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Any Tips?


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My Marauder is 35 now and its alot of fun to play, but in Warzones any time I fight another toon 1v1 within 10 levels of me it seems they do alot more damage then I do. By the time I have some rage built up I am often already down to half my life. I see alot of folks saying this class is fine so I am figuring it is user error. For what it is worth I am annihilation.



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I've tried to enjoy the pvp, but it seems that without the best gear for your level, the bolster buff doesn't do a very good job of evening the playing field in warzones.


I've kinda vowed to my self to stay out of warzones until I either hit 50, or they impliment the tiered warzones. (I'll probably hit 50 first, lets face it. Bioware arent the fastest patchers)


in b4 wahh wahh they patch lots of stuff. yeah nothing really groundbreaking though.

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real talk but i thought pvping on my mara before i got all the pvp gear was bull ****.


its impossible to compete against other classes like BH, ops, sorcs, etc.


mara scales with gear and without that proper gear, we become next to worthless.


you can probably go rage spec and just pvp from there but that would gimp your pve dps.


now that im pretty pvp geared with both champion purple lightsabers, pvp became more bearable and became "fun" in a way. (still get ***** by ops BH and sorc)

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dont get you problem...

im eating BHs and Inqs/Sages for breakfast and im only lvl 24 in 50/50 green/blue gear

i can still kill 2-3 peops while running arround with 10% health


especially annihilation burns down everything it touches...



my lvl 50 Vanguard cant take down a healer as fast as my marauder...

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Don't worry, there will be some type of pvp separation in terms of levels within the next few patches (or so they say). To me, it's a given that you're gonna get rolled over by someone that's a much higher level than you, but the fact is you need to cope with it and find ways to get around them.


With that being said, it really IS all about learning how to play your character. When I first stepped into pvp, I sucked hardcore. I kept playing all day everyday learning how to play my marauder and this is what I found that is needed to be "mastered" so to speak


reflexes - knowing when to pop up large CDs or just to keep up with opponents that are movement freaks


skill rotation - not so hard, but some rotations don't work well against other classes where you might need to throw in an unused skill


no point really in going up against a level 50 so just avoid them

Edited by BarcodeX
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If you're able to burn people down who are in PvP gear they're absolutely terrible and should probably just stop playing.


Once they add the 50 only bracket PvP will balance out a bit more, however to give you a few pointers:


1) Get a healer and a tank friend. Get guard up and get pocket healed - you won't die.


2) Save your trinket for after your resolve bar is full. This is probably the most important one, but if you trinket as soon as your resolve bar is full you'll get full the full immunity time.


3) Use your cool-downs wisely. Your 1v1 viability relies heavily on your cooldowns. I prefer using Cloak, then right before it wears off using Saber ward. You could pop both at once if you chose.


4) Use Undying Rage right before you die, all the time - whether you have a healer or not - and then pop a stim. There's nothing more infuriating than seeing a bunch of 2s and 5s going across your screen on your hardest hitting abilities.


5) Save Charge for when you need it. Battering Assault off the bat to get Rage and save Charge for knockbacks/slows. On that, keep your root up at all times - whether that be Rupture or Crippling Slash.



Other people can add things if they choose. It's generally accepted, though, that Marauders are very late bloomers in terms of relative power and since it's already so late in the game you don't have the pleasure of being the highest one in a WarZone at level 30, so you'll always be at a disadvantage until you level.

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Something I've learnt a lot? Its sometimes better to run away if you know you wont kill someone (or if others join in a 1 v 1 making it v's 2/3) if you wont kill your target in 5 seconds then get outta there.


Force Camo --> Undying Rage --> Predatation --> Frenzy --> Predatation


^^ will get you out of any scenario.

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Damage wise, at lvl 50 I've been stacking power after accuracy hit 100% (110% with specials).


Yeah, crits are nice but I would rather do 1250 with a regular attack all the time than 1500 crit with my regular attacks only hitting for 1000. (a rough example... don't jump on me for the lack of any nth degree theory crafting here! ;) )


At lower levels I would take anything with power on them, it has worked out for me. Ignore accuracy stuff, as it really won't make all that much of a difference especially in pvp. You simply will be gimping yourself if you try to hit cap yourself early on.


re: pvp armour... I've been doing way better than full pvp geared marauders, and I'm not hardcore pvp. I have a grand total of 1 pvp item, that I got last night and haven't used yet.


Skill > Gear... and IMO

Skill > Power > Expertise > Crit > Surge > Colour of your lightsaber (yes, note the 'u' in colour.. that is correct... it is how it is spelt in ye olde world)


the biggest differentiator in this game, for me, is skill.


Just cos that guy has spikey shoulders and looks like he just came out of the latest crytek game, doesn't mean he's going to kill you. All that means is he does pvp a lot. Now, that guy could be amazing at playing a marauder.... in which case you should probably call your family and tell them you love them one last time... but then he could be someone who just farms commendations.


The guy next to him could be in pve gear (i.e. like I am)... if he knows how to play the class, call home etc etc..


6k crits are great, but if you jump in and do your signature ability and stand there going "Ah haa, I have you now! hahahaaaa" looking all smug and proud then you're gonna be back at the start waiting to run in again. Not saying that's what most people do... but you get my meaning?

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I agree 100% to save charge.


You will get KB noone wants you on them they will either run from you, root you , or kb you so having charge up and ready to use makes for a bad day for them.


I am only 25 atm but what I noticed is key mashing is not an option for MARA. The skills must flow in an order and it must be smooth. When the game feels like that then the class feels OP. When I have trouble getting it to flow that is when I find it difficult and get stuck under 100K damage in a WZ.


Level 50s well that is another topic all together if you are 25 levels you should be killing me...

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I found that I did considerably better in PvP when I started to use crippling slash, deadly throw as they try to run away, then hammering away at them with my hard hitting abilities, like gore -> massacre -> force scream, then vicious throw to finish them off when everything is on CD. Even though vicious throw sounds bad on paper, taking 3 rage for an executing move, its extremely useful because you can pop all your hard hitters first then vicious throw to finish them off.
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Indeed, Charge can get you out of trouble as easily as into it if you use it right.


Plus it's win for Huttball, I'll use an enemy to jump up/down a level for a well timed pass away from the scrum. (ooer missus)


Bar the Charge --> Knockback as you've been put in a weird position on the platform ;-] I agree though most situations you don't want to charge in : save it.


You play on LOL DarkenWulf? My char name is Xaenicael 50 Marauder.

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If you're able to burn people down who are in PvP gear they're absolutely terrible and should probably just stop playing.


70% of players are absolutely terrible and should probably just stop playing.


Except they shouldn't, because they pad my damage and let my level 12 sniper loot really really good.

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dont get you problem...

im eating BHs and Inqs/Sages for breakfast and im only lvl 24 in 50/50 green/blue gear

i can still kill 2-3 peops while running arround with 10% health


especially annihilation burns down everything it touches...



my lvl 50 Vanguard cant take down a healer as fast as my marauder...


Troll with a healer.

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