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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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I was in Walmart today (the only store in our little Podunk town that sell game cards of any sort) when I saw the 60 day TOR cards. So I bought one.... and honest to god, when it got scanned it offered up a 1 year warranty on the ... game card. Really. Edited by Keta
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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Oh definitely still subbed.


I play with a great guild and enjoy most of the content. Do I think the game came out too early without many core elements? Sure I do, but that's what happens in MMOs.


The future looks bright for the game for some time.

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Nope, had fun with Swtor but now having more fun with Tera.



I have only seen videos of Tera ... I haven't played (yet) and I can't even bring my self to log into this steaming pile of a game. This game is such a waste of time and effort. They need to eat their loss and tell EA to **** off, scrap the current version and redo it from the ground up.


**** SWTOR, **** BW, and **** EA ....


piece of **** *********** criminals.

Edited by LordTyrantXerxis
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love this post!


I've been adding everyone that i see that says they unsubbed or quit to my ignore list since the 1st of this month.


Thats very biased and dumb, but I guess ignorance is bliss. Have fun being a valuable member of the Bioware Defense Force as I am sure they could use more people like you.

Edited by Tuscad
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Subscribed thru July 2012 - Reassess after that date

I am having fun. I probably have not been 50 as long as many, and I don't have my toon geared up yet.


This game is actually in better shape than I thought it would be at this stage of the game. Problems? yep. Need more endgame content? Yep



Now, if this game is in the same shape after July that it is in today I will not resubscribe.



Doesn't anyone remember the WoW launch? Patience.

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Probably not.


Paid for the 3 month sub and when that runs out I will probably just let it go.


Too many really good looking and sounding games coming out in the next few months. Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Tera, ArcheAge, etc...


SWtOR has some SERIOUS competition coming out in the very near future and I just don't see it lasting... just IMHO. :)

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PvP after 3 characters(Ranks 57,56,46) is beyond frustrating. Likely due to burning out. I'm just very tired of seeing premades(As well as 6 inquisitors with 2 Bounty Hunters every game with many battlemasters/war hero titles), and the design of PvP leaves it feeling static to me.


I have to admit the PvE in the game is great. But I haven't been a fan of PvE for some time now. It's just not as exciting as PvP for me. I'll be back later though after I see some changes I like.

Edited by Kyrandis
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Yes, i will totally resub

I hope the guild wars forum let outsiders post. I cant wait to see all these same people bashing GW2.

It's amazing how the game that is most touted as better than SWToR is one that effectively lives in the imagination as in "not real yet."


This is because these complainers want everything perfect and a game designed for them irrespective of the 1,699,999 other players. The only perfect game is the one in their imaginations. I mean, i think I once saw someone quote the ad copy for the game. It's like comparing movies to previews.

Edited by richardya
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still subbed and going for my third lvl 50 , iam going to play and watch if 1.2 patch is good of not , if it sucks iam going to unsub :(


I really wanna love this game , and one thing i really miss is something wow players did and are doing for many years , are duels outside og/sw/IF , Sucks that there is no famous duel zone in swtor.

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