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Class Balances. Only reply if you are 50 and atleast 450 expertise.


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I honestly think this is one of the best class balances I have seen in a game this early. I do not see how people say a lot of classes are overpowered. I play a sorcerer personally and I have an easier time killing tanks/non melee classes. This is of course other people with the same level expertise, anyone can drop someone with 0 expertise and that person will call you overpowered. I have a hard fight with melee duel wielders an assassins as I should, it really comes down to who is playing the class better I really do think the classes are almost perfect. Almost in the fact of the operative, I do not mind getting back stabbed for 4-5k or even getting stunned after it. Just having more than one is hard to handle, although in a 1 on 1 the classes are still pretty balanced if you play them correctly just maybe take away one of their crowdabilities or alter it.
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Maybe gunslingers and scoundrels its really hard to tell until you find a quality player to represent it and test. I dont know what your talking about snipers in my guild are dropping 100k+ more dps than others but they need to cuz they are easy to kill and line of sight.
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I honestly think this is one of the best class balances I have seen in a game this early. I do not see how people say a lot of classes are overpowered. I play a sorcerer personally and I have an easier time killing tanks/non melee classes. This is of course other people with the same level expertise, anyone can drop someone with 0 expertise and that person will call you overpowered. I have a hard fight with melee duel wielders an assassins as I should, it really comes down to who is playing the class better I really do think the classes are almost perfect. Almost in the fact of the operative, I do not mind getting back stabbed for 4-5k or even getting stunned after it. Just having more than one is hard to handle, although in a 1 on 1 the classes are still pretty balanced if you play them correctly just maybe take away one of their crowdabilities or alter it.


Mostly agree.


The problem lies in:


1.) The need for a seperate level bracket for at least level 50's.

2.) The sheer amount of Huttball played.


Huttball kills the perception of PvP balance because, well, it isn't PvP. It's a CC/Speed fest. You get killed in fire by a variety of means (pulls, knockbacks, ect), and that makes a class look overpowered.


If they would just seperate out the brackets and give another same faction warzone where CC isn't so required (more PvP, less baseketball), things would look much better.

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Pretty balanced. Only thing I think may need some looking into is Merc/Commando being uninterruptable while shield is up.


There's also the issue of Project vs Shock, and several other minor things. I believe there was a Dev post saying they were going to fix those issue, not positive though.

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Comes down to tactics, again as has been stated in other threads. SW:TOR pvp is team oriented. There is no being the hero. If the team designates that they want soandso to be the ball handler and they are doing what they need to protect said ballhandler. If your team is running around trying to rack up kills and people lose, whose fault is that? I mean really?
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Soo I'm not at 450 exp yet and therefore I might not be allowed to voice my opinion (lol) but one simple question. What exactly makes the difference between 9% damage reduction and 9% increased damage? Just curious. For example: a scoundrel crits a fresh 50s for 7k because he sniffed some coke (buffs). The 450 exp guy would be critted for 6300 damage still. So what's the deal? oh and the 450 exp scoundrel will crit for about 7700 damage. Again what's the deal?


gear alone does not justify who can judge about which class is OP and which isnt.


In fact the whole game is messed up pretty bad atm because to win in pvp means to burst in pvp and I for myself hate it to be forced to play a smash build because everything else isnt viable at all anymore.

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Im just saying 450 because its a place to judge the endgame balance. Never seen a scoundrel to 7k dmg, or anywhere near it to me and im in light armor, the highest ive been hit for was around a 5k crit from a operative or sniper.
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At this point, so few people are playing the game well that I don't think we can really assess class balance, yet. I expect group composition to become very important, which has its pros and cons for gameplay, but I'd guess it's probably intended to be important. Edited by Lymain
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Red 5 standing by.


A couple of classes need some love. As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't look like anyone needs a nerf.


Perhaps they should nerf Biochem. Because it is a HUGE advantage in PvP. Then again, all my toons are Biochem. So that nerf would hurt. :p

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Why does expertise even come into the equation exactly. Assuming equal gear you'll both be hitting x more and taking x less. The only thing that really changes is power values and hp values. So basically going from taking half someone's health, the operative goes to around 36% at around 16k hp assuming they didn't get any damage increases independent from expertise (which they will).


Expertise is really just a way to punish undergeared players, that's about it. Though in the end healers do gain from it since aside from a sentinel/marauder you can't really negate the bonus healing.

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If anything, I'd like to see consumeable usage knocked down a few pegs. Seems silly that biochem is the clear winner for a pve AND pvp edge.


I think a 50 bracket will go a long way to showing exactly where the imbalances lie. As it is, nothing seems to be jumping out at me personally. There are of course players that manage to do more damage to me in certain situations. I'm not worried about any one class. I worry more about my position, resources, available cooldowns, and above all, HOW MANY of those mofos are coming my way.


No matter what happens to balance, the bad players will still complain. Maybe it's easier for them to complain on forums than it is to see percieved class imbalance for what it is.....a challenge.

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Guardian is pretty weak, by the fact them there is only 1 viable spec for it. But In that spec I feel invincible 1v1. U don't see guardians around much, and the ones u see haven't found the right spec, or just average.


Sentinel is utterly weak imo, they share the good tree with guardian, which makes sentinel pointless by the mere fact that guardian gets a 30% bonus to the bread and butter move on a 9 sec cd, sentinel has a 2nd wpn, more dmg on the fluff abilities, and gimp armor.


Generally I find the non light saber classes more powerful. The non kiting required human turret thing with the sniper is just ridicilous; sit and face tank and blow up. Rdps in heavy armor or tank with range deal is pretty beast too, the bubble is just too much...

Edited by muradi
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Why does expertise even come into the equation exactly. Assuming equal gear you'll both be hitting x more and taking x less. The only thing that really changes is power values and hp values. So basically going from taking half someone's health, the operative goes to around 36% at around 16k hp assuming they didn't get any damage increases independent from expertise (which they will).


Expertise is really just a way to punish undergeared players, that's about it. Though in the end healers do gain from it since aside from a sentinel/marauder you can't really negate the bonus healing.


Because it's the undergeared players being 2-shot and coming to the forums making threads asking for literally every class to be nerfed. When you're on relatively even ground gear-wise, it's a lot easier to judge class balance (but it's still tough at this stage because, for example, how many tanks do you see getting high protection values?)

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I think everyone who replies to this thread should say what class they are so we can see who views things as balanced and who thinks the world is ending. We may get a better picture as to what's really going on.


As a Sith Warrior Juggernaut Immortal spec: Sages/Sorcs, Scoundrels/Operatives, healers of any class, and sometimes Gunslingers/Snipers give me trouble. Also, Pyrotech fire damage can take me down pretty quick. I laugh in the face of all lightsaber-wielding melee classes.


So I'm good against 3 advanced classes & their mirrors - terrible against most of the specs of the other 5 advanced classes & their mirrors.


What needs fixed? Buffing either my elemental or internal resistance another 30-40% would make me consider myself a balanced PvP AC/spec.

Edited by Semitote
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I think everyone who replies to this thread should say what class they are so we can see who views things as balanced and who thinks the world is ending. We may get a better picture as to what's really going on.


As a Sith Warrior Juggernaut Immortal spec: Sages/Sorcs, Scoundrels/Operatives, healers of any class, and sometimes Gunslingers/Snipers give me trouble. Also, Pyrotech fire damage can take me down pretty quick. I laugh in the face of all lightsaber-wielding melee classes.


I play an Immortal Juggernaut in 3/4ths Champion gear, and I can interrupt+CC healers very effectively. I don't really feel at a significant disadvantage against any class except maybe Gunslingers/Snipers (but you can always just LoS those).

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Because it's the undergeared players being 2-shot and coming to the forums making threads asking for literally every class to be nerfed. When you're on relatively even ground gear-wise, it's a lot easier to judge class balance (but it's still tough at this stage because, for example, how many tanks do you see getting high protection values?)


Certain classes have always been an issue even before anyone hit 50. Expertise has just exasperated the issue for newer players. Its not some cure-all stat like a lot of people want to believe.

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Imo for class balance, snipers / gunslingers need to be brought up to par. I mean, does anyone even take these guys seriously? The only thing I am concerned about when I see a sniper or a gunslinger is their puntback + 4s root. Thats all. Their damage is so easy to juke it becomes a complete non-factor.


Marauders / sentinels (whatever their equivalent is) also need to be retuned upward. Their mobility is lacking.

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