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Back in my day...


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Back in my day...



- We didnt have raid groups. We rangled 100+ people and made groups of 6 to try and kill one world boss. None of this 8-man easy mode content. You had to actually have a sizeable group to get things done.



- Raid buffs took 30 minutes and you liked it. There was no massive raid group. Everyone just made their small groups and took orders.



- We didnt have these instances...if you wanted to kill something you had to camp its spawn and RACE against everyone else to get it. If you didnt get it you had to wait another 7 days just to get a chance to take it down.



- If you had a weapon that had a "The" in it, it was legitmately epic. There was MAYBE two or three on the server and it was drooled over.



- Purple loot was actually epic. None of these quest turn ins, full epic gear by soloing content bull*****. Being decked head to toe in purple actually meant something.



- Orange loot was MAYBE one or two per server.




- You couldn't solo your way 1-50. You HAD to group because mobs were too mean to kill by yourself. It built a genuine connection across the server and people really got to know eachother.



- Getting access to an endgame zone took WORK. Months and months of work to even get INSIDE.









(Feel free to add your own)

Edited by skrill
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To everyone who pretends to have played Everquest, this OP really did. I don't know him, I can tell since he's talking truth.


Here are my two:


1 -- If you died you had to run and loot your corpse, no matter what hostiles were around it, and how easily they may kill you since you got lost and went somewhere you shouldn't. (Damn you Butcherblock Chessboard and my lowbie ranger...) In addition you could give someone permission to drag your corpse to somewhere safe, but that also meant they could just loot it and take your stuff.


2 -- When you died you lost experience, you could lose levels.

Edited by Battyone
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To everyone who pretends to have played Everquest, this OP really did. I don't know him, I can tell since he's talking truth.


LOL - I was thinking it sounded like SWG to a certain extent.


Either way.. /signed


And here's mine:


Player economy meant you were dependent on each other to progress through the game. You were stuck unless you used another classes abililites to heal/buff/gear/HOUSE you.

Edited by Nautius
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Sounds like Lineage 2 as well.


Server politics were amazing. I should know lol. You had to PvP for bosses or negotiate with enemy guilds to work together or call a peace for the time being.


There were no factions; I still dont like faction games but the world has changed.


The server knew each other and hated/liked you. We were hated so much we had to go down to the deepest non-instanced dungeons to try and level. I enjoyed PvP, but was nowhere as good at it as my clan mates.


Good times!

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To craft jewelry, I had to trek to the evil town of Neriak, pose as a Dark Elf to slip past hostile guards, and meet a guy in a library to purchase my enchant metal spells. At any moment, my disguise spell or invisibility could drop and I'd be hacked to death and then have to do a corpse run back to my body to get my stuff.


Stein of Mogguk... basically the same experience, except I had to disguise as an ogre. Having a Stein meant something. For melee classes, having a full set of chain armor at level 20 also meant something.

Edited by Bamajawn
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To craft jewelry, I had to trek to the evil town of Neriak, pose as a Dark Elf to slip past hostile guards, and meet a guy in a library to purchase my enchant metal spells. At any moment, my disguise spell or invisibility could drop and I'd be hacked to death and then have to do a corpse run back to my body to get my stuff.


Stein of Mogguk... basically the same experience, except I had to disguise as an ogre. Having a Stein meant something. For melee classes, having a full set of chain armor at level 20 also meant something.


Either do a corpse run or Hire a Necro to summon your corpse, if you were lucky they only charged you for the components.

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Back in my day we didn't have all of these fancy graphics and animations! We'd dialup with our 56k modems(if we were lucky that is!) and telnet to our MUD of choice. For us 'shiny' was having clients that displayed multiple colors for text! Advanced combat was determined by having more options than /attack, /throw, or /cast!
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I'm in my mid 20's and also miss those games. I played Asherons Call on Darktide, a PvP server. So much fun and rage from those days. I would always farm money off people since everyone had items in their inventory to drop when they died just so they wouldn't lose their gold. I remember killing one guy right after he had an ignot created to make a hollow weapon. Those were the days. Now we just get games that appeal to the lowest common denominator. I agree with the gear, it kind of sucks that at some point the "Rare" items are gonna be owned by most people. They should have special items that only 4% of the population can have in game. Now you have games where people want to be able to fast travel and teleport everywhere to get done as quick as possible.


I understand companies want to make as big of profit as possible. But why not find a way to make unique games that appeal to certain crowds only and still make a profit? Why does it have to be as big as possible by rushing out games that appeal to everyone and yet makes everyone miserable. Gaming used to be about some games you would like, love, or hate. Not just about all games being mediocre and not feeling anything towards them.

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In my day:


Mobs didn't have no mambie-pambie colors, if you wanted to know how tough something was, you had to attack it.


If you died, you left your corpse and everything you were carrying right there on the ground. You ran around as a ghost until you found a healer then you ran your res-robed butt back and hoped that no one had come along and looted your cold dead body.


One wrong click in the wrong place and a guard showed up and insta-whacked you.


One wrong click in the wrong place and you turned "gray". That meant that anyone could attack you at any time for any reason. It took weeks of killing bad stuff to get back to a good status.


Groups??? What groups??? We don't need no stinking groups!!


Quests?? What are quests??

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EQ just put out another expansion too.....the 18th one.


Vent? what Vent? you type it all out and you like it! I would like to see the average gamer these days set up a Complete Heal chain and keep it going through a boss.



/sigh the good ol days





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It's amazing how things changed. I remember having to look for a group for over three hours. So happy was I when I found my group we levelled as a team, fighting for spawns in dank, dark, dismal places, just to hopefully pop a bubble after several hours. Hopefully.
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I've heard EQ servers are still up and running.


This is a good point. Why don't people go back and play the games they are nostalgic for over the years?


I think we realize there is no more to do in those games, or the games do not offer any new ideas. But we want a game that will take us back to that time. The problem is it doesn't exist. :)


So we move on and think back to the old days, but that special time won't be repeated again. It's like our first love. You know why you broke up with that selfish *****, but sometimes you just think about her.

Edited by Tuffteach
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well that OP sounds really annoying and unappealing. I don't want mega-easy mode or a grindfest, but I also don't want to run into roadblocks every other quest either. I play games to have fun, not as a job.


Prepared for imminent incineration by veterans.

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