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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why won't 1.1 have dungeon finder?


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and how would a LFD prevent you from grouping up with your "half decent guild"


Whats wrong with options?


ok i got one more in me while my wife gets ready for bed, uum how old are you kid? you argue like a 12 year old repeating the same exact things over and over until people get annoyed and just give up and ignore you, that is probably the reason why you cant find groups for anything its because you are so annoying and childish that no one wants to talk to you or group with you.


(What's wrong with options?, What's wrong with options wah wah i dont have my easy mode game help me mommy)

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Spamming LFG in /1 makes me feel so social and part of the community, it really is the driving force behind this game. Without it the game wouldn't be worth playing. Don't you dare take that away from me.


Like a blind man who never saw the sun, didn't you ever actually tried to think about alternate ways to ask to people ? Whispering, chatting, friend listing ... ?


Plus, you all know that pure spamming is more annoying than efficient, and will get you a massive "stop spamming" after a while.

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ok i got one more in me while my wife gets ready for bed, uum how old are you kid? you argue like a 12 year old repeating the same exact things over and over until people get annoyed and just give up and ignore you, that is probably the reason why you cant find groups for anything its because you are so annoying and childish that no one wants to talk to you or group with you.


(What's wrong with options?, What's wrong with options wah wah i dont have my easy mode game help me mommy)


What a retarded post. Try harder please.

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Simple and rhetorical question: how do you actually relate to people (and ultimately befriend them), if nobody ever talks to anyone? Socialization / communication is key and killed by a fully automated LFD-tool.




I don't understand why the way players formed their group, via General chat, LFD tool, invitation from a group, guild, etc, has anything to do with players capacity to communicate with other DURING the instance.


Do you really think that spending an hour forming a group will make it easier to make friends from that group? So If I also make a group via chat but I took 5 minutes, I'll have a lower chance of socialize and befriending with them?

So it is down to, more time looking for a group, more socialization? Really??

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ok i got one more in me while my wife gets ready for bed, uum how old are you kid? you argue like a 12 year old repeating the same exact things over and over until people get annoyed and just give up and ignore you, that is probably the reason why you cant find groups for anything its because you are so annoying and childish that no one wants to talk to you or group with you.


(What's wrong with options?, What's wrong with options wah wah i dont have my easy mode game help me mommy)


And that response just had maturity written all over it, kid.

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I talk during the flashpoint, mostly, "hi", "grats", "thanks for the group"


Hahah same here. After spending 30 minutes (more if we hadn't kicked that guy who refused to leave DK before finishing his class quest, community indeed :p) forming a group we went in and proceeded to not say a single word until the exit, where someone said "thanks guys" and left. I said thanks to the two people remaining and turned in my quest completion.


I'd love to see the community you people speak of, because it ain't here.

Tell that to those silent WoW dungeons

Silent SWTOR dungeons work well enough, in my experience.

to this dead gen chat while leveling

Well I imagine 7 years after release Nar Shadaa won't exactly be booming with conversation either.

and to those dead guilds killed by LFR/LFD.

What organized groups of players were "killed" by the implementation of a purely-optional automatic grouping tool those same organized groups wouldn't need and don't expect?

Edited by raidyr
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kid? lol ok.


Options is something you can have more than one of. Did you know that?



using another guy's post for this one because it is 100% accurate


A fully automated LFG-tool ultimately / eventually eliminates every other option / alternative (it becomes mandatory)!


Did you know that?


lul at you kid.

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ok i got one more in me while my wife gets ready for bed, uum how old are you kid? you argue like a 12 year old repeating the same exact things over and over until people get annoyed and just give up and ignore you, that is probably the reason why you cant find groups for anything its because you are so annoying and childish that no one wants to talk to you or group with you.


(What's wrong with options?, What's wrong with options wah wah i dont have my easy mode game help me mommy)


Well I am a little older then 12 but it would be nice to be that age again.


Why do you wan't to tell me how to play the game? I must play the way you want or its wrong?


There is nothing wrong giving the players a choice, its keeps them around longer and thus the game is around longer.


LFD is an optional tool, you don't have to use it if you don't want.

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Tell that to those silent WoW dungeons, to this dead gen chat while leveling, and to those dead guilds killed by LFR/LFD.


When you do an instance for the 20th time, it doesn't matter how you formed the group buddy.

Also, if people want to play without saying a word, they will playing without saying a word.

Do you want no LFD tool to force people to be talkative when they don't want to, or don't need to?

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Like a blind man who never saw the sun, didn't you ever actually tried to think about alternate ways to ask to people ? Whispering, chatting, friend listing ... ?


Plus, you all know that pure spamming is more annoying than efficient, and will get you a massive "stop spamming" after a while.


Didn't you ever try to think about the fact that whispering to people, chatting could get a hostile response just as, if not more, easily. Try to think of the big picture, all the possible situations where you just don't have anyone around you to ask go with you.

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using another guy's post for this one because it is 100% accurate


A fully automated LFG-tool ultimately / eventually eliminates every other option / alternative (it becomes mandatory)!


Did you know that?


lul at you kid.


I can tell I am winning because you keep calling me "kid" what a silly insult.


It most certainly does not eliminate other options.


I raided with my guild and grouped with my guild in WoW all the time. The LFD was a nice choice for the times no one else was around.


Why can't I have the same choice here?

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Well I am a little older then 12 but it would be nice to be that age again.


Why do you wan't to tell me how to play the game? I must play the way you want or its wrong?


There is nothing wrong giving the players a choice, its keeps them around longer and thus the game is around longer.


LFD is an optional tool, you don't have to use it if you don't want.



i love how all of you are saying the same exact thing over and over "why do i have to play the way you want" well by adding this tool it makes us play the way you want think about it moron and don't contradict yourself it makes you look dumb.


you just don't get it, no matter how many times it is said in this forum it is not optional after a few month's of having it in game IT BECOMES MANDATORY.

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Spamming LFG in /1 makes me feel so social and part of the community, it really is the driving force behind this game. Without it the game wouldn't be worth playing. Don't you dare take that away from me.




A fully automated LFG-tool ultimately / eventually eliminates every other option / alternative (it becomes mandatory)!

Well yes, that tends to happen when superior systems come into existence. You can still enjoy your inferior method of grouping as you desire. However, the pool of players to recruit will be lower as most people prefer the fast, safe, secure method of grouping.

So let's say there's four people on my server. Two like to use LFD, two like to spam LFG in chat.


See what I did there? It's called community segregation, and it's bad. Yes, LFD tool is easier to operate than actually clicking the who/LFG tab in community window, but it splits the community even further than it's already split. That's my problem with it, not the "community" part. And since we currently only have one option, everyone uses that. Yes, you could say I'm afraid of choice.


Well realistically 3 people would use LFD, 1 person would continue spamming chat, but it's a ridiculous example anyway.


Yes currently people use an inferior system. That is why we want a superior system implemented.


ok i got one more in me while my wife gets ready for bed, uum how old are you kid? you argue like a 12 year old repeating the same exact things over and over until people get annoyed and just give up and ignore you, that is probably the reason why you cant find groups for anything its because you are so annoying and childish that no one wants to talk to you or group with you.


(What's wrong with options?, What's wrong with options wah wah i dont have my easy mode game help me mommy)


The same arguments are being repeated because they have yet to be attacked substantially. The only counter-points that we have recieved are insults, blind accusations and assumptions, and the ever-popular fingerpointing at the bogeyman that is The Community, an indefinable, intangible quality that games gain or lose based on what developers do and how you support those actions.

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I'll repeat then :


Go ... back ... to .. solo games, if you don't want to make friends.

And please respect the social part of MMO, and the people who signed for it.


Spamming the general chat is sooooooo "talking to people". Jupp, you get sooooo many friends by spamming LFG xxxxxxxx flashpoint.


That is where you are wrong. You are getting more friends when grouping with them and chatting with them in the group channel then spaming the general chat with LFG.

No one want to chat with you if you write LFG xxxxxxx flashpoint.


What I don’t understand is why you guys are so against a LFG system.

It does not hurt you. You still have your friends you can farm flashpoints with. It is not like that the LFG system will steal your friends away from you.

And if you like, you can still spam the general chat for LFM/LFG even if the system is in the game. No one forces you to use it.


Some servers may have short wait-time on flashpoint, but some servers have long.

Only narrow-minded, blind, naïve fanbois says that there are no waiting time for flashpoint anywhere.

You have enough people claiming there is waiting time.


Server only LFG system will not harm the community, it will help the community.

Edited by Mamono
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i love how all of you are saying the same exact thing over and over "why do i have to play the way you want" well by adding this tool it makes us play the way you want think about it moron and don't contradict yourself it makes you look dumb.


you just don't get it, no matter how many times it is said in this forum it is not optional after a few month's of having it in game IT BECOMES MANDATORY.


It would eliminate the need for /1 spam. What's wrong with that? You can still make friends, you can still get into a guild. What exactly is your point?

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i love how all of you are saying the same exact thing over and over "why do i have to play the way you want" well by adding this tool it makes us play the way you want think about it moron and don't contradict yourself it makes you look dumb.


you just don't get it, no matter how many times it is said in this forum it is not optional after a few month's of having it in game IT BECOMES MANDATORY.


Why are you so insulting? I have not said a single negative word to you.


I am saying the same thing over again because its a very valid point. You are also wrong, using the LFD is never mandatory. You can still group with your guild and friends. How does the LFD impact that?


I grouped with my guild all the time, just used the LFD if no one else was around.

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Yes, and its not spamming


Of course it is.


What you want: Provide specific information about your character and game content you are interested in to the people who want to know this kind of information and can make use out of it, this information should be persistant and not restricted by time.


What you actually do: Send many messages in a periodically fashion (because a chat is not designed to use persistant information) over a general purpose channel to all members of the same region, the majority of these people is probably not interested in this kind of information.


This means that a lot of people are getting unwanted messages of the same kind, this is considered spam.




And this has nothing to do with socializing. Writing "LFG" messages and using a group finder are both tools that i want to use to be part of a group - I don't want to chit-chat, I want a fragging group. The first tool is not efficient of course.


[e]And the /who tool with it's ~20 visible character limitation can't be used either to store the amount of information I want to be advertised.[/e]

Edited by GHeissi
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I'd love to see the community you people speak of, because it ain't here.


Of course you're not seeing it, if you don't search for it from the start ... That's what you LFD people don't understand...


Silent SWTOR dungeons work well enough, in my experience.


See my above comment. As a matter of fact, my dungeons are always very chatty.

Social hint that also works irl : if you don't spark a bit of conversation, it never comes.

Hey you can even use this hint to approach a girl you have a crush on !


Well I imagine 7 years after release Nar Shadaa won't exactly be booming with conversation either.


But it will be for sure more active on the gen chat than WoW. You can't argue with that.


What organized groups of players were "killed" by the implementation of a purely-optional automatic grouping tool those same organized groups wouldn't need and don't expect?


Non heroic guilds. Simple as that. And once again, arguing against that would prove you didn't follow your server's community.


Implementing a LFD isn't making an option, it's making as mandatory as a "give me loot now" button. It kills all the necessity to interact with others to reach a goal. The goal here being to form a group.

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Well realistically 3 people would use LFD, 1 person would continue spamming chat, but it's a ridiculous example anyway.


Even if just 10% of the people don't like the LFD tool and spam chat instead, that's about 1000 people per server, many of those tanks and healers that could be in your party working towards completion, but instead choose to do things the faster and safer way for them ("healer and tank lf 2 dps", instant group with the ability to screen applicants), while the majority is waiting in a queue while grinding solo content.


Edit: Also, for some reason, I found that on the republic side of things tank/heal/dps ratio is much more enjoyable. Dunno why.

Edited by Truga
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It would eliminate the need for /1 spam. What's wrong with that? You can still make friends, you can still get into a guild. What exactly is your point?


The point is that you reduce the wait time for a flashpoint a LOT for people. People dont have to be in the station and spam the general chat, they can actually be out there questing and farming, playing the game while he waits for the flashpoint.

Staying at the station spaming the general chat with LFG is not "getting friends". It is simply dead play time.

Only fanbois and trolls think it is good for the game having people waiting for an houre to get flashpoint.

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Spamming the general chat is sooooooo "talking to people". Jupp, you get sooooo many friends by spamming LFG xxxxxxxx flashpoint.


That is where you are wrong. You are getting more friends when grouping with them and chatting with them in the group channel then spaming the general chat with LFG.

No one want to chat with you if you write LFG xxxxxxx flashpoint.


What I don’t understand is why you guys are so against a LFG system.

It does not hurt you. You still have your friends you can farm flashpoints with. It is not like that the LFG system will steal your friends away from you.

And if you like, you can still spam the general chat for LFM/LFG even if the system is in the game. No one forces you to use it.


Some servers may have short wait-time on flashpoint, but some servers have long.

Only narrow-minded, blind, naïve fanbois says that there are no waiting time for flashpoint anywhere.

You have enough people claiming there is waiting time.


Server only LFG system will not harm the community, it will help the community.



ok well i guess i can say it one more time and i will say it slow for you challenged ones in here with us tonight "A F T E R A F E W M O N T H ' S A N L F G T O O L B E C O M E S M A N D A T O R Y"


and as far as having enough people claiming there is a wait, i only see about 10 different people on this forum post claiming that so to me that is not very many considering the large number of player's in this game.

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I can tell I am winning because you keep calling me "kid" what a silly insult.


It most certainly does not eliminate other options.


I raided with my guild and grouped with my guild in WoW all the time. The LFD was a nice choice for the times no one else was around.


Why can't I have the same choice here?


Because this is a different game and we dont want the stench of a corpse ( WoW) to infect this game with that LFD tool that destroys the community of servers

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I forsee about a week after a LFG tool is released people moaning about bad and needy players etc. Just create a channel on your server eg /cjoin glfg if you can get enough people to start using it you can shout out to the whole server, after a while you get to know people better. It also gives you the ability to look at who is recruiting. If its someone you know isnt upto the job then you can just ignore the request easy enough!
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