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December Procrastinators Preorders In Here!


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ill be a little upset if i dont get in till the 19th lol. as of now idc but if i gte in a day before the official opening ill be upset..........think about it i paid 5 dollars to get in a day early? and if 1 million people pre order that 5 million dollar bioware has made..........damn nice little scheme guys cause from what i see on my receipt i was charged 5 dollars for preordering a digital copy and then charged full price for game.......usually they put the 5 dollar pre-order towards the cost of the game.
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Not fair we bought the game like everyone else. They are treated a bit more favorably because they got the code in faster? not very fair imo. What next, have a race to who can order expansion first and they get days in quicker?

look at it like a giant line, the ones that arrived first in line will get in first and pick the best seats. if you come later, all the good seats will be taken, but you will still have to pay the same ticket price


basically, life's a *****

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"December 13th Signing in! I give a huge thank you for the Gamestop manager who didn't print my code on my reciept when I first pre-ordered this holy grail of MMOs. This is an Ode to you and my thanks for making sure I get to stand in the back of the line and watch everyone be kick *** Star Wars Characters!- Personally Im gonna rep. a pureblood sith assassin named***** No you cant see it so you can steal it silly!!"













P.s. The first race of True sith were known as Sith'ari, The red guys with the danglies on the face!!....Yes I thought so Too! Evil Draenai!

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Le yawn... bored... thank god i have work to occupy my time... I think i threw in my pre-order on the seventh. I've noticed that most of the people who are complaining clearly lack a life.. either that or they don't have jobs... and had their parents buy their game for them... or at least that's what I think. I still stand by my hope that smugglers will get tricorn hats (sorry just had to be completely random for this thread...)
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