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Bioware, you lost touch.


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Look, in REAL life, when you want to buy something, you usually read what it is about and that would have brought you to the news about the staggered EGA.


That is of course REAL LIFE, something that will bite you in the *** when you grow up if you don't sort out your priorities


I'm 32, so i'm pretty pleased you think something about me is youthful enough to grow up! In fact it's a hell of a lot more likely a 12 year old would have known what was going on than an adult....


People read around bigger purchases, not a 55 quid game. If you have time to go trawling through stuff then that's great, i'm pretty envious. (if a 55 quid game is a big purchase for you then I didn't mean to belittle it BTW, just saying it isn't so much for me).


On that note, back to work :).

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i agree with the op.


BW is so concerned about a perfect launch that they ruined the "new mmo" feel that you get when you see players zerging everywhere.



To many this launch is a failure, yeah your servers are stabe for now, but everything else is ruined.


yeah i could care less what other players think of my opinion but have not even played the game yet and have a horrible taste in my mouth about the game. Already told my friends on the fence not to bother pre-ordering.

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rtard, going to check what the preorder was about was so hard?

evidently yes... but you could have asked mommy to look up for you all the big difficult words LOL


ah, and I have been enjoying immensely my play time in the last 24 hours, you can't even imagine what you are all missing....


I can, I've been playing general beta and I can do without. I had early access before you ;) Still though, you dont buy games all the time? I preorder games all the time, standard business. I for one knew that it was going to be staggered, but I can imagine some people don't have the time/energy too put 2198361239 hours into looking up info about something you just preordered to relax and enjoy.

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I tire of 2 things in MMO's.


1. Comparisons with WOW. - I played it, I hated it as being to simplistic, linear and unineresting. My intro to the MMO world was Asheron's Call in 1999, thats before WOW for those not old enough to remember that far back. The model that WOW has followed is succesful simply because they push and merchandise the game so hard that people keep buying xpacs. Based on the theory that "maybe they've fixed what it was I didin't like that made me quit". My brother played it with a group of his firends for over a year straight, they did all the end game raids and at the end they all stopped playing because they felt they hadn't really achieved much. That said I wish Blizzard every success as they have found something to occupy some of the "people" that I don't enjoy gaming with.


2. The race to 50. - In theory it's always a race, most people I know want to reach the end of the rainbow. Some may want to be the top crafter rather than the top fighter (or whatever) but the race is still there. What I tire of though is the people that "win" said race 3 days after launch (Age of Conan i'm looking at you but there are others I could list) and then complain that there's nothing to do and know one to play with. For me it's not a sprint it's a marathon, the dev's have spent a long time filling the world with things to look at and do. Maybe we should give them a look once in a while.


As for the mention of Mythic Entertainment - I played DaoC for more than 5 years, when EA took over and Mark Jacobs and co left the game started to go down hill. Many of the original team that made DaoC the best MMO that I have played have also left. Having Mythic in the "house" as it were is going to be helpful to Bioware but I don't think it's as huge as it could have been if Mark and other members of Mythics old house were still there.


And for the record I do have early access (pre-orderd in August) however I am close to my ISP's fair usage policy this month so i'm waiting for my disc to arrive instead. :(

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I'm 32, so i'm pretty pleased you think something about me is youthful enough to grow up! In fact it's a hell of a lot more likely a 12 year old would have known what was going on than an adult....


People read around bigger purchases, not a 55 quid game. If you have time to go trawling through stuff then that's great, i'm pretty envious. (if a 55 quid game is a big purchase for you then I didn't mean to belittle it BTW, just saying it isn't so much for me).


On that note, back to work :).


no, sorry, I don't believe that a 32 years old can be that stupid

really. unless is Francis of course...


so if it's not much a issue, why are you here whining?

and why all the people who preordered first knew about... THE SECRET.....that BW told ONLY to their most ardent admirers...



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I can understand the OP's frustration if he/she is still waiting to get in. But take heart: a few days' "head start" (common to MMOs) won't make a difference a year from now. We'll all be level 50, and we'll all have the same shot at the level-50 PvP gear. And we'll be glad the game didn't die at startup because of 10-hour queues and server crashes.


Once you're in the game, my guess is you'll forget the annoying wait and will just enjoy it.


I think the game is a blast. Sure, it's not perfect, but nothing is. I think it's great fun.

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People need to stop worrying about the race to first. It doesn't matter. You don't get anything special for it. It just means you blazed past everything (including the story that's such a central focus of this game) just so you could sit at the level cap, running content over and over because you were faster than BioWare in rolling out new endgame (when they should rightly be concerned with the leveling stage at this point), and complaining that there isn't enough to do at 50th.


This isn't a WoW clone, but Heaven help me if this community doesn't already seem like WoW's community at its worst.

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Wish everyone else would think like you do. New or not most people don't care and will be quick to leave because everyone knows "WoW was the first MMO and the best".


It's all about perception babe! And right now all I see is Bioware is too chicken **** and lacking faith in their own infrastructure to properly launch SWTOR. Funny thing is, it will break anyway, no matter what they do.


First off WoW was not the first MMO Ultima Online was years before WoW and other great games you may or may not of heard of (Everquest, Asherons Call, ect) because you probably only 12 years old with your self indulgent attitude and new Millennial me first attitude. If you believe WoW is the best then go back to it. The community here has no place for kids like you! Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you on your way out.

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This game is here to stay. With the shear number of people that will be logging in on launch day, it will be a massive success. Even without the select few that are butt hurt by the Early Access methodology.


And who cares if some PVP'ers get a head start. They won't be in their superior position for too long before they get pew pew'ed. Then it's GAME ON!

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I can, I've been playing general beta and I can do without. I had early access before you ;) Still though, you dont buy games all the time? I preorder games all the time, standard business. I for one knew that it was going to be staggered, but I can imagine some people don't have the time/energy too put 2198361239 hours into looking up info about something you just preordered to relax and enjoy.


then you have no right to complain. It's your fault for not reading those few lines about EGA and preorder. If a game it's not such a big deal, why all the crying,cussing and screaming??

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People can troll/mock OP all they want but I ABSOLUTELY agree...and no..not really bothered about not getting in to game or even having my CE till' the 29th or so...after nearly a year of beta the break is nice. Point remains mmo's live or die based on perception like it or not...fair or not...the PERCEPTION is this has been horribly botched by ea/bioware THUS FAR...for specific examples see the many threads...some of which are very valid with over 500 posts already...


Actually there's a perception by a vocal group. Like any MMO forums there is ALWAYS a vocal group that gets their panties in a bunch over every little perceived slight even when it wasn't.


This is NOTHING NEW and has been going on since the late 90s.


Arguably upwards of 1m, perhaps 2m pre-orders considering there were 700k+ physical copies pre-ordered which didn't take into account digital download versions. If there's more than 2k people on here complaining about this I'd be surprised.


And the vast majority are whiny brats who are crying because others got into the game before them when it's been stated for MONTHS that this was how it's going to be.


Get over it.

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OP is 100% right. All these casuals can "OLOLOL" all they want, MMO-veterans and ambitious players already moved on.


Veterans know not to expect much in the first week of a new MMO launch. Everything else is bonus. Your statement does not make any sense.

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No offense to you Bioware, you have a good game and all but you lost touch already. You have no idea what an MMO is. 90% of what an MMO is you are killing just so you can have a few days of easy work.


1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


2. What happens during early access when something breaks? You stop inviting people to fix it and then a few days later you gotta burst in tons of people and it breaks again or take the chance that a group of people that pre-ordered don't get to play early? If at any point something breaks and someone doesn't get to play early. They will walk and go play something else. You know this right? Not sure why you would risk years of work and millions and millions of dollars for a few days of hectic work. Some of us are coming from WoW to play this. Everyone is already clueless and thinks this is a WoW clone. We didn't get in the initial day so we are playing WoW and waiting. At some point they will stop waiting or think "its just a WoW clone anyway, might as well just play WoW". The initial opening days, the mad rush of people. This kind of thing makes an MMO for some people. But Bioware wants a few days of easy work instead of letting people play the game.


3. PVP headstart. You are giving a select group a massive PVP headstart. It will be so fun starting the game vs people at max level with PVP gear. Sure PVP gear gives only 10%-15% bonus but that's massive when people don't know how to play the game.


4. PVE Race. Same as the above. It's not much of a race when some people are crossing the finish lane just as others start.


4. PVP Warzone exploit. Never would have happened if you didn't under sell the early game access just so you could have a few days of easy work. Your servers will break regardless of pampering the servers in the first few days. So just let the people play and stop being a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. You are so worried about having a few days of less work and problems that you forgot what makes an MMO an MMO.


5. The lifeless world. All the game streams are making your game look like crap right now. "Where are all the players, is this game dead already?". With the population the way it is right now we rarely see other players running by. It makes it look like no one is playing and your game flopped already. Why? Just so you can have a few days of easy work? Let me clue you into something, "YOUR **** WILL BREAK NO MATTER WHAT!!!" you can invite everyone 1 x 1 every day and still "YOUR **** WILL BREAK". It's just how it goes.


If I were you, I would try to get everyone 5 days minimum. I think you are too worried about "lets have the best launch ever!!!". What does this get you? a successful launch to you is a failure to many. If any group gets less than 5 days they will feel robbed. You're launching an MMO we aren't. You need to cater to us. If this was pre-wow people would put up with stuff like this easily. In a post-wow world you get one try and people leave and right now you aren't making a good first impression.



-"Hey bro, did you get to play SWTOR this week? I heard it was the best launch ever."

-"Nah, I didn't get in."

-"You pre-ordered right"

-"Yeah, but they had some invite system and I didn't get to play early"

-"Wow **** that i'm not buying that ****, lets play some WoW BGs"

-"Yeah, it's just a WoW clone anyway, so might as well play WoW"



The Force is...uhmmm, non-existent with this one. I will break this down point by point.


1) 1-2% if that of the gamers give a crap about being the 1st to do anything. It is not everything to everyone. This is completely false.


2) Who said they would stop EGA when something goes wrong? No one, moving on.


3) How is this any different than any other organized PvP scenario? You have those with gear and those without it. This game isn't any different, so no big deal here either. In PvP teamwork will win out even against better geared/talented opponents. The great news is that the main damage dealing abilities for every class are available at the lower levels.


4) I'm not sure which 4 to address, so I'll stick with the second, because if you're in a race to get through content, you'll be moving on to the next game next week anyway. So, Warzone exp exploit, they've found it, they've addressed it, only a small group of players were able to exploit it. Good job BioWare. They effectively limited the damage done by this exploit.


5) The game streams I found were decent with al ot of grouping and warzones. If you watched a few of them at 9 or 10 CST then they had plenty of folks running around. Early in the day a lot of people were still at work.



If you people would be patient and take a look at the timeline and the amount of people getting in, the math shows that nearly everyone should be in by the 15th, I would say by Friday evening at the latest on the 16th.


BTW, you're hypothetical conversation is stupid and for future reference, don't use anything that has the following statement "WoW clone." WoW was a clone of DAoC with different graphics and DAoC got their stuff from Everquest, etc.

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It funny how enraged people get about not being in on the first day or or 2nd day... For real man get a life. Your life shouldnt revolve around swtor or wow. sad


I'm disabled (Army), Comrade, so my life DOES revolve around SWToR! hehe! My wife agrees!



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