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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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Or like C3P0 birthed a child of Akira Kurosawa.

I'm happy to be a Smuggler :)


You just solved it. The samurai look is Bioware's homage to one of George Lucas' inspirations for A New Hope: Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress :)


Besides the helmet I don't really mind the Jedi Knight PvP Gear. That said, I find the lvl 40 Guardian PvP gear way cooler than the 50 PvP gear.

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I hate the helmet, but I could live with the rest of it.. maybe get rid of the backpack.. unless ofc they decide to give me BH rockets, then I'd accept it.


the suit is slinky like a catsuit on my female Jedi.

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I hate the helmet, but I could live with the rest of it.. maybe get rid of the backpack.. unless ofc they decide to give me BH rockets, then I'd accept it.


the suit is slinky like a catsuit on my female Jedi.


Battlemaster doesn't have it (Guardian) and personally I think it looks pretty damn awesome, in black.

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Battlemaster doesn't have it (Guardian) and personally I think it looks pretty damn awesome, in black.


The bagpack is on the sentinel set. So yeah, for BW, the difference between heavy armor and medium armor is the color, and the presence of a bagpack.

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Although most of the set looks horrible, especially the helm/chest.


The GLOVES are the best looking gloves in the game. Especially the centurion, battle master colouring of it.


cybernetic looking armguard with a scale mail feel to it having 2-3 overlapping layers of durasteel that looks really like a flexible piece of armor. I just can't find a better looking pair of gloves on any of the classes.

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Ok so why is the armor for all sith except for bounty hunter have awesome gear they can brag about and then I put on some samurai's robots mother's armor and I run around in shame. I think they should let you get color dye or something and you can mod up any orange and some blue green or purple items and u can get something like a robe and decals to attach. I mean really swtor u let me down :( Edited by YatesFloyd
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I put off buying it for as long as I could. Finally had to in order to stay competitive in pvp.

It really is horrid. I want my robe back. The tio/col/rak gear is so friggan awesome. I cant believe the level of disparity, from a design standpoint, between that and top pvp.



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I wonder how many people would have been immersed in the game during beta and onwards if at Tython a group of golden samurai were defending against the flesh raiders instead of robed jedi. If you create a design for a class it should be fit to be worn anywhere within the story line as well. Be it a master that you meet in the jedi council chambers or on a planet. The pvp armour set does not lend itself to this and does not conform to at least what I would expect a jedi to look like.
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I have full Champion gear and I cant stand the look of it. I'm about to become Battlemaster (valor 56) yet its the same dumb look with a different paint job. Please change this, its very unfulfilling to work so hard to become Champion/Battlemaster and hate the look of it.


BW did a great job making Imp gear look BA, why not do the same for Rep.... im sure its one of the many reasons most servers are 2-1 (imp-rep).

Edited by Deadog
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