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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Finished the game. (unsubbing till expansion)


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Why is it that one cannot have an opinion, bad or good? That said, I was enthousiast of the game the first few weeks. But got to lvl 40, and started wondering, now what? There isnt much choice besides questing and leveling it seems. I am not in mmos just for the end game content, but rather I like the "daily life" in virtual worlds, exploring places and doing fun stuff. Pity this game has nothing of an open world, in every way. Even its economy has so many boundaries that its not fun at all.


I loved it for a while, but got bored by it pretty fast. Its really a shame for me. Dont get me wrong, I am a big fan of the Star Wars universe and lore. But it seems that using this franchise got the developpers lazy. Plus, I am not that available to pay a subcription to be a beta tester...


I never wrote and read so much a forum of any game, ever. If I did wasnt just to whine about the game, but first to check if I was the only one disappointed and then see if BW was available to address the many pending issues that make this game such a bad game.


Probably in the next months some issues will be solved. Except the fact that the basic design of the game is just flawed. Will never understand why places like the Republic Fleet are so ugly, packed and full of annoying elevators etc.... While other places like the Senate building are so big for no reason and "empty".


Because it's kind of dumb to cancel and then preach to people why you cancelled, like anyone cares or hasn't heard.


If you didn't like Best Buy, do you stand outside the doors and tell every person coming in why you dislike the store?



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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


Downed Shards of Alderaan boss in EV. (and all of the important content)


Im sure we will run the hard and nightmare modes over the next few weeks, but do not expect this to be up for too long. Repeating content on harder modes was never something that kept us playing, we know elite modes as we server firsted the twilight dragons on our server in wow etc. We also go right back to UO and sleeper in EQ1.


The game is awesome, amazing, but not enough content, i expect to see "reroll another class", "play republic" or "dont spacebar.." (I personally have never space barred any narrative until I have heard once) etc but thats not what we play mmo's for, for us its progressing a character, kitting him out, enjoying difficult and hard to beat content but not running the same content but in faster times or gimping how many people you take etc.


None of our guild looked at spoilers or played beta, we all wanted to experience the game fresh and new. We did not expect it to be this unbelievably easy.


Now I know the bioware drones and people that defend the game will be all over this post like crazy but just remember we are on the frontlines of what the game offers, and it is not alot.


You wont agree with this now but in a few weeks the more casual and the bulk of playerbase will be posting the same, the game is cake, tuned too the farmville level of player.


The high achievers and hardcore will all move on to other games while more content is released, will they come back? I dont know, what I do know is that the end game should of been harder, if only the last boss and nothing else.


As I said, you will not think this now as you are not where we are, it wont take the more part time player long to reach this point and when you do you will remember this and many other posts about how easy and retarded the gameplay is.


(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)




I would like to introduce a scale of the average mmo player.


1 - 100


I would say this game is set to around the below average mmo player, maybe around 40 or so.


I would place myself around the 70 or so mark. (above average) The game is set WAY to low for it to remain a viable prospect for the future.


I am a hardcore gamer, i took a week off work for the games release, i've been logged in most days, for a big chunk of each day, with the exception of a couple of days over christmas (that might in fact lose me my hardcore status, damn you family, damn you!!!), that aside, when i hit 50 i did a /played and it has over 7 days of game time, knock off maybe a day and half for idling time, IE when i've gone to the toilet, or gone to make myself somethign to eat, and in one case went to do the weekly food shop and didn't want to have to queue when i logged back in. Still 5 1/2-6 days in around 3/4 weeks is a lot of playing time. I Didn't really struggle with any of the content as i was ensuring i completed every quest before moving on to the enxt zone. So to have played to 50 and have completed the end game content you must have been playing longer then me. Sorry but you are a Hardcore player by even the slightest standards, either that or you space barred through the dialogue.

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It took 17 pages but you single handedly destroyed your own argument in one sentence. Good day sir.



Originally Posted by Scan

I do not consider myself remotely hardcore but we finished the games hardest instance on normal in one night.



Originally Posted by Scan

but we finished the games hardest instance on normal in one night.





Originally Posted by Scan

finished the games hardest instance on normal



Originally Posted by Scan

instance on normal



Originally Posted by Scan



It took 17 pages but you single handedly destroyed your own argument in one sentence. Good day sir.


OR.. The game is too easy..


You do realise that once you have finished the game on normal they are asking you to repeat it for a Sub of $14.95?


This is my point ultimately, will we play to repeat content to do it faster (enrage timers) or gimped (less people etc)



Edited by Scan
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When you get to endgame, give me a call..


You can spew all the nonsense you want about how I'm not at all qualified to voice my opinion but I am running the endgame, I have done NOTHING in this game that has required even the remotest challenge, I was expecting to down the last boss in EV on normal mode about a month AFTER we started, at least!


We did it first time, in one night.


The game is too easy and this is the first few of a torrent of posts you will see about this issue.


Ok some things to consider:

You mentioned Irae AoD & their Vault clear on nightmare mode 2 weeks after launch.

If you look at WoW progress: Dragonsoul normalmode cleared after the 1st week. Dragonsoul hardmode cleared 2 weeks after the hardmodes became available. Similiar how Vault was cleared.


You mentioned C'thun:

It was not "difficult" it was not "hardcore". He was just plain bugged. Tentacles could spawn inside his stomach. Healers outside of the stomach would be on their threat tables, so as soon as they reemerged outside they 1 shotted those healers.

Also an intentional buggy bossdesign is the most stupid thing a developer could implement. Raiders hate you for that.


Back to the "difficulty" problem:

It's the normal way in MMOs. This has always been the case since WoW - the hardcore breeze through normal modes (they expect it) and play hardmode.

If you're slightly above average: The Hardmode is for you in SWTOR. Normalmode is for random groups, Nightmare for raiders. Similiar how WoW has LFR, Normalmode, Hardmodes.

"I cleared Vault on Normalmode do they expect me to pay 15$ for the other modes?" Yes, they do. As in every other MMO. Maybe it's your first time on the top of the curve. As a decent player you clear the easy modes (you should expect to clear the easy modes) and have the hardmodes to have fun. And if you're a hardcore raider you expect to clear the content within 2-3 weeks. Contrary to popular believe hardcore raiders dont want to / have the time to spent their 12hours / day raiding over a longer time period. Raid hardcore for a short period of time - then relax with 5hours max / week clearing the content.



Should mention that Irae is complaining about a bugged version of the EV nightmare version ;)

Edited by Zocat
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As much as you are unbothered about me leaving, I am unbothered about you caring.


I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.


I agree with you, but its not the casual approach thats the problem.


casual just means that you can pick up and play when you want.

SWTOR is not this. there is so much travelling and no accessible and quick instance tool that people cant. You have to devote time to do these things so that puts off the casual player.



At the same time, the difficulty is quite low, and the pulls are the same over and over again letting you auto pilot through the game, so it does not appeal to anyone wanting challenge.



Put them together, and SWTOR appeals to hardcore players wanting an easy and unfullfilling play experience......bet thats a huge market...

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Ok some things to consider:

You mentioned Irae AoD & their Vault clear on nightmare mode 2 weeks after launch.

If you look at WoW progress: Dragonsoul normalmode cleared after the 1st week. Dragonsoul hardmode cleared 2 weeks after the hardmodes became available. Similiar how Vault was cleared.


You mentioned C'thun:

It was not "difficult" it was not "hardcore". He was just plain bugged. Tentacles could spawn inside his stomach. Healers outside of the stomach would be on their threat tables, so as soon as they reemerged outside they 1 shotted those healers.

Also an intentional buggy bossdesign is the most stupid thing a developer could implement. Raiders hate you for that.


Back to the "difficulty" problem:

It's the normal way in MMOs. This has always been the case since WoW - the hardcore breeze through normal modes (they expect it) and play hardmode.

If you're slightly above average: The Hardmode is for you in SWTOR. Normalmode is for random groups, Nightmare for raiders. Similiar how WoW has LFR, Normalmode, Hardmodes.

"I cleared Vault on Normalmode do they expect me to pay 15$ for the other modes?" Yes, they do. As in every other MMO. Maybe it's your first time on the top of the curve. As a decent player you clear the easy modes (you should expect to clear the easy modes) and have the hardmodes to have fun. And if you're a hardcore raider you expect to clear the content within 2-3 weeks. Contrary to popular believe hardcore raiders dont want to / have the time to spent their 12hours / day raiding over a longer time period. Raid hardcore for a short period of time - then relax with 5hours max / week clearing the content.



Should mention that Irae is complaining about a bugged version of the EV nightmare version ;)


C'thun was not bugged when we downed him in Vanilla with a 40 man raid.


It took us 2 weeks of practice playing 4-5 times a week.


Now that is a Boss, no hard more no easy mode, just the Legend that he is.


I tend think if you are rubbishing C'thun so much maybe you were someone who never beat him at 60 in a 40 man raid. I understand if this is the case, C'thun ruined alot of peoples lives, friendships and romances.

Edited by Scan
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These are the same people that cried about finishing Mass Effect in 8 hours...didn't do any of the sidequests, skipped through dialogue, didn't read any codex entries, etc., then whined. Of course it ended faster, you didn't play the game they provided. If you wanted a different experience, play a different game.


I know a lot of people are skipping planets. I love that that option is there for those players. Me? Im doing every quest on every planet. Im on Alderaan right now and im so overleveled everything is grey. I played for a few hours and earned like 45 experience. Same thing had been true on Nar Shadaa. If I were just after progression, I could have skipped both.


The content is there, it just doesn't fit into how YOU want to game...then this probably isn't the game for you. Or you need to give it time. End game content takes a while to develop. Perhaps you were or weren't there when your only options were Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, or Scholomance.


If Bioware is guilty of anything, its giving progression based players too many options. Too much pvp exp, too much space exp, too high of quest rewards.

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Well, i am not a hardcore gamer by any stretch of the imagination, we have finished the game.


Downed Shards of Alderaan boss in EV. (and all of the important content)


Im sure we will run the hard and nightmare modes over the next few weeks, but do not expect this to be up for too long. Repeating content on harder modes was never something that kept us playing, we know elite modes as we server firsted the twilight dragons on our server in wow etc. We also go right back to UO and sleeper in EQ1.


The game is awesome, amazing, but not enough content, i expect to see "reroll another class", "play republic" or "dont spacebar.." (I personally have never space barred any narrative until I have heard once) etc but thats not what we play mmo's for, for us its progressing a character, kitting him out, enjoying difficult and hard to beat content but not running the same content but in faster times or gimping how many people you take etc.


None of our guild looked at spoilers or played beta, we all wanted to experience the game fresh and new. We did not expect it to be this unbelievably easy.


Now I know the bioware drones and people that defend the game will be all over this post like crazy but just remember we are on the frontlines of what the game offers, and it is not alot.


You wont agree with this now but in a few weeks the more casual and the bulk of playerbase will be posting the same, the game is cake, tuned too the farmville level of player.


The high achievers and hardcore will all move on to other games while more content is released, will they come back? I dont know, what I do know is that the end game should of been harder, if only the last boss and nothing else.


As I said, you will not think this now as you are not where we are, it wont take the more part time player long to reach this point and when you do you will remember this and many other posts about how easy and retarded the gameplay is.


(I recently saw a post asking for the game to made even easier, this just blows my mind. It staggers belief that some people are struggling to complete class chains, flashpoints or find datacrons etc. This is the player that is killing this genre, devs are actually listening to you people!?)




I would like to introduce a scale of the average mmo player.


1 - 100


I would say this game is set to around the below average mmo player, maybe around 40 or so.


I would place myself around the 70 or so mark. (above average) The game is set WAY to low for it to remain a viable prospect for the future.




So since the 20th of Dec, your entire guild... just guessing 20 people did not RUSH through the content is what your telling us all? You played casually? Never space bared through it? All 225 hours of it? And now you cleared all the content one time and your done?


My only comment would be you really are looking for endless content instantly.


Let's do this... PRETEND this is WoW on release, or any other MAJOR MMO IP franchise... now then, if this is the case.. to help - lets remember that WoW didnt even have end game content at launch... .. so that really takes that out of the picture... how about rift? Nope... that was a mess... we all know that... SWG? -- God, I wont even mention that and launch... then the mess it was in a couple years... so really you might have moved a tad fast... NOT MAJOR fast as I have been in beta for this game and was for a very long time... and agree we level a bit fast however if your just going to do one thing... and that is it then this may not be the game you are looking for.


If you are boxing yourself in -- one way, your way and not trying anything else then you may run out of content in any game.


Just saying.

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C'thun was not bugged when we downed him in Vanilla with a 40 man raid.


It took us 2 weeks of practice playing 4-5 times a week.


Now that is a Boss, no hard more no easy mode, just the Legend that he is.


I tend think if you are rubbishing C'thun so much maybe you were someone who never beat him at 60 in a 40 man raid. I understand if this is the case, C'thun ruined alot of peoples lives, friendships and romances.


Vanilla was also the end to "being difficult" in MMOs.

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These are the same people that cried about finishing Mass Effect in 8 hours...didn't do any of the sidequests, skipped through dialogue, didn't read any codex entries, etc., then whined. Of course it ended faster, you didn't play the game they provided. If you wanted a different experience, play a different game.


I know a lot of people are skipping planets. I love that that option is there for those players. Me? Im doing every quest on every planet. Im on Alderaan right now and im so overleveled everything is grey. I played for a few hours and earned like 45 experience. Same thing had been true on Nar Shadaa. If I were just after progression, I could have skipped both.


The content is there, it just doesn't fit into how YOU want to game...then this probably isn't the game for you. Or you need to give it time. End game content takes a while to develop. Perhaps you were or weren't there when your only options were Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, or Scholomance.


If Bioware is guilty of anything, its giving progression based players too many options. Too much pvp exp, too much space exp, too high of quest rewards.


But your logic and arguement fails when you realise ME3 does not require a Sub. would you ever pay a Sub to play ME3? Would you want to finish the game asap to save yourself money~?

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As much as you are unbothered about me leaving, I am unbothered about you caring.


I posted this for devs to read (lol, i know!) not the casual approach players that are slowly killing the mmo genre.


New flash it isn't slow....it is here. Killed by that other popular MMO.

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Vanilla was also the end to "being difficult" in MMOs.


Wrong, a guild I was in collapsed under the pressure of Hydross in Sepentshrine cavern, server firsting Magtheridon before the launch could not even keep us together.


The burning crusade was HUGELY hardcore before they began to nerf things. I remember having to farm for Heroic keys just to run Heroics.


Im not asking for INSANE levels of increased timesinks, just having one or two absolute endgame objectives almost impossible, rather than asking us to pay $14.95 a month to repeat content.

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And whats next after players spending 2 weeks to a month slagging that game in its forums becaue it wasn't what they thought or because it was just waaay too buggy for 2012 or no rea l endgame? Secret Empire? Neverwinter? Titan?


I am afraid that each and every game will be compared to the daddy of all mmo's, fail and sent to oblivion or ftp waaay before its time.


Of course the other thoughts ARE we turning into a society of video game addicts with little to no attention spans?


hahahaha exactly.



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C'thun was not bugged when we downed him in Vanilla with a 40 man raid.


It took us 2 weeks of practice playing 4-5 times a week.


Now that is a Boss, no hard more no easy mode, just the Legend that he is.


I tend think if you are rubbishing C'thun so much maybe you were someone who never beat him at 60 in a 40 man raid. I understand if this is the case, C'thun ruined alot of peoples lives, friendships and romances.


Read: http://elitistjerks.com/f15/t6290-c_thun/

Especially post 22 by Praetorian (if you dont know who he is you should just **** about C'thun) and "Before, the Digestive Acid debuff made you friendly to the "Armies of C'Thun" faction, which prevented C'Thun from spawning tentacles on you or eye tentacles from beaming you, while you were inside."


If you beat him after 2 weeks of practice you never played the initial versions of the encounter.



Another nice post 296: Tigole "We fixed a bug which was causing the Giant Eye Tentacles to still spawn during C'Thun's weakened state in the second phase of the encounter. It's not intended for anything to be spawning during his weakened state. "

But funny how you cleared him after 2 weeks! And it wasnt buggy, right?! ;)

Edited by Zocat
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some of us dont like "content" being the same boss fight just harder, we find is about as interesting as watching paint dry.


Hmm so if they give more options for the same fight thats a bad thing? If you like a challenge and not just facerolling a normal encounter thats why it is there. You go on about how you beat the game but you didnt really challenge yourself at all.

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some of us dont like "content" being the same boss fight just harder, we find is about as interesting as watching paint dry.


Right and 1 shotting every boss on easymode the first time we ran EV is just oh so interesting. It's meant to be easy so any group can do it for crappy epics. Work on Hard/Nightmare and actually gear up maybe?..


Beating it on Easy is not an accomplishment at all. It's so easy it's kind of sad really.

Edited by Aramyn
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Hmm so if they give more options for the same fight thats a bad thing? If you like a challenge and not just facerolling a normal encounter thats why it is there. You go on about how you beat the game but you didnt really challenge yourself at all.


1. Ive never said I beat any game.....l2read


As an example I liked Ulduar hardmodes, you could activate them how you wanted.


The ICC, TOC and FL versions where once you defeat a raid you get to do it all over again with a few gimick mechanics and arbitrary dps checks is not fun.


When I played wow we downed Rag, and I just could not bring myself to care about doing it on hardmodes, sure its a challenge but its not new content.



I prefer RIFTs approach, make instances of varying difficulty. Most people can do Green scale, not many can do hammerknell.

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