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List of Eternity Vault bugs.

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1. Pylons glitching out and not allowing you to click on it. Continual reset of instance after lock of puzzle seems to be the only solution. 1-2 hour waste of time.


2. Speeders only going to the green room after defeating council and pylons, therefore forcing you to run back after every Soa wipe.


3. Electric balls in Soa fight disappearing and then continuing to damage and kill people.


4. On run backs random death's throughout the instance. Coined "the grass boss"


I know there are many others please state them in this thread so we can get them fixed!

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Another bug that annoyed me on the Soa fight is this: I was in a mind trap the moment we killed him and after mind trap had been destroyed i was a) in combat b) unable to move c) unable to rotate camera. Relogging didnt solve the problem, had to exit area and then reenter. But the problem with reentering is that the platform on which we fought Soa is destroyed and there's no other way down but to jump to your death. And after landing and dying my group was still in combat for some reason so they had to use a combat rez on me. And then i was finally able to get the loot.
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1. Pylons glitching out and not allowing you to click on it. Continual reset of instance after lock of puzzle seems to be the only solution. 1-2 hour waste of time.


2. Speeders only going to the green room after defeating council and pylons, therefore forcing you to run back after every Soa wipe.


3. Electric balls in Soa fight disappearing and then continuing to damage and kill people.


4. On run backs random death's throughout the instance. Coined "the grass boss"


I know there are many others please state them in this thread so we can get them fixed!


Cannot tell you how much #4 has effected my EV experiences. I've never witnessed the bug prior to the first boss's death, which leads me to believe there's some link between them - then again, other people could be dying even before THAT. I dunno.


Sure as hell sucks, though.

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Heres another bug. At 2nd boss, if your raid wipes and someone releases before the boss has actually resetted then you cannot enter the instances again, as the boss will be tagged for being engaged in combat.


Happened to our raid twice this evening, and had to kill ALL adds before the 2nd boss.. And yes its a pain in the.... you know what!

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Cannot tell you how much #4 has effected my EV experiences. I've never witnessed the bug prior to the first boss's death, which leads me to believe there's some link between them - then again, other people could be dying even before THAT. I dunno.


Sure as hell sucks, though.


I really notice it a lot on the Soa runbacks, but yeah usually starts after the first boss.

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-After entering Soa room I was stuck and unable to move. I tried /stuck and died :S

-On Soa first phase sometimes the people inside the AoE cant see it.

-Random bug of entire raid wipe just walking around :-S

-Bugs trying to enter Eternity Vault if we have already Locks on it. We had to reset it several times, reform the raid group, etc.

-Sometimes Soa sends someone flying just before destroying the floor, when he drops him the player dies from fall damage (intended?????)

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-After entering Soa room I was stuck and unable to move. I tried /stuck and died :S

-On Soa first phase sometimes the people inside the AoE cant see it.

-Random bug of entire raid wipe just walking around :-S

-Bugs trying to enter Eternity Vault if we have already Locks on it. We had to reset it several times, reform the raid group, etc.

-Sometimes Soa sends someone flying just before destroying the floor, when he drops him the player dies from fall damage (intended?????)


Annoying as hell. This happens with Mind Trap too. We couldn't do anything for 'em.


-Also, Soa Mind Trapped our tank, then bugged out and disappeared, resetting the whole fight we were stuck on the bottom. :/

-After killing the adds, then destroying the turrets, sometimes the Annihilator droid will not spawn. This happened at least 2 or 3 times.

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-Sometimes Soa sends someone flying just before destroying the floor, when he drops him the player dies from fall damage (intended?????)




Not a Bug make a Dmg Stop at 35 % HP and wait for the Trap or the Flying Guy , after that dmg him to 30 % fast and he will go to Phase 3.


And the Pylons in Hard Mode are not bugged, you must click the Puzzle at the same Time in the North and the South .

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Not a Bug make a Dmg Stop at 35 % HP and wait for the Trap or the Flying Guy , after that dmg him to 30 % fast and he will go to Phase 3.


And the Pylons in Hard Mode are not bugged, you must click the Puzzle at the same Time in the North and the South .


You are wrong. The pylons are bugged :)


Edit to clarify: people have tried doing exactly as you posted and still had to hard reset.

People have also done is successfully with solving one side of the puzzle before even touching the other side

Edited by Zalter
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Another bug encountered last night trying to start hardmodes in EV.


After clearing the trash before the first boss (Annihilator) he didn't spawn no matter what we tried. Tried CC'ing turrets and killing adds, tried not CC'ing anything and just burning down - in the end result was the same - boss just refused to spawn, no emote, no nothing. Tried resetting the instance several times, clearing trash again just to get the same result.


Annoying as hell. With all these bugs which aren't even going to be fixed in path 1.1. Really start thinking of going back to WoW untill they sort all of these out, because getting nothing but frustration from the raids.

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Another bug encountered last night trying to start hardmodes in EV.


After clearing the trash before the first boss (Annihilator) he didn't spawn no matter what we tried. Tried CC'ing turrets and killing adds, tried not CC'ing anything and just burning down - in the end result was the same - boss just refused to spawn, no emote, no nothing. Tried resetting the instance several times, clearing trash again just to get the same result.


Annoying as hell. With all these bugs which aren't even going to be fixed in path 1.1. Really start thinking of going back to WoW untill they sort all of these out, because getting nothing but frustration from the raids.


This happened to us too. To avoid it we CC one turret and killed the power generators at the bottom of each turret while killing adds.

Don't kill the turrets just disable the generators. Oh and dont use any charge skills againts the turrets, sometimes that bugs them.

Edited by Rezoh
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This happened to us too. To avoid it we CC one turret and killed the power generators at the bottom of each turret while killing adds.

Don't kill the turrets just disable the generators. Oh and dont use any charge skills againts the turrets, sometimes that bugs them.


Yeah we tried this place last night for the first time.


1. Our other tank wasn't there, so I had to solo tank it as a jugg. I tried to force charge up to a turret to tank it, and half the time it would lock up my game.


2. The first time we killed the turrets (we didn't know we could CC them until about the 4th try, and like I said, we had 1 tank, so we died a few times), the boss didn't come out. We had to hard reset it, kill the trash again, and then we got the boss.


3. So many deaths to the grass boss. It was hilarious last night to randomly drop dead. In the future, it won't be.


4. Pylon bugged out and wouldn't turn, causing a wipe.

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4. Pylon bugged out and wouldn't turn, causing a wipe.


You can actually "exit area" inbetween add packs. Also, this out-of-combat time can be used to rez someone :p


But the bug is really annoying as we could finish it only on like 5th try.

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You are wrong. The pylons are bugged :)


Edit to clarify: people have tried doing exactly as you posted and still had to hard reset.

People have also done is successfully with solving one side of the puzzle before even touching the other side


My guild completed this 8 man nightmare by completing the south puzzle first for the first 3 rings, then completing the 4th at the same time. Any other solution bugs the boss.

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Cannot tell you how much #4 has effected my EV experiences. I've never witnessed the bug prior to the first boss's death, which leads me to believe there's some link between them - then again, other people could be dying even before THAT. I dunno.


Sure as hell sucks, though.


Baha dubstomp'd?

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1) Dying from just using the landing pod at the start of the instance--great fun.

2) Dying from riding the speeder bike back to wherever.

3) Soa randomly de-spawning for no apparent reason (generally when you're close to winning)

4) Our tank died in the Soa fight once randomly (we never could figure out from what) and after that nobody could target him to rez him despite him saying his body was right next to us on the ground.

5) Here's a really really bad one:


Raid started getting randomly one-shotted by who-knows-what. I think this was after a Gharj wipe the first time in there. Exiting the area didn't stop the random one-shot deaths, people were still getting one-shotted on Carrick station. Raid leader had the group disband and they were going to reform to see if they could resolve the issue. Well, after that the raid leader could no longer group with anyone. This has persisted for many days. His character cannot group at all--he gets kicked out of groups after about 10-15 seconds, including pvp groups. He's naturally pretty pissed off, and customer service just closes his tickets without doing ANYTHING about them. He's also one of our tanks, so this puts a pretty serious hindrance on our raiding. Not to mention he'll probably quit if his character is permanently borked.

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1) Dying from just using the landing pod at the start of the instance--great fun.

2) Dying from riding the speeder bike back to wherever.

3) Soa randomly de-spawning for no apparent reason (generally when you're close to winning)

4) Our tank died in the Soa fight once randomly (we never could figure out from what) and after that nobody could target him to rez him despite him saying his body was right next to us on the ground.

5) Here's a really really bad one:


Raid started getting randomly one-shotted by who-knows-what. I think this was after a Gharj wipe the first time in there. Exiting the area didn't stop the random one-shot deaths, people were still getting one-shotted on Carrick station. Raid leader had the group disband and they were going to reform to see if they could resolve the issue. Well, after that the raid leader could no longer group with anyone. This has persisted for many days. His character cannot group at all--he gets kicked out of groups after about 10-15 seconds, including pvp groups. He's naturally pretty pissed off, and customer service just closes his tickets without doing ANYTHING about them. He's also one of our tanks, so this puts a pretty serious hindrance on our raiding. Not to mention he'll probably quit if his character is permanently borked.


I had these insta kills with my group too... So annoying! Even outside the instance: I just had repaired myself and got an insta kill in front the Republic Medical Service. At least seems these random kill does not affect repair bills.

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Annoying as hell. This happens with Mind Trap too. We couldn't do anything for 'em.


-Also, Soa Mind Trapped our tank, then bugged out and disappeared, resetting the whole fight we were stuck on the bottom. :/

-After killing the adds, then destroying the turrets, sometimes the Annihilator droid will not spawn. This happened at least 2 or 3 times.


Yeah you have to let your tank get a little bit of aggro before, and then nuke him.

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Eternity Vault is borderline unplayable in its current state. Between Annihilator not spawning, the game claiming the party is still in combat with Gharj and not allowing us back into the instance despite the fact that all 8 of us our outside it, the instance randomly deciding to kill your entire party, and the pylons bugging and refusing to spin, it's abundantly clear Bioware did no endgame testing whatsoever. Oh, and let's not forget how certain people can't enter flashpoints or raids at all.


I loved this game until I hit level 50. My endgame experience thus far has been awful. This stuff needs to get fixed ASAP.

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Eternity Vault is borderline unplayable in its current state. Between Annihilator not spawning, the game claiming the party is still in combat with Gharj and not allowing us back into the instance despite the fact that all 8 of us our outside it, the instance randomly deciding to kill your entire party, and the pylons bugging and refusing to spin, it's abundantly clear Bioware did no endgame testing whatsoever. Oh, and let's not forget how certain people can't enter flashpoints or raids at all.


I loved this game until I hit level 50. My endgame experience thus far has been awful. This stuff needs to get fixed ASAP.


Finally found out the secret code for it, solve south before north worked for us.

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Eternity Vault is borderline unplayable in its current state. Between Annihilator not spawning, the game claiming the party is still in combat with Gharj and not allowing us back into the instance despite the fact that all 8 of us our outside it, the instance randomly deciding to kill your entire party, and the pylons bugging and refusing to spin, it's abundantly clear Bioware did no endgame testing whatsoever. Oh, and let's not forget how certain people can't enter flashpoints or raids at all.


I loved this game until I hit level 50. My endgame experience thus far has been awful. This stuff needs to get fixed ASAP.


Finally found out the secret code for it, solve south before north worked for us.

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