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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wow this is broken cancelling subscription


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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.
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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.



Cool story bro.

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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.


who/what is one shoting you? you still wearing starter gear?

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Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.


Lost all respect for you and your post at this part.


This turned form maybe bringing up an issue (Which after reading your post it's 100% on you) to you trying to act like a E-Thug and bully Bioware with empty threats.


Goodbye, please take your stuff with you.

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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.


I seriously doubt you are getting one-shot by anyone, at least not in a WZ where your stats and health are boosted. Most everyone has 12k health in WZ's and I am not aware of any ability in the game that crits for 12k.


So, yeah, basically you are making stuff up and are mad you lost a WZ. It happens to all of us, bro.

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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.


U mad Bro? I wear light gear and I dont get one shot by any class. I guess you need better ISP provider or newer better glasses because I HIGHLY doubt your getting hit for 10k+ in a WZ. I bet they are at least hitting you 3-5 times.. U know agent/scoundrel can do that to a person. I play shadow and I can 4 - 5 shot people but i have NEVER seen anyone get one shotted and I have played ALOT of pvp WZs. However I can one shot lower lvls in world pvp :) also

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I can't pvp! Make the game easier for me or I'm gonna quit!! WAAAAAAA :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


NO ONE cares, and I mean NO ONE, not even your mom, cares if you are going to be here after the 20th or not.

Please try to understand, you are not some special snowflake that the game was designed for.


Also, L2P noob.

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In all fairness, the warzones can get laggy and framerates drop a lot as well, it might have seemed he was getting one shot.


A word of advice, don't play this game for the pvp, its pretty terrible. Every game on the market right now has better pvp than TOR. It will improve once the 50's have their own bracket, but even then with the delay and other issues it still needs a lot of work. EA/Bioware blew most of their development budget on the voice acting and it shows. There was no money left to improve other aspects of the game.


Still, pvp is fun and I'll run warzones every day and gank or be ganked on the planets.

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I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.


Why would anyone want your apparent level 1 gear? Take it with you, along side your lack of playing, the 20th can't come soon enough.

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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.


1 shot? I have never been crit for over 5500 (even before I was 50). And the lowest HP I've ever had was 10500 in WZs. Getting burned fast? Yeah. 1 shot? Not a chance.


I definitely agree that we need AT LEAST a 50 bracket. It is just annoying for us 50s to lose because of lowbies against their L50 premades. Glad they left it 10-50 for the first week or two so that everyone could play and queues were fast. Just hope they implement the bracket soon.

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Yeah the warzone PvP is broken. I'm not gona quit or anything, but I do hope they know there is a problem putting low and high lvl chars in the same warzones. If you are unlucky you end up on a team with only low lvls vs high lvls. And low lvls should be able to PvP without wainting till they are lvl 40+.
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LvL 31 Sniper getting one shotted everytime I play. There needs to be balancing and if not fixed by 1/20/2012 I will be cancelling my subscription. There is no reason for this. I know I wont be missed and you can't have my stuff but maybe if BW starts to loose money they will listen. Tick Tock the 20th will be here soon.



So you didn't learn to play the class and now you are going to quit. Okay, bye.

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I've never been taken down in one shot. I've been a level 10 in Light green armor and yet I still have not experienced this single shot kill you speak of, you must be less than naked.


I've had it almost happen, but I was level 10 in crap gear vs a level 50 scoundrel with all the chemical buffs. No biggie. You just gotta put on your Big Boy pants and drive on.

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I've had it almost happen, but I was level 10 in crap gear vs a level 50 scoundrel with all the chemical buffs. No biggie. You just gotta put on your Big Boy pants and drive on.


Key word. "Almost". Even you, a level 10 squishy, being hit by a level 50 of the most whined about class, using his most whined about ability, were not one shotted.


And he's making it sound like it happens every 10 minutes.

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