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About to quit because of this stupid pvp gearing system


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I just watched 2 guildmates today alone get 6 pieces of champ each to my zero. We pvp'd all day, same number of bag turnins. One of them did get a double bracer, but he had 5 usable pieces, and the other 6. Me ZERO.


It is ridiculous. I am at 43 bags opened, 1 champ piece.


gotta love random number generators.

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MMO pvp gear is NOT random for everybody. A system where one person can put in 6 hours and get a full set, and another person can put in 100 hours and have 2 pieces is not a system that should exist.


You are totally correct, they must have specifically coded it to burn you while you watch your friends get showered with great armor pieces and gorgeous big boobed women.

Edited by Paralassa
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MMO pvp gear is NOT random for everybody. A system where one person can put in 6 hours and get a full set, and another person can put in 100 hours and have 2 pieces is not a system that should exist. If you think otherwise, congratulations! You can collect disability income!


Wow... Do you have any idea what random means? The stupidity in this thread is astounding.


Tip: PvE'ers deal with random every day. Stop crying and deal with it.

Edited by Paralassa
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So far, my wife and I have been playing all our pvp at the same time and here is what I have gotten:


2 x Chest

3 x Gloves

1 x Relic

2 x Ear

1 x Implant

1 x Bracers


Here is a list of what she has gotten:


2 x Bracers



This is from like 18 bags that we've gotten over the same period of time. My companion is geared better than she is.


And the number of extra commendations she's gotten more than I have does NOT make up for it at all.

Edited by Vastian
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I'm starting to get really annoying at the system they have in place.


I got into aroud 10 warzones today and 9 of them were Huttball. I completed the Ilum quests and had 5 champ bags that I opened one by one. Nothing...


I've been through around 20 bags and I'll I have gotten were gloves that aren't even geared towards my profession...



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I'm starting to get really annoying at the system they have in place.


I got into aroud 10 warzones today and 9 of them were Huttball. I completed the Ilum quests and had 5 champ bags that I opened one by one. Nothing...


I've been through around 20 bags and I'll I have gotten were gloves that aren't even geared towards my profession...



How are the gloves not geared for you?You can pick 3 differnt types.
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hah....im valor rank 49...ive opened over 40-50 bags. this is not an exageration, for 3 weeks ive done my dailies and weeklys, and ive also bought the champ bags, about 15-20 of them. wanna know what ive gotten?


centurion commendations. thats it.


dont complian about getting doubles. im sorry, but no. i know people who are valor rank 20, and have a full champion gear. im an immortal jugg, one of the most gear dependant classes, and i get ***** by idiots with full champion gear. its frustrating honestly. and why is it, that it takes time and effort, to buy centurion gear, whereas champion is lucky and easy, when champion is better than centurion? this system makes no sense whatsoever. RNG gear is retarded

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I would disagree with your comparison to PvE because each boss in an operation (which I am limited to each week) is a bag in itself, and is completely random. I the end we're in the same boat. Take a PvEer that all they need to complete their epic set is the helmet, Take a PvPer that all they need to complete their epic set is a helmet as well. We could both be spending months getting that helmet or 1 of us might get lucky and get it on the next bag/boss kill. Either way it's the same. At least in PvP you can get a guaranteed centurion helmet by simply doing the dailies and weeklys.



Really so you disregard the easiest way of pvp gearing? If you are a pvper then they just come naturally, I never even think about the dailies, I get them and when I am done I turn them in. And the Ilum dailes? They are a joke, just go stand next to your servers awesome trading party you can go get your daily and weekly right now in about 10 minutes.


And guess who solved this irrational-age-old mindset? If you sir said Blizzard well you'd be one smitten cat.


As much hate, animosity, or anti-wowisim that goes around one thing can be said about the developers at Blizzard: They know how to reward effort, risk, and time.


Bioware codes a dice, calls it a reward, and the idiots--minus the savant--believe they've earned it, and make decade old comparisions of PVE being RNG, so too must PVP.


This RNG concept is the most dated, asian mechanic, and POS that still exists in MMOS. When I play a console game I don't expect ANY RNG for a reward. Hell even RPGS don't screw the customer over like RNG does. Does RNG exists in games, ofcourse. Don't be a pretentious dick about RNG, and stop lying about PVE. PVERS are given commendations with which to purchase end game PVE gear.


Neither PVP or PVE should have RNG as the be all means to governing whether a player is fully geared out or not.


The tiered system has to be the most skewed thing to come around since people thinking ever quest was cool.


If Bioware is going to keep this stupid RNG system in place they need to change champion bags to give a token that will allow the player to buy any piece of tier 2, and when a token is not given then enough centurion commendations need to be given that equate to one piece of centurion gear at the lower end of the cost spectrum.


Right now as it stands, a player could pvp upwards to a month before reaching tier 1 while some snob nosed punk is completely in tier 2 inside of a week or so.


Edit: The math has also already been done, but I'll give a round number here, that it would take a player who received nothing but centurion commendations upwards of 3,000 war-zones to purchase the entire set.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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they need to fix these bags. lvl 60 valor is already a grind, just give us our champ gear already. 20+ bags....many duplicate items.


And not all items have mods so enough with the "glass half full" talk. The BW mods are not going to read your post and be friends with you.

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I've opened close to 40 pvp bags now and here is what I've gotten:


1 chest token

1 implant token





What the hell is this? Who's idea was it to make loot random and having you able to get tokens you already have? I'd rather get nothing then get the same *********** token I got before not to mention it being the most *********** useless token, the relic token since you people can't seem to balance your relics. **** you. I should get what I deserve. I've been 50 for two weeks why the **** are people who hit 50 three days ago already in 5/5?


Fix your *********** system right now. NO duplicate tokens, up the drop rate from the bags. DO *********** SOMETHING THIS IS RIDICULOUS I FEEL LIKE I LOG ON TO DO DAILIES JUST SO I CAN GET TROLLED BY YOU *******


Well this animated post seems to have gotten through to someone.

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