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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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Was that game Rebel Assault or was it perhaps X-Wing or maybe Tie Fighter? I frakking loved Tie Fighter...


As to the system, for me I'll always remember the old 486 as it was my first experience with pulling a computer apart and tinkering. I did get one more premade system afterwards in 1996 when I first ran off to college (a MONSTER of a machine, a Pentium 166) but after that - all my own builds. Thank you old 486 for allowing me to pull you apart and learn "wow, this crap is STURDY and not made of tissue paper as I assumed!"



Yes, it was X-Wing, good catch. "Tie Figher" was amaazinng for it's time, ran on the same 486SX about a year or perhaps 2 later, but this time upgraded to 8MB ram for Wing Commander and Flight Sim :p


Just tonight I was reminded that my first computer game on my first own personal computer was X-Wing! It rocked!

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About Ivy Bridge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivy_Bridge_%28computer_processor%29


So, looks like both 1155 and 2011, with 1155 mobos needing a BIOS update. Indeed, my Gigabyte board has a firmware upgrade that says it includes support for 22 nm chips....


Good times!


Only a BIOS update? Score!


I was gonna look up the 2011 chipset right now, but then I remembered what crew I roll with ;)

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Yes, it was X-Wing, good catch. "Tie Figher" was amaazinng for it's time, ran on the same 486SX about a year or perhaps 2 later, but this time upgraded to 8MB ram for Wing Commander and Flight Sim :p


Just tonight I was reminded that my first computer game on my first own personal computer was X-Wing! It rocked!


X-Wing was fun as hell, I loved diving in on star destroyers and taking out their shield generators just like they did in SW VI - haul butt out away after taking it out with a redirect to your rear shield for full strength - Absolute Win!

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Originally Posted by xomnow

Indeed lol, we could judge the age of posters by their memories of their earliest systems. My family's first was... something based around an 8088 I think. Monochrome monitor bathing me in soothing... greenish light.


The first "real" system I remember fondly was our 486 DX 50 (note, a DX, NOT a DX2 - I mocked the DX2 folks...) with 4 meg ram and a 200 MB hard drive. I upgraded that thing into a beast! Bought a second hard drive that was 345 meg for... nearly $400. You know, I still have that thing! And it works even! Added 4 more MB ram to a BEASTLY 8 meg.


And I played the hell out of Wing Commander I/II and Privateer.



Dude my own very first personal computer was a 486 SX (!) with 4MB of ram, very first game was some Star Wars CD ROM based game that came out in 1993 or 1994. It was an AWESOME game for the time, it was amazing what you could do with 4MB ram, and my system was one of the first generation ones that came with a CD ROM lol!


Good memories.


I remember commodore 64 with a 5 1/4" floppy used to have a bunch games I would get at ham fests (ham radio conventions/whateve).

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I remember commodore 64 with a 5 1/4" floppy used to have a bunch games I would get at ham fests (ham radio conventions/whateve).


My first was a TRS-80 Model III. It was state of the art. It had not one, but TWO 5.25 floppy drives. And, oh, yeah......I had the external cassette tape recorder/player!!!!

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