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PVP Exploits


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Yes not absolutely sure but played a Voidstar yesterday where the opposing team placed a bomb on the door before our team had even exited/dropped down to defend,(and no it wasn't the second round).

Not sure if this is some uber sprint ability but I can't see how any skill allows a player to do this.

We were playing against a heavy premade team of 50s on the other side,so it had me wondering.


I also experienced that same issue. only occured once but it was too late to be able to defend that first door

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You guys realize that by shining a spot light on these issues more people are going to do them now that they've read this right?


I am from the camp that says let everyone know, and encourage them to break the game as much as possible. There really is no excuse for these things. But when you hire your boys as testers and not take things serious, you wind up with a broke game.

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You guys realize that by shining a spot light on these issues more people are going to do them now that they've read this right?


Thus forcing Bioware to move their butts and fix it. There's not much work there actually. Add an invisible wall or two here and there, change the invis check on objectives, what else? I've seen speedhack literally once, so it might have as well be a bug (I once got stunned for 6 hours - luckily I got killed after 40 seconds, so skills might sometimes work longer than intended). The rest is simple stuff.


The biochem problem is a major flaw, so I'm not even going to start the discussion about how to fix it. It's Bioware's job, I'm here to complain.




Edited by Kalantris
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If you're complaining about "exploits", at least get your facts straight.



Any Consular/Inquisitor Spec can use Tumult/Spike, because it's a CONSULAR/INQUISITOR ability. Big surprise.


All medpacs share one cooldown, which is 90 secs. I have never seen anyone being able to use them more frequently, if that happens, well there's an exploit. Where's your proof?


Now to the rest of you imbalance-whiners: There's absolutely nothing wrong with Biochem.

The Rakata Medpac is stronger than the 48-prototype tradeable version, alright, but only by an approximately 20% margin. Technically, you could just buy the blue ones off the AH and and take whatever other crew skill appeals you, since they have their own (maybe less pvp related) advantages.

If that's not satisfying you, well, roll Biochem for hardcore pvp. What keeps you from it? You got 3 crewskill slots for a reason. And since generally people seem to compare everything here with WoW: You basically had to have engineer there if you were serious about pvp. It's just similar here, if not even less dramatic.


Talking about design failure because of such issues coupled with the fact that most of you can't come up with solid arguments underlining such accusations makes you look like complete idiots.

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I still donßt get why companies invest time in a Weapons/ Armor crafting system if the best crafting gear can´t compete with endgame gear and gear progression is the endgame, itßs just a waste of efforts. The only things that are useful in those games are professions that create consumables. Just a bad system.

And yes a System where the best crafted medpack is only atainable if you have Biochem forces you to use it.



Never See someone take multiple medpacks, a Skill, Medpack and PVP heal yes but not multiple medpacks.

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Pulling a player up to the ledge of your starting area = instant death for them.


Standing on the middle piller (Where the ball spawns) makes you los obstructed from other players. Often used to grab the ball then pass it to a ally above or to try and turtle a game. (You can still be hit by aoe abilities, notably aoe knockbacks will knock you off)


Throwing the ball to enemy players inside their spawn point/on the ledge will instant kill them and give you the ball back.


Force Speed Tricks, You can use Force speed at the start of a match before the acid pit to jump it and gain a edge in getting to the ball faster. You can use Force Speed to run through the fire. You can use Force speed to run towards the air lifts and jump and always get on the platform above.




Republic on attacking side/round can jump on top of their ship and then jump over the wall before the match starts.


You can cap the first bridge nodes from behind the pillar.


If you defuse a bomb while stealthed you can often get 1 to 1.5 seconds into the defuse before becoming visible.


Group Stealth will hide you capping.


You can wedge yourself into the door while capping to create a los error preventing players from attacking you from certain angles.


Its sometimes-possible to get almost into the front of the last spawn point and use a aoe to knock everyone back and miss the door opening window (Inquisitors/Sages who have the talent that roots guys who are hit by their knockback work best)


If you watch the full opening movie/ride you will sometimes miss the door window opening and be forced into waiting on the next wave.


Force leap and sometimes force speed can be used to cross the gap in the middle of the second area. used more with a stealth ally and the guardian leap type ability. I belive you can also pull friendlys across with other such abilities. bypassing the bridges.


Dot (damage over time) speced players can practicaly make capping doors almost impossible with dots that last longer then 20 seconds.





Theres ways to climb buildings/walls.


Theres a exploit to make the expertise bonuses stack/not go away till death.


Same stealth capping bugs as above.


You can sometimes hit stealth solo at the same time as capping and cap while stealthed.






-Crew Skills / Items-


Theres a resuable med pack on around maybe 2 minutes or less cooldown that heals you for 6k +2k over 15 seconds thats on its own timer.


Expertise stacks from gear+pvp expertise pot+expertise powerups on the map.


Biochem has large bonuses to your stats from Stims and Adrenals and they can be made to be resusuable.


Cybertech grenades are situationaly useful, but do help.


By abusing the expertise enhancment in pvp weapons(around lvl 35) you can rip it out and put it in other gear so you have around 3-5% expertise sub 50.


You can often buy the cheaper peices of pvp armor and rip out the mods and put it in your current modable gear to get the same bonuses per peice at often 50 or more pvp points cheaper per each peice.


Few people eat food/drinks so their health regen is faster.


Theres a few buffs you can get around the game world that can be taken into pvp.

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And since generally people seem to compare everything here with WoW: You basically had to have engineer there if you were serious about pvp. It's just similar here, if not even less dramatic.


And Blizzard changed that. Because HAVING to have a certain crafting skill just to not be gimp in pvp was extraordinarily retarded and just plain bad design.


I won't lie though. Rocket boots were fun as all hell.

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Pulling a player up to the ledge of your starting area = instant death for them.


This, right here, is enough to make me unsub from this game. This is all the latest rage such that if I even see that the other team has a powertech I simply abandon the warfront. It happened to me 4x in a single match while running the ball.


Powertech=no scoring for opposing team at all. please, ffs, fix this today.

Edited by Grellk
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This. People don't watch the timer and get locked in. BW should probably make a louder "it's starting you should go now" sound.


But ya, don't miss the gate... You got about 3 seconds to exit before the doors lock again.


No, there is actually really an exploit that will allow people to get past the barrier before the game is ready to start. They are able to set a bomb on the door before the phase has actually started and there's nothing you can do about it.

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And Blizzard changed that. Because HAVING to have a certain crafting skill just to not be gimp in pvp was extraordinarily retarded and just plain bad design.


I won't lie though. Rocket boots were fun as all hell.


They changed a lot of things, whereas "change" is maybe the wrong term. "Assimilate" would be more accurate. Ultimately, the screams for more equality and their hearing destroyed a big part of said game and almost all of its diversity. that's why we're here in the first place, isn't it.

Edited by Dianaid
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Anyone else see some exploits?
There's an Empire guild on my server (Terentatek) that I'm pretty sure is using some. And I say that as someone who is very skeptical when exploit claims are made.


Numerous times I watched them vanish as non-stealth classes, and no it wasn't group stealth. You would retain your target of them, and their target circle (the colored circle on the ground under their model) would stay visible and stationary, but they would vanish. They would reappear shortly afterward 10-15yards away, free of any CC such as roots or stuns. It's almost as if they were using /stuck somehow.


I also watched them vanish under the map, popping up only when they did attacks. As you would try to fight back you'd get the "You don't have a target" message, even though you clearly still have them targeted. Meanwhile they will destroy your HP bar while being unattackable.


And before anyone suggests it was lag or FPS issues, no. The other players in the warzones did not display either of those traits, only the members of that guild. I experienced this in more than one warzone with them, it's always just their members who have those things occur.

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