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Hit the spacebar!!


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Wow, what selfish people, just because they've seen it before they expect others to skip it as well? Then they come on the forum, all self righteous in the belief that they 'deserve' to have the dialogue skipped, despite the fact that some may not have seen it before.


Tip, don't buy/play a story driven game, if you want/expect others to skip everything along with you. Not going to happen.

Edited by DarkZenith
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How many times can you watch the same thing until it becomes boring?


Eventually people will get will just start skipping it, but that is going to take some time.


They should have an option to vote for skipping the talking. 3/4 vote in order to skip?

Edited by Purlana
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Managed to get in my 2nd group last night, I think it was Esselles? Lo and behold every time we got to a conversation 2 of my group kept spamming 'hit the spacebar dude'. One of them at least was ok with me reading the text, the other even more impatient. Silly me, I wanted the immersion to continue and had in mind listening to the conversations.


Of course, at the end the group dispersed while I was in the middle of typing 'see you later and thanks for the group'.


2 points of gameplay from my perspective out of this experience:


1) Get a grip. This is meant to be a new story-based approach to MMORPGs - if you don't like it, sorry, but I do, and I will continue to listen to the story until it bores me, then I will hit the bar, but I won't try and pressure others into it


2) I think we should get social points for kills, heals and chatting to others


What is the problem ?

You can still continue watching the scenes, or not ?

I do not how pressing spacebar is displayed on the other players screen.

If it is disturbing, you should blame Bioware.


I have seen the scenes three times by now.

Maybe the other players want to skip it too.

Edited by genpion
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when you finish reading a book, do you start it all over again? and again? and again? and again?


I usually wait a while to re-visit a book, and usually never more than 2 or 3 times if i really liked it.

Christopher Lee re-reads the lord of the rings at least once a year.


I've got several that I've read a dozen times or more.

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I skip the conversations I've already been through and wait patiently while others watch them. It's not that long of a wait and despite what you might like to think, the galaxy does not revolve around you.


OP, just sigh to yourself and ignore them. They'll get over it once the fighting starts.


Heh - I guess so :)


Must say thanks to all the respondents here too - been a very positive conversation (almost real time too lol - gotta love these boards).

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when you finish reading a book, do you start it all over again? and again? and again? and again?


I usually wait a while to re-visit a book, and usually never more than 2 or 3 times if i really liked it.



The thing is, you are comparing a book to an interactive movie with multiple story-lines and multiple endings. There are going to be a lot of people that have seen the light-side but never the dark-side (or vice versa) . A book is ALWAYS going to have the same text, but a flashpoint or mission can be REALLY different if you choose to go light or dark. Reading a book is not a similar comparison to this situation.


I haven't gotten to end-game yet, still leveling, but there are several times that I wish I had won the Social roll in order to get a light-side response as opposed to the dark-side response (while playing my Sith Sorcerer).


Edit: clicked wrong quote button...

Edited by Balladore
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[snip] I haven't gotten to end-game yet, still leveling, but there are several times that I wish I had won the Social roll in order to get a light-side response as opposed to the dark-side response (while playing my Sith Sorcerer).


Are there any factors which modify that social roll? The numbers seem to cover a wide range.

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Unfortunately I believe that we have welcomed a large number of the Xbox/PS3 croud who just want to spank on through and not actually enjoy the game.


They probably do enjoy the game. They just enjoy it differently than you. You like to take your time, watch the cutscenes and admire the countryside. They like to mow things down as fast as possible to get fat loots. To each his own. The only solution to this is not to run with pugs. You run with pugs, you get what you get. No sense on complaining about it or trying to shoe-horn everyone into "play my way or it is wrong".

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Really it all comes down to consideration for the people you are playing with. This is my first MMO and I love the immersion experience of TOR so I wish to enjoy it. I have run a few flashpoints with others and they have all been really considerate players understanding that we are all at different levels of play and enjoyment.


People that are insistent on rushing, I myself have not encountered that but if I do.. I would leave the group and instance. Really I do not wish to play that way.. Do try to force your play ethics on me. I pay for this game and the experience I am not interested in rushing it.


Personally I come from an RP background and enjoy BioWare games more for their writing and the enjoyment I get from the game. Not who can level the fastest. I do not consistently replay flashpoints for me that would be boring. I actually play the game and the side quests. Even though some see it as repetitive. I would rather play that then the repetitive nature of constantly running the same flashpoints.


So if this is happening to you. Leave the group and find another that is more to your style. Don't bow to them they want to be a**hats and rush it all let them. Enjoy what you are paying for.

Edited by Seraphynn
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The longer this game is out the more you're going to see that and the more impatient players are going to be towards those that want to experience it regardless if it is even their first time through.


Well then, the impatient players can get bent. In fact, if I'm in such a group, and even if I've seen the dialogue before, I'll still take my time just to annoy them. Then laugh at all the rage and righteous indignation. :p

Edited by DarkZenith
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Personally, after being told to skip the content, I would politely refuse and say I'm enjoyng the cutscenes. If the whining continued, I'd explain that I was clearly not in the right group, apologize for wasting their time and leave the flashpoint.


Life is way too short to put up with ******s. :cool:

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Are there any factors which modify that social roll? The numbers seem to cover a wide range.


To me it seems to be slanted towards higher rolls the longer you haven't been able to answer. In 4 mans I haven't experienced many back to back answers from the same person. But I have experienced a whole lot of really low numbers for the person who just got to answer. Maybe it is the other way round, that the one who just got to answer gets a malus to his/her roll. The few times I have seen back to back answers the winner hasn't rolled very high, the rest of us just rolled even lower.


If you are going to use the book analogy, then my question is: If you don't want to read the same book several times in a row, why do you keep insisting on opening it and expect everyone else to jump along with you to the end? Just don't open the book and you don't have to run the risk of reading it. Seems simple to me.:p

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when you finish reading a book, do you start it all over again? and again? and again? and again?


I usually wait a while to re-visit a book, and usually never more than 2 or 3 times if i really liked it.


If it's one of those childhood books where you make the choice at the bottom of the page and go to page x or y, then yes I would read that book again with that flexibility.


Each character gets their own flair and story, so yeah its fun to watch the cut scenes. I even enjoy spectator mode, because I feel like I'm spying on pieces of the story my character doesn't "know" in order to get the 'whole picture'

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Managed to get in my 2nd group last night, I think it was Esselles? Lo and behold every time we got to a conversation 2 of my group kept spamming 'hit the spacebar dude'. One of them at least was ok with me reading the text, the other even more impatient. Silly me, I wanted the immersion to continue and had in mind listening to the conversations.


Of course, at the end the group dispersed while I was in the middle of typing 'see you later and thanks for the group'.


2 points of gameplay from my perspective out of this experience:


1) Get a grip. This is meant to be a new story-based approach to MMORPGs - if you don't like it, sorry, but I do, and I will continue to listen to the story until it bores me, then I will hit the bar, but I won't try and pressure others into it


2) I think we should get social points for kills, heals and chatting to others


Just hit the space-bar already. :)

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OP, one simple sentence will shut up these types of people:


"When YOU start paying my subscription fee, then you may dictate how I spend my in-game time".


Shuts 'em up every time :)




Tends to wind them up even more though, but that's a good thing!

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I think eventually we're going to see region posts like, "LFM Esseles, no cutscenes." Not being sarcastic but a lot of people are impatient after they've grinded an instance out a few times.


I personally like watching Esseles, especially when someone chooses the dark side option in the one scene. :cool:


Agreed, just ignore them, If they dont like it they can leave the group.

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Yeah it is annoying when people say spam spacebar and I purposely do not do it when they say so.


This game just came out and there are lot of new players who haven't ran the dungeon a million times already. I for one am enjoying the story and cutscenes and would like to watch them at least once.

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If it's one of those childhood books where you make the choice at the bottom of the page and go to page x or y, then yes I would read that book again with that flexibility.


Each character gets their own flair and story, so yeah its fun to watch the cut scenes. I even enjoy spectator mode, because I feel like I'm spying on pieces of the story my character doesn't "know" in order to get the 'whole picture'


Yes, I have to agree. I have run Black Talon and Esseles so many time, but I have yet to experience all the classes' and genders' responses. We are talking about 24 different possibilities in the 3 option responses. And most people tend to go for the same few.


For instance I have run Esseles about 10 times, yet only once was I lucky enough to get the post-battle conversation with the Ambassador because people see LS points vs no points.

Afterwards the entire group (who hadn't experienced it either) agreed that it was in fact much more fullfilling to go that path because it actually made things a lot more fun on the bridge.

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This like so much else can be solved simply by some communication up front.


Been though the Esseles or Black Talon FP 15 times? Then let people know before you start that you'll want to skip pas the dialog when possible.


First time though it or want to take your time, then let people know you're not going to hit the space bar... again before you start.


That way if people have a huge problem with what's about to happen they can look for another team.

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