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Jedi Knights PvP gear is unacceptably pathetic. Be united against it!


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Whoever the art designer is, or whoever is in charge of the costume design in game should be fired on the spot! This is not only the worst PvP outfit in the game, but it's borderline offensive to the Star Wars brand. This is NOT how a Jedi would dress. The armored monk stuff you see in the trailers is more like it, then at 40 you get giant shoulder-pads (which have no viable use with someone who swings a weapon with his arms) and a cape, and they go with an Iron man rip-off for high lvl Jedi Knights....wow....


Who's the person who sat down looked at all available design choices and went with Shoulder pads, capes, body suits, iron man chest pieces (they didnt even attempt to hide the fact they ripped that off), boots with 14th century Knee flaps, and finally Samurai helms. None of these things with the exception of the Samurai helm have any place on a Jedi. The name Jedi is derived from the Japanese word Jedi-geki which loosely means Samurai warrior so I can understand the helm as a symbolic piece only, but again its not something a Jedi would sport


Then theres the lvl 40 PvP gear aswell...Here they decided a cape on a Jedi was a good idea? Capes should only be warn by gay superhero's in tights and evil toons! As a matter of fact the cape is an afront to everything the Jedi stand for and im shocked the designers missed this glaring aspect. A cape is a symbol, it has no use (and could actually be considered a liability in combat) except to show status! The Iron Man suit would only make sense if he were planning on doing sum spacewalking! Why oh why must I explain this silly ish to you ppl, smdh!!!!!


Now back to the Buck Rogers/Iron man PvP sets, I know Iron man was a good movie and an awesome superhero but that doesnt mean you need to put it in this game. Jedi themselves are not "superhero's" like superman or batman so stop with the capes already it shows your severe lack of proffessional insight on the subject at hand.


When u design the gear around any of the classes in the game u must also consider utility along with all the other aspects that would make someone wear such items. I know big cool looking spikes coming out of ones shoulders looks cool but what happens when u raise your sword over your head and stab yourself in the face! Or a Jedi who is supposed to be self-less dresses up in a flashy superman cape with tights! That is probably the biggest mistake I have seen in the continuity of this game so far. It boggles my mind that someone over at Bioware sat down and thought this through coming out the other end thinking it was a good idea....wow....Have you ppl ever even seen star wars and if u did what did you "get from the story", because for you to throw a cape on a Jedi tells me you have no idea what theyre even about!


I agree whole-heartedly.

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When u design the gear around any of the classes in the game u must also consider utility along with all the other aspects that would make someone wear such items. I know big cool looking spikes coming out of ones shoulders looks cool but what happens when u raise your sword over your head and stab yourself in the face!


You forgot to mention the giant mud flap on the rear end of these things. From the backside we look like a Tonka Truck front end loader. Maybe they added that so we could take a force dump in our pants when we saw Ilum 1.1 for the first time. Also the mud flap clips through all the robes.


The giant spiky shoulders are NOT cool. That is WOW's thing, let them have it, keep it off my jedi please. The shoulders on 50 pvp gear looks like some 5 year olds glued plastic sand shovels to either side of my neck, and the one side fell off.


Oh BTW Bioware...while you're fixing the PVP gear, how about putting some USEFUL F&^$% STATS on it??!!! 2 Set bonus - Guarded by the force??!!! 4 Set bonus... 5 extra meters to Dispatch...WELL HALLELUIAH!! IM MELEE, I NEVER need more range on a skill that cost FOCUS. sigh


You know what else is frustrating about all this armor. the RNG.. Yeah I know there are a million other threads about this, but this game has me on FIRE lately so I'm going off topic for a second. I am SO SICK AND Fing TIRED of getting the SAME pieces of armor from your rotten RNG system. Rank 59 (so this is almost pointless now) PVP and have YET to see my mainhand. However, I have got nearly 4 alternate sets to the one I am wearing, which is COMPLETELY useless!!!


This seriously bugs the crap out of me cause I'm talking to my Guardian and Sage friends and they're like, "oh well I've built a DPS and Tank and Heal set and outfitted two of my companions!, you should do the same"... Well GREAT FOR YOU BUT I'M SENTINEL!!! I don't have another role to warrant two sets, I don't have any companions who wear STR/END medium armor and I can't use these pieces to buy anything for any of the other classes even if I WANTED to outfit a companion.


The best I can do is open bag number 100 (not an exaggeration) and slowly....and I mean TERRIBLY slowly, build a set of crappy centurion for ONE companion, while my guardian friend has a fully decked out champion (or even battlemaster now) companion. 3 centurion tokens per bag, the mainhand cost 72 points alone. Figure out how long that would take you. Though, I don't know what the point is, cause companions are practically useless after 50 anyways so...


I just need to stop now, cause I could sit here and write a book bigger than their Game Design Doc, of all the bugs, oversights and lack of attention that BW failed at when they made this game... it's really sad because there is a WEALTH of reference for costume design in this universe, a WEALTH of reference for how to build a successful MMO, and BW seemed to ignore it all.....

Edited by Gundiok
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Actually, I kinda like the final stuff's samurai-ish looks. And actually they're more related than it seems: Darth Vader's helmet itself was inspired in a kabuto; So I feel like a "light side Vader", and it feels really great :)
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Actually, I kinda like the final stuff's samurai-ish looks. And actually they're more related than it seems: Darth Vader's helmet itself was inspired in a kabuto; So I feel like a "light side Vader", and it feels really great :)


too much beer, you can't be serious.


This looks nothing like vaders helm.... at all. It looks like a badminton birdie stuck on our head and spray painted gold.

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Capes... Well, they do actually fit. Luke Skywalker is a prime example. I don't think they fit for all Jedi. The ones like the watchmen or the shadow's do imo.


To the main point, the end pvp armor skins... WTH is BW thinking. I understand the humble thing for Jedi but being tasteless is not the same thing. Really hope BW listens to this thread.

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Trying to look at it from a bioware view and I think they had a good idea going, but I feel like I am running around in tights and a samurai helmet with a radio on my back. The samurai thing would have been cool, but only if the rest of the gear complimented it. Maybe they intend to build off the look? All I can say is samurai look could have been cool, but the last time I saw a samurai running around in tights was... well... never. The closest you could probably get to a non bad *** looking samurai is Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai. Please the theme would have been cool if there was any consistency in the set, give us some "plated" looking shoulder pads and add a little bulk to the set.
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This is def ugly. Its already bad enough that we get NO helmets.. I mean not even 1, even the consulars get a couple decent ones. Why the heck do we have that funky jet pack looking thing!??!! And they wonder why theres sooo many people rolling sith..:confused:
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Actually, simple robes is not Jedi either, true story, yet 99% of the Jedi fanbase seem to think otherwise. The outfit was just the ways of Obi-Wan, you know, hiding out on Tatooine, poor, keeping a low profile. Luke never wore such "Jedi" outfits except for a black cloak when he returned to Tatooine in Return of the Jedi. This is all perfectly explained by RLM (amongst others) in their review of Star Wars and the prequel trilogy, mentioning how such clothing would be practical on Tatooine (sand storms etc.) yet 100% unpractical elsewhere, say, Hoth or Coruscant.


Ever asked yourself why members of the the Jedi Council, who reside in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, wear simple robes? Coruscant being the capital city of the Old Republic, a modern planet filled with technology and all kinds of fancy clothing. No? Maybe you should.


Lucas even got that part wrong, lol.

Edited by darthtoph
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Actually, simple robes is not Jedi either, true story, yet 99% of the Jedi fanbase seem to think otherwise. The outfit was just the ways of Obi-Wan, you know, hiding out on Tatooine, poor, keeping a low profile. Luke never wore such "Jedi" outfits except for a black cloak when he returned to Tatooine in Return of the Jedi. This is all perfectly explained by RLM (amongst others) in their review of Star Wars and the prequel trilogy, mentioning how such clothing would be practical on Tatooine (sand storms etc.) yet 100% unpractical elsewhere, say, Hoth or Coruscant.


Ever asked yourself why members of the the Jedi Council, who reside in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, wear simple robes? Coruscant being the capital city of the Old Republic, a modern planet filled with technology and all kinds of fancy clothing. No? Maybe you should.


Lucas even got that part wrong, lol.


Because humility is a cornerstone of Jedi life. They wear simple robes for much the same reason that religious monks wear simple robes.


And no. Lucas is never wrong with a story he created. Star Wars is what he makes of it. Not some self proscribed film critic.

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Because humility is a cornerstone of Jedi life. They wear simple robes for much the same reason that religious monks wear simple robes.
That was never established in the original trilogy. Never. Nor in the prequel trilogy for that matter. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a Star Wars movie or read a Star Wars novel where the words 'humility' and 'cornerstone of Jedi life' are used at all. Try again.


Even if humility was the cornerstone of Jedi life, wouldn't it be better to establish their temple elsewhere? Why Coruscant who is one giant planet/city? That's like having the Dalei lama and his Tibetan munks establish themselves in the middle of the Las Vegas strip in Nevada. So much for simple ways, lol.


And no. Lucas is never wrong with a story he created. Star Wars is what he makes of it. Not some self proscribed film critic.
The prequel trilogy alone is full of plot holes and continuity errors when compared to the original trilogy. Please Google up the errors.


And if you think Lucas got it right, why is he still making changes to the movies? Have you any idea how many times Lucas has altered the movies? Don't be surprised if new changes are introduced when Star Wars hit cinemas in 3D later this year.

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The armor looks horrid, but to add to the discussion about the cornerstone of jedi life, it all depends on the era of jedi and so on. I've read over 80 star wars books which are all technically canon, but certain master's beliefs influenced their followers, so it all depends on the era.
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I don't see the problem, I see alot of people claiming it looks horrible etcetc, but coming from imp side where we wear idiotic tubes etc, I actually think the knight pvp gear looks Amazing, though the gold on the t2 pvp one is a bit flashy..


I think anyone can agree that the helm is hideous but why wear the helm when the set looks great without it ?

Edited by Munx
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