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The 5k crits need to stop.. NOW


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No class should be dealing 4 to 5k crits in PvP, let alone the several classes that can deal several of those kind of hits back to back.


I don't care what buffs are used, it simply should not be possible to see those kind of numbers with the health pools that players have.


If players have say 15k life then DPS classes should not be doing anymore then 1k a hit and possibly 2k on some long cooldown rare high damage attacks. But no more then that.


What were the developers thinking? This needs to be balanced very quick.


The should add a flat 50% damage reduction against other players. Make it a debuff similar to the 30% healing one.


Fix it before pvp is seen as a complete joke in this game.


Edit: for those who have not experienced it, here is a link to some videos people on these forms made to demonstrate the point.


Video 1:

Video 2:

Edited by Fox_McCloud
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someone mad that their light armor wearer is getting killed by someone who is designed to deal high fast damage.

i could understand your arguement if say, it were a tank such as a jedi shadow where the highest crit dmg i have ever done was only like 2600.


level up, get good gear, keep friends near you, pop your stuns and slows and keep the high dps away from you so that they cant stab you in the back of the head over and over.

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someone mad that their light armor wearer is getting killed by someone who is designed to deal high fast damage.

i could understand your arguement if say, it were a tank such as a jedi shadow where the highest crit dmg i have ever done was only like 2600.


level up, get good gear, keep friends near you, pop your stuns and slows and keep the high dps away from you so that they cant stab you in the back of the head over and over.


more that devs said didnt want burst insta kills in pvp yet its happening...

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The should add a flat 50% damage reduction against other players. Make it a debuff similar to the 30% healing one.



Do you realize how much longer it would take to kill people?


The Alderaan Warzone would be highly imbalanced in the favor of whichever team captured the turrets first.


It's a challenge right now to take the center turret from the other team. If players lived longer, than trying to take it over would become nearly impossible.

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I never saw an MMO where Devs could really controll the damage output unless it was hardcapped (and it never was). Players who like min/maxing stats and try different gear combos will find a way to turn tank into DPS or vice versa. Always.
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someone mad that their light armor wearer is getting killed by someone who is designed to deal high fast damage.

i could understand your arguement if say, it were a tank such as a jedi shadow where the highest crit dmg i have ever done was only like 2600.


level up, get good gear, keep friends near you, pop your stuns and slows and keep the high dps away from you so that they cant stab you in the back of the head over and over.


You must be a troll.


Keeping high DPS away from you is impossible when that high DPS is stealthed and you only know they are near you when you have been knocked down and are stunned and then dead in 3 seconds before you can even control your character.


Aside from that, even a class that is designed to take down light armor classes, should not be doing so before the light armor class even has a chance to respond, that is not fun and that is not fair.


The design is NOT to just suddenly die when you blink, from a single operative.


If you argue that point then you are likely an operative as well. I think far more likely is that your a troll and should not be taken seriously.

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It can be frustrating, but if you play with tanks, make sure they are throwing up protect for you. Also, make sure they are casting taunt on players that are hitting you.


PvP requires coordination, and as a Sage Healer (Light Armor) I have learned to start rolling with 1 tank and 2 dps in our premade warzone OPS. The Tank casts protect on me and taunts anyone who attacks me, and it really helps out with damage mitigation from those bit crits.


It can be infuriating, but there are ways around the huge crits =]

Edited by Shlamorel
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more that devs said didnt want burst insta kills in pvp yet its happening...


This is what cracks me up. Every interview i ever saw about pvp in this game stated what you have said - yet within 5mins of playing it became evident this just wasnt the case in anyway. at all. never. far from it. a joke.


What exactly where they thinking, and who got it so wrong - design didnt do what the marketeers where pushing, dev didnt make what design wrote down, what happened?? The very fact theres a 5k medal in a game that wasnt meant to have burst DPS screams fail

Edited by da_krall
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About the 1st video... Oh no a lvl 19 getting 2 shotted by a lvl 50. PLEASE FIX !


A lvl 50 full pvp gear fighting a lower level player with crappy gear what do you expect ?


In Wow, I was playing a lvl 29 rogue twink (full geared)... I 1 or 2 shotted soft class. Does that mean they needed to fix rogue ? No.

Edited by Warty
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Then why do you get a medal for hitting over 5k?


problem is that should be exceptional after a setup and debuffss... not a standard every ability.


I've been destroyed within 1 stun by back to back 5K+ crits, up to 8K.


At this point its not pvp, its just a nuke fest.

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It can be frustrating, but if you play with tanks, make sure they are throwing up protect for you. Also, make sure they are casting taunt on players that are hitting you.


PvP requires coordination, and as a Sage Healer (Light Armor) I have learned to start rolling with 1 tank and 2 dps in our premade warzone OPS. The Tank casts protect on me and taunts anyone who attacks me, and it really helps out.


It can be infuriating, but there are ways around the huge crits =]


You know, your comments really made me think.


If the game is balanced assuming that healers will have a tank near them all of the time to transfer 50% of the damage the sage receives to the tank, and the taunts lower the damage of the opponents by like 30%? Then this means that if there is no tank that your going to get completely destroyed.


Which means, the pvp is designed to have a tank in order to succeed. If this is true, this appears to be really bad design.


As a healing sage, am I not even suppose to queue for a warzone unless I have a dedicated tank to ensure I don't get killed before I can press a single button? really, is that expected to be fun for me? Is this what bioware expects?


If this is the way pvp is designed, I can see the intention but it really seems like a bad idea. Maybe this is why Guild Wars did away with tanks and healers, just so you could roll with whatever you wanted to have fun with and still have the possibility to be successful.

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problem is that should be exceptional after a setup and debuffss... not a standard every ability.


I've been destroyed within 1 stun by back to back 5K+ crits, up to 8K.


At this point its not pvp, its just a nuke fest.



It IS after buffs, stims, and adrenals if they're hitting for 5K+ OR it's players with full PvP gear killing sub 50s, or 50s with little to no expertise, which will be fixed when they add a bracket for 50s.

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You know, your comments really made me think.


If the game is balanced assuming that healers will have a tank near them all of the time to transfer 50% of the damage the sage receives to the tank, and the taunts lower the damage of the opponents by like 30%? Then this means that if there is no tank that your going to get completely destroyed.


Which means, the pvp is designed to have a tank in order to succeed. If this is true, this appears to be really bad design.


As a healing sage, am I not even suppose to queue for a warzone unless I have a dedicated tank to ensure I don't get killed before I can press a single button? really, is that expected to be fun for me? Is this what bioware expects?


If this is the way pvp is designed, I can see the intention but it really seems like a bad idea. Maybe this is why Guild Wars did away with tanks and healers, just so you could roll with whatever you wanted to have fun with and still have the possibility to be successful.


I totally see and understand your perspective, but I must respectfully disagree with some of your opinions.


I do think SWTOR has done well with giving full protection classes a *true* place in warzones. I mean, they even get medals for absorbing damage, just like healers/dps get medals for doing their roles.


I can definitely see how some may not like the playstyle of this. I just think it adds a whole new dynamic to pvp that I'm not accustomed to - to me this feels fresh.


In previous MMO's, it seemed like you were either a DPS or a healer. Now that tanks have a real place in the warzones, it seems like the triad of options really does make the PvP a new experience. I really think that having a trio of options, not a duo, adds a new element of strategy for hardcore groups/players who are working together.


Please keep in mind I know many may disagree with this and have legitimate reasons to not feel the same way. I really, really do like the system though. The fact that /taunt actually has real, beneficial use in PvP to me is a testament to how well they made a role for every role (dps/heal/tank) in PvP.


Edit: One more thing I didn't comment on from your post - I don't think bioware intends that you *have to* or *supposed to* queue up with a tank to be effective. However, I do think they intended it for it to be GREATLY beneficial.


Think of it like this - DPS can queue solo, but if they have a healbot they excepect to do much more damage/kills, right? So think of this as revolutionizing the dps/healbot combo:


1. Healer healbots dps

2. Tank tankbots healer


and of course the healer heals the tank some.


To me, I just think this is an awesome solution to the old system of PVP where the dps had to DPS AND CC. Now DPS can focus on DPS, and the tank protects the healer, while the healer protects the dps/tank. Seems like a perfect carousel to me.


I still think someone queueing solo can get very much done... you just get a lot more done with an optimized trio. Seems similar to other games/pvp that I've played.

Edited by Shlamorel
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"I'm dying to operatives, they are overpowered, here is my proof, exhibit A and B. Videos of operatives ganking people under level 50 and occasionally getting a level 50 kill by attacking someone that is already under 50% health and focused on another target."



Heres a novel idea guys. Lets wait until the level 50 bracket hits and people are actually fighting other geared players and not cherry picking nubs out of the WZ to pick on before we start becoming "The Boy That Cried Nerf."


Until then, get better.

Edited by Celebrus
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"I'm dying to operatives, they are overpowered, here is my proof, exhibit A and B. Videos of operatives ganking people under level 50 and occasionally getting a level 50 kill by attacking someone that is already under 50% health and focused on another target."



Heres a novel idea guys. Lets wait until the level 50 bracket hits and people are actually fighting other geared players and not cherry picking nubs out of the WZ to pick on.


Until then, get better.


amen !

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someone mad that their light armor wearer is getting killed by someone who is designed to deal high fast damage.

i could understand your arguement if say, it were a tank such as a jedi shadow where the highest crit dmg i have ever done was only like 2600.


level up, get good gear, keep friends near you, pop your stuns and slows and keep the high dps away from you so that they cant stab you in the back of the head over and over.


Dude...my Jugg with 33% armor(45% soresu) still gets hit for 4-5k. Not a matter of armor.

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