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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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It boils down to lack of expierence in the MMO market. They dont have the skilled people in MMO structure and framework that some of these other companies have point blank. noth that BW people suck its more of a EA problem , no one wanted to work for them after the War fiasco. most of the talent from Mythic SWG and Sony are at trion studios now, and your seeing the difference in how fast teams can react to situations like this. rifts engine did not have AA or high res textures in on any of the weekend betas but its last. and come launch day its biggest problem for 2 weeks was 8 hour que's. but its graphic engine had zero AA issues and texture problems. Not saying some did not expierence coompatability issues but its engine was rock solid.


Was it? AF issues, and random crashes due to memory leak say different. Oh and the blurry Texture bug http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rift-news/dev-tracker/240028-blusun-low-quality-textures-bug-after-1-4-patch.html#post2946172

The unoptimized graphics render with the rushed dx11 api is certainly not rock solid.

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Ya same thing, the bad part is my characters getting to the level where she's getting some awesome looking gear, but it all ends up being a washout regardless........


I think that why its bugging me as much I didn't care to much when I was in the teens and 20s as the armour wasnt that detailed and pretty fugly anyway + the sith corruption toggle was more of an issue for me, now I'm 40 and just put my full set of PVP armour on it irks me for it to look like rubbish as if the Lord Dark Helmet on the BH 40 set on smaller character models wasnt bad enough :)

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Was it? AF issues, and random crashes due to memory leak say different. Oh and the blurry Texture bug http://forums.riftgame.com/official-rift-news/dev-tracker/240028-blusun-low-quality-textures-bug-after-1-4-patch.html#post2946172

The unoptimized graphics render with the rushed dx11 api is certainly not rock solid.


I like how Trion responds are basically "Our bad, well have it fix soon in a hotfix" while EAs is "Wait till I get more info" "Still getting info" "..."

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We're not.


They can say whatever they want, it doesn't make it true.


But of course some people will believe it, some people will believe anything.


If 2 million people are playing the game than more than 100,000 players would have to be having FPS issues for their statement to be correct.

Edited by iain_b
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Still no reply?


I actually re-read SRs statement and realized: It's not even sure we get a reply today.


Which throughout this thread so far means it's SURE we will NOT get a reply today.



WTB [Rotten Egg]

Edited by daMarek
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Still no reply?


I actually re-read SRs statement and realized: It's not even sure we get a reply today.


Which throughout this thread so far means it's SURE we will NOT get a reply today.



WTB [Rotten Egg]


Heh. If you knew that 1 post from you would bring 80 pages of replies, and that regardless of what you say, the posts would be 70% rage, mis-quotes, insults, or misguided attempts at sage advice on how your team of industry experts should be spending their time, wouldn't *you* spend the first half of the day working up a good head of alcohol before hitting "Post?"

Edited by Journeyer
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Heh. If you knew that 1 post from you would bring 80 pages of replies, and that regardless of what you say, the posts would be 70% rage, mis-quotes, insults, or misguided attempts at sage advice on how your team of industry experts should be spending their time, wouldn't *you* spend the first half of the day working up a good head of alcohol before hitting "Post?"


Sorry. It's his job! Period.


*shaking head*


I wished my clients were that forgiving. :)

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SWTOR was made using the Hero engine, a brand new 3rd party game engine built from the ground up to focus on developer tools and concurrent editing. Its a very nice software for working on level design, as several modelers can work on the same level at the same time without stepping on each others' toes (necessary for huge MMO zones).


That said, any time you have a brand new game engine, its going to be a little inefficient, a little sluggish. And any time you have a company making a game using another company's software, you're going to have some inefficiencies. Combine the two, and bam.


Go look at the first games to come out for the Source engine, for instance. They took up HUGE amounts of memory, and ran really slow. They had bugs everywhere. Now steam games are rock solid, as they've had time to iron out the details.


Software is crazy, crazy complicated. If you haven't worked with it, then I can only say that you're probably massively underestimating how hard it is, because there are so many games on the market, it seems easy to accomplish. Trust me, its not.


Give em time.


Thank goodness, some common sense among all this whining and complaining. Does anyone remember when WoW first hit the streets? Have patience, some of us are in this for the long haul, there will be allot of joy to come out of this game if you can all just take a deep breath.

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SWTOR was made using the Hero engine, a brand new 3rd party game engine built from the ground up to focus on developer tools and concurrent editing. Its a very nice software for working on level design, as several modelers can work on the same level at the same time without stepping on each others' toes (necessary for huge MMO zones).


That said, any time you have a brand new game engine, its going to be a little inefficient, a little sluggish. And any time you have a company making a game using another company's software, you're going to have some inefficiencies. Combine the two, and bam.


Go look at the first games to come out for the Source engine, for instance. They took up HUGE amounts of memory, and ran really slow. They had bugs everywhere. Now steam games are rock solid, as they've had time to iron out the details.


Software is crazy, crazy complicated. If you haven't worked with it, then I can only say that you're probably massively underestimating how hard it is, because there are so many games on the market, it seems easy to accomplish. Trust me, its not.


Give em time.


Oh come on. a brand new game engine that doesnt even support 64bit and multicore cpu's? great engine then.


On the other side we still havent heard a reply from Bioware. I guess i'll bump-tie-bump it again :)

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@Miliways @Tiron Raptor

These guys... along with those who understand what they are saying, have common sense, and patience beyond that of a 5 year old child.

That is all it amounts to... if you never ask for something it will never be given, but if you complain about it so much to the point of infuriating stupidity and immaturity people will do their best to IGNORE you, I know I do.

I'm a software engineer at FGCU, it's my 3rd year, I'm learning how to code so that one day I can be part of one of these awesome teams, and I have made my own work, and let me tell you brainless whiners, there is no easy way to optimize an engine, there is no simplicity in fixing bugs, as 5 more will sprout out and cause you hell, and finally, and this is the important part.... if you don't know what they have to do, or what you are talking about, sit down like a nice little boy or girl... and shut up till it gets done...mkay...

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@Miliways @Tiron Raptor

These guys... along with those who understand what they are saying, have common sense, and patience beyond that of a 5 year old child.

That is all it amounts to... if you never ask for something it will never be given, but if you complain about it so much to the point of infuriating stupidity and immaturity people will do their best to IGNORE you, I know I do.

I'm a software engineer at FGCU, it's my 3rd year, I'm learning how to code so that one day I can be part of one of these awesome teams, and I have made my own work, and let me tell you brainless whiners, there is no easy way to optimize an engine, there is no simplicity in fixing bugs, as 5 more will sprout out and cause you hell, and finally, and this is the important part.... if you don't know what they have to do, or what you are talking about, sit down like a nice little boy or girl... and shut up till it gets done...mkay...


Why yes, the reasonable adult that has to come into a online forum for an MMO and result to ad hominems :rolleyes:

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I'm a software engineer at FGCU, it's my 3rd year, I'm learning how to code so that one day I can be part of one of these awesome teams, and I have made my own work, and let me tell you brainless whiners, there is no easy way to optimize an engine, there is no simplicity in fixing bugs, as 5 more will sprout out and cause you hell, and finally, and this is the important part.... if you don't know what they have to do, or what you are talking about, sit down like a nice little boy or girl... and shut up till it gets done...mkay...


While all that may be true about engine optimisation, a subscription fee demands a higher level of polish than what we currently have. If this game was pay once or FTP, people might be more inclined to show some patience. As it stands, a lot of people are weighing up that £8.99, due out of their banks in a week or two, against the quality we are presented with.


While all that may be true about engine optimisation, you don't know jack about how to keep customers happy.

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Patience is fine and good, though the tenor of this post makes it sound like the precursor to a formal explanation of why high res textures ultimately won't be included in the game. Am perfectly happy waiting for official word, though I hope it doesn't come with a defeatist attitude. I love BioWare and have a lot of confidence in this game. That said, them throwing in the towel on something that should be a standard in this day and age, that coincidentally a standard in the product of your main competitor, would give me a significant level of apprehension about the future of this game as it demonstrates a corner-cutting attitude, either in the present as a consequence of mismanagement, or in the past, as a consequence of poor design choices.


Let's hope it doesn't come to that! Positive mental attitude! :D



a million times this, well written post. with the whole medium becoming the new high I just take a step back and wonder about the future i have with TOR in the long run.


It bugs me huge that i'm getting into some cool looking armor on my Guardian and its just a muggy mess. It seems especially like my leg armor is low res while the rest of me is medium. Seems alot more noticable as you crest 30.

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While all that may be true about engine optimisation, a subscription fee demands a higher level of polish than what we currently have. If this game was pay once or FTP, people might be more inclined to show some patience. As it stands, a lot of people are weighing up that £8.99, due out of their banks in a week or two, against the quality we are presented with.


While all that may be true about engine optimisation, you don't know jack about how to keep customers happy.



Most MMO's live or die by there first month and if people sub or not.

Edited by Venares
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^^^ I agree. Im level 43 and am already bored of this game. I was curious to see how my character's class quest ended but then I just watched it on youtube...it was an ok ending. As of now not sure if I want to cancel since I hate PvP and it's nearly impossible to get a good Flashpoint group (why cant we insta-que for FP's like we can with PvP???)...all my crafting skills are maxed out and its not like i had to do any work anyway except click the left mouse button a few times. If anything, I would reroll a different class just to rock these high res graphics...my system can most def run it since I can run BF3 on max settings with 60-70FPS. I blame EA, I hate their choke hold on the game industry since it hinders competition, it's too bad EA rushed this game when it wasnt ready. I've seen hundreds of bugs which have impacted game play. If anything i'll cancel and come back in 6 months if the game is fixed. Cant justify the 15$ a month otherwise, im better off bringing Netflix back for that price. Edited by Reapisttt
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How about adding people like you that seem to think that only their opinion matters,


you don't mind " blurry jedi tshirts ", well some people do, its their opinion, their choice and since they pay their subscription same as you, you have the right to your opinion but not to tell others that their opinion is any less valid than yours.


So if people have a different opinion than you, they make you sick. What does that make you exactly.


He's not the only one that wouldn't be missed.



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