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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Thank you so much. This is what I wanted, and as long as the relationship between the players and the devs are good, i'll be more than willing to weather through any hardships we all may experience in this wonderful game.

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Wow, talking about dangling the carrot. Everyone acting happy they they're responding. They've been saying the same thing since release. Not sure why people are thanking BW for this old information.


Because they think the "community" manager's job is to actually be helpful/useful. In reality he's just been told to shut them up and knows as much as we do.

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Wow, talking about dangling the carrot. Everyone acting happy they they're responding. They've been saying the same thing since release. Not sure why people are thanking BW for this old information.


Because he promised more information TODAY or tomorrow, not the same generic "we're aware of the issue and looking into it" BS.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.




It can't be true! A REAL Bioware post on this problem! If we get an actual solution I'd be beyond surprised. However, seeing as there have been issues for 4+ months in beta we've been screaming about with no solution......

Edited by Proto
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This is great that they responded to this and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if they do re-enable Hi Res textures won't that exclude even more players from playing the game?


I know people with low end computers can choose to turn everything to low but they will still want to play with all the settings on high and get frustrated that they can't maybe causing them to leave the game.


On the other hand if they leave the textures where they currently are that will exclude more players who have the computers to play at His Res textures maybe causing them to leave the game.


Seems like a Catch 22 to me.

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This is great that they responded to this and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if they do re-enable Hi Res textures won't that exclude even more players from playing the game?


I know people with low end computers can choose to turn everything to low but they will still want to play with all the settings on high and get frustrated that they can't maybe causing them to leave the game.


On the other hand if they leave the textures where they currently are that will exclude more players who have the computers to play at His Res textures maybe causing them to leave the game.


Seems like a Catch 22 to me.


I'm sorry, but what?! This is such awful logic I don't know where to begin. They have different settings so people who can't afford a high end comp can still run the game, while those who have invested in their comp can play on high. Having the highest resolution only be "medium" so that more people can think they are playing on the highest level is absurd...


Now on to what I wanted to say, I hope they fix this soon. The difference when I catch a cut-scene with the hi-res textures is significant. especially for things like BH armor and such. I haven't complain about the graphics, but it does suck to see the crappy textures on high settings when you have seen what the hi-res textures can actually look like.

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This is great that they responded to this and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if they do re-enable Hi Res textures won't that exclude even more players from playing the game?


I know people with low end computers can choose to turn everything to low but they will still want to play with all the settings on high and get frustrated that they can't maybe causing them to leave the game.



Anyone silly enough to quit because the developers implement optional graphics settings for mid-range and high-range PCs is going to end up quitting at one point or another for another completely ridiculous reason.


Developers can't cater to crazy people!

Edited by carnac_fett
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Anyone silly enough to quit because the developers implement optional graphics settings for mid-range and high-range PCs is going to end up quitting at one point or another for another completely ridiculous reason.


Developers can't cater to crazy people!


Exactly. People with low-end machines will have exactly the same options they do now, and thus no reason to complain. Meanwhile, those of us with high-end machines will be made much happier. I can't imagine that anyone at Bioware is thinking that implementing high-res options will drive players away. If they are, they need to get their heads examined.


Edit: Of course, these are the same people who thought we'd rather look like clowns and feel like we were getting "upgrades" with new gear than have the match color to chest option and somehow feel like our new piece of hideous armor wasn't "special" because we didn't get to see it in all it's ugly glory. So... maybe I will take back my original statement.

Edited by Kraylessa
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This is great that they responded to this and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if they do re-enable Hi Res textures won't that exclude even more players from playing the game?


I know people with low end computers can choose to turn everything to low but they will still want to play with all the settings on high and get frustrated that they can't maybe causing them to leave the game.


On the other hand if they leave the textures where they currently are that will exclude more players who have the computers to play at His Res textures maybe causing them to leave the game.


Seems like a Catch 22 to me.


The only time I see people actually leaving a game because their low end computers can't run the higher settings and they flatout refuse to turn down their settings is when they are so far into denial about their computer's capabilities it's not even funny. Pointing out to these people that they are in denial is like trying to reason with a brick wall usually.


Just because you meet the minimum or even the recommended requirements of a game does NOT mean you can always run it at the highest settings. Very rarely you can and that's almost always in games that offer very little to no graphical scaling.


However more often than not the way the system requirements work is as follows:

Minimum = guideline specs for Lowest settings

Recommended = guideline specs for "average" settings


The highest settings often require hardware more powerful even than the recommended, especially on higher resolutions like 1080p.


9 out of 10 times when dealing with someone who is complaining about not being able to run a game on the highest settings the problem isn't with the game's highest settings being out of whack, but rather with the player having the wrong expectations about how games should run (especially MMO's which people often assume should run exactly like the X singleplayer games they've played before).

Edited by Amarinth
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This is great that they responded to this and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if they do re-enable Hi Res textures won't that exclude even more players from playing the game?


I know people with low end computers can choose to turn everything to low but they will still want to play with all the settings on high and get frustrated that they can't maybe causing them to leave the game.


On the other hand if they leave the textures where they currently are that will exclude more players who have the computers to play at His Res textures maybe causing them to leave the game.


Seems like a Catch 22 to me.


Well see, those on the low end can eventually upgrade their computer here and there one piece at a time so they can use the higher settings.


However, those of us who can use the high textures and settings aren't going to downgrade. ;)

Edited by Zorvan
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Well, the weird thing is, my game has looked like your high-res version since release.


I think this may be an issue with texture streaming. My game looks like your low-res version when I'm still loading textures (say a crowd walks in in shiny armors, first they look like that, but then they fix themselves up quickly). Works OK for me, but apparently not for a lot of people...


Sorry, but post a screenshot somewhere away from the holoterminal, or I don't believe you. Every single person that's said "well they work for me..." never ever posts screenshots.


Edit -- Looks like the person I was replying to already replied to a similar question earlier in the thread. That's what I get for trying to reply before reading all 30-ish pages required to catch up

Edited by Unruhe
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Just to add my voice to this thread: Devs pls implement the High Resolution Textures the game looks so mutch better with them.


Seriously guys, let's get real here.


They simply don't have them done. Some may be complete but most just aren't in the game. They will 'fix' the bug when the textures are done.


So why do they already work in cutscenes?

Edited by Myshella
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This is great that they responded to this and I hate to be a stick in the mud, but if they do re-enable Hi Res textures won't that exclude even more players from playing the game?


I know people with low end computers can choose to turn everything to low but they will still want to play with all the settings on high and get frustrated that they can't maybe causing them to leave the game.


On the other hand if they leave the textures where they currently are that will exclude more players who have the computers to play at His Res textures maybe causing them to leave the game.


Seems like a Catch 22 to me.



That logic makes no sense. How can a player become frustrated over something they never even had in the first place? Players with low end spec computers can choose to either stick with low settings like they have all along or upgrade. This has nothing to do with SWTOR.

Edited by GellonSW
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Sorry, but post a screenshot somewhere away from the holoterminal, or I don't believe you. Every single person that's said "well they work for me..." never ever posts screenshots.

Truga is the first person who claimed to have them to post a screenshot and admit that he simply didn't notice he didn't. Legit.


Seriously guys, let's get real here.


They simply don't have them done. Some may be complete but most just aren't in the game. They will 'fix' the bug when the textures are done.

The armor textures are clearly in the game, you see them every time you talk to someone.

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Seriously guys, let's get real here.


They simply don't have them done. Some may be complete but most just aren't in the game. They will 'fix' the bug when the textures are done.


Maybe read the OP and see the comparison pictures?


The textures are the same ones you are seeing right now, the game compresses them while in game for whatever reason bioware is doing it.

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