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Bioware, you lost touch.


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So in other words, it's a WoW clone but they aren't competing with WoW? Just sayin.


Explain to me how this game is a WoW clone in anyway shape or form? No, having combat, quests and end game content does not qualify as a "WoW clone"


I'm actually interested in people's reasoning behind calling this a WoW clone, please tell me it's not just because you heard some guy on some random website use this term.

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No offense to you Bioware, you have a good game and all but you lost touch already. You have no idea what an MMO is. 90% of what an MMO is you are killing just so you can have a few days of easy work.


1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


2. What happens during early access when something breaks? You stop inviting people to fix it and then a few days later you gotta burst in tons of people and it breaks again or take the chance that a group of people that pre-ordered don't get to play early? If at any point something breaks and someone doesn't get to play early. They will walk and go play something else. You know this right? Not sure why you would risk years of work and millions and millions of dollars for a few days of hectic work. Some of us are coming from WoW to play this. Everyone is already clueless and thinks this is a WoW clone. We didn't get in the initial day so we are playing WoW and waiting. At some point they will stop waiting or think "its just a WoW clone anyway, might as well just play WoW". The initial opening days, the mad rush of people. This kind of thing makes an MMO for some people. But Bioware wants a few days of easy work instead of letting people play the game.


3. PVP headstart. You are giving a select group a massive PVP headstart. It will be so fun starting the game vs people at max level with PVP gear. Sure PVP gear gives only 10%-15% bonus but that's massive when people don't know how to play the game.


4. PVE Race. Same as the above. It's not much of a race when some people are crossing the finish lane just as others start.


4. PVP Warzone exploit. Never would have happened if you didn't under sell the early game access just so you could have a few days of easy work. Your servers will break regardless of pampering the servers in the first few days. So just let the people play and stop being a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. You are so worried about having a few days of less work and problems that you forgot what makes an MMO an MMO.


5. The lifeless world. All the game streams are making your game look like crap right now. "Where are all the players, is this game dead already?". With the population the way it is right now we rarely see other players running by. It makes it look like no one is playing and your game flopped already. Why? Just so you can have a few days of easy work? Let me clue you into something, "YOUR **** WILL BREAK NO MATTER WHAT!!!" you can invite everyone 1 x 1 every day and still "YOUR **** WILL BREAK". It's just how it goes.


If I were you, I would try to get everyone 5 days minimum. I think you are too worried about "lets have the best launch ever!!!". What does this get you? a successful launch to you is a failure to many. If any group gets less than 5 days they will feel robbed. You're launching an MMO we aren't. You need to cater to us. If this was pre-wow people would put up with stuff like this easily. In a post-wow world you get one try and people leave and right now you aren't making a good first impression.



-"Hey bro, did you get to play SWTOR this week? I heard it was the best launch ever."

-"Nah, I didn't get in."

-"You pre-ordered right"

-"Yeah, but they had some invite system and I didn't get to play early"

-"Wow **** that i'm not buying that ****, lets play some WoW BGs"

-"Yeah, it's just a WoW clone anyway, so might as well play WoW"


Sooo.. you have nothing else to do with your life except look at the computer and press the f5 button for 6 days? If you don't get into the early access untill the last day woo, making such a huge deal about something because YOU can't get in RIGHT NOW . Whoopie.

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Explain to me how this game is a WoW clone in anyway shape or form? No, having combat, quests and end game content does not qualify as a "WoW clone"


I'm actually interested in people's reasoning behind calling this a WoW clone, please tell me it's not just because you heard some guy on some random website use this term.


"It [World of Warcraft] is a touchstone. It has established standards, it's established how you play an MMO. Every MMO that comes out, I play and look at it. And if they break any of the WoW rules, in my book that's pretty dumb," Zeschuk said.

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Bioware, you lost touch


You can't lose what you don't have in the first place.

Being a single player rpg company Bioware never was in touch with the MMO comunity, it's their first MMO product and they are learning the hard way now.

This 'wave launch" fiasco will cost them a lot of money in the long run, that much is obvious.

Edited by CanSolo
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Why did you give them your money if you didn't like the very explicit terms?


Nothing 'explicit' about who is in what wave, how many waves there will be, and the time table in between waves.


Learn to read...and THINK, Pud...err, Jalden.

Edited by jdbarton
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You can't lose what you don't have in the first place.

Being a single player rpg company Bioware never was in touch with the MMO comunity, it's their first MMO product and they are learning the hard way now.

This 'wave launch" fiasco will cost them a lot of money in the long run, that much is obvious.


Bioware is made up of some of the most veteran MMO developers in the world.

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No offense to you Bioware, you have a good game and all but you lost touch already. You have no idea what an MMO is. 90% of what an MMO is you are killing just so you can have a few days of easy work.


1. The race to first. You killed this for everyone except a select few and to some people this is all the game is to them. They race to max level and then they quit.


2. What happens during early access when something breaks? You stop inviting people to fix it and then a few days later you gotta burst in tons of people and it breaks again or take the chance that a group of people that pre-ordered don't get to play early? If at any point something breaks and someone doesn't get to play early. They will walk and go play something else. You know this right? Not sure why you would risk years of work and millions and millions of dollars for a few days of hectic work. Some of us are coming from WoW to play this. Everyone is already clueless and thinks this is a WoW clone. We didn't get in the initial day so we are playing WoW and waiting. At some point they will stop waiting or think "its just a WoW clone anyway, might as well just play WoW". The initial opening days, the mad rush of people. This kind of thing makes an MMO for some people. But Bioware wants a few days of easy work instead of letting people play the game.


3. PVP headstart. You are giving a select group a massive PVP headstart. It will be so fun starting the game vs people at max level with PVP gear. Sure PVP gear gives only 10%-15% bonus but that's massive when people don't know how to play the game.


4. PVE Race. Same as the above. It's not much of a race when some people are crossing the finish lane just as others start.


4. PVP Warzone exploit. Never would have happened if you didn't under sell the early game access just so you could have a few days of easy work. Your servers will break regardless of pampering the servers in the first few days. So just let the people play and stop being a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. You are so worried about having a few days of less work and problems that you forgot what makes an MMO an MMO.


5. The lifeless world. All the game streams are making your game look like crap right now. "Where are all the players, is this game dead already?". With the population the way it is right now we rarely see other players running by. It makes it look like no one is playing and your game flopped already. Why? Just so you can have a few days of easy work? Let me clue you into something, "YOUR **** WILL BREAK NO MATTER WHAT!!!" you can invite everyone 1 x 1 every day and still "YOUR **** WILL BREAK". It's just how it goes.


If I were you, I would try to get everyone 5 days minimum. I think you are too worried about "lets have the best launch ever!!!". What does this get you? a successful launch to you is a failure to many. If any group gets less than 5 days they will feel robbed. You're launching an MMO we aren't. You need to cater to us. If this was pre-wow people would put up with stuff like this easily. In a post-wow world you get one try and people leave and right now you aren't making a good first impression.



-"Hey bro, did you get to play SWTOR this week? I heard it was the best launch ever."

-"Nah, I didn't get in."

-"You pre-ordered right"

-"Yeah, but they had some invite system and I didn't get to play early"

-"Wow **** that i'm not buying that ****, lets play some WoW BGs"

-"Yeah, it's just a WoW clone anyway, so might as well play WoW"


Not everyone plays like you.


Not everyone is in a race to "first"


I shouldn't shocked at this foolish attitude but color me sucker because I am.


Bioware, I hope you're doing your best not to listen to people like this because the audience is so fickle that the wind could blow the wrong way and they would be up in arms about it.


It is now day 2 of early invite, the very beginning of the day at that, if you're having conversations like the above with people perhaps you need new friends.


If those "friends" or yourself wanted to be "super duper first in line" then you should have been first in line ... don't blame others for your lack of foresight or thinking.


You go ahead and enjoy your WoW BGs, I'm enjoying the heck out of SW:TOR and that's coming from a guy who spent two thirds of his beta weekends staring at a black screen.


... and for Pete's sake, it's not a WoW clone ... that's like saying Chocolate ice cream is a reskinned Vanilla ice cream.


Either like it or don't, either play it or don't, use your brains or don't ... but don't blame Bioware for your decisions or lack thereof.

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yes Bioware/EA could have handled this much better, I know their servers can handle it, because of beta.

Remember the first day of EGA was going to be on the 15th, then all of a sudden they said it would be the 13th.

Maybe they found a problem, and are making sure they fix it for the long run.


cool down OP, most people playing this game are going to enjoy the journey, and those who don't are just silly.

So take a deep breath and remember that this is a different kind of MMO, and endgame is not the main goal here, story is.

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not everyone plays like you.


Not everyone is in a race to "first"


i shouldn't shocked at this foolish attitude but color me sucker because i am.


Bioware, i hope you're doing your best not to listen to people like this because the audience is so fickle that the wind could blow the wrong way and they would be up in arms about it.


It is now day 2 of early invite, the very beginning of the day at that, if you're having conversations like the above with people perhaps you need new friends.


If those "friends" or yourself wanted to be "super duper first in line" then you should have been first in line ... Don't blame others for your lack of foresight or thinking.


You go ahead and enjoy your wow bgs, i'm enjoying the heck out of sw:tor and that's coming from a guy who spent two thirds of his beta weekends staring at a black screen.


... And for pete's sake, it's not a wow clone ... That's like saying chocolate ice cream is a reskinned vanilla ice cream.


Either like it or don't, either play it or don't, use your brains or don't ... But don't blame bioware for your decisions or lack thereof.



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You can't lose what you don't have in the first place.

Being a single player rpg company Bioware never was in touch with the MMO comunity, it's their first MMO product and they are learning the hard way now.

This 'wave launch" fiasco will cost them a lot of money in the long run, that much is obvious.


Agreed, they are new, even if Mythic is into it aswell, its still BW's product, and they do it their way...trying something new for a change.


Its not a launch tho..I dont know how hard it is to comprehend the "up to" part of the pre-launch, but obviously it seems pretty damn uncomprehencible to some. The launch is when the ppl that did NOT pre-order gets access. People calls it a "launch" when its realy not.

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Wish everyone else would think like you do. New or not most people don't care and will be quick to leave because everyone knows "WoW was the first MMO and the best".


It's all about perception babe! And right now all I see is Bioware is too chicken **** and lacking faith in their own infrastructure to properly launch SWTOR. Funny thing is, it will break anyway, no matter what they do.


Bah, WoW sucks and is something you only play when nothing else is available.

They could give WoW another name, GrindRUs :rolleyes:


Have to agree though that one does not get good opinion of Bioware right now. :p

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Agreed, they are new, even if Mythic is into it aswell, its still BW's product, and they do it their way...trying something new for a change.


Its not a launch tho..I dont know how hard it is to comprehend the "up to" part of the pre-launch, but obviously it seems pretty damn uncomprehencible to some. The launch is when the ppl that did NOT pre-order gets access. People calls it a "launch" when its realy not.



Launch of the game, Is the first day, Players get to create permanent characters on "live" servers.



So that was yesterday.



Now moving on, They are acting like this is a FPS.

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You can't lose what you don't have in the first place.

Being a single player rpg company Bioware never was in touch with the MMO comunity, it's their first MMO product and they are learning the hard way now.

This 'wave launch" fiasco will cost them a lot of money in the long run, that much is obvious.


yeah right, in a week time, no one will remember the EGA


This game will be massive, but if you prefer to think it's going to fail suit yourself

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