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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Huzzah! Now let's just hope that it's the answer we want to hear. I'm not concerned about the timeframes, but if the PTS changes are permanent that would be a bummer.


If the PTS changes are permanent I give the game 2 months before F2P or cancelled. Players will not stick around with these graphics after the "new and shiny" wears off, considering the influx of "next-gen" games this year.

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There's probably a correlation here of settings.


Last night me and my SO were in a cutscene on Alderaan and his trees flickered, while mine did not. It doesn't appear to be a graphics card or driver correlated thing as we both use exactly the same graphics card and drivers.


We do use some different graphics settings. Both of us run max settings, except I have Conversation Depth of Field off and no AA. My SO has both those settings turned on.


My bet would be on the AA.



Another poster said the same thing (that AA forced in the GPU driver caused the issue.)

I use a GTX480 and it's very likely that I do have AA forced on in the driver -- will have to test when I get home.


Thanks all.

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If this was an " unknown " issue then the stealth/ninja fix on the PTR would not have ever happened.

The problem would have been addressed long before now. The fact that it has not been addressed and the stealth nerf is on PTR tells me they are having issues with stability and Hi Rez textures.

Just my thoughts



Yeah, it is a little fishy. But hopefully we get a better, more detailed response later.


I mean, can you imagine if this happened in a console game, it would be on every gaming news site.


How do you ship a game w/out it's full graphics as advertised, idk...

Edited by WarheartZero
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Nice to see a response.


Would be nice if they announce a hotfix that adds the medium setting back and enables high to be used in game.


When I play the game I'm zoomed out enough to where I doubt I'd see a major improvement if everything was on high. (plus I play on 1366x768)


For people playing on 1920x1080 I would expect they'd see a difference when you zoom in.


I'd be happy with using medium if my own character loaded to high when I zoomed in to a certain point. (or everyone for that matter) I don't need to see high when I'm zoomed way out but when I look close up it'd be great if the game would load the higher textures.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Well, we already knew you guys were aware of the issue, since the "solution" was on PTR and a large part of the complaint.


Now, let's see how well the "today" part works.

Edited by Zorvan
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The answer was clear when people noticed the change to only Low or High settings on the PTR. Sure would be nice to hear differently. That would be quite a good reason to resub /crosses fingers.


In this case it would be nice to be pleasantly surprised.

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Another poster said the same thing (that AA forced in the GPU driver caused the issue.)

I use a GTX480 and it's very likely that I do have AA forced on in the driver -- will have to test when I get home.


Thanks all.


It may be a Nvidia thing, not forced AA, as I haven't had AA forced on till today and had the shadows flicker in the trees in different spots (Belsavis, Voss, and Taris come to mind) since early access.

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Hey all, wanted to let you know we're aware of this issue.


We're tracking down the details with the development team and will give you an update soon - hopefully later today.


Great stuff, nice to see you guys getting into gear a bit with dev respnoses. I bet it must be pretty hectic for you guys at the moment, but any time you can spare to leave a few reassurances, and even potted explanations here and there on the forums, will pay dividends, I'm sure!


And: loving your game. Keep calm and carry on! :)

Edited by gurugeorge
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For people playing on 1920x1080 I would expect they'd see a difference when you zoom in.

It's even a bigger deal for people playing in 2560x1600. I get 40 fps, so I don't - but when I tested it out the first thing that came to mind was "why bother?".

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Hello, i just read something interesting about the "low setting actually being high"


and i have had it happen on a previous install, AFTER changing nvidia drivers to the 290 beta release, and it wasnt until i rolled back to the latest stable release (285 i believe) and reinstalled the game from the retail disc that the problem was solved


also, i had problems with the game selecting a custom resolution for my monitor ( downzised from 1080p , from tnvidia control panel , 1824x1026 i believe it was) where the game would render in that resolution , but the UI would be cropped like it happens if i dont downscale the 1080 on windows, but just the ui after setting the resolution from the WINDOWS setting back and forth it stopped happening


for reference


win 7 64

xfx 9800gtx+ x 2

xfx nforce 750a mobo

4gb corsair stick

regular run of the mill seagate sata disks and miscellaneous peripherals , btooth and such


for monitor i use an LCD tv , panasonic 32 inch connected using a dvi-to-hdmi cable


also ive noticed that forcing enhance mode on the vcard , plus the game ini antialiasing force line , makes my gameplay a lot smoother (not gonna use the term fps as it is relative)


so far i have not had the "low setting actually being high" issue on THIS install, and i do believe that it has NOTHING to do with the actual game install but rather the windows drivers, and various other settings, also , removing all kinds of visual aero stuff from windows helped enormously


sorry for the long post but im just posting things i think relevant to the issue



PS: i will also add a screenshot , as to verify i do believe my antialiasing is working good, and textures look "high" ( or medium but im refering to the setting )


edit: heres a screenie , they look good but i noticed textures wont load high on characters




another one with kaliyo


Edited by LaVolpex
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You buy a game based on screen shots and previews and even the beta has it.


Their advertising campaign had it! It really is false advertising. You buy the game with that expectation.


It's monday now...time for some answers bioware!


Sadly, there's false advertising everywhere. Look at this crew skills video:




I can't even begin to count the number of misleading bits in there. :/

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Will Hi-res graphics look like the pic at the top of page here..cause that would be awesome. Thats what I expected the graphics to look like when I bought the game.


Yes, I believe all of those promo screenshots were taken on an internal build at Bioware that used high res graphics and anti-aliasing.

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