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So will the marauder get fixed?


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I had so much fun lvl'ing my marra (& yes i found it very hard at times, died way more then i like to admit), but thats y i love the class, it was a challenge.


Thou once u get lvl 38-40+ & fill out ur tree (carrnage for me), u become alot more stable in combat, even "god like" i would say (compared to some fights u remember from early lvl's)


Half way through soc lvl'ing atm, lol havent died yet... ran quite a few times but no deaths...might try a jugg, combat on a soc is boring (for me)

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Marauders are not broken. Just because you are not good enough to play them well does not make a class broken. it makes you a bad player.



There are only 2 type of Marauders, good ones and bad ones, if you think the class is broken, you are not one of the good ones.

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People saying Marauder isn't broken are kidding themselves, PvP doesn't count for a couple of reasons, most people in a battlefield still are below 40 and even if stats are "boosted" for PvP, that's all that is boosted, you have more abilities and still have better stats as well as adding on more PvP gear which boosts damage in PvP... so PvP right now isn't a well made measuring stick since anybody can become OPed with enough gear.


I don't PvP all that much myself but what I've seen of PvP is that PvP itself isn't balanced, it gives players who are more experienced an extra advantage over those whom are not which isn't a well designed system, it'd be like an FPS where one guy who plays all day starts every round with a rocket launcher and the guy who just started only gets a balisong.


PvE Marauder is still underpowered in comparison to the other classes, at level 43 the hardest part I've had so far was Hoth where Elites felt more like Champions and Strong mobs felt like elites, things have been a bit easier since I've got past Hoth but I know they get harder again soon. I'd say one part of it is just how vulnerable Marauder is as if an attack is anything more then a wet cough it does significant damage to Marauder. The only way I can get past it is to fight until I am down to ~25% HP and then use Force Camouflage hoping the mob loses threat and that my companion can survive long enough for me to get the finishing blow off.


I've started gearing Quinn up as I'm hoping his healing can keep me going longer as my damage is more significant then any of the companions but having to rely on a single companion seems like a major oversight if things go that way.


I am a carnage build before anybody asks but I don't see why it should matter if somebody is carnage of annihilator speced, all trees should be viable and so the excuse of "it's carnage" is just people trying to blame other people's trees and not looking at the real problem of us being glass cannons with no actual cannon balls.

Edited by nonumbers
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I don't get where this "They are broken" comes from....


I play PvP with my Maurauder, I get the most kills + most damage output (Against level 50's)


I survive with the 3 major clickies I have and walk out unscratched in most fights and even take on 2 people while laughing.


I can intterupt lock casters, not let them get a cast off and close the gap with them so they can't run and hide from me.


I do PvE content (Currently Hard EV) and have to have gaurd on me 24/7 plus using threat dumps to not take aggro (We have an awesome tank btw so not an issue with him)


I can not see where all this comes from and I know the ins and outs of my class like it was a vital organ to me... I can only sum it down to the spec you're using OR its just not your cup of tea. If its the spec case try Annihilation. It has some of the most craziest burst going, you can charge more and use it to stop casters from casting plus you have some passive self healing and some crazy bleeds.


The only thing that needs a fix is when Ravage decides it wants to make me dance but not actually use the skill~ Thats the only annoying thing i've got with the class.


Let me ask you, besides tokens and currencys have you seen any marauder loot?


And what can you do that a Juggernaut cant? We dont use a juggernaut tank, I feel like I would have been better off going juggernaut - I hear its the same dps almost - And debuffing armor, seems like theres 2 armor debuff's on bosses when we do world bosses when we bring juggs along and that 20% armor debuff will do more over a fight then 15secs of the marauder buff.

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The people claiming marauders are fantastic probably overlevelled for all the content.


Quite the opposite for me.

I'm 43 right now and have soloed the all the way.

I get to planets 2 levels ahead of time,haven't done any heroics or flashpoints on this toon.

Your assumption is wrong... just because you or other people don't know how to get the full potential from this class doesn't mean it's not possible to totally destroy mobs 3-4 levels above you.

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If you actually want to look like a sith, dont play Marauder, all the armor looks like a 5 year old designed it.


So much this. Without going into the "squishy" feeling of being useless without your cooldowns available (and no heals outside of anihilation tree, the other one we have being on a 20 min CD ! ) THEY LOOK LIKE CRAP :eek:


Go Juggernaut, despite being heavy armor they have more (black) robes and hood than us marauders. Or sith assasins. Look pretty cool and can tank as well :D


ATM, marauders need more love I'd say.

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Let me ask you, besides tokens and currencys have you seen any marauder loot?


And what can you do that a Juggernaut cant? We dont use a juggernaut tank, I feel like I would have been better off going juggernaut - I hear its the same dps almost - And debuffing armor, seems like theres 2 armor debuff's on bosses when we do world bosses when we bring juggs along and that 20% armor debuff will do more over a fight then 15secs of the marauder buff.


First I can list a nice few things we can do that Juggs can't :-


- We can heal while we deal. Our healers love this.

- We can give our group +15% damage for 15 seconds (VERY vital for Hard/Nightmare burns)

- We can BLIND bosses making thier hardest hitting AoE miss, allowing more burn time (only 1min CD OP).

- We do hit harder then Juggs and that always makes a difference when killing a boss (If played right ofc)

- We can speed up a group by 50% and give them 10% resistant to elemental and internal effects for 10 seconds

- If talented we can take 0 damage for 4 seconds or 99% less damamge for 6 seconds. I hear a jugg can only increase his health? Thats not even compairable.

- If we are in unavoidable AoE we can take 20% less damage too and on such a small CD.


These simple facts split us and make us a great asset to the team. I'm sorry to hear you don't have a jugg tank which will make you miss out on that 20% debuff but this should not be the deciding factor to the two classes.


As for loot, yes I have had a fair share of non-token pieces but they are worthless anyway compair to the token gear. So I prey they don't drop over token pieces.


I'm currently 2/5 Tionese, 3/5 Columi, Rakata relic, Matrix Cube, Rakata earpiece, Champ implants (With better luck some PvE ones), Columi belt, Champ off-hand, Columi main-hand (with black-red crystal). This is just by 2 lockouts... So trust me, gear is no issue once you do Operations but expect it to be slow as hell if you only do Flashpoints.


As for looks at the end we do look like robo-cop which makes me laugh. The Jugg version is pretty much the same par a few extra metal plates and different helm design. I too was hoping for a choice of the current one and a sort of more cloak one. And no, the hood on the "robo-cop" one does not account for this style.

Edited by Knuckz
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Maras are fine, if not OP 40+. They're not faceroll easy, so people automatically assume they're broken and garbage, among other things.


If a Marauder uses their tools properly, they rock face. If they don't they tend to suck and complain.


It's the truth. The class is complex, that's pretty much the problem. And I don't really see it as a problem at all. I like the fact that wielding two weapons at once requires more concentration and attention to detail. I have zero trouble playing. It do have to pay attention and it's a lot of clicking but it's a challenge that is worth it.

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The people claiming marauders are fantastic probably overlevelled for all the content. Doing it at the appropriate level range I use all of my abilities correctly and still struggle a lot with boss fights or bad encounters because rage mechanics plus the damage the abilities hit for just don't stack up to other classes.


Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's good. You can have your companion solo everything while you dance in the corner but that doesn't make the marauder a good class. Honestly I played like that for a while because it's easier to aggro mobs with companions and just run past them than it is to actually fight them.


while I leveled (solo, mind you, with Jaesa as my companion, no pocket healer), I was taking on mobs 3-4 levels above me, I got Darth title at lvl 47, and the only help I had was a dps sorc that was lvl 41, so it's not like I got a healbot there either, lol


It all boils down to your spec (very important), playstyle and understanding of how your spec works in with your rotation.


Also, fyi; I leveled on a pvp server, so there wasnt just me and the mobs, there were random Jedi shadows ganking, etc. I leveled to 30 as annihilation, then switched to carnage, and took off like a runaway lawnmower on pure rocket fuel.

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Well I am cancelling next month when I hit 50 because they are clearly ignoring how broken this class is and guess what happens if you mention this on general chat?


All the range classes and easy moders start trolling "u suk" even DC universe with way more classes is more balanced.

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All you people who say Marauders and Sentinals are just fine, lie to yourself if you must but take and honest look of where people are going with classes. They are NOT flocking to the Marauders and Sentinals its the Bounty Hunters and Troopers. They are the flavor of the month NOT this class.


As I have stated before this class is fine pve only because mobs do NOT kite you. Go do pvp against a BH or Trooper just as skilled as you believe you are and you will probably find that your beloved class isn't as good as you think it is.


PVP is where the Marauder needs work!

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Well I am cancelling next month when I hit 50 because they are clearly ignoring how broken this class is and guess what happens if you mention this on general chat?


All the range classes and easy moders start trolling "u suk" even DC universe with way more classes is more balanced.


They are not ignoring how broken any class is at the moment. They have done very little to balance, even as of the next patch, only barely touching one class as far as balance is concerned, and are mostly bug fixing **** at this point.


If you expect an MMO to release a major class change balance patch in less than a month you are crazy.

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Marauders dont need to be fixed - people need to learn to play better.


As much as I would like to word it differently, you guys need to hear the truth uncensored. There are at least 2 good specs (Rage and Annihilation) and the third (Carnage) is still effective but more team-reliant.

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Marauders need to be buffed or other class to be nerv. ..! There no space for "yabayaba - learn 2 play - blaaa".. . there´s a reason for all the gamer and 99% of the community which call for a fix/change/edit .. .what ever! Edited by Ssaja
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As lvl 50 Mar, heavily playing FS and PvP I've just come to terms with my class. I have 2 LS that glow and ADD ppl get stuck on me like something shiny in PvP and just go all-out with every stun they got. They should...its called doing the right thing. If they didn't they'd be getting Force Choked and Smashed to hell. It is what it is. They try to kill the biggest threat first.


One thing that I think is pure awesomeness(sarcasm) is that every other class has some bs pull or push. If they lower the cooldown of Force Charge I'd be cool with that.

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I think everyone needs to hit level 50 and get a full set of epics before they go crying on the forums. This class is so gear dependent and believe me, once you get that gear you will be an absolute wrecking ball in both pve and pvp. (I play Annihilation.)
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I think everyone needs to hit level 50 and get a full set of epics before they go crying on the forums. This class is so gear dependent and believe me, once you get that gear you will be an absolute wrecking ball in both pve and pvp. (I play Annihilation.)


In your opinion, what is the best way to gear up @ 50 both pve n pvp?

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I think everyone needs to hit level 50 and get a full set of epics before they go crying on the forums. This class is so gear dependent and believe me, once you get that gear you will be an absolute wrecking ball in both pve and pvp. (I play Annihilation.)


How very true! Yall need to get epix first. before that you don't have the right to talk yall. And you're all doin' it wrong. You're playing the wrong way cuz u're not playing like me.

Don't even think of being decent at lvl 20/30/40 cz u need to get 50 and get epix! THEN you'll see how strong Marauder really is, you QQers!

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How very true! Yall need to get epix first. before that you don't have the right to talk yall. And you're all doin' it wrong. You're playing the wrong way cuz u're not playing like me.

Don't even think of being decent at lvl 20/30/40 cz u need to get 50 and get epix! THEN you'll see how strong Marauder really is, you QQers!


Exactly. If a class needs full epics to be viable its not right.


I'd say we need another CC breaker, and a small buff to survivability.

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First I can list a nice few things we can do that Juggs can't :-


- We can heal while we deal. Our healers love this.

- We can give our group +15% damage for 15 seconds (VERY vital for Hard/Nightmare burns)

- We can BLIND bosses making thier hardest hitting AoE miss, allowing more burn time (only 1min CD OP).

- We do hit harder then Juggs and that always makes a difference when killing a boss (If played right ofc)

- We can speed up a group by 50% and give them 10% resistant to elemental and internal effects for 10 seconds

- If talented we can take 0 damage for 4 seconds or 99% less damamge for 6 seconds. I hear a jugg can only increase his health? Thats not even compairable.

- If we are in unavoidable AoE we can take 20% less damage too and on such a small CD.


These simple facts split us and make us a great asset to the team. I'm sorry to hear you don't have a jugg tank which will make you miss out on that 20% debuff but this should not be the deciding factor to the two classes.


As for loot, yes I have had a fair share of non-token pieces but they are worthless anyway compair to the token gear. So I prey they don't drop over token pieces.


I'm currently 2/5 Tionese, 3/5 Columi, Rakata relic, Matrix Cube, Rakata earpiece, Champ implants (With better luck some PvE ones), Columi belt, Champ off-hand, Columi main-hand (with black-red crystal). This is just by 2 lockouts... So trust me, gear is no issue once you do Operations but expect it to be slow as hell if you only do Flashpoints.


Our operations go like this - Operative loot- Operative loot -Operative loot -Operative loot- Opertive loot. the other slot is Bounty hunter- bounty hunter- bounty hunter -SI-SI.


Flashpoints is same, Decked out companions makes me ill.


15% damage buff, Well I prefer the 20% armor reduction over a fight. I dont see how a 2nd saber being a stat stick actually increases over a juggys stat stick. We have juggs in the guild who are just hitting 50 so I feel like I'll be sitting out of the next raid - but thats more an internal issue.


When I use obfuscate it doesnt seem to do anything every still gets hit by everything while its up. I hate this skill, its only worked once out of all the times I used it. As for the damage reduction heavy armor always counts.


I like Undying. I hate our set bonuses.


I'm not even getting tokens from pvp bags. I'm 33 valor rank with 3 pvp pieces. 2 bought with the tokens. I ran a flashpoint with a Juggy and watched him get 3 pieces in one run. I've ran a heap of them and the only thing thats dropped was a token for the off hand saber. I just feel like class is just some shoddy "token dual wielding class".


I can go in and cause trouble get a heap of kills do high damage in a warzone but I just feel like I'm not part of the actual game. The fury systems just not enough of gimmick to actually make this class something.

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