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New Vanguard Trooper with LOTS of questions :)


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Hello, I was hoping I could ask a few questions and try to get a handle on what it is I am doing. I am playing a trooper (Vanguard, putting all my points into the defense tree) and am currently level 21. I'm pretty sure I could be doing things a LOT better, and am looking for any advice. I also have equipment questions (below). I am completely new to this, and decided I like my trooper much more than my Jedi Sentinel, so he is essentially my new 'main'. I don't like or plan on playing PVP, so pretty much just looking for PVE advice. Any help and/or guides would be greatly appreciated, thanks!




1) What are some standard issue 'best practices' for my trooper? Currently I have my companion (Aric) open an attack on the toughest in the group, and then rush in to the 10 meter ish range. I use cryo grenade on elites, sticky grenade on weaklings in the middle of a pack. I use 'hammer shot' and the early level grenade A LOT. Also, when can I use 'high impact bolt', it seems like the only time it ever lights up is if I have used cryo grenade. I use the cone and the grenade AoE sparingly.



2) Where can you buy Head and Ear pieces? I can only ever seem to get them via drops?


3) I see slots for 'Relic' and 'Implant' too, where do I buy these? I've never even seen one?


4) Aside from an 'orange' level rifle I picked up with commendations, I have never seen anything orange. Where can I find orange armor?


5) Once you have out leveled an area is there any reason to keep leftover commendations? I have a couple from the first few opening planets, and was wondering if I should just buy a random roll lockbox and see what I get, or if there is any reason to hold on to these?


6) I stumbled upon a site at one point that allowed me to see all of the available skills, and plug in points to play with my progression. I can't seem to find that now... ?


I'm sure I have more, but those are the big ones on my mind currently, thanks again! :)

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1) What are some standard issue 'best practices' for my trooper? Currently I have my companion (Aric) open an attack on the toughest in the group, and then rush in to the 10 meter ish range. I use cryo grenade on elites, sticky grenade on weaklings in the middle of a pack. I use 'hammer shot' and the early level grenade A LOT. Also, when can I use 'high impact bolt', it seems like the only time it ever lights up is if I have used cryo grenade. I use the cone and the grenade AoE sparingly.


You seem to be doing pretty well. A few pointers:

- Try to keep your Ammo at the 8-10 range at all times, to maximize regen. Usually just weave Hammer Shot in between ammo-using abilities like Ion Pulse, Stock Strike, High Impact Bolt (HIB), etc.

- If you pick up the Ion Overload talent (2nd tier) your Stock Strike should apply a short duration DOT to your target automatically if you're using Ion Cell. That should allow you to use HIB on the target immediately after the Stock Strike hits.

- Don't be too stingy with Pulse Cannon (cone attack) if you're in a good position to use it. It's not affected by pushback so if you can hit 2+ enemies with it then it's one of the best DPS abilities you have for clearing trash or holding aggro on multiple mobs.



2) Where can you buy Head and Ear pieces? I can only ever seem to get them via drops?


You can sometimes get them from Equipment Commendation vendors. Otherwise Armormech crafters for head pieces and Cybertech crafters for ear pieces. Check the GTN if you don't have any friends with those professions.


Equipment Commendation vendors can be found at the first quest hub on every new planet you visit.


3) I see slots for 'Relic' and 'Implant' too, where do I buy these? I've never even seen one?


Relics are pretty uncommon. They are rare crits off one of the gathering skills, Investigation I think? Dunno exactly. You can also buy them off the Light/Dark Side vendors at the Republic Fleet if your Light/Dark Side is high enough. I think you need Rank 2 to get the lv. 20 relics they offer.


Implants are crafted by Cybertech crafters as well. You can sometimes get these for quest rewards or off Equipment Commendation vendors as well.


4) Aside from an 'orange' level rifle I picked up with commendations, I have never seen anything orange. Where can I find orange armor?


Multiple places at your level:

- Boss drops in Flashpoints.

- PVP vendor (Republic Fleet) for Warzone Commendations.

- Equipment Commendation vendors.

- Crafters can make moddable (orange) gear if they can find the rare schematics for them. Check the GTN for these.


5) Once you have out leveled an area is there any reason to keep leftover commendations? I have a couple from the first few opening planets, and was wondering if I should just buy a random roll lockbox and see what I get, or if there is any reason to hold on to these?


I *think* you can up-convert them on the next planet you visit at the various Commendation vendors. Might be mistaken on that. I tend to take them over lockboxes to buy orange gear for various looks down the road.


6) I stumbled upon a site at one point that allowed me to see all of the available skills, and plug in points to play with my progression. I can't seem to find that now... ?


There are several. I personally use torhead.com but db.darthhater.com should have it too.

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Hello, I was hoping I could ask a few questions and try to get a handle on what it is I am doing. I am playing a trooper (Vanguard, putting all my points into the defense tree) and am currently level 21. I'm pretty sure I could be doing things a LOT better, and am looking for any advice. I also have equipment questions (below). I am completely new to this, and decided I like my trooper much more than my Jedi Sentinel, so he is essentially my new 'main'. I don't like or plan on playing PVP, so pretty much just looking for PVE advice. Any help and/or guides would be greatly appreciated, thanks!




1) What are some standard issue 'best practices' for my trooper? Currently I have my companion (Aric) open an attack on the toughest in the group, and then rush in to the 10 meter ish range. I use cryo grenade on elites, sticky grenade on weaklings in the middle of a pack. I use 'hammer shot' and the early level grenade A LOT. Also, when can I use 'high impact bolt', it seems like the only time it ever lights up is if I have used cryo grenade. I use the cone and the grenade AoE sparingly.



2) Where can you buy Head and Ear pieces? I can only ever seem to get them via drops?


3) I see slots for 'Relic' and 'Implant' too, where do I buy these? I've never even seen one?


4) Aside from an 'orange' level rifle I picked up with commendations, I have never seen anything orange. Where can I find orange armor?


5) Once you have out leveled an area is there any reason to keep leftover commendations? I have a couple from the first few opening planets, and was wondering if I should just buy a random roll lockbox and see what I get, or if there is any reason to hold on to these?


6) I stumbled upon a site at one point that allowed me to see all of the available skills, and plug in points to play with my progression. I can't seem to find that now... ?


I'm sure I have more, but those are the big ones on my mind currently, thanks again! :)


1) For PvE, I would open with mortar volley, then sticky the toughest enemy as you run in with hammer shot going. Then stockstrike (should proc HIB), then ion pulse or pulse cannon. rinse and repeat ;)


2) Pretty sure you can use earpieces at level 15. Look at the galactic trade market under "earpieces". I make them, and I always have a couple dozen up for sale <<<shameless plug

The helmets seemed to drop on coruscant at first, then the vendors on Taris had them, and also the vendors at Nar Shadda. They're expensive early on for your budget.


3) Relics and implants can also be purchased at the GTM. If not there, try the light side vendor at the fleet,for the relics.


4) Orange equipment can also be bought at the GTM (seeing a theme here yet?) or at the specialty vendors on all planets. Usually they're purchased with commendations from the particular planet your purchasing on.


5) I use the commendations for the lockboxes once I out-level an area too.


6) Use Darthhater.com or torhead.com to look at the skill trees and mess around with different allocations.


Hope I helped , since Im a low level also (level 27)

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implants are actually crafted by biochemical craft, with bioanalysis gather & diplomancy for rare mats. I cannot stress enough that biochemical matches up perfectly with tanking.. I would go so far as to say every vanguard should be biochemical. its probably best to level with slicing instead of diplomacy, though. harvesting slicing nodes && rich lockbox mission = $$. don't ever bother with normal mission.. and never bother with augment missions. (if you want augments use the custom slicing mission)


get the "apply ion" upgrades in tier 2 of shield ASAP. like this. this will let you use high impact bolt more often, and hammer shot kite melee mobs in circles.

Edited by ururururu
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Thanks guys, so um... (really stupid question incoming)... what is the galactic market, and where do I find it? :o


It's at the Republic Fleet in the North East room. You've been at the place earlier before taking the flight to Corusant.

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Other GTN Market terminals are also available on Coruscant in the thin corridor in the middle of the area under the Senate Plaza, behind the Cargo Hold access terminals.


Also as you've probably got to/been to Nar Shadaa by now, the Market there (at the back of the lower promenade) is cross-faction, so a good place to off-load items that are possibly more interesting to Dark Siders, etc.

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1) what are some standard issue 'best practices' for my trooper? Currently i have my companion (aric) open an attack on the toughest in the group, and then rush in to the 10 meter ish range. I use cryo grenade on elites, sticky grenade on weaklings in the middle of a pack. I use 'hammer shot' and the early level grenade a lot. Also, when can i use 'high impact bolt', it seems like the only time it ever lights up is if i have used cryo grenade. I use the cone and the grenade aoe sparingly.


i might end up saying the exact opposite of everyone else as i play my vanguard a little different to the expected norm.


Using aric: As far as i'm concerned your doing it the right way. Let him open up and take some damage and then pull the aggro on to yourself so he doesnt die.


Trash mobs: Personaly i to use mortar fire into the middle of the group, sticky grenade the middle guy and use high impact bolt before switching fire and using hammer shot on the rest. No need to get in close.


Trash mobs with a strong: The same as above but with the sticky on the strong at the start and have aric fire on him as well. Then switch fire to the weak mobs and kill them fast. Then its two on one and you can easily kill from range. Aagin, no need to ge in close.


Trash mobs with two strong: Same principle to start but focus you attention on one guy and burn him down fast. Cryo grenade the second guy. Probably a good idea to get in close. Use your pulse cannon as much as possible. Does lots of damage.


Elites: With aric, have him attack, get in close, cryo, hib, stock strike, pulse cannon, ion pulse, all your short range stuff. Make sure you use your defensive abilities (not sure what you have at 21) and if you have to, the ability that heals you and your companion (forget its name) but only pop that if you really need to as its a long cool down. Always have a medpack on hand.


Later when you have elara you can do elites from range easily as well.


As you get higher up the toughest things will be making sure you take the aggro off your companions because a couple of mobs on them and they are super squishy; and learning when to use your interupts in close. Some elites dont have special attacks, others chain them and you cant interupt everything. So learn which attacks hurt you the most and concentrate on interupting them.


A lot of people will tell you otherwise, but you can kill anything in pve relatively easy from range once you have elara to heal you.


4) aside from an 'orange' level rifle i picked up with commendations, i have never seen anything orange. Where can i find orange armor?


you can get them from drops and security boxes but the main place is via equipment commendations. However, rather than constantly picking up new armour (often 12 or 14 commendations) try just uprgrading. Saves on commendations.


5) once you have out leveled an area is there any reason to keep leftover commendations? I have a couple from the first few opening planets, and was wondering if i should just buy a random roll lockbox and see what i get, or if there is any reason to hold on to these?


i spend them on lock boxes. I've not seen a way to convert them.




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