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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Yep too right!


As far as I can see there are a number of folks that are saying no they won't re-sub, but they seem to be the ones that don't want a NEW game, they are the ones that want WOW re-skinned!!


Who said WOW was all that great in the first place? I don't care about it's numbers, it's still a poor cartoon of a game!


This game, Star Wars, has a great story line. At level 43 I've been so immersed in my character. I've listened to all the Story arc's and played along in character and that I can say I've never done in any other MMO.


Bioware, this is great stuff, keep it up!!

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Yes I will continue to subscribe :) for the absolute duration of The Old Republic. Thanks for asking. After playing SWG for 8 years I know good from bad. And I'd prefer to continue playing this game with others who feel the same way. If you don't like the game go play something else and enjoy yourselves.


Hi 5 Iskevosi!

Edited by StillOne
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Going to continue... unlike many people I am taking my time and leveling slowly. Some people in my guild are like chasing me to hurry up... but whats the rush :p. Hopefully by the time I reach 50 with my main and alts the game will be stable. :D
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I would have said no but then I switched servers and sides and now I play a Scoundrel and love it. But it really depends whether or not BW can fix the bugs (ability delay etc) and adds new content (a new Warzone would be nice). Edited by karcyon
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As long as I'm interested in the game as a solo game I'm going to stay, since I think the game could improve in the teaming department.


  • Level adjustment in teams. I like to play with my friends, and my guildies but when our levels differ too much it's not really playing together. As I see it this can be solved in several ways as the game works now.
    • Make sure everyone wants to play a toon at top level, then level difference really isn't a problem since we don't have one. For people like me that like to play a gazillion toons, it will take me a year before I reach top level though and then I might delete it to start a new one given that we are limited to eight toons per server.
      For other people, that play one toon and enjoy end game playing this is not a problem.
    • Have enough alts that you have one at every three - five levels, then you can always have one of them in range. Problem here, at least for me, is that I don have enough toons and it is hard to stop playing a toon I enjoy, just as to not level it.
    • Make sure that everyone has a toon you play with each group of people and only play it with this group of people, that way you level together and difference isn't a problem. This works fine for examples close knit small groups, like couples or two - three RL (or online) friends that almost always play together. For me that enjoy playing together with people I know more than I enjoy PUGs but play with enough people in different groups that I can't have toons dedicated to each grouping.


    [*]Dynamic difficulty for instances, if I play three others and we walk into a quest instance created so that it's doable solo it will be ridiculously easy on four as well as you would only get one quarter of the drops. Since quite a bit of the xp we get are from the quest completion bonus, a team of four people would probably level faster than they earned loot/credits.


    If you are in a group, you can do harder missions i.e. pick the yellow and orange ones, not the green ones. This works to some extent, but some people want to do every mission they can get their greedy little hands on, which means a lot of green missions.



An at least partial solution, even if not level adjustment is implemented would be to be able to turn of xp, and convert them to cash (or something else).


Note: This is personal it's how I perceive the game, and about how I want to play. It may, or may not, have any bearing on you or your feelings for it.


Note 2: I realize when I read through this that I consistently has used the world toon, which if City of Heroes speak for character. I do it out of habit, now you know what mean.

Edited by Pson
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I'll continue to subscribe, i enjoyed games like mass effect, knights of the old republic etc so swtor is really no different. The pvp is probably whats gonna keep me hooked in. (even though i get like 7-8 FPS) xD

I'm positive bioware will improve the game anyway, hopfully nvidea release some drivers to improve performance more.

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This game is amazing, it's a shame there's too many people that by seeing one little problem feels like they're the kings of the world and their fame can't hold this kind of humiliation.. That's pathetic, really. There are bugs, maybe major ones like ability delay but who cares? It'll get better, and IT IS PLAYABLE, you can still kill everyone, still have fun, just get your heads out of your asses!

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Nope, i will stay for a very long time, even if i get a feeling to "rage" at some of the things lol


Been here already so long and i did have a "rage-quit" on forums before beta.. :o


I waited to long for this and i loved the old SWG way to much, to live without a star wars game :p is something i cannot do, nor will...

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I would honestly have to say that terrible/non existent customer service ruined it for me. At the core, this is the most important part of a subscription based model MMO because if anything goes wrong, we want to know that the company has our back.


As for the game, I am already kind of bored with it... not sure why to be honest. I never played WoW (so no need to troll) but it just felt stale.


Anyway, I hope this game ends up doing really well, and Bioware really turns things around with customer service on ALL fronts. If so - I'll definitely give this game another shot... after all, I bought the CE.

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It's just 2x 6 packs of beer :).


Now seriously. Yes, I will continue to pay. This is still great game and great story. Want to roll few other classes, hoping that BW will add/ change/ fix a lot of things in mean time.


I remember similar story with other great title, 7 years ago: SWG. Players were disputing whether or not to continue sub'ing because amount of bugs, and don't get me wrong, but some today's players were still in diapers that time.


Now, get the grip guys. All this hot discuss if whether or not it's not WoW, or it is WoW, or LOTR got better this and that, doesn't make any sense. You want it or not, this is second big title about Star Wars, and ONLY one today. And I play it because of that, and that's my reason to continue subbing and supporting this game.



For all of you on the forum: you want to support this game? Be constructive, inspire devs with new ideas, stop griefing .....

Edited by Manada
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Probably not for long. I have friends who want to do operations, so I'll stick around for long enough to do eternity vault and whatever other operations Bioware releases by the time they get to 50, but the story they touted as the fourth pillar wasn't that great and didn't last at all. I'll mostly be playing for my friends and unsub when I get more work to fill my time.


Short list of my reasons:

1) Stale combat. Dunno if it's just a Jedi Knight thing, but it's firmly in the "Been there, done that" category. Nothing interesting, new or engaging in the slightest.


2) Horrible PVP. WAR was better at launch, and that's saying something.


3) Lack of connection to companions. I almost cried during Tali's loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2. There was nothing anywhere near that level of connection in old republic, and simply got worse with newer companions.


4) Flat story that was even further watered down. The jedi knight story was in and of itself bland and generic, then it got diluted with hundreds of slaughter/fetch quests for people I'd never talk to again.




My reasons as well.

Have a "been there, done that" feeling as well.

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I Give every new MMO I decide to buy a 3 month sub, and then go from there. There is a LOT to address in the next 2 months though if your getting me to stay (only speaking for myself).


Most recently I gave Rift 3 months and quit.


Too early to tell, it seems like BioWare is very much on the fence about a lot of accessability tools, we will see which side they fall on there.


Bug & Exploit patches MUST be a priority though, even over content for us 50s who are collectively screaming for more. That stuff will give longevity to a game, but not fixing the bugs will destroy it before there is an opportunity for the long term future. Too many people will jump ship to GW2 in a few months to give that a whirl if there isn't substancial improvements in the bug department.

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Yes, I have issues with the endgame (specifically gear progression in PvP) but I have patience to see what's going to happen. Until they fix the lottery bag system they have in place, I'll just roll alts - get to 50 - enjoy the (broken) PvE.


I was around for Vanilla WoW, the actual launch - this smells a lot like it. I enjoyed that game to death, even with all of its short comings and I'm enjoying SWTOR just the same.


TLDR: Planning on staying for 3 months even with the current content and bugs.

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I played WoW for a couple of months before I got bored. I play Star Trek Online off and on but never for more than a month or so straight. City of Heroes/Champions Online I went back to them for a bit when they became free to play. DC Universe I never purchased after playing the BETA. This will be the first MMO that I've ever stuck with more than a couple months. In the long run I see myself in a galaxy far far away for a very long time.
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I'm in this game with people I really like, playing with the same group I've played games with for many years, so I will resub. Plus, I'm enjoying the trooper storyline.


The fact that they have acknowledged the responsiveness issue is big for me. Combat is obviously a huge part of this game, and I like my game combat to be fluid. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will be fixed within the coming month. If its not fixed within 2-3 months, i may well give it up.

Edited by Lorne
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I'm so confused about all the whining about the game. All these supposed bugs and how the game is unplayable. I'm confused actually. I haven't really run into any issues with bugs. I've been having a great time playing through the 3 story lines I'm doing. I don't have any trouble getting flashpoints or heroics done, even when there's only 40-50 on a planet. this game has so few issues compared to other games I've played at launch I just don't understand what the crazy talk is about. As for all the tools and such peeps want...a giant BLEH!!!! yes, the ui could use some modification and give us freedom to move stuff around as we want but other games at the start didn't have those options but they came along. That's about my biggest gripe with the game but its certainly not game breaking.
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