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How are Gunslingers in solo PVE questing overall? My Guardian has lost steam making even groups of normals require rest afterwards and the storyline for my sage just isn't grabbing me. I am interested in Gunslingers but worry as a straight dps that soloing anything harder than strongs will be impossible.


Thanks for any insight.

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I found sharpshooter to be amazing in solo PVE... the other trees not so much...


I solod every gunslinger class quest/storyline because at the time there were not many people at that level.


Others will swear by sab, just depends on playstyle.


you cant just mash buttons though, need to use everything (knockbacks, silences, stuns, LOS etc).


It is a challenging class imo

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I'm only Solo'ing at the moment and LOVE it.

I spent 3-4 years grouping with LOTRO so got sick of raiding & grouping etc.

I dont do any group based stuff at all and turn off invites and chat etc so I can focus on levelling at my own pace and just enjoying the storyline without rushing.

I tend to treat MMO's I've played like a never ending single player game!! I've found the gunslinger/sharpshooter to be great fun just tipping away on my own (or with Corso tagged along)


Around L38-40 I found some it a little harder and on occasion the difference between me dying and a story end of quest boss dying was only a matter of getting one or two more hits in. Which made some fights exciting. Am L44 at the moment and just found out today

that all along I've been building the incrorrect primary stat for my character!

I had been picking Aim instead of Cunning! Doh!!!


I've found in some parts a Single Level, or single upgrade to a blaster or a single piece of armour can make a world of difference when it comes to soloing.



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Gunslinger is considered one of the hardest ACs to level to 50. Especially compared to Jedi Guardian. Give it a shot but don't expect an easy ride.




Both Knight ACs have been complaining wildly about how hard it is to solo level. I have a 46 guardian and leveling both my gunslinger and my sniper was far easier.

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Both Knight ACs have been complaining wildly about how hard it is to solo level. I have a 46 guardian and leveling both my gunslinger and my sniper was far easier.


Jedi Guardian is super easy. I have one at 32 and I basically just facerolled the entire time. The only class that can even compete with the difficulty of a Gunslinger is a Sentinel/Maurader and they have self healing abilities and way more powerful defensive cooldowns. If you really want to make the argument that a class wearing heavy armor, having tanking CDs, higher equipment availability, and many more CC options is easier than a glass cannon/support class....go for it.

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Gunslinger is considered one of the hardest ACs to level to 50. Especially compared to Jedi Guardian. Give it a shot but don't expect an easy ride.


Wait... what? My guardian hit a speedbump the size of a mountain at 23ish. I don't think it is just me though since I have seen multiple threads on soloing with knights in general. So Gunslingers are harder than knights for soloing?


Dang... =-(

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not decided at 42 if i like gs yet. didnt want a faceroll but didnt want sommit that ticks you off either.


its just very very slow going, constant regen after each fight, mid range dps, which for a dps class is a joke. my mate has a troop 40 and often out dps me as a fuppin healer ffs!


keep all my gear current as well as companion, tried numerous specs and dont really enjoy it as much as id hoped. cc and stun classes, i have now discovered, are definately not my thing whatsoever. wish id tried it out in beta prior to rolling this toon but there ya go. kinda stuck with it, maybe they will improve.


its not terrible, some people will enjoy it am sure and can see why, just think i rolled incorrectly. decent storyline tho, nice touches of humour.

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GS levels so damn quick, you can take out a group faster than almost anyone :)


There is a learning curve though on boss fights/golds... of which i think only sharpshooter is decent enough to do (sabo/df dont seem to shine until 50).

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I appreciate all the info more than you know. I have it narrowed down to Commando and Gunslinger and just want a class that kills quick, solos well, and can quest easily. After getting my Knight up this far and a few alts I don't want to keep doing the first few planets over and over.


Thanks again for any insights.

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Even as the least-optimal spec (most points in DF, some in sab) I have no problem soloing except when equal level elites are involved. For normal groups, I melt them like nobody's business using shrap bomb and thermal grenades. More than 2 strong enemies at once can give me cause for pause, but it's still manageable with liberal use of dots and focused fire.

It's really only tough elites that leave me with a dead Corso and 50% hp at the end.

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I appreciate all the info more than you know. I have it narrowed down to Commando and Gunslinger and just want a class that kills quick, solos well, and can quest easily. After getting my Knight up this far and a few alts I don't want to keep doing the first few planets over and over.


Thanks again for any insights.

I love my Gunslinger - at lvl 31 now. No problems with soloing, although I don't go into Heroic4s alone (Heroic2s - sometimes). Just make sure you like to shoot - it'll be the only thing you do :D. Anyway, my next char will not be DPS - I find other group roles way more challenging, and challenge is good.

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Not sure this is the class for someone wanting easy questing. The first few levels I found really difficult, the first companion is too similar, ironically harpooning enemies in to shoot at them with his blaster rifle, a melee companion should have been first up.


Updating equipment makes it better and at level 38, approaching most fights with a plan is needed, there are some big damaging shots which shouldn't be wasted on an enemy with low health, so it's learning a combination of moves, initial hit, maybe a disruption, target the next one, big shot, then throw a nade to finish both off etc.


Even in mid 30s and 2-3 levels over the range of the planet, I had to leave some final stage bosses until later, level up more and come back.

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I have it narrowed down to Commando and Gunslinger and just want a class that kills quick, solos well, and can quest easily.


I am playing a commando main and gunslinger alt at 27 - the commando (combat medic) is way easier. As a gunslinger you just die with adds, your companion dies at each elite mob, you have mediocre AE.


The Gunslinger, however, is a blast to play, because, as a single dps class, it comes down to having good rotations, having a strategy for eliminating the single targets, etc.


The Commando just takes out the BFG, shoots the mortar shot and then he and his companion each do an AE for the finish. Or he stuns the big one, kills the small ones, then heals his companion while the companion kills any elite. Add to that easy grouping, since everyone needs a healer.


But... the Commando isn't by a long shot as entertaining as the Gunslinger. Neither the story, nor the ship, nor the difficulty, nor the amount of different skills in a rotation.

It's more like: Aric, shoot that guy, I heal you.

Edited by _Flin_
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Thanks for all the responses. I think I will go forward with my commando and keep the gunslinger as my first alt after I get him raised. The story is just to good not to play him but having one easier class at 50 will help with financing a harder to play alt.
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Commando seems boring. (Pew pew pew aoe, ur all dead.)


Gunslinger have to be smart with his rotation, and do much more abilities to survive. (and make your pet survive!)


In a pack of 3-4 mobs, i can do 10 different spells to kill them all.


I think its awesome and entertaining.

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I am wondering if I am alone in this, but I find often when I am PVE soloing, it's easier to use my non-cover abilities for everything but strongs and gold stars.


I have Corso pull, toss in a Thermal Grenade, and just start blasting Flurry, Vital, Quick Shot, Leg Shot, Nuts Kick and Blaster Whip. It seems much easier than planting myself behind my screen.


On the other hand, in instances or when fighting harder mobs, it clearly makes sense to use cover and my cover abilities. Do I suck, or does this seem reasonable?

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I am wondering if I am alone in this, but I find often when I am PVE soloing, it's easier to use my non-cover abilities for everything but strongs and gold stars.


I have Corso pull, toss in a Thermal Grenade, and just start blasting Flurry, Vital, Quick Shot, Leg Shot, Nuts Kick and Blaster Whip. It seems much easier than planting myself behind my screen.


On the other hand, in instances or when fighting harder mobs, it clearly makes sense to use cover and my cover abilities. Do I suck, or does this seem reasonable?


It depends on the mobs. I never use cover against a mob with force attacks I always, always kite them. The same for melee. I only use cover for the trooper / gunslinger archtype mobs.


I always use a dps pet as well. I really feel that at times its better to burn things down asap, but I also play on a PvP server so I want to end fights fast increase someone tries to gank me.

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I use 100% of time cover. (Playing with the wookie companinon) I really focus my dps on one mob at a time. For a typical 2 mobs regular - 1 strong here what i do.


I send wookie on the strong one, so he can tank him.


I start with aimed shot on one + quick draw. Dead mob.


Then i Charged bust instant on one, plus trickshot. (if not, i go with a thermal grenade) Dead mob.


Third one, the strong. I debuff his armor, apply the dot, use the smoke grenade, charged burst, trickshot, flurry of bolts, grenade, quick draw.


Wookie is generally at 60% hp when all those 3 mobs are down.


I rarely go melee.

Edited by Xeian
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1-50 in 10 days, 9 hrs and 10 mins


Soloed every quest, except the Cave on Tatoonie (Jedi Vs Sith) Picked light side. Had to bring a Gaurdian in with me to tank the sith because she ate me alive,


every other quest i soloed. Used Corso for all of them also. Now i use Guss because hes actualy great at healing me and keeping me up.


my set up was mostly Sabotur (AoE every thing) mixed with some Dirty Fighting (blaster whip, dirty kick, Flash bang, and Shrap bomb)

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I use 100% of time cover. (Playing with the wookie companinon) I really focus my dps on one mob at a time. For a typical 2 mobs regular - 1 strong here what i do.


I send wookie on the strong one, so he can tank him.


I start with aimed shot on one + quick draw. Dead mob.


Then i Charged bust instant on one, plus trickshot. (if not, i go with a thermal grenade) Dead mob.


Third one, the strong. I debuff his armor, apply the dot, use the smoke grenade, charged burst, trickshot, flurry of bolts, grenade, quick draw.


Wookie is generally at 60% hp when all those 3 mobs are down.


I rarely go melee.

This is a good tactic, though I wish Bowdaar would last longer even when nicely geared.:mad:

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My Gunslinger is on the shelf due to the "Interrupt or Die" mentality the devs apparently have in the post-40 game.


I am lurking today because of this exact issue.


I am questing on Voss at the moment with my 46 gunslinger. Liked her for most of the game, got to Voss, can't solo a single elite when needed even by solo quests. That includes 20 minute CD, and trying out three separate companion setups which I wasted mucho credits on. (Gus, Bowdar, Corso).


I'm not asking to solo group quests.. but these are a single elite mob, two levels below me, for a normal, one person quest (non class).

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