fleet Commander, Darth, Lord, Grand Moff, General, Court Jester, whatever...


If The Wrath or The Hand show up, you can pretty much consider them to be the highest authority present, given the fact that they act directly according to the Emperor's will and answer ONLY to him... However, that wouldn't be something that would happen too often. If either the Wrath or the Hand intervene in some occurrence directly... You can pretty much bet that the proverbial poo has hit the fan.


Day to day military operations/command are left to respective Moffs and Fleet Commanders... The meddling and scheming of politics and the Dark Council are of little to no concern. The Wrath only gets involved when the Emperor himself says "Okay dude... This is serious. I'm sending YOU."


Jules: "You sendin the WOLF?"

Marcellas: "I'm sendin the wolf."

Jules: "Damn *****... Why didn't you say so?"

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Due to the rank structure, no you do not outrank malgus.


He is under the command of the dark Counsel member in charge of War.


You are in command of History and Relics, nothing more. If its in relation to war, you have to follow him, he would only have to obey you if it was in relation to Artifacts and stuff.


Your basically Indiana jones

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Due to the rank structure, no you do not outrank malgus.


He is under the command of the dark Counsel member in charge of War.


You are in command of History and Relics, nothing more. If its in relation to war, you have to follow him, he would only have to obey you if it was in relation to Artifacts and stuff.


Your basically Indiana jones


Incorrect, Malgus is an apprentice to another Dark Council member, probably Marr? Maybe Ravage. Anwyays


Malgus is dead


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Due to the rank structure, no you do not outrank malgus.


He is under the command of the dark Counsel member in charge of War.


You are in command of History and Relics, nothing more. If its in relation to war, you have to follow him, he would only have to obey you if it was in relation to Artifacts and stuff.


Your basically Indiana jones


If you pay attention during the cutscene after the fight with Thanaton, the Council tells the SI that he/she along with the other Council members lead all the Sith and answer only to the Emperor.


So yes, the SI does outrank Malgus. The SI and Council just doesn't appear to have command or authority over The Emperor's Wrath,Imperial Guard,and the Emperor's Hand and Servants; every one else has to fall in line to their wishes unless it conflicts with the Emperor's orders.

Edited by Temeluchus
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Incorrect, Malgus is an apprentice to another Dark Council member, probably Marr? Maybe Ravage. Anwyays


Malgus is dead


I'm pretty sure that's not true. We actually see him killing his master in one of the CGI vids. I doubt he got another one.

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