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Yes. I want WOW with Wookies and Lightsabers.


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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.


I agree with some of this. But you have to get this in your head, this is not and never will be wow. Yes a similar game, (I have played both) but the reason I don't like to use macros as much is because I feel like its a cheat. You are altering the aspects of the game to make it easier for yourself... aka cheating. And don't give me that crap about everyone using macros in wow because you cant do certain things without them. I gurauntee you someone has beaten any given boss without a macro at one point in time.



... Long story short, if you want WoW with lightsabers, talk to Blizzard

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ALl I can say is WOW is that way --> please return to easy mode land and leave the rest of us alone.



You quoted it but you clearly did not read. Which of the following makes the Game "EZ Mode".


Macros: They are Keyboard real-estate savers, G series keyboard users are already using these, If I don't have a /say Group up for heal macro when I get my cool AOE heal at 50 while in Pug how will they know to group up? She every pug use vent?


Addons: As a hots based healer I absolutely hate the Archaic fading icon countdown timer mechanic. An addon would allow me to see actual digits. Addons would allow me to customize my UI to my liking. I am Right handed and I like things situated that way. It's annoying trying to heal my companion on the Left Side of the screen while my raid frames are on the right. Conclusion: Addons have made my experience Aesthetically better.



LFD/G: Exactly how does finding a group faster Equate to Ez Mode? I'll wait.



Parsers: I am a huge theorycrafter. It was not uncommon for me to Read Blogs(Resto4life,TreebarkJacket, Plusheal and many many many more) and spend Thousands on gems to test the theory I found on these sites. Parsers help raiders to see who actually is doing what they are supposed to. Parsers can help you rid yourself of people wasting the group time in Dungeons instead of just having to abandon because you don't know who's doing what.


Actually read the things you quote in the future. These are that i'm asking for. Not a complete re-skin or a rewriting of lore.

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The thing is that this game has hte things that made WoW a success. It has an accessible leveling curve, It has quality incentives to play at endgame in a variety of fashions (Yes this is a strength of WoW even if raiders are the dominant force there), it has engaging side tasks (from quest completioins to crew skills to datacrons etc).


Macros, Addons, LFD. Not really what defines WoW. Macros I can see a use for especially for the avid PvP'r, they'll probably be in before too long the Devs have stated several times in beta and since that it is on the list of features they are considering which in devspeak is pretty much acknowledgement that it will be in. Addons, these are something of a mixed bag in WoW they have opened up alot of good feature but also have been the single largest clearing house of exploits for that game, so much so that Blizzard has often broken functionality to stop portions of the API being abused. Likely some form will make it in but hopefully far more limited than what blizzard has. LFD. LFD is garbage. It was garbage in WoW and will be Garbage in ToR if they decide to bring it in. LFD has been the herald of hte complete collapse of what limited community WoW had as well as the further descent into dumbing down of encounters. If it can't be done without talking to your group (discussing strats, planning pulls etc) then it's too complex for LFG and gets nerfed to stupidity. It completely removes any need or purpose to building relationships in game and nukes social interaction.


Yea a bit of a wall of text but I actually agree with your sentiment. The idea that this game woudl fail if its WoW with wookies is absurd. But the things you're asking for are window dressing (some of it very ugly window dressing) not what made WoW the crushing success it is.

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i say:



NO to addons


HELL NO! to macros




All this game needs is a LFG channel that is accessible across all planets....problem solved.


addons = L2P - If you need addons to play your class, you are doing it wrong.


macros = L2P - If you need macros to play your class, you are also doing it wrong.




What he said!!!!!!!


Seriously all the the things the OP, and those that agree with him, is demanding are a sign of a poor player, carried by hs guild, determined to make the rest of the community sink to his level so his self-esteem can be stroked. If you want and need the crutches, please go back to WOW.

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I'm bold enough to say it. There is no changing my mind. I want Addons. I want Macros. I want LFD. I won't be beating around the bush like a few of the WOW players around here. I really don't put much stock into what strangers on the internet think of me. I WANT WOW WITH LIGHTSABERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WOW players are the Largest MMO playerbase. It would be foolish of Bioware and EA to not cater to us. Whatever MMO you came from that wasn't WOW is a Failure end of story. Bioware needs to follow the Model of the most successful MMO in history. They do not need to follow the model of whatever Niche... Garbage... Masochistic MMO you came from. From a business perspective it just doesn't make sense.



I love macros. Makes my Job easier. I don't wanna have to press every button on my Keyboard.


I love Parsers. My being at the top of the HPS gives other healers something to shoot for. Your being at the bottom of the DPS for a boss, that we have now wiped on for the 5th time because, you can't seem to put out the DPS on par of people that you have somehow managed to out gear gives me a reason to kick you. It's your Guild's Job to carry you. Not mine.


I love Addons. I wanna know down to the very last millisecond when my hot is gonna fall off. I hate where that tooltip is and I want it moved!


I love LFD. I have tried 2 days in a Row to run the Heroic 4 on Nar Shadaa(?) on multiple occasions. Abandon Quest move on to Alderaan. I had to zone out of Mandolorian Raiders and Spam to replace a DPS at the final boss after Spamming to get a group for a half an hour as a HEALER. The people who don't want this have an odd idea of fun.


People whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD need only to look at Rift to see what happens when you move too slowly to include these thing, half of which, should have been in at launch.


We take your advice and we "Go back to WOW". Suddenly friends and Guildees you leveled with vanish from their respective lists. Bioware needs to decide whether they want guests or tenants.


INB4 the EQ players. Be sure to mention how WOW nuked EQ before it had all the things I listed above. Also don't neglect to mention that EQ was pretty much killed by WOW it's 1st competitor in a state that you find acceptable(No Addons and a huge time sink. People raided 6 days a week back then and now they raid 4. Choose life.)


I'm absolutely serious too. I am not trolling. This is what I want this is what the Majority(Trust me WOW players are the Majority right now. Read the Forums or Join a guild) of people want but they are afraid to say it outright. I'm not. Become more WOW-Like(As far as Streamlining I do not want to see Undead again as long as I live..or dwarves or Elves!!) or fail.


As far as the people who claim that they will leave if these things are implemented, you were probably going to leave when GW2 came out anyway. I'm sick of all these "MMO of the Month" WOW haters that have never done anything in other games whining. They slowed down things in Rift with their nonsense and by the time Rift Implemented things that people expect in a Modern MMORPG it was too late.



WoW - lol! Oddly enough, you are right. We want a great game like WoW is/was without the problems, without the bugs, with all the nice things and why the hell shouldn't we have that? This IS the post-modernistic era of the 21st century - WE HAVE TECHNOLOGY!!! Specifically gaming technology. If Rift can have great graphics - why can't we. If WoW has everything "down," why can't we? We have the means and the tech to do it. Those are my humble thoughts.

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I agree with some of this. But you have to get this in your head, this is not and never will be wow. Yes a similar game, (I have played both) but the reason I don't like to use macros as much is because I feel like its a cheat. You are altering the aspects of the game to make it easier for yourself... aka cheating. And don't give me that crap about everyone using macros in wow because you cant do certain things without them. I gurauntee you someone has beaten any given boss without a macro at one point in time.



... Long story short, if you want WoW with lightsabers, talk to Blizzard


One thing people are not mentioning about macros. There are people who copy/past macros that will play a class for them but there are the people who use macros to notify group members of cooldowns and to eliminate that one stupid prep ability that you just cant find a button on your keyboard for. not making it cast one then the other, just so if you press that button twice it will try to use that prep ability before the other one. I personally have a 14 button mouse that doesnt work with this game and that doesnt bother me. Because to BW that prob seems to create an unfair advantage. some people want addons for "MOVE OUT OF THE FIRE" notifications, i just want to move my damn hot bars a little bit and put number on stuff instead of guessing how long a half discolored meter on my ability really is.

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I agree with some of this. But you have to get this in your head, this is not and never will be wow. Yes a similar game, (I have played both) but the reason I don't like to use macros as much is because I feel like its a cheat. You are altering the aspects of the game to make it easier for yourself... aka cheating. And don't give me that crap about everyone using macros in wow because you cant do certain things without them. I gurauntee you someone has beaten any given boss without a macro at one point in time.



... Long story short, if you want WoW with lightsabers, talk to Blizzard


I will present the case for macros I presented earlier. When my scoundrel hits 50 he recieves a AOE heal that requires grouping. How are people in Pug supposed to know when i'm popping it with out a /Say Group for Heal macro? Also, The Logitech G-series user are already using macros.


My Scoundrel has Stealth and a skill called Sneak that increases stealth by 15 levels for 8 seconds that is only useable while stealth. <--How would macroing that be gamebreaking exactly? Why should I have to use a 2 Quickslots to bind something that trivial?

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This is a brand new MMO! WoW did not have all of those bells and whistles when it came out. In fact, it had the same skins on the only two raid gear sets that it offered for some time after launch, had no addons, no LFD and only the core of the areas you see now. Don't forget WoW has been around a long time and has several expansions and many years of feedback and development to get where it is now. No MMO straight out of the box could have everything and have several newer ideas (like the great voice acting) direct from launch. WoW owes a lot to the MMOs that came before it, Ever Quest, Ultima, etc. SWTOR will develop given time, money and player interest.
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We will make it all happen: LFD, Addons, macro's. Prolly even faction change in a more distant future. Deny and fight it all you want. This game belongs to us now.


We'll make it succesfull. EA/Bioware will cater to us, true mmo players (most of us pro/elite).


Thank you Bioware for bringing in Addons, macro's and LFD. Finally a wise decision!


Delusion? Seriously you aren't the overwhelming majority of this game's community you think yourselves to be. Get over yourselves and adapt or go back to easy mode WOW. I promise, you will NOT be missed.

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This is a brand new MMO! WoW did not have all of those bells and whistles when it came out. In fact, it had the same skins on the only two raid gear sets that it offered for some time after launch, had no addons, no LFD and only the core of the areas you see now. Don't forget WoW has been around a long time and has several expansions and many years of feedback and development to get where it is now. No MMO straight out of the box could have everything and have several newer ideas (like the great voice acting) direct from launch. WoW owes a lot to the MMOs that came before it, Ever Quest, Ultima, etc. SWTOR will develop given time, money and player interest.


Nope not buying into the "It's New" Argument. All the things I've asked for especially macros and Parsers have been around for ages. There no reason those 2 things plus a Fully Customizable UI should not be in a MMORPG released this long after EQ and WOW. They dropped the ball and that's that.

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Game will succeed without crutches or players who demand crutches and catering to their instant gratification demands


If a niche product that is left with just a couple hundred thousands players (and that's being generous) after a few months is your idea of success then yeah, it will. But for some reason i doubt that's what ea is aiming for.

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I share the same opinion. I wanted a WoW copy set in the SW universe. EA killed Warhammer. They will do the same to this game. SWTOR will hover at around 500K subs and it will make them money but will be considered a total failure by the community. I'll wait for that Warhammer 40K MMO.


Sigh, where do you psychic people come from? It seems SO many of you have seen the future.


No seriously, saying things like "I know this will happen" just makes you look like fools, guys.

Please stop it.

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I don't want another WoW. Why the heck would anyone want that?


Don't get me wrong, WoW is not a bad game. It's just a game that many of us have played to death.


You read the title but not the post. Read the Post and then decide. I am not asking for a clone. The minute someone Alludes to my wanting a WOW clone it exposes them as Knee-jerk.

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Well at least you are honest OP, even if you are whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD. :p


Without an answered questionaire from every Rift player who has quit, you can't possibly know why people have left. For all you know, people left because they added those things, and came here. :cool: For myself, I left Rift because they updated so often, everytime I logged in it seemed like I didn't know what was going on.


I want a game where what I do, and the items I aquire, aren't obsolete within 5 mins of me getting them or doing them. I want depth in my game, and goals to work for. I want a game that allows me to do what mmos are supposed to let you do... role play, explore, adventure. Not just one big long battle, thats what Mortal Combat was for.


I'm not saying that SW fits that bill completely, but I do enjoy the story and the RP choices. I like that I can at least keep the same robes even if I have to keep modifying them. And I like that everyone I have come across has been pleasent and that there is no nasty, rude, juvenile comments going on in the general chat. If it takes a lockdown on addons, parsers, and lfd to keep it that way, then I am definitely for it.


WoW has these things and they are also losing subs. Apparently having these things doesn't guarantee keeping people. You can argue that people are getting bored with WoW... and I do not disagree with that. It's for that reason that I think Rift, and even this game possibly, might run into trouble. It's the thing that keeps me from liking this game 100%.


But that is not the whole reason people are leaving WoW either. Cata was not a good expansion, and the devs of WoW come off as arrogant as the juveniles some of us are trying to leave behind. My personal reason, class changes. Not boredom.


So you can have your opinion OP. But it's not bells and whistles that will make or break a game, no matter how many noisy, lazy kids there are these days. WoW was already very popular before all those bells and whistles. What matters is whether or not the developers make a good game that peole enjoy. I'm sorry you are not enjoying it, but I am.

Edited by Centra
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Delusion? Seriously you aren't the overwhelming majority of this game's community you think yourselves to be. Get over yourselves and adapt or go back to easy mode WOW. I promise, you will NOT be missed.


Yes we are the overwhelming Majority. We are why Rift went from 100+ servers to 20ish. This game will share it's fate if it does not recognize who is playing their game. I responded to your earlier post by way. You know the one where you quoted my Thread Post but didn't actually read it.

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You read the title but not the post. Read the Post and then decide. I am not asking for a clone. The minute someone Alludes to my wanting a WOW clone it exposes them as Knee-jerk.


I did read your post. You listed the features that you liked in WoW and want in SWTOR.


That's fine. Those aren't bad features. At the same time, they aren't going to take the game in a very interesting direction. They'll just help the game catch up to WoW a little bit. Though that will make SWTOR a better game overall, it won't be enough to hold on to people (like me) who would rather see some innovation to keep things interesting.

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Am I the only one that thinks this already is WoW with lightsabers? I like it and I think it's headed in a good direction. Most of what you ask for is coming already or will be coming eventually. If SWTOR had come out instead of WoW then it would have already stomped EQ in the same way that WoW did. Stop comparing SWTOR to a game that has evolved over a period of nearly 9 years and instead compare it to WoW at launch. It's already better than WoW was at launch and it's going to evolve just like WoW did.
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Well at least you are honest OP, even if you are whining about Addons, Parsers, Macros and LFD. :p


Without an answered questionaire from every Rift player who has quit, you can't possibly know why people have left. For all you know, people left because they added those things, and came here. :cool: For myself, I left Rift because they updated so often, everytime I logged in it seemed like I didn't know what was going on.


I want a game where what I do, and the items I aquire, aren't obsolete within 5 mins of me getting them or doing them. I want depth in my game, and goals to work for. I want a game that allows me to do what mmos are supposed to let you do... role play, explore, adventure. Not just one big long battle, thats what Mortal Combat was for.


I'm not saying that SW fits that bill completely, but I do enjoy the story and the RP choices. I like that I can at least keep the same robes even if I have to keep modifying them. And I like that everyone I have come across has been pleasent and that there is no nasty, rude, juvenile comments going on in the general chat. If it takes a lockdown on addons, parsers, and lfd to keep it that way, then I am definitely for it.


WoW has these things and they are also losing subs. Apparently having these things doesn't guarantee keeping people. You can argue that people are getting bored with WoW... and I do not disagree with that. It's for that reason that I think Rift, and even this game possibly, might run into trouble. It's the thing that keeps me from liking this game 100%.


But that is not the whole reason people are leaving WoW either. Cata was not a good expansion, and the devs of WoW come off as arrogant as the juveniles some of us are trying to leave behind. My personal reason, class changes. Not boredom.


So you can have your opinion OP. But it's not bells and whistles that will make or break a game, no matter how many noisy, lazy kids there are these days. WoW was already very popular before all those bells and whistles. What matters is whether or not the developers make a good game that peole enjoy. I'm sorry you are not enjoying it, but I am, all the more-so because it doesn't have nearly the same amount of people with attitudes as WoW.


There are at least 3 post in this thread where people said not having a few of these things led to them leaving Rift, and even after they did implement these things , they quote:"had no desire to return".

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