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Dear Bioware -- Please release your controversial schedule for EGA


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I'm behaving like the adult I am. An adult is somebody 18 or over in my country, and I am therefore an adult. My post is reasonable and thought out. I am not expressing any emotions.


Then stop acting like a child. They said from DAY ONE what the EGA was gonna be like. YOUR fault you didn't expect this. Sorry bud, but this system WORKS. You don't like it? Go play *********** wow or something cuz we don't need your childish demeanor around here.

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Then stop acting like a child. They said from DAY ONE what the EGA was gonna be like. YOUR fault you didn't expect this. Sorry bud, but this system WORKS. You don't like it? Go play *********** wow or something cuz we don't need your childish demeanor around here.


Please re-read my original post. I didn't ever say I was mad about the early access. I humbly requested a schedule. You are the one with the childish demeanour sir :)

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I'm an adult. I'll patronise you all I want. If you don't want to be patronised don't behave like a child.


Hold the phone! Planning when to take part in a hobby is childish? I Realize it is a video game but heck if the guy was planning around a sports game or something else in society it would be mature?


Now making legal threats as a student and gamer, I agree is childish.


I also agree they should release a tentative schedule, but threatening with false legal threats is just stupid.


TLDR - Take out your false accusations and leave as a suggestion and you won't be trolled as hard OP.


-- A Fellow Irritated Email Watcher

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This is nothing close to "false advertising" , wanting it to be so doesn't make it so.


Anyone thinking there isn't a large amount of planning and mapping to when each wave of early access emails get sent is just foolish, this is a multi million dollar MMORPG launch from Bioware ... the smart money says it's Extremely planned out.


They are already ahead of schedule with the first waves from yesterday.


You knew for sure that the variable to determine your access into PRE launch was defined by how quickly you preordered AND redeemed your preorder code.


You knew for sure that launch is the 20th and everything plus that is gravy ... the earlier you redeemed your code the more gravy you get.


Passive aggressive threats of "false advertising" and the whims of someone wanting something set in stone that is already as close to stone as possible is just silliness and borderline foolhardy.


Get in when you get in and have fun when you do, just use a little sense when trying to gauge when you're guesstimate your entry ... even if you preordered on the 10th of December I would wager it would be quite stupid to think " Oh, what if I only get an hour early in?!" Realistically all of these late orders will be getting emails that whole last day (and probably sooner at that).


In the interest of full disclosure, my order was placed and code redeemed in less than an hour from the beginning of preorder availability and I got my access email yesterday morning "bright and early" ( I woke up to it in my inbox , I have a toddler son which translates to my wake up time normally beating the sun at that ).

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They said it themselves, the game HAS LAUNCHED:


Welcome to STAR WARS: The Old Republic!

12.13.2011 -


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us.


Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk

Co-Founders, BioWare


But just a few is invited, having a blast..lvl'ing, gearing up



What a fail launch

Edited by DimindRV
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Then stop acting like a child. They said from DAY ONE what the EGA was gonna be like. YOUR fault you didn't expect this. Sorry bud, but this system WORKS. You don't like it? Go play *********** wow or something cuz we don't need your childish demeanor around here.


Actually from day one of pre release offer they have changed it, but that's not really why I am posting.


You are acting more like a child than this guy is. But anyhow this is humanity so we can say that everyone is a bit childish in their own way.


Instead of insulting the guy, insult or criticize the post. Then you will be acting in a civilized manner and as an "adult" as all of you like to say.

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Dear Bioware community managers and directors,


I formally and humbly request to view the schedule for Early Game Access. I would like to know if I should tell my friends if I'm available for Friday night, and work if I am available to work my Saturday afternoon shift.


It would be of great benefit to us all -- enough damage has already been dealt. Releasing this schedule would appease much of the community's concern about not knowing when they will have access. We acknowledge that it would be subject to change, and that is has changed, but please release the first non-revised schedule so that we may have some clue as to when we are eligible to enter the game.


On the front page it says and did say for a long time that we 'may' have up to 5 days early access if we pre-order. While many may argue the case that technically this could mean we could have 1 hour and still be legit, it may be false advertising if people who order in that period from the ad being shown do not get 5 days. If this is the case, it is classified as false advertising because it mislead people to believe that they have a chance at getting 5 days, when nobody in that time frame did. This is deceptive and is one of the classifications of 'false advertising', legally. You can not argue this, it is a legal precedent.



Thank you,

A disgruntled adult student.


Watd u expect lol, they are after your $$$ at whatever the cost. They have no honor it appears.

Edited by Gooseguy
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Dear Bioware community managers and directors,


I formally and humbly request to view the schedule for Early Game Access. I would like to know if I should tell my friends if I'm available for Friday night, and work if I am available to work my Saturday afternoon shift.


It would be of great benefit to us all -- enough damage has already been dealt. Releasing this schedule would appease much of the community's concern about not knowing when they will have access. We acknowledge that it would be subject to change, and that is has changed, but please release the first non-revised schedule so that we may have some clue as to when we are eligible to enter the game.


On the front page it says and did say for a long time that we 'may' have up to 5 days early access if we pre-order. While many may argue the case that technically this could mean we could have 1 hour and still be legit, it may be false advertising if people who order in that period from the ad being shown do not get 5 days. If this is the case, it is classified as false advertising because it mislead people to believe that they have a chance at getting 5 days, when nobody in that time frame did. This is deceptive and is one of the classifications of 'false advertising', legally. You can not argue this, it is a legal precedent.



Thank you,

A disgruntled adult student.


Go to work

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Dear Bioware community managers and directors,


I formally and humbly request to view the schedule for Early Game Access. I would like to know if I should tell my friends if I'm available for Friday night, and work if I am available to work my Saturday afternoon shift.


It would be of great benefit to us all -- enough damage has already been dealt. Releasing this schedule would appease much of the community's concern about not knowing when they will have access. We acknowledge that it would be subject to change, and that is has changed, but please release the first non-revised schedule so that we may have some clue as to when we are eligible to enter the game.



Thank you,

A disgruntled adult student.


And why, exactly, do you need to take time off on the exact FIRST day you get access?


If I'm taking time off (unknown yet), it'll be next week. Regardless when I do, I still get a day to play, even if it's not my first day.


Furthermore, if they DO release a schedule, and something DOES change (which they said is likely, that's why they have no schedule), then imagine the outrage from those people who took a day off when they thought they'd get access?


Regardless of how psychotic these forums be, this is most likely the best way to handle it, assuming they do indeed require some flexibility on the early access rate.



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Watd u expect lol, they are after your $$$ at whatever the cost. They have no honor it appears.


Yeeeesss, handling Early Access EXACTLY as they advertised since day 1 of pre-orders definitely denotes their lack of honour.


Or did you think Early Access meant everyone gets to log in at once? If so, you clearly did not read the early access FAQ.



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This is nothing close to "false advertising" , wanting it to be so doesn't make it so.


Anyone thinking there isn't a large amount of planning and mapping to when each wave of early access emails get sent is just foolish, this is a multi million dollar MMORPG launch from Bioware ... the smart money says it's Extremely planned out.


They are already ahead of schedule with the first waves from yesterday.


You knew for sure that the variable to determine your access into PRE launch was defined by how quickly you preordered AND redeemed your preorder code.


You knew for sure that launch is the 20th and everything plus that is gravy ... the earlier you redeemed your code the more gravy you get.


Passive aggressive threats of "false advertising" and the whims of someone wanting something set in stone that is already as close to stone as possible is just silliness and borderline foolhardy.


Get in when you get in and have fun when you do, just use a little sense when trying to gauge when you're guesstimate your entry ... even if you preordered on the 10th of December I would wager it would be quite stupid to think " Oh, what if I only get an hour early in?!" Realistically all of these late orders will be getting emails that whole last day (and probably sooner at that).


In the interest of full disclosure, my order was placed and code redeemed in less than an hour from the beginning of preorder availability and I got my access email yesterday morning "bright and early" ( I woke up to it in my inbox , I have a toddler son which translates to my wake up time normally beating the sun at that ).


We dont know anything about the schedule. Like if they intend to invite 75K or 750K each day...Or perhaps 100K day 1, 250K day 2, 500K day 3...


Without that level of detailed info it is impossible to estimate when you actually will be able to play. And people can only speculate.


Of course bad things can happen and there can be no guarantees when a game is released. But its still possible to give people more info about plans and intentions.

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Yeeeesss, handling Early Access EXACTLY as they advertised since day 1 of pre-orders definitely denotes their lack of honour.


Or did you think Early Access meant everyone gets to log in at once? If so, you clearly did not read the early access FAQ.




Lol they kept the "up to 5 days early access" part all the way until December.


While in reality only pre-orders from the first week or so of July got in for 5 days. In all likelyhood, MOST people wont be getting in for more then 2-3 days. ALL they had to do was change the advertisement too "4"days, or "3" days, and so on...


If that isn't dishonorable, i don't know what is.

Edited by Gooseguy
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It's only controversial to those who are impatient. As a fellow student, I'm catching up on studying and coursework while I wait. Better to do it now, than to cut into my playing time later I say.


Man I wish I had your dedication. Instead, I'm F5-ing the forums like a dumby.


I still have to read all of How You Like It... :(

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Seems like a fair question to BW original post.


Instead its like putting dog on a thread mill w/ a hotdog dangling in front it. Each hour (or wave) you move the hotdog closer....

-Wait no thats not right at all. Atleast the dog can see the hotdog and knows how far away it is.. Its really the dogs choice at that point to keep running towards something that is just out of reach.. BLAST I thought I had it.. Fiddle sticks


Ignore what I just said.. :(




*p.s. Guys if this comment sets someone off please step back and relax it was a joke and bit of fun.

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Exactly what everyone smart is thinking.


The smart thing to do is just to... accept... it?

That hasn't worked so well for us humans before...


Just accepting is the death of freedom, I always say...


And it's really not too much to ask, to get some Information on the whens, hows and especially the whys...

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Since Bioware is busy actually trying to get people into the game, I'll post a schedule for them:


If you preorder prior to Dec. 19th, you will get into Early Access no later than Monday, Dec. 19th. It may be possible to get you in sooner than that if things go well.


How's that? That's essentially all they can tell you now as it depends on server load.

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Since Bioware is busy actually trying to get people into the game, I'll post a schedule for them:


If you preorder prior to Dec. 19th, you will get into Early Access no later than Monday, Dec. 19th. It may be possible to get you in sooner than that if things go well.


How's that? That's essentially all they can tell you now as it depends on server load.


If they keep playing it so insanely safe, there will be no "if things go well"...


Servers are reportedly not even at Heavy most of the time... even prime-time... sometimes you have to take a risk...


How can there be an "If things go well", if they don't even get to a point where things can go well! XD

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It would be nice to have some rough idea of when we could expect to get in. It only seems decent to let people take 2 steps away from there PC and check back within a certain window of time. Even if that window is a couple of days. (Kinda late for this, but it would have saved a lot of time for a lot of people).




Whats the word on the grace period?

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Remember this is all based on the assumption that nobody who pre-ordered during the advertisement date get in for 5 days gameplay...


The wording would be seen by a judge as a marketing device and deceptive as nobody who pre-ordered during that period got 5 days early access.


I couldn't sell chocolate bars advertising that one may have a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's factory and then say, "Oh, well actually the ticket was found 4 months ago before this advertisement was made."


It's simply not ethical.


Interesting. Could be why there are rumors of people who ordered in December already are in. They are making sure at least one person gets in for each day perhaps, so that their butts are covered? While it may not be true that there are people in that ordered just before the launch, it could be. This might be why.

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